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Everything posted by Rara

  1. Greatest Daoist masters?

    Zhuangzi isn't considered an immortal. Literally just an author.
  2. Religious Expression & Worship

    Sure, I didn't get any specifics because of the language barrier but I did see plenty of prayer etc. But from what I'm told, it's only really important if you're Chinese.
  3. Religious Expression & Worship

    In Wudang, the worship tends to be more of previous brave figures, warriors/kings etc. Legends have been made of them with fantastical stories. I asked my shifu about this and he said for people like me born in the west, we only really need to pay respects to Laozi for giving us the Daodejing doctrine. Home altars can be a thing. Check out a book called Chinese Beliefs by Frena Bloomfield
  4. Funny, in my line of work, it's important to not rock the boat!
  5. Edit: Empty minds think alike? Does that work? Haha
  6. Haha, I remember this when it was originally posted! I didn't click so much with that particular post, but am slowly getting there.
  7. Yes, it's always been kept quite vague whe spoken to by teachers. All that stuff circulating around that you feel in meditation/ZZ. That stuff that tingles from the palms and the ends of the fingers. I'm getting it but words always confuse me, so now I try and just think of it as something that I feel and when I do, I feel more bold and powerful inside. That'll do! I've been paying attention to threads about "jing" as I find this more useful to define when it comes to practice. Just my humble opinion.
  8. What is Jing ... really?

    Calisthenics, actually. I do want to work in a few weights eventually though. I used to lift a lot, but took the time out to focus more on my energetics. The thing is, at work I need to lift things from time to time and my body now feels like mush when I do such things. So if I can just do enough to be competent, I'll be happy. I kinda agree with Freeform on this, but the body also needs a fair amount of regular strength. I'm not saying you want to be benching 250 lbs, but compound lifts are a good supplement to everything else. But sure, I'd prioritise things like cardio and stretching. Taiji and agility work are still my priorities!
  9. What is Jing ... really?

    I used to do upper body training right up until April last year. I started again two days ago and realised that it is NECESSITY for me. The energetic sensation and general "solidity" I feel from it is so worth it. It took 9 months away from it to understand this.
  10. combating addiction to porn

    Ah yes, sorry. I was reading the thread back to front and got confused. My bad.
  11. I've had something that sounds very similar. Started on the 29th and I've embraced being laid out. It's felt frustrating and depressing, but I've had no choice. Today I have been able to move around and I decided to do some light taiji in the morning for no other purpose than to test my balance and see how I feel inside. Amazingly, with just 20 minutes, I am 500x more aware of what I am and am not capable of than yesterday. So yeah, if you're at 80%, just have a go. You'll be doing good for yourself by just being present with your practice and when it's time to call it a day, do so with no shame
  12. combating addiction to porn

    What, playing computer games?
  13. combating addiction to porn

    Got it! Fairs
  14. combating addiction to porn

    In addition to my last post, this is important. It's damn hard to get right.... ...either you work into the right kind of relationship and the sexual practice is harmonious - when is that likely to happen? But we can set principles up within ourselves to attract that kind of relationship. That vs. Celibacy: Means well, can be torture especially if one flogs one's self. What ever you do, make the choice that does you the least amount of internal damage.
  15. combating addiction to porn

    Take the Daoist approach... Don't let the devil know you're quitting Some good advice above about utilising the energy in real relationships. If that's not sustainable or practical (having no partner messes that all up) work on replacing that time with something radically different. Sometimes you just end up doing something else and suddenly, you wake up the next day and realise that those urges didn't show up. Disclaimer, I'm not perfect, nor celibate (although I have done phases of celibacy before) but I have a good go, so I believe your mind is in the right place. But if you just have to blow your load, don't kick yourself. Just pick up again where you left off. No one's gonna strike you down if you mess up, and you know in yourself that you can get yourself back on the right path in no time.
  16. combating addiction to porn

    Whut? Lol
  17. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Thanks for the details, that's more how I understand it. FYI, when I learned Wing Chun, I would say I had an 80/20 split external/internal. Teacher and lineage specific: my former teacher doesn't like the idea of qi or anything particularly esoteric. That's a big reason why I train taiji exclusively now. But he did acknowledge the power of traditional training and would encourage slow, 30-min plus forms and meditative practices. I'm still in touch with him, and we meet every now and then to share knowledge. He's becoming a bit more awake to this qi stuff now. It seems that the bullshit bregade got to him first and turned him off to it all, initially.
  18. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Did you read the book of Zhuangzi? Everything has a use. And even the useless can be useful if used in the right context
  19. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Also, let's not forget the time Bruce got his arse handed to him by Cliff Booth...
  20. Theory by Bruce Lee

    Not all, though....Ip Man Wing Chun then various other external martial arts. But I do understand he was heavily into internal martial arts, but not at first, no?
  21. Donating to temples and monasteries in China

    Still, if any monks were to be more playful, I'd expect it more from Daoists than anyone else.
  22. Donating to temples and monasteries in China

    Yes, in the Wudangshan national park, I do believe they are real Daoist priests/monks/nuns but with a different focus. Of course, it's a giant tourist site, so roles will vary. But when I was eating a snack outside somewhere, I couldn't help but chuckle at the guy in the robe and hat, scrolling through his smart phone like any other bored, minimum-wage worker at a museum in the west haha. I was told religion is banned in China. I think there is a footnote somewhere that says "unless portrayed in heritage-site form, where one charges through the roof for tickets"
  23. Some more advice needed on practice

    My bad, for the quote you singled out. You were respectful to some, but c'mon, Freeform, really? No one here will really care about earning your respect. We don't know who each other really are, I'm just trying to tell you nicely....walking into a Daoist forum and looking for respect while at the same time claiming that you know best won't get you very far at all. I repeat, there is a General Discussion and Occult Discussion where you may fit a bit better, rather wasting time and energy on this thread. I mean, you got what you came for days ago anyway. Anyways, thanks for your wishes. In return, I wish you the best with what you have taken from this
  24. Some more advice needed on practice

    Sorry dude. Honestly, I'm all ears for you but you gotta understand that they aren't disrupting the thread. They're giving decent advice....and ok, Earl Grey might bite more than others but there have been some more tactful people here as well. These little passive-aggressive asides are just going to stir things more, and then there will be further deviations from the topic. I mean, we are in "Daoist Discussion" here, so Daoists will tell you how it is. You may find more people that are warmer to your posts in "General" and maybe "Occult" sections in this forum. That's why I barely post in them...I can't be doing with it haha.
  25. Hi Klinsly, I hope you're still around and haven't thrown in the towel after seeing how almost every thread unfolds haha. Plus, I hope I'm not writing to thin air, because I have a lot to dissect. Your first question...how do you know when it is full? You will know, my friend. And I can tell from your post that you have a lot of qi kicking about in that body of yours, but it's all over the place. Time to bring it all in, buddy. Your progress hasn't gone backwards. On the contrary. The sensations were really a part of you becoming aware, and it's exciting at first. It is then so easy to remain in this state and fall into disappointment though, so it is time to learn a bit more. That bit more is: what comes next, is something a bit more boring. Stick with the boredom though and then you realise that you no longer need to live with the emotion of expectation, curiosity and excitement. You will feel powerful in and out, and then your state of being will be permanently changed. Your dream was lovely. This brings me back to a long time ago now, when I had a long string of lucid dreams that brought me messages. Never forget that dream, but don't get caught up in it. The trouble is, you're activating upper dantien by staying in that realm...so it's time to bring it all down. It's like going to university/college. You take a lecture, get filled with wonderful ideas and feel inspired. Later down the line, you're going to need to hit the books, study and eventually refine you knowledge into a skill which eventually becomes your thing. So, advice time. Echoing everyone that's ever known anything about anything: find a good teacher. No hurry, no pressure. In the meantime, ask yourself why you're practicing in the first place. What is all this qi for? You're far from overflowing, so don't worry about that. Meditate 2x daily for 30+ minutes and breathe into the LDT, this time, allowing sensations to come and go. Then, go about daily life. Experience life from a different and more powerful place, and watch how different things become. Probably master some other skill as well; cooking, a musical instrument or something of that kind. That's all I can say because that's all I'm up to (bar mastering cooking/instrument...that's going to take a bit more time) But that should keep you busy for years while you find your teacher. Or your teacher finds you PS I love how at the end of your dream you were patted on the stomach. Reminds me of when I was staying at Dragongate and one kid came up to me one day and poked me in the belly with curiosity, maybe a few weeks into training. It's amazing how this stuff is noticable in each other and thus you can communicate without knowing each others' language