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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. I actually did dream about the native American once. It was very lucid and powerful. In this dream, I was concern about my path. So, I was led into this tent and I encountered several native American elders. Is one of these dreams you can not forget. Yet, do I dream about the early colonists in this country? NO. And why? Don't know. Maybe what we thought as the American spirit does not really exist at all.
  2. No....I dream of historical figures all the time. What books?... I even heard Hebrew spoken to me in my dreams. what? American deities? I dream of Sambhogakaya beings all the time. They are generally Abott Buddhist monks. Couple of Taoist masters. One even looked like me but he is not. I mastered the MCO just because I woke up from a dream about couple of Han dynasty warriors. What books??? What are you talking about??
  3. They found it DESPITE of America, NOT because of the American spirit. Here, America itself is a hindrance to their realization.
  4. I suppose if we can locate the spirit of America within our mind, we can trace its original Tao nature. Spirit, as defined as immortal beings which exist in our consciousness and be ready to transmit knowledge and wisdom to its offsprings.
  5. America can not be real because how else I could have realized the Tao and to realize the Dharma wisdom? I grew up in America and yet the Dharma teaching is second nature to me. Therefore, America can not be real.
  6. You may say the Trump phenomena is also a part of the Tao because of the Yang rising...hehehehe... BUT...I dream of him twice. In the first dream, I was lecturing him on the finer point of Nazism because I realized that he was a closet Hitler. In the second dream, I saw him having a setback in his campaign because he has miscalculated. This analogy was played out in the game of baseball. I don't feel it. I don't feel America....the American spirit. For me, America isn't real.
  7. reality is like a dream

    Not just in dreams but in your own reality, there is no origin to say. You can not explain how you were born into this world at this specific time and place with a specific parents. Much like dreams. However, I do remember that in some dreams I would see myself sleeping, as in what I was actually doing in my real life. Sometimes, I see myself sleeping in my own room or in some place else. Once woke up, I became aware of the "situation." That is.....I was in a specific dream context with a specific contextual element with its own karmic force. I would become fully aware of this force. I would just play along and to allow things to unfold.
  8. I don't know how old you are. I wish you good luck. For one thing, Tao can not be studied. Tao is not a belief system. The Tao does not care if you believe it or not. Second, Tao can not be learned BUT must be realized in unraveling your own life and issues. If you can do that, the Tao is realizable. To go anywhere with Taoism, you must learn about the Taoist internal alchemy and how to work with your chi level. Here, you are dealing with the subtle energy. And how to use these energy to realize the Tao in the experiential level.
  9. To be with the Tao, you are in Wu Wei. To live harmoniously at least. Yet, America is too divided. Just look at the Trump phenomena!!! Now, Pentagon with its own foreign policy agendas, is trying to drag the country into wars with China and Russia (military buildup in the South China Sea and Nato expansion in the East of Europe)..even when we don't even know who would get elected as the new president. America is not in and with the Tao because I don't sense it. I don't dream about America. I dream about people I know in America but I don't dream about the spirit of America...if it ever exists. I dream about Israel a dozen times, the spirit of Israel and Zionism. In the past, I dream about German history. Even the former, late foreign minister Guido Westerwelle. I feel that I am connected to him (dream of him more than a dozen of times). I have to admit it, I dream of John Kerry once but it wasn't about America. I have couple of dreams about Obama too but I was never in conversation with him. Is more like I was witnessing him.
  10. reality is like a dream

    Not are assuming that in the dream state, we dream of problems only. For most people. On the other hand, people who are advance on the path do astral travels during the dream state. Some even receive visitations from their spirit guides or some immortal beings and receiving instructions and teachings. The dream state is simply a reality which isn't bonded by the law of the psychical world or the rules of the society.
  11. reality is like a dream

    Actually, that's how we see the world, including myself, before we are awakened. Is psychology 101 stuff. Nothing earth shattering...sorry...
  12. reality is like a dream

    You have no feelings lingering on from some bad life experiences you had some years ago?? You don't dream about events happened to you when you were younger? You don't see the world though some mental prejudice you have because of what happened to you some years ago? Hard to believe.... If you say so..... Even an apple or an orange isn't permanent either. Let them sit outside under the sun and they would decay into some organic matter. How can you call them real when they don't even last permanently.
  13. reality is like a dream

    Once you experience Samadhi, reality is like dreams. Forget about orange and banana...let's talk about some bad experiences you had some 10 years ago. Is the feeling and experience lingering in your mind and in your dreams? Is it still real when wherever you look you find no reference to that experiences in your surrounding. What if you have moved and lived in somewhere else? When you meditate, do you become to aware a persistent thought while you are trying to realize the emptiness of your mind??? Is the thought real? Try not to reduce complex mental and spiritual phenomenon down to some still, inanimate objects....because an orange or an apple does not generate karma on and for you!!!!!! Just want to add a bit of regressing thinking. It is the karmic force causing you to experience those events some 10 years ago. The events themselves were never real even though while you were going through them some 10 years ago. It is simply some set of karmic forces piling on top of another.....
  14. reality is like a dream

    You don't even know what you are talking about...I let you be....have fun...LOL Comfort zone?? LOL I don't seek approval and a sense of self worth on the message board..if that's what you meant by the "comfort zone?"
  15. reality is like a dream

    You need to get off this discussion because it is out of your league. You are not contributing to the topic here. I have no intention to change your mind. It is not my job to make you brighter and more enlightened.
  16. reality is like a dream

    To Karl, a highly cultivated mind or with individuals with gifted insights or with good karmic merit, they receive teaching from great masters and immortal beings in dreams...because they are the Sambhogakaya beings and would only manifest themselves in dreams...silly. I don't expect you to understand why dreams are important...
  17. reality is like a dream

    Simple Karl...simple time displacement would tell you that you are in a dream. If you dream about your lost friends or people you once knew 20 years ago..and you are interacting with them in your know you are in a dream. In the dream of clarity, to use the Tibetan dream yoga terminology, you are receiving information about the future and you are having precognitive dreams. Here, dreams and reality can not be easily distinguished. You have to question if your own karmic traces are generating these visions and dream information. A layperson or a person with a dull mind would still get stuck in their own karmic dreaming. They are still preoccupied with the past. the seeds of their own karma.
  18. reality is like a dream

    I think it has to with your own karma and how much karmic trace you have left to work on. Is not healthy when your karmic traces being manifested in you dreams and begin to dictate your life style in your waking reality. You are basically replacing one set of illusions with another...from your dreams.... How can you be sure your dream reality and visions are real and grounded on some ultimate reality??? You can not.....
  19. reality is like a dream

    Oh, those characters you met in your dreams but you have not seen them in ages??? They are your karmic manifestation being played out in your dreams. You have developed karma with them. I guess the karmic seeds are being played out mentally in your dream visions. If you have good relationship with them some years ago, more than likely they would behave nicely towards you in the dreams.
  20. reality is like a dream

    Poor need to stay away from this discussion. You aren't qualified to answer it because you have never received your mind transmission from a Sambhogakaya being from a dream and resulting in your enlightenment, at least partially, in your waking consciousness. Rendering the kundalini energy rising or the completion of the micro cosmic orbit possible, in your waking life. Without a physical master. For the OP, lay persons, uncultivated mind, won't have a clue to answer it. The reality is that your reality can be a dream and your dream becomes a reality only if you managed to liberate yourself and to be reborn in the heavenly realm. In another words, when you die or in a deep state of samadhi. Until then, dream still has certain dream like quality but yet a potential reality if things do unfold the way the dream envisioned. For a cultivated person, dream and reality are often not so clear. The danger is that you become paralyzed mentally in your own reality because your dreams are telling you something different. Well, you don't trust everything in your reality and why would you trust everything coming out from your dreams. Practice not will be fine. FYI, you don't always dream about the Tao or in conversation with some heavenly beings. Once in a while, you get some low level crazy dreams.
  21. Do I trust my visions or the heart specialist?

    Hahahaah...reading stories about this drug Amiodarone...I am wondering if the doctor was trying to make my mother's life miserable. I guess this drug has so much karma associated with it I can somehow sense it in my dream vision. Wow, lost of the thyroid functions. Going completely blind within 6 months.
  22. Do I trust my visions or the heart specialist?

    Yeah, she has been taking coq10 for about a year now. About 200mg per day. I think it is helping her heart. She is afraid to take more because it keeps her up at night.
  23. It helps if your body is healthy and purified. That have not been abusing your body with drugs and alcohol and eating excessively with crappy food. Somewhat active would help. And having an engaging intellectual mind. Don't dabble with magic or some other weird paths. Mine was spontaneous. I had some bad childhood experiences and trying to live my life in America (somewhat unpleasant). Forcing me to withdraw from the world and to immerse myself in books and knowledge...leading a very introspective life during my college year. Almost like I was on my own program. I was trying to find myself, speaking in the language of the hero's archetype. In the process, I sacrificed a lot in my life as a teenager. Eventually, I had a break through around 18. Never experienced any of the symptoms.
  24. Kundalini Syndrome please help me.

    I wish you good luck. Not to put you on a spot but recently we have this little discussion about the use of drugs and psychedelic drugs in our cultivation. Well, can anyone explain to me what went wrong with the OP's use of LSD here??? Anyone??? Don't go all quiet on me...
  25. Here is my attempt...describing from my own experience. Is like your conscious mind being suspended outside of your body and being held by nothing, like in space. Inside a room but not really a room because this "room" or this area of perception has no boundaries. Everywhere is luminous white light but uniform in appearance. Is like the light is coming from ALL directions. You don't feel gravity here. There are no ups, downs, right, and left. You don't sense your body at all because your body does not exist here and you no longer exist with a body. You just realize and aware this white, luminous atmosphere, but is big and vast and almost it is alive. You forgot where you came from and how you got here. You felt at home. Of course, you couldn't hold this attention for long and your karma is calling you back. Then, your sense of emotion affiliation only begins to emerge.