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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Nah.....hehehehehehehe...that's the Hindu teaching. What if I tell you that there is life after the kundalini snake reaches to your crown but instead of making you crazy and guru like, the energy makes a round trip downward towards your heart chakra by the front. And to continue onward to your tummo area. Is called the microcosmic orbit. Thereby, all the wind and chi energy filling up your center channels and in your heart, instead of in your head. Yoga 101 here. The ultimate yoga realization is in the heart and to open your center channels. Not in your head. New age? Hardly. When you meditate, the nimitta light would shine brightly because your heart is open and brightly illuminated. That's why a kundalini realization is only the first jhana.
  2. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Is not, really. Is only a big deal because your dull mind, for the first time, experienced something this wonderful and powerful. Assuming you have no complications and didn't use drugs. Your mind has to go through another spiritual refinement, another levels of jhanas......
  3. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Hahahahahahaha......actually, kundalini energy rising experience is considered the first jhana. I had mine 2 decades ago. Is no big deal. A deeper Samadhi, deeper absorption level is the hallmark of a highly realized being.
  4. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Thanks but I am not sure if I can add anything since I am never a fan for over analyzing sutras. Neither I am an expert in the sutra studies. One thing though, I believe all realizations must come from your meditative results and practices. As I have said earlier, if this Jax dude can't enter into a Samadhi regardless how versed he is with the sutra studies, his realization is either an illusion or it does not really exist. Again, I read through the pages but no one mentioned about his Samadhi. That points to me that some posters believed that they can logic their ways to a realization through analyzing the sutras.
  5. Jax on Dharmawheel

    You meant he mistaken the consciousness state from the samatha practice as a non-dual state??? You can not get fixated on a non-dual state because that would make it a duality state. This is called what...a dead tree Zen???? Again, one needs to ask if he manages to enter into a samadhi and all illusions would dissolve.....
  6. shouldn't trouble yourself with nibbana because, depending on various Buddhist school of thoughts, your ultimate liberation won't come in a single life time. Maybe 2 or 3 or 4. It is generally not something most cultivators should worry about. If you are really serious about your path, work on your detachment from the skandha of forms. Once you can breakaway from the form attachments, that should unleash your wind or chi energy.
  7. What is the Ego?

    Look at this.. I don't make over 30 posts per day talking about the same shit. You have only been a member for less than 1 month but you have more post counts than me...Hahahahhahahahahaha..... Maybe 100 posts short but I am sure you will surpass me in few days...hahahahahahah...yeah, talking about the same shit......
  8. Jax on Dharmawheel

    I am not going to read the entire thread but the entire thread can be shortened by asking one simple question.....did he have a clear light dream? Has he ever entered into a Samadhi? You can't fool and trick a Samadhi.
  9. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Simple...this Jax is fixated on Samatha without having the ability to enter into a Samadhi. Thoughts come in and out but the mind isn't fixated on anything but fully aware of the flowing thoughts...until the mind can catch the transition in between thoughts.....the mind arrives in a Samadhi...with various degree of absorptions..
  10. What is the Ego?

    Yawn, is Karl again with over 30 posts per day and offering nothing new and enlightening.
  11. Demonstrated by others?? Wrong question. The question is that what special powers you have inadvertently possessed if you have a higher realization. I consider myself somewhat "advanced." One of my "super power" is precognition. They manifest in my dreams. It can be on ANYTHING as long as I have some interests and connections to it. I am not going to list some examples but I can tell you that events I saw in my dreams...they came truth in my real life, either on the personal level or about some geopolitical events around the world. In another incident, I think I have the ability to neutralize toxin using my chi. Why I said that? It was last year, I was stung by a close to 2 inches big wasp. It was in the morning and I was riding my bike and about to meet up with a group. Planning to do a 100 miles bike ride. I was only few miles into the ride near my home and got stung by the inner right forearm. First, it didn't swell at all. I only felt a tinny sensation of itch. And I also did a 100 miles that day too. Over the following few days, the area didn't swell and not even itching. It took about a week for the area to heal. Apparently, I got more worst itching sensation from a mosquito bite though. Commonly, getting stung by a giant wasp would usually result in massive swelling. I have another incidence involving me dodging a SUV which was about to run me over. I was riding my bike too. That's purely wu wei wu at work there.... I only have few seconds to react but some how I did a controlled, slow motion power slide to prevent me from crashing head on to the right side of the SUV. The driver was out to cause a crash because he was waiting for the red light but decided to run through it.
  12. Ego and enlightenment

    Heheheheheheehe....loving reality??? Hehehehehehehe........ego says it can deal with life setbacks by loving the reality of it... Most of us are lucky enough not to have experienced hardships. Please, spare us the ego talks. Loving the reality? You won't love it if your house gets burn down and forcing to sleep in shelters. Or all the things you work so hard to achieve in life and all of a sudden they are GONE or taken away from you because you lost your jobs. You have a divorce. Or your parents passing away. Every time the ego speaks...I couldn't help it but to laugh at it...hehehehe
  13. Ego and enlightenment

    The ego is in denial. Classic case of defense mechanism..... Is so much easy to play the word and mind games until things in life is blowing up in your face. Is all matter of time because divorce is common. Job security is rare and few. Accidence like fire and nature disasters can ruin your home and you would lose everything. Time.....the power of Time. The greatest enemy of the ego. Its nemesis. Ah...Kali Ma... the great goddess of Time...
  14. Ego and enlightenment

    The way to destroy it is to let go of the ego attachments to forms and life situations that one holds dear a marriage, your good job, and your relationship. Some obviously has no ideas what is an ego until shits in life is blowing up in their faces.....
  15. Ego and enlightenment

    Easy. In your jobs? Your relationship with your girlfriend? Your marriage? Just to name a know..... Hehehehehe.....
  16. Ego and enlightenment are clueless. You obviously do not understand the meaning of the word "life setbacks." Is so easy to kill your ego. Getting fired from your long cherished job??? Getting a brutal breakup with your girlfriend? Getting a divorce? You have no freaking ideas. You think this is all some mind and word games. Hahahahahahaha..... Like I said, there are greater ego than yours and would have no problems killing your ego. Time and the eventuality are the enemies of the ego. They would come for your long cherished ego.
  17. Ego and enlightenment

    What question? I have no questions. Why would I need an answer???? I never worry about my ego death because I have no ego. Is dead long ago.
  18. Ego and enlightenment

    Why would I go chasing and finding people living without an ego???? Hehehehehe I see them in my dreams all the times, these highly realized beings.
  19. Ego and enlightenment

    Just remember one thing...there are greater ego than yours. The ego death could be catastrophic.... Like a emperor realizing that he has no cloths on...hehehehe....
  20. Ego and enlightenment

    Of course I did. I saw Kali Ma, in my dreams. I don't have samara dreams anymore. I forgot, you don't cultivate and meditate. Just psychologicalizing everything as long as it sounds good in your head.......
  21. Ego and enlightenment

    In short, the ego is a dualistic manifestation of your mind and consciousness development, deriving from your reaction of your social surrounding and upbringing beliefs. The Hindu and Buddhist notions of the Self is universal and primordial, a non-duality manifestation of an enlightened mind and consciousness.
  22. Ego and enlightenment

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha....the ego is saying it can not be killed?? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha......... Oh boy, the ego death would be catastrophic for this individual. Like a rabbit hole...a hole without ends in sight....Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....
  23. Dream Yoga

    I thought I should comment here since I literally received my transmission in my dreams....hehehehehe.... There are there levels of dream meditations you must overcome or at least to proceed in stages...dreams of samsara, dreams of clarity, and clear light dreams. Don't expect to have clear light dreams if your mind is plagued by your own daily karma. Worst, plagued by your past life karma. First, resolve your daily karma and issues you have so that you could no longer have bad dreams. You know those repeated nightmares about your past and childhood? Yeah, those dreams.... This would require more conscious efforts to deal with your daily suffering and struggles. Once you have a handle of your own self generated karma, it would get carried over to your dreams. Here, you will begin to experience lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not the dreams of clarity. Is just lucid dreaming. In the dreams of clarity, you will receive information and teaching from higher beings. The clear light dreams won't appear until you have advanced enough in your meditation and cultivation level. I think I have experienced ONCE a clear light dream and the duration of being in a clear light is only less than 10s. I am talking about 15 years after my dream transmission to experience the MCO. Is basically a state of deep samadhi but experienced in a dream state. I only woke up from it because I worry about my parents. Dream yoga is suited for people who aren't involved with the Buddhist community but somewhat caught up with the daily karma. Only in dreams can the conscious mind be calm enough to meditate in sleep.
  24. I don't want to keep on beating a dead horse. Go read the last 3 chapters here It never talks about how to prolong the life of the body. Immortality here is referring to the immortal fetus and its birth, is all shen and spirit.
  25. Hahahah..yes, is Taoism 101.....very fundamental. And for what ends since a body is very limiting.