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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Hypothetically

    Also, are dark entities moving my stuff in my house? It seems that whenever I'm very busy, things go missing and get put in weird places. Some would just say it's me being absent-minded...but when I do find the "misplaced" items, they are in places that makes absolutely no sense. I mean, places where I know consciously I haven't been since the item went missing. Is this all related to the memories we hold and the ones we don't? Maybe I am moving these things and erasing them from memory somehow... Edit: I should add, not just when I'm busy, it's when I'm stressed in conjunction with it all. That's when the strange dreams come too... I just wonder. If I can thread this all together somehow, I could possinly help Unseen_Abilities more
  2. Philosophical Taoism

    Yup. So the West has this...in fact, it was described very well by Carl Sagan in "Cosmos". I might be able to find a Youtube link. Edit: Link didn't work from phone. Youtube Carl Sagan 4th dimension lol
  3. I agree with most of this. Other than the sex part. It's important if Under wants a family one day. Sure, don't miss the lust, but the ability and interest to have sex is perfectly fine.
  4. Nope. The only thing that damages tbe brain are the things on your mind. So ignore them!
  5. Hypothetically

    Can I ask what is meant by "dark rites"? As in, born into a dark environment with bad spirits etc (and needing to escape?) Curious, just as I feel that is my past!
  6. desires and age

    Haha, there are plenty of these in all ages!
  7. desires and age

    People take these things too far...and it becomes dogmatic anf nonsense. I find that it was a great way to learn not to become attached to things. Beating addiction or materialistic dependency....or being in a relationship because you fear being alone. If you can love and have kids and a harmonious family, no problem!
  8. Hypothetically

    Cool. I was thinking more if you were to look into Psycology yourself though
  9. Philosophical Taoism

    Are you talking about the 4th spatial dimension?
  10. Nice music

    Sorry, just posting so that I can click the "follow thread" button (am on mobile) Back soon to listen and post!
  11. Hypothetically

    It's so hard when it comes to memories. Sometimes I have to think if some of mine are true, or if I have exaggerated stuff or even told myself stuff that I believe but didn't even happen. Have you thought about looking into psychology and the academic side? This might help you.
  12. I came to this realisation. I originally found Taoism the way many do, through TTC/chinese culture study. When I began practicing, I thought I had found something great and exclusive that mainly Chinese guys with long white beards have. It made me feel really great about myself. Probably ok if you're one or two years in. But now something has changed. I have realised that many ways that I now have were already present in many people in the west...and some haven't even heard of Taoism. It's like I train in "something Eastern" to be a part of what I feel is a superior philosophy. But this philosophy can also be held by others. You don't HAVE to go to the TTC...you might already have these qualities within you anyway. You might have been bought up this way! Here in England, predominantly in rural areas, there is quite a Taoist lifestyle. The same in southern Italy. Maybe it's called something else...but it resembles the Tao, and leads to the same place. So now I know, it is not about the name...it is about being at one with it...whatever it is...it's here...wherever "here" is.
  13. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Which "people"? If they are in your everyday life, I'm not surprised. If on this forum...well, I'm still not surprised haha. I'm very selective who I tell certain to.
  14. misfortune

  15. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Perhaps you are one of those that is "already there" in this life Who knows! I certainly know that whatever happened to me killed so much darkness within me.
  16. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    We will talk more about this soon. Very busy weekend, but stay tuned
  17. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Yes, I don't doubt the practices one bit. My point was merely about the alternate ways to reach the same place without neccessarily hearing of Taoism Interesting post though. My blisses in meditation went away (and my, what could be called super powers - I had a phase where I was setting off electronics when walking near them and things falling over in front of me without touching them) I'm not upset about that. Now I have a more awake mind and every second is lovely. Life has become meditation...meditation has become life. Life is good now...no need for any thrills
  18. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Oh sure. But there is only one TTC...telling it all in this way!
  19. misfortune

    Great answers. Yes, some things just can't be avoided, so deal with them when they arise. But you can certainly live a life that minimises unneccessary problems! But don't live a life of fear attempting to avoid all problems. This just creates more.
  20. The Tao...not exclusive to China

    Samadhi is not associated with Taoism though...not originally anyway. But even without using terminology, your comment sort of emphasises my experience. Call it what you want, but I have been on a spiritual journey...and really, it has only led me to a place where some people already are. If there was an absolutely exclusive practice (from China) then the West would be screwed...unless practices were to come over and become more and more influential. Ok, this is happening...we are sharing a lot of philosophies which is fantastic. But the Tao cannot favour the east, can it? So the Tao, therefore, IS nameless, because to someone else that has it, cares not for its origin. Surely we can just be thankful that Lao Tzu brought it to light.
  21. Tao and Creation

    This is indeed correct
  22. Are you somewhere in the midlands?? I want to visit one day!
  23. Tao and Creation

    I have no idea! I was assuming that was the hijack name. I will look into it.
  24. Yup. Too true! I didn't choose to be born here on earth in this current era. That's my way of getting around statutory law hehe.