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Posts posted by seekeroftruth

  1. Hey,


    This is something I've been thinking about for a while, I'm surprised I haven't asked this before. This might have been asked in some way before, but I'll guess I'll throw it out there.


    People here commonly report having "paranormal" experiences, and quite a few people have cultivated for quite a few years. Quite a few people have a strong level of chi development (though the ethical development is noticeably lacking...jk :P ). With this strong level of chi, it's said that you can transmit chi to others, do healings, energize objects, and other things.


    I know there has been a lot of studies done on qigong, but why hasn't anybody taken the challenge on the Randi show? I'm not saying that anyone here can levitate, but people do have a strong level of cultivation and should be able to do SOMETHING to prove Randi wrong like send chi to each other or something.


    I know that Randi is known to snub certain people who have asked to go on his show who might have won, but I'll make the question more general. How many high level cultivators have actually tried to gone into science labs and such and tried to show that they can feel something that most people isn't real?


    Oh, and please don't tell me something like "practice and you too shall know the truth of this with experience". I'm doing KAP and I'm trying to experience for myself (on an offnote, I'm pretty sure that I'm feeling chi for the first time, so that's good), but I'm asking YOU. You being high level cultivators.


    I'm not trying to single someone out, just throwing this out there to see if I can get some interesting responses.

  2. Shaking is a very valuable KEY in KAP. especially in the beginning when learning to "earth" movement of Up & Down & then at then end when doing 5 Point breathing.


    Dr. Glenn Morris always jiggled and shook as he meditated, did Chi Kung, walked, trained martial arts.


    Its also found in Trul Khor in almost every asana they have & also its in the sufi/ Indonesian practices as well.


    So yeah SHAKE what yo Mama gave you.




    She had Bone Cancer. And after 30 days she increased her marrow 30 % with me.


    All I would do is make her shake. She basically went back to full health.

    Its a huge component. It just becomes "Ninja" so you hide it so no one thinks you are a quack in public. But in privacy you SHAKE, Jiggle , move, etc.


    Oh! I didn't realize it was so important. Maybe I should think before I say stuff. :mellow:

  3. Avatar was one of my guilty pleasures... Only realized the connection to spirituality and the elements when Santiago said so.


    According to Santiago, the movements correspond well to the attitudes of the elements. Like when they're "earthbending", the movements are very grounded, rooted, etc.


    Wow, I can watch anime and convince myself that I'm practicing :D

  4. I went to Catholic school for twelve years...even though my parents brought me up Hindu (though it was never anything strict). My conclusion from those twelve years is that Catholicism (and probably most Christianity) is rather irrational. In the end, all of the beliefs are based on faith. There is no proof, no evidence.


    Thinking about it, most people's religion is like this. There are plenty of Buddhist, Taoists, Hindus, etc. who don't try to experience what is written in scriptures, just take it at face value and believe it, despite how ridiculous it is. Even people who have energetic experience can have crazy beliefs.


    Wow, this is turning into a rant against religion. Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that going for experience, rather than for settling for intellectual belief is what you need.


    ...but actually getting that experience...that's a whole different ballgame :huh:

  5. And the actual Qigong technique is to actually hold a hand position and remain still, which I already do!


    I don't know if you know the Kunlun posture, but is the position in the book similar to the one used in Kunlun?


    Just curious..... :unsure:

  6. Seeing as Michael Lomax is on this forum makes this question sort of awkward, but I guess I'll ask it anyway.


    Has anyone here done any of Michael Lomax's chi gung or the other stuff he teaches? Or maybe taken a class by him?


    I'm not looking for myself, per se, as I'm quite happy with KAP *looks over shoulder at Santiago* but just trying to see if anything useful can come out of the discussion.

  7. associative thinking:


    The pope smokes dope, God gave him the grass

    The pope smokes dope, he likes to smoke in mass

    The pope smokes dope, he's a groovy head

    The pope smokes dope, the pope smokes dope


    God is high on mescaline, Satan's high on smack

    Popes in Rome get stoned on grass, Jesus freaks are back

    Jesus Christ, a super-hippie, never shot up junk

    Popes in Rome get stoned alone, priests in church get drunk


    This reminds me of a song I once heard:

