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Everything posted by manitou

  1. I dunno about this picture. The Dalai Lama looks like he's thinking about something long, long ago. I don't think he's here now. Nary a light in those eyes -
  2. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    aah! a clue! there is NO eye contact.
  3. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Interesting. Does it go without saying that these snakes are copulating? Does everybody but me know this? If the snakes are always copulating in a caduseus then it's not surprising that there's eye contact.
  4. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Don't forget, as you're unpacking this, that the writhe decreases in a stepwise fashion as gyrase acts.
  5. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    the griffon in the background seems to be having its way with the sun disc.
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    yeah, but would it land on the Dobermans or would it fling her high up into the air? Seems like that's a good idea though. It would work either way. As an attack mechanism, or an escape mechanism
  7. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Perhaps he's the sage that nothing happens to.
  8. So excellent. When an opinion is formed, all other possibilities are ignored.
  9. Mysticism

    It sounds like you are living right on the edge. PLEASE find a hobby, get out of yourself.
  10. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    All I know is the action of the Dao is reversion. Regardless of what society or language we delve into, the Dao wants to revert back and meet itself. I think this template is written into every human. We are not separate beings, we - collectively - are awaiting our own enlightenment, the joining of the human to the source. I think it goes pretty deep.
  11. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    That hand position is pretty remarkable. It definitely gives the impression of hard grasping, even involving the muscles in his arm. Artists don't usually do things for no reason. It is very important to him that this caduseus remain stable. As to the snakes looking eye to eye? Could it be that it's the moment that man realizes who he really is? He is meeting himself?
  12. Mysticism

    You've been to a doc, right? There may be a med out there with your name on it.
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I know the assumption is that the cat is scared s**tless. I think that kitty might be laying in wait and almost has the look of an ambush. All she needs is for them to take one step further.......
  14. Exercise related to....

    That's pretty funny....
  15. Mysticism

    That shows a lot of adeptness that your mind can be stilled. If words are paining you, then you are taking the words of others personally. that's one of the shamanic four agreements: Don't Take Anything Personally. The reason being, is that nobody is really thinking about you or trying to hurt specifically you. There is no need for paranoia there, because people just act out of their own conditioning and impulses. People just care about themselves, unless they're refined people, in which case they do care for others. They're usually thinking about their own stuff, not you. I care for you, for I know that I am You. That's the whole reason. You have the ability to still your thoughts. Why give them sway when you consider that outside influences are coming in, demons? You have the ability to still your thoughts and laugh them off. Start training your mind to do this. Find one defensive stance, and take that stance mentally every time one of these things makes an appearance. And consider that this mental torture may have started long ago in childhood as a means to escape something else. If that's the case, then following the twine ball back to the original incident(s) will give you a starting place to make the corrections you need to make.
  16. A lot of you are deluded

    matter is matter. I'm guessing some matter has more consciousness than other matter. Isn't the concept of equality a bit on the moot side?
  17. A lot of you are deluded

    Oh, it boils down way beyond wanting something to happen. It's usually 'wanting to control what happens'
  18. Exercise related to....

    Why is it important that it is not qigong based, just out of curiosity? Are you giving a class?
  19. Seeking Wisdom

    This is the very scale that is the struggle. I'm finding more and more that when I set up a strategy of what I think would work best, I'm closing off other possibilities. I really am to the point of letting it all come to me naked and raw. When we stop the dynamic, whatever it is, it gets to lay there on the floor where everybody can see exactly what it is. Our greatest 'fears' about what could possibly happen are exposed as what they are - just fears. Karma is allowed to play out on its own without any help from me, despite how much I may want to protect the person who must suffer the consequences of a prior condition or action. And sometimes it's interpreted as lack of love or emotion. It is not. The love is a greater one, the understanding of oneness - and realizing that for us to come in and try to control anything is just to delay that which must be.
  20. Mysticism

    HD, it seems like you're entertaining a brillo pad of neural pathways in your head. It would be nice if you could unravel some of this stuff. Your dedication to the path is wonderful. You are obviously a very intelligent person, which sometimes works against us. Your mind is filled with possibilities but you tend to extend them out to extreme places. I have a friend who does something very similar to what your head does - he extends things out to the extremes and then frets about it. And he manages to extend his thoughts out to where they always cancel each other out, rendering him powerless and stuck in the belief that there's nothing he can do about anything. It's like everything points to "See? I told you this wouldn't work." When you're able to find some mental peace, all of your concerns will fuse together in an orderly way. If I had a suggestion to make to you now, at this moment in time, I would suggest that you stop living in the mental for a while, and get into the physical. Just forget this stuff for a month. Pick up some free weights. Go for a run. Shower. Carry wood, chop water Rx: Ignore head for 30 days. Chop wood instead.
  21. Haiku Chain

    End up in the drink, the fly fought for his dear life with his head submerged
  22. Exercise related to....

    I'm so sorry, Bhathen. It was a joke, a very bad one apparently. Burpees was something they used to make us do in gym class in school. You're right, he's missing the squats.... (but they are doing slow motion jumping jacks)
  23. Exercise related to....

    Yes. I do know what it is. They are slow motion burpees.
  24. Seeking Wisdom

    What are you afraid would happen if you did nothing?
  25. Haiku Chain

    washing off the blues replacing them with dark hues looking ominous