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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Hehehehe..independent identity and has it own intrinsic much for the 12 dependent origination of suffering.....son, you have a long way to go....
  2. Fear is the root of All suffering

    But it is all the same when each leaf decomposed and going back to refertilize the soil. And to grow another tree. Therefore, it is the illusion that you are different. It is also an illusion that the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth does not apply to you. Even a great Boddhi may need to relive or reborn to another life to achieve nibbana... Yes, I am also a gardener and somewhat good with plants too.
  3. Fear is the root of All suffering one is asking you to believe in anything. Besides, to realize the teaching of the Dharma, you need to act and to practice on it. Believing in it but continuing to cling on the illusions of form is not the way to realize the Dharma. Son, you have a long way to go..... Things do not happen just because you believe in it......
  4. Fear is the root of All suffering dear my past life, one of my immediate past lives, I was from the WWII period. I dream of the rise of the Nazi regime. I was in the Holocaust. I dream of Mao and the Chinese revolution. Only recently, I witnessed and experienced the Israeli existential threat.....and closely associated with the Holocaust. Part of my fate is tied to the Israelis and the Jews. I witnessed myself as Aaron, Moses's brother. Of course, forgot to mention that the dream led me to experience the MCO was seeing myself as a Han warrior/scholar standing in front of my 2 Han brothers. You do know that that the Han Chinese culture and the dynasty dated back more than 2000 years ago. The past is me. I am the past, the past is I. The world you are living in has been the result of these monumental historical events. Logically, you would have been living in caves and hunting for food to survive if it wasn't for history. You think you exist in isolation of history???? Hahahahahaha...surely you jested.
  5. Fear is the root of All suffering

    He hasn't defined what reality is other than what he thinks it is and subjected to change however the ego likes. That was why Romanticism and Existentialism took hold in the 1800!!!!!! Oh snap, Karl's logic didn't know that....
  6. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Oh lord, hammer and that the extend of your reasoning. The world is surrounded by chaos and monumental historical events which have been defining who we are, including your life here on this earth. All you can reason is hammer and toe, and some banal contents which is suitable for kindergarten philosophy. Or a freshman course in philosophy 101. You are getting boring.
  7. Fear is the root of All suffering

    OK, let me help out our Vulcan friend here..hehehe... Instead of repeating the same words "premises, fallacy, premises, fallacy..," try to offer your arguments using historical context....since I disproved your logic using the historical study of the early 1900. You think logic is the next Jesus Christ and can bring peace and love and compassion to the world. I have already offered my argument of why logic didn't work during the early and mid 1900...because the world suffered tremendously in that historical period. That the ego rationalized its own existence in accordance to the historical time frame of that time. This rationalization is called logic, according to you. History has demonstrated that logic is historical and subjected to the condition of the historical age period...and subjected to the will of the ego. Therefore, logic and ego are impermanent. Oh snap......
  8. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Typical Karl sophistry...saying a bunch crap but ending up not saying anything at all...typical....
  9. Fear is the root of All suffering

    To be fair, I am not saying that a Buddhist nation does not go to war or causing miseries around the world, ie the imperial Japan. With the feudal China, at least, the society tried to model with harmony with the Tao, whatever that is according to Confucianism. There was the Warring period during the late Han dynasty with blood relatives fighting against each others for land and power. That was before the introduction of Buddhism in China. However, Taoist and Buddhist priests were appointed court officials traditionally. Oh, and India and its caste system...forget about it.....
  10. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Europe is inherently a very divisive continent without any unity. It has been Christianity and the Catholic Church largely forging the unity within the continent with brute force and the crusade. Schism in Christianity was during the Reformation separating the Protestant North and the Catholic South. Then, we have France and Napoleon militarism trying to expand their empire within the Europe. WWI and WWII were inevitable with a divided Europe. And capitalism fueled the UK colonial expansion. In return, fascism fueled the German racial regime and its war path on all of Europe. Logic??? Probably got stuck in some attics of some crazy thinkers who were obsessed with their own thoughts without caring a thing in the real, non-academic world.
  11. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Is called rationalization within the historical time frame, spirit of the age. Even logic can not be immune from the impermanence of our existence or the ego...oh snap, I just dis the ego and its logic with another Buddhist teaching. hehehehehe.... Man's ego will rationalize their existence in accordance to the historical time frame they are living in. That was why even Nazism was acceptable in the 1930s Germany. I think Karl's mind will explode trying to understand the problems with the ego and its rationalization.
  12. Fear is the root of All suffering

    I generally love to shoot posters down when their statements can be easily dismantled with a simple common sense and a bit of historical study. If I have the time..... Like logic is supposed to promote peace, love, and compassion. Let's look at the world history in the west. The 1940s is considered a very turmoil period in the world history. What happened to logic? Did logic manage to bring peace and love to all those European nationalism, to the Nazi, and to the Japanese imperial army (ironically a Buddhist nation). Is common sense...something was happening in that period that can not be explained with some simple logic this and logic that. Political nature and human nature were at work. It has nothing to do with logic and WHY??? Two, Romanticism and Existentialism took hold during the late 1800 and replaced by racial and nationalist philosophies by the mid 1930s. Why??? What happened to logic? Did Aristotle and Plato logic fell out of favors within the European intellectual elites? Again, western philosophy has been undergoing with some major changes since the Aristotle time. And why 100 years later since 1900, this person decided that he has discovered the next Jesus Christ.... And those that went before him didn't??? The historical context says a lot......
  13. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Don't worry, I wasn't referring to you. Yes, this person thinks that logic is the next Jesus Christ but without having the ability to study the history of philosophy to conclude that his revelation and discovery aren't consistent with the development in the western thoughts. As we all know, racial philosophy and racial theory and nationalism dominated the intellectual thoughts of the 1930s. Philosophers and social thinkers and intellectuals aren't talking about Plato or Aristotle regardless of its root. Why in the world, 100 years after, this person decides that logic is the next best thing since sliced bread???? Is out of time and out of sync with history. To claim that logic isn't supposed to promote peace, love, and compassion (this person claims the otherwise hilariously ) is inferior to the Buddhist and Taoist teachings.
  14. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Is freaking hilarious when people, no name mentioned it, talk about logic like the next Jesus Christ. If you look at the history of philosophy, by the end of the 1800, philosophers aren't occupied with Plato or Aristotle. Hehehehehehhehehehe..........Romanticism and existentialism took hold. By 1940, the world was at war. Because logic failed to save the world??? Hahahahahahaha.....
  15. Fear is the root of All suffering

    It can't because the mind is intentionally creating a new form because it realizes that form is inherently formless, impermanent....fear only arises when the mind thinks it has no controls over form. This is very deep because we are talking about the mind having the ability to recognize the inherent nature of its "inner" existence as well as its outer relation with the world...which are both impermanent. Most people can realize the former. The latter???? Not that easy because we still have to work and to earn a living and feed our family and etc....
  16. Fear is the root of All suffering

    WTF is logic anyway??? A set of paradigms and you are supposed to reason with your mind with a set of rules. New paradigms, new rules. Simple logical conclusion. They are only true as long as you play by their rules. Let's take "form is formless, formless is form." Logic would say WTF is this???? From a Taoist paradigm, form inherently has no instinct value but dualistic. Once the mind realizes that form is formless, it gives rise to a new form. That the mind is no longer subjected to the condition of the external environments. It can create its own manifestation.
  17. Suffering

    Your reality like your unlicensed practice of psychotherapy??? You can't talk about reality if you don't know what reality is. Your reality is logic and rationalization (same BS) which are solely in your head, and aren't subjected to the movement of TIME...and so the your ego is perceiving your reality that way. We do know that your body and the world around your are constantly changing. No one can escape the goddess of TIME. I am waiting for the TIME when your ego would experience a violent death in all its glory. Hehehehehehe..... This mindless trolling on the Dao Bum won't do it because you can hide behind your computer screen. It has to take place in your reality, in your real world, with real people. Seeing the Buddha? You are lucky you won't see the devil himself disguised as Buddha. It would be hilarious if certain supernatural events are happening to you because an inflated, deluded ego tends to attract entities......
  18. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Is the "fullness of emptiness"...hehehehehe......Is empty and not empty. Oh no, the world of logic is collapsing...hahahahahahaha......
  19. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Because wisdom and insights to the nature of the mind from thousands of years of transmission are no match to <cough> Karl's logic. <cough>. I call it "rationalization."
  20. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Hahahahaha....enabler. You are going to make his condition worse....
  21. Jax on Dharmawheel

    That would make a lot of sense because the kundalini realization is usually experienced by people who were never on the path. The realization can happen without notice. As a result, the kundalini realization can not be the goal of your enlightenment process. The realization can not end all suffering and illusions because the energy is still too coarse and unrefined.
  22. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Hey, when Karl gets involved in a thread, the LOGICAL conclusion is that the thread will get derailed. Is the LOGICAL outcome and the eventuality. I bet Karl's LOGIC didn't see that LOGICAL conclusion based on the empirical facts. Yeah, LOGIC is great only if Karl could see his logic of it of a logical conclusion.
  23. The first jhana

    They aren't..... Jhana is a samadhi state you have arrived at. Mindfulness is the means in which you tried to experience a Samadhi in a Jhana state. Mindfulness means not grasping but not grasping thoughts do not produce or to allow you to experience a Samadhi, or jhana. Speaking from my own experiences, my various jhana experiences or samadhi experiences happened during my dreams and from dreams transitioning to my waking experience. In another words, the experience would start out in my dreams first and then following it through in my waking consciousness. I do experience a mild sense of bliss in the morning usually when I meditate. However, I never feel that my discriminating mind would disappear and being taken hold by some transcendent mind state. I still do experience the nimitta light and feeling the warm chi running through my body. For Tibetan_Ice, you are trying too hard. Let go. Forget about the first jhana because one shouldn't be able to distinguish which jhana you are supposed to be in...because you aren't supposed to grasp the experience. You can't because the feeling is addicting...hehehehe....
  24. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Ding, ding..we have a winner.
  25. What is the Ego?

    What? Don't want people to find out that you were an unlicensed therapist? Don't want people to find out the game you play for your little ego? Yeah, ego is perfect and it can rationalize EVERYTHING. Forgot, according to you, it is called "logic"....