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Everything posted by Rara

  1. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 14

    I like the moral to the closing of this chapter. To move with the times, but never forget to return to the ancient of the Dao.
  2. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 13

    I think Legge has this. If the translation is accurate enough, but what a great description. Basically going from one fear (striving) to the next one (loss. And further loss when one has lost) Business, or making ends meet and trying to keep up with society are my easiest analogies. Then later, the body itself is a burden. Without it, we are more free. With it, look after it. To show great care with the body shows true priority, and that person should govern. Damn. The UK and US are fucked.
  3. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 11

    I just went fishing and caught the fish. Wooo!
  4. Forum member "spotless". Missing messages.

    +1 And if anyone needs help with this, watch Avatar The Last Airbender and watch what happens to Prince Zuko....
  5. Forum member "spotless". Missing messages.

    I'm not even sure why politics needs to be a thing here unless refering to texts or at least something contextual with Daoism. None of it is relevant. And that would go for extreme-left BS as well. Fair's fair. But I agree, we don't see much of the latter here. Except the hippie stuff.
  6. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 10

    Yes, this is my main impression. Asking if we have the ability to hold onto Dao, stay on the path and not be distracted. Meditate to be like that of a young child, pure and unconditioned.
  7. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 9

    I think this is an interesting point, but... Say, if the sign says "beware" and then we take the risk anyway and get bitten, we do still have the choice to either make the mistake again or not. Are we really "naturally more like this", or simply humble enough to admit we may have gotten a bit too big for our boots?!
  8. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 9

    Well, it's risk and ego as well. Otherwise, why would one take something to a bitter extreme?
  9. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 8

    Some nice advice here on ways to be
  10. We had lights out at 10pm. Gives you time to fall into that cycle, and we arose just before 5am. Midday naps are ok if you feel sleep deprived, but depends how much you are training in a day.
  11. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 7

    I think the differences between most versions, mainly the first half make it difficult to come to any sort of conclusion; Heaven and earth do not live for themselves / they do not give themselves life / being unborn, just one of many examples and comparisons. Are we saying that they "just be" and therefore "just are"? I don't think we can say they are really "unborn", as that contradicts the idea of Dao being the supreme / source. The poetry is wonderful, but the takeaway has to be how the sage acts. I wish @Marblehead could be here to read my comment on this: Afterall, I don't feel that the other versions are particularly saying that the sage doesn't have to do things this way. The moral of the story here is simply to understand that by putting others first, this returns tenfold. There is no particular reason to think that the sage wouldn't prioritise his own survival. But but we can assume is that Laozi sees the world as the place that should be given the most care, as his own survival is fairly straight forward and easier achieved.
  12. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    I think if we take our practice seriously, it is important to always come back to the texts. I think this is my 4th time round with the DDJ and as always, I am seeing everything refine more and more. Me at this age is a different me from a few years ago when I last read it, and then a few before that, and a few before that. One chapter a day with clarity, and my thoughts here. I did Chapter 6 this morning bit didn't have much else to say, considering that thread was already well covered so I chose not to open my big mouth this time 😁
  13. Would you say that reading the above link is worth it, from what you can see?
  14. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    False advertising, like mine. Should have been labelled dumbphone.
  15. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    Aaaand now I continue to read the thread haha
  16. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    Amazing again how these slightly different choices of words change the tone, read with a western mind. The overall meaning for me is impartiality. It is partcilularly good for me as a lesson, as my presumptions coming into Daoism was that a sage would always be a "nice guy". Like how one might see one depicted in a film or book. Knowing reality, understanding when things have had their use (straw dog reference) and not swaying one way or the other to avoid being trapped in one particular way. Remain balanced, let nothing cloud your judgement.
  17. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 4

    Ok, this one is tricky. Very abstract, but this is a fun game. I will contribute something and then read what y'all have put. Firstly, I don't know if I trust Porter as much. Is there any verification that he can actually translate? The meaning (again) to me seems to try and describe Dao and its paradoxical nature, akin to I guess how we practice. Empty yet fulfilled, inexhaustible. Also its nature that it preceded the concept of "God" and things as we know it. The middle section can only mean that its cultivation takes away anything that is overbearing. Sharpness, tight knots and sun all have powerful imagery, and by smoothing sharpness, loosening the knot or adding a bit of cloud to the sun, we meet harmony.
  18. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 3

    I'm not going to just quote Lau, as per the previous two chapters as it has been useful reading across all these translations But yes, like most have said, it appears to be presenting idea of keeping people at ease and making them strong with the lack of desirable things on display. The first thing I think of is Christmas haha. Using more modern analogies, also things like; showing of material worth, high status within an organisation and so forth. The reason being is that this leads to damaging emotions such as jealousy, spite, theft, and various other retaliations.
  19. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 1

    That made really good reading. Thanks!
  20. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 1

    Well this reads completely differently, doesn't it? So do you think the chapter is more just about creation?
  21. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    Good point. Tru dat.
  22. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    So again, long-term relationship goals. Trust me, the "sex addiction" will go....and then if you get married.... 😂
  23. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    It is said, that if you're going to quit (insert addicition here) then just don't tell the devil you're doing it.
  24. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    Well, he must have shown some sort of sign that he was ready to begin the undoing process. Like my last post, "accountability" is the key word here. I have done things in my life which I have blamed various things for. Alcohol, "chemical imbalance", "anger issues", lack of control and being oblivious to it and having a "susceptible mind". The moment I was strict with myself and said "No. I'm sorting this shit out", my life changed massively.
  25. Daoist way to leave porn addiction?

    Is that not just failing to take accountability, though?