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Everything posted by kundakiss

  1. removing sexual blockages

    Accumulation of energy/chi in the grand sense is still always favourable. As the energy continues to build up, slowly but surely it will begin to destroy dormant blockages and tensions. Energy is like water beating against the rock-like blockage. The soft will always overcome the hard by the end. If you do not specifically know the root of your problems, and are just guessing, then it might be difficult to deal with the issue directly. So continue to keep your energy work/accumulation as an active part of your life, and let your body heal itself. The body is a self-regulating system, all we have to do is permit it to do it's job. Hope this helps at all! All the best. Eugene
  2. Lily Of The Day

    One of my favorite moments of the show! I love Uncle Iroh so much . Thanks for the memories!!
  3. Wachowskis New Film!

    If anyone could pull off the following kind of story, it would be the Wachowski siblings! It seems they are quite spiritual in their nature, having dealt with themes like "the illusion of Maya" and "self-realization" in their Matrix trilogy. Now this is what they have in store:... It looks quite promising, I just hope they haven't packed TOO MUCH and failed to develop anything in particular substantially. Unless it's like 3 hours long.. (update: it will be 2hrs 44 mins) Any thoughts?
  4. Wachowskis New Film!

    My thoughts exactly. I just checked IMDB, it says it's 164 mins. 2hrs 44mins. Which is substantial I suppose!
  5. Zen And Masturbation...The Struggle!

    I recently posted a very controversial topic, perhaps you may get something out of it. Read the following replies, as they help to complete the puzzle. Primarily it deals with my personal experience and how I overcame porn addiction. Orgasm without Ejaculation: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/24405-orgasm-without-ejaculation/ All the best, Eugene
  6. Interesting. Who said that? Well, personally, the mentality of spirituality is to not take anything as fact unless it is supported by personal experience. And even then, contemplate it endlessly. My personal experience does not yet encompass wisdom of quantum mechanics, so I cannot speak on it, or know where to place the piece into reality's puzzle. I'll tell you this though, the study of life through external means would get you a fraction of results that inner realization can, and has by present and past mystics. (Although I love science's contribution, and is definitely an important piece to our life). My personal advice still, don't attach to external information while it still evolves to full comprehension. Nice post nonetheless. However I can't do anything with it. It is just brain-talk, and gives no wisdom, which actually has potential in solidifying ignorance.
  7. Ouff. The free will debate. How long have you boggled my mind. But to every question there's an answer they say. So, does free will exist? An answer must exist, that's for sure . Someone argued with me being pro-free-will saying, "If I wanted to, I COULD go out right now, and kill someone. Or jump on my computer desk at work and scream! So, free will exists!" Ahh. But the theoretical ideas of these actions and reality are two different things. Sure, free will exists theoretically. But, does it exist in my experience? I could FORCE myself to jump on the desk, but wasn't that simply a result of my mind trying to prove to itself that free will exists, and therefore acting accordingly to its specific nature under these specific circumstances? Another cause and effect in motion. My jumping on the desk had a cause behind it, and the mind was conditioned to its specific decision in its reaction. So, no, it's not out of the flow of life. Hmm... But then I go higher, my awareness grows. Now I act fully in the present moment. I start to live a life of creation, instead of reaction. But all that means is that my awareness was ripe enough from its experience to change the ways it perceives reality. And so, it still remains an inevitable occurrence that has happened to me, even though now I feel so different compared to how other people live and decide. Nonetheless, free will remains a mystery. Then I wrap my head around an idea: There is no time. It is an illusion that is created by a relative point of reference created by my body's location in space. Time is movement through space. If my body or awareness occupied infinite space, I would not know time. And the idea of free will vs. determinism would equally fly out of the window... Hmm. But then I can go even higher... to realms I am currently unfamiliar with in my experience, so I can't comment any further. And so, free will still remains a mystery. The above is a description of my personal evolution towards my understanding of free will. Hope it helped at all. Peace, Eugene
  8. Now doesn't that sound fishy. Get your troll masks on. Although, I don't know if Tao Bums troll or not. I'm sure some do. An enlightened troll, that would be a sight!! I joined this forum just yesterday, and I've read through quite a few posts thus far. And it seems like posts (as well as life) usually fall into 3 categories. "I don't know", I think I know", and "I know". The latter usually doesn't post though =P. It is said that the fool and the wise are twins, simply standing on opposite sides of the spectrum of wisdom. Both equally receptive to personal experience without judgement or preconception. The one in the middle however, caught between the two, forever lives in the mind, a world of personal perception. Mark Twain said "I don't let school get in the way of my education." Implying that this external information that only has a home inside the brain could only interfere with one's own understanding and wisdom. Said wisdom is only extracted from direct contact with reality. But how does one get there? One of the most recognized quotes to martial artists and spiritual seekers: "Don't think! Feeeeeeel! It is like a finger pointing to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all that heavenly glooory!" That finger are your thoughts, that constantly interpret the eternal present experience. Focusing on the thoughts, is focusing on a mere idea, instead of the actual thing. " A surrealist painter Rene Magritte, brilliantly demonstrated this idea through one of his paintings. "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" (This is not a pipe) was the caption under a drawing of a smoking pipe. It is true. It is not a pipe. Just a drawing of a pipe. Thoughts are merely personal drawings of one's actual experience. Getting lost in these drawings is what is referred to as "Maya" in Hindu scripture. Illusion. I read a post recently that asked. How do you know if you're a Taoist? What qualities do you have to have? If you think you're a Taoist, why do you think so? These questions are for that realm of the mind. For that outer world of relativity that needs to categorize and label, in order to avoid complete abstraction. Experience is that. Pure abstractness. Pure spontaneity. It lives in that Eternal NOW, of which the Ego knows nothing about. That's why it's fishy when someone says "Yes, I've reached Enlightenment". Since it goes in exact opposition to Enlightenment . The idea of Enlightenment exists only FOR the ego, since ego is synonymous with "ignorance". But the ego dies during Full Realization. Which means you can only be viewed as Enlightened to the outside world. Not to yourself. And you can only be seen as a Taoist master to the outside world. Because these concepts become void in pure experience. This post is simply me thinking out-loud. But now that I've joined this forum, I thought I might share some of my thoughts. Thank you for reading. Peace kundakiss Image of Magritte's painting: http://www.library.yale.edu/librarynews/ceci-n-est-pas-une-pipe.jpg