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Posts posted by seekeroftruth

  1. There's been talk about bill bodri recently, so I guess I'll just throw this out there.


    How do people feel about bill bodri and the stuff he presents?


    Did people get results using his meditations?


    He makes pretty bold claims, saying that he knows the TRUE path to enlightenment. What are your opinions on that?


    You don't have to answer all those questions, I'm just seeing what people think of him and his practices.

  2. Yes, this seems to be the case. I've been wondering if any "total virgins" cultivation-wise ever tried kunlun as their first-ever practice? I've a feeling the answer is no... one of those "when you're ready the teacher appears" situations, he just won't "appear" if one is not prepared, or rather, he won' be "seen" for what he is by any unprepared eyes. Heavy guns, this practice. Really surprised me, didn't expect something like this in mass circulation, I'm pretty used to everything in mass circulation being quite profusely watered down. Not the case here. Serious heavy guns. I've started level 1 and it's pretty intense, but I shudder when I look at level 2 and 3 descriptions. What it's gonna do to me. Yikes.


    In any event, I won't start till the time I'm told to -- after 6 months minimum of level 1 -- and I've a hunch nobody should. Gestation takes as long as it takes, this is a fast track as it is, I wouldn't make it any faster, not by a day. FWIW.



    I was about as close to a "cultivation virgin" as you would expect. I had a year of meditation, nothing happened. And, about 6 months of AYP, nothing happened except ringing ears ;) . I went to the seminar and nothing happened. I tried the practice out for a few months and it became painfully obvious that nothing was happening. I hadn't developed the sensitivity or a quiet enough mind for the practice. Hence, the switch to KAP and some messing around with brainwave entrainment.


    Hope that answers your question.

  3. I know that there's a few people here who meditate with brainwave entrainment, so I was wondering whether when you listen to the track you actually meditate (like follow the breath) or just let the brainwaves do it's thing.


    There is mixed responses to this. I know Holosync says to just let the music do it's thing, but people have done well with brainwave entrainment while doing formal meditation.


    Maybe it's something I'll have to try out...

  4. I don't really remember, it was years ago. Plus to describe what I do remember is super problematic. But I will do it anyway. When I write this, I'm sure many people will think the experience is contradictory to enlightenment. Even I think it's contradictory to my concept of enlightenment. Whatever, though. Enlightenment to me is a state where you lose the ego, and that's what this was.


    To give some background: I was doing a somewhat self made practice where you lay down and don't move a muscle besides to breathe and swallow spit, until you reach enlightenment. I was inspired by stories of the Buddha's final night, and also a story from the Bodhidharma about a caged bird lying still. So I laid there and made sure I was conscious of my whole body, and didn't move at all for a few hours. Pain got worse and worse, and towards the end I truly thought I was going to die...I let go, let go, let go and let go...honestly facing my own death and saying "take me or enlighten me" and being 100% willing to die for it, and suddenly...


    1) It was like my mind flipped inside out or exploded, then my perspective was entirely different than normal.

    2) My awareness seemed to be huge, like encompassing the entire room or more.

    3) Energy rushed through my body like a river, through the feet and out the head. At the time I had a faint impression that the energy was God and he was telling me without using words, "You aren't ready yet".

    4) I was scared, and thoughts were racing through my mind. I remember trying to hold onto the state somehow yet being terrified.

    5) The state lasted maybe 30 seconds.

    6) When I came out of it, I couldn't tell if I had just been yelling and screaming or not. I was exhausted, and remained exhausted for like 3 weeks.

    7) During it, this is the best way I could describe how I experienced everything: when I was breathing, it was as if the breath was breathing me. A sound that happened outside the room was happening to me. I didn't percieve things like, "I am listening to that sound". The sound was happening AT me. Now, to understand how there was still a me but it was an egoless state:

    8) I could still identify myself as my body and all of that, but in the pure experience of it, there wasn't a self. Pretty hard to describe, remember what it was like, or even try to explain to myself, now. :blink: To put it simply and most truthfully: it's not what you think it is.


    Thank you very much Scott. _/\_


    Anyway just some thoughts. All of this being said, I'm not there yet. But I can tell you one thing: it is possible to achieve an enlightened state and fall from it. Been there done that; through a different practice than kunlun. Maintaining it is the goal that I have.



    You can't leave us hanging like that. :P


    Do tell. What was it like to "achieve an enlightened state and fall from it".

  6. Over at the AYP forums, there's someone who's been doing the practices for a while but nothing's happened.


    From that, I'd just like to ask:


    Is there anyone who was born with NO sensitivity. That is, had no luck with meditation or couldn't feel energy when they started, but after hard work, can now feel energy and meditate.


    I'm asking this for my sake as well as the person on the AYP forum.


    Thanks for the replies

  7. Thought I'd bump this post back to life again :)


    I was just curious as to how those taking the course are finding the practices that are imparted?


    Are you managing to keep a daily routine?


    Any experiences you'd care to share?


    Yours humbly,




    I'm taking the course and finding it great. In three short weeks we've learned so many practices including deep belly breathing, inner smile w/ 5 moods, shaking, chi kung walk, chi circulation forms, earth/ root chakra meditation, and water meditation.


    I haven't felt too much, but that's because I'm VERY unsensitive. All I've felt is some tingling and some stuff when we made chi balls.


    Other people have reported to having all sorts of good things happen to them, but most of them aren't Tao Bums.


    Hope this answeres your question,

    Niel :)

  8. Delusions?


    Waaaaay too many.


    Sometimes I think that I am on this "journey" for all the wrong reasons, that deep down inside it's just ego driven, or that I'm searching for some "power" so everyone will look at me and think I'm cool... maybe I've deluded myself about this whole thing... but I continue on with my practice, help who I can when I can where I can and... keep going.


    I'm almost 19, who knows where I'll end up. I really just started this "path" a couple years ago, so looking back where I have traveled so far, I can still see where I started, while the rest of the path still remains far, FAR off in the distance... then I keep walking.


    Hey Sloppy Zhang,

    I'm 18, almost 19. I know what you're feeling about the path looking so far. Sometimes, I get scared that I can't do it and scare myself to death that I can't make real progress. Then, I remember to just focus on the day and to forget what may happen in the future.


    What I've learned is that I should do my practice. Even if I have to drag myself to my meditation seat, I should do it because practice is what makes a difference. There are plenty of good people who make no meditation progress, and there's assholes that make great spiritual progress.


    Then again that might be the exception to the rule... :huh:

  9. Delusions?


    Waaaaay too many.


    Sometimes I think that I am on this "journey" for all the wrong reasons, that deep down inside it's just ego driven, or that I'm searching for some "power" so everyone will look at me and think I'm cool... maybe I've deluded myself about this whole thing... but I continue on with my practice, help who I can when I can where I can and... keep going.


    I'm almost 19, who knows where I'll end up. I really just started this "path" a couple years ago, so looking back where I have traveled so far, I can still see where I started, while the rest of the path still remains far, FAR off in the distance... then I keep walking.


    Hey Sloppy Zhang,

    I'm 18, almost 19. I know what you're feeling about the path looking so far. Sometimes, I get scared that I can't do it and scare myself to death that I can't make real progress. Then, I remember to just focus on the day and to forget what may happen in the future.


    What I've learned is that I should do my practice. Even if I have to drag myself to my meditation seat, I should do it because practice is what makes a difference. There are plenty of good people who make no meditation progress, and there's assholes that make great spiritual progress.


    Then again that might be the exception to the rule... :huh:

  10. Hundun,



    Ever since my childhood I have been a skeptic. To be honest with you I was atheist until 2004/05. I had always said if I experienced something paranormal only then would I believe it. Well I had to live up to that in December 05, but thats a story for another time.




    I would be most grateful if you relate that story. I am a hardcore skeptic and want to have some hardcore experience to get rid of my doubt. If you relate your story, then I would be most thankful. Not immediately, but sometime in the recent future would be nice. :)

  11. I have a simple request. Unfortunately, I don't understand half of the terms you're talking about. I've read a little literature about binaurals, but I still need to catch up on the lingo.


    Basically, I just want an hour long track that takes you really deep into a meditative state, which should be a deep theta state. Unfortunately, I can't give specifics on numbers because I have no clue what they mean. :)


    Oh yeah, do you need high quality headphones for these tracks because I don't want to have to spend a bunch of money on a nice pair of headphones. :)


    Thanks a lot

  12. Tao Bums in NYC on Sep. 13?


    Hell yeah, I'll go. :lol:


    Thing is I have class from 1:30 to 6:00 on Saturdays. It sucks. :angry:


    So, if I could be so humble as to request that the party is an early lunch or 7 pm dinner, then I would be extremely grateful.


    You all seem like cool people, it would be awesome to meet some of you.


  13. I changed my mind. I just signed up for the KAP long distance class on Sundays.


    I'm so excited. After a year of NOTHING happening in my spiritual practice, I can't wait to have my mind completely blown.


    Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to look for side effects, and that I'm supposed to good Taoist/Buddhist and stay meditatively stoic, but I can't help myself.


    I want to go through something like this:



  14. Thanks for the support Yoda and August Leo,

    Kunlun does make a good study break. I hope I didn't give the impression that all I do is study. I mean I know I'm in college but I do have a life*. Anyway, I'm gonna keep with the Kunlun and hopefully, get the ball rolling (a pun!).


    *relatively speaking :D

  15. Hey everyone,

    I was at the NJ seminar too, but, unfortunately, I didn't meet many of you. I'm sure you saw me, I was the Indian 18 year old. Im kind of a shy person, and so I didn't meet all of you. I know this sounds really stupid, but I really did want to meet you people, I just kind of got nervous and didn't have the nerve to introduce myself. This is nothing against all of you, it's more me. Right now, I feel like a total @$$hole because i missed out on a chance to meet a bunch of great people. Also, the fact that I sat at the other end of the room probably didn't help. Also, I didn't stay in the hotel because I have finals this week and was sort of in a time crunch. I got to meet Yoda, who was really cool, Cameron, and probably other Tao Bums that I didn't realize that were Tao Bums.


    Anyway, now that I'm done moping :D , I 'd like to say that it was an awesome seminar. I had a blast. Even though I didn't get the Kunlun to start, I still had a whole lot of fun. Looking forward to practicing more. If I ever meet any Tao Bums at any more seminars, I promise to introduce myself. Man, I still feel angry at myself...which probably isn't a good thing... oh well :D