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Posts posted by seekeroftruth

  1. Thanks for the article, Santi....


    Wait! :o


    All of us now have to write two amazing articles for the one Santi has given us. :huh:


    This is gonna look like the Mak tin si days, very very soon.... :lol:


    Just kidding. I got the meaning of the article and thanks, seriously.

  2. yeah i had my libido back after not masturbating/watching porn for a month. but then i ask, how many people at this age can be celibate for a month





    You might not be so abnormal. I'll share some of my experience. As weird as this sounds, I never masturbated till I was about eighteen and a half (I looked at porn for like ten days when I was twelve then stopped cause I thought it was weird). I had wet dreams about every month or so, but I could remain celibate for a long period of time with no problem. In fact, I wasn't very attracted to girls till I was sixteen. :o


    But, after I turned eighteen and a half, I hit a wall somehow, and now I'm just as horny as any other nineteen year old. :rolleyes:


    Right now, I'd love to go back to the way I was a year ago, I would have a lot more peace of mind. :P


    IMO, there might be something wrong with your sexual health, or maybe you're a little bit different.

  3. Scott 2009 kicks ass! :D


    Scott always kicked ass before, kicks ass right now, and, if the trends holds up, should kick ass for a long time in the future. :lol:


    Just wondering, do you still practice Red Phoenix Scott? Or any of the other Kunlun derivative practices (golden flower, red sun, etc.)?

  4. We need to start a group: Tao Bums Anonymous (TBA)


    I'll start it off:


    Hi everyone, I'm Niel. (Hi Niel). I'm addicted to Tao Bums. I go there way too often and find myself doing it instead of studying or meditating (which is strange cause meditating is what gets you the Tao, not going on forums). In fact, I've found myself taking suggestions on how to masturbate from random strangers on the internet who I don't know. It's been that bad....


    I could go on, but I think you get the picture.


    Or, maybe I could develop some discipline... :mellow:


    Sorry Cam, I kinda ripped this off of you from one of your posts on the K forum, but my joke instincts were too strong. B)

  5. Try looking at Daniel Ingram's book:



    He says that he was in a dark night of the soul for ten years, then managed to push through on a vipassana retreat to get a strong level of realization.

  6. One Fu-tile is but a piece of stone...

    A mass of Futile is a mosaic of empty promises...


    Futile is as futile does... it builds castles made of sand...


    and as the anciant joke's punchline goes... if the fu shits wear it. (I actually forget the build-up to that joke and only remember the pun-ch line...


    In fact I enjoy many of those Fu posts and think they have some value - but a good laugh has much more value in our world of wonders...than just about anything I can believe in... :D


    Glad to hear that you're enjoying the Fu-mor (whomp whomp...bad pun..i know).


    I also think I know where in China Mak Tin Si is from:


    FU-jin :lol:

  7. Joyce died from cancer 10 months ago and Michael Winn says he absorbed her spirit into his. The disease that is making him blind is the outcome of a ritual he with a few other people did long time ago in a pyramid in Egypt. They released some kind of being/demon/whatever for the promise it will teach them the secret of immortality. Some of them died within a year in accidents and mysterious diseases.


    A moral of this story: don't play with forces you don't understand.


    I can't believe I missed the irony.


    Someone else HAD to see how ironic this is. They release a demon in order to find immortality... and what happens?....


    Most of them die?!


    It's kind of a not so humorous way...if you know what i mean...


    I notice that you are NAMED seekeroftruth. Your various posts reflect this. I have noticed they usually start a lot of stuff that gets crazy but the truth usually comes out if a person simply reads all this stuff we post while in the qi state.


    Practice sounds good.

    I like your posts.


    Thanks a lot for the compliment.


    Threads here usually go in random directions, but hopefully end up in the juicy stuff (like now).


    I was thinking about all of this (instead of studying for my organic chemistry final :D ) and thought:


    If you had the ability to set stuff on fire, or levitate, or whatever, and went on the Randi show, what type of people would you attract? People interested in doing those powers instead of real seekers. Most teachers nowadays aren't lacking students, so why attract insincere students? And, as for making more people believe that qigong, etc., is real, well, don't the real students always come through in the end?


    Baloneyx, that link was awesome, thanks.


    I noticed how there were people who were posting skeptical comments even after watching the video, not even being open to the fact that something more is possible.


    If someone pulled off the Randi challenge, would it be no different? Wouldn't people STILL be skeptical?


    Most people probably won't believe you unless you can use telekenesis to mystically fly a frying pan and smack them in the face...and even then they might want scientific testing... :lol:


    I think I understand where you're coming from Ya Mu...

  9. As usual, this thread has gone way off topic...not necessarily a bad thing though....


    Sorry, Mr. CanHead, but I don't think you're gonna be getting much more info for your school project, but it's another fun day at TTB


  10. Lol, the Randi show doesn't involve lots of randy people, Teddy. But that remark made my day....


    Anyway, James Randi says that anyone who can come under scientific testing and prove that they can perform some paranormal ability, then he'll give them 1 million dollars. No one has won the challenge.


    EDIT: Small mistake corrected