Sifu ReL

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Everything posted by Sifu ReL

  1. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu

    LOLZ thanks im the guy who messaged...."WHY DO I NEED TO JOIN?" ironicly after sending it i DID in Fact "WANT" to i apologize if that came off ass-whole-ish. i would really want to learn Neigong from you if your willing to teach....or may i should just buy the book you just posted about neigong?....thanks.
  2. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu

    is the Neigong Forum yours...i wanna join but i havent recieve a email...
  3. Advance Energy Techniques

    Stretch your LEGS
  4. ............

    is depression a form of pain?
  5. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    in Lamens term: Normal Breath = pulling in energy....Reverse Breath = pushing out. BUT YOU CANT DO THIS INLESS YOU HAVE TO CORRECT FORMULA TO MANIFEST YOUR ENERGY
  6. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    its not eh Reverse breath itself , its how you use it. there are many... one is to use both yin & yang chi and another is to mold and condense chi. or to even out your own chi.
  7. Advance Energy Techniques

    yall defeated the whole purpose of the topic....SMH>>>
  8. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    here's the formula to answer your question. build chi>>>Tighten the anus>>>while holding anus>>>Reverse breath with a straight back. and push you stomach out while breathing out. Technique - ?name? idk but the effect of the technique is of course you controling your chi. i use this technique to SHOCK PPL. acuppressure ect....
  9. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    you have no experience yourself, you sound like someones misguided student when you talk. you can tree hug all you want, but its not going to help you in life or death. the thing i speak aint just teachings of daoist sages, its teachings of human life passed down from generation till ppl like you (tree huggers) turn it into something ppl turn away from. QiGONG means energy work....and you said put your arm down when your tired of hugging a tree?? and when you give ppl advice you dont tell them to go read someones else book. cuz then it seems like you didnt even read the book. and as for the words dan tian navel chi energy ....there all just human words use to discribe areas or presence.... to say you dont believe in the area below you bellybutton makes you really trust worthy. ITS A GOOD THING YOU LACK EXPERIENCE BREATHING!
  10. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    FROM A TRUE SIFU. this years in experience thing makes no sense in logic. other then the fact that if it take you 10 years to feel and direct your chi then you were doing it wrong for 9 years. babys are born belly breathers and its only when they get scared as they get older do they start chest breathing. so everyones born with this gift but the modern world made chest breathers ignorant. i guess in the womb , all we had was our inner self becuase there didnt exist anything else. if you understand your body and know yourself, you can learn to direct (Yin..outward breath/ reverse breath/ KYO ,Navel chakra) and (Yang...Inward breath/normal breath/ Rin /Base chakra & Peniglan ) . and to also connect your yin & yang for your CHI/ inner Energy. The amount of people playing the guessing game when no sense of them self is pointless so ill spill the beans to who ever wants to learn. just contact me. you ppl with inexperience put doubt on the hearts of those who need to learn this for there own sake. P.S. if you think yang is push and yin is pull your wrong. yin is white dot, yang is black dot on the symbol.
  11. Normal Breathing vs. Reverse Breathing

    you need to practice reverse breathing for your Yin chi....astral/obe/visions not too much practice and it has to be a deep chi kung breath. your breath per minute should decrease. then go back to normal breath to even out your'll feal the difference. as for any dont have to wait after ejaculation but its like start from the begining , because it drains your yang chi. and always drink plenty of water before meditating to cool your organs.
  12. Advance Energy Techniques

    what do you wanna see?
  13. Specific problem sitting in the lotus posture.

    YEAH, your right...i use to get pains in my hips and it would take me a minute to stand up in walk...but i learn to relax and qigong breath at the same time when i was doin my stretches...this aloud my joints and hips to feel the flow of energy in the middle of stretching which inturn made it easer to sit for longer and get up faster..

    hey everyone im new to the forum....ok this is hard to explain so please answer if you know what im talking about and by that i mean advance and/or intermiediate chi users.. ok my question is "what does it mean when you connect you ying and yang chi"... when i do it to ppl they get a shock. but what is it suppose to be used for?? when i just use ying chi i make ppl - (cold,push,tingle) when i just use yang chi i make ppl - (Hot,pull,numb) when i connect they get a shock or a type of needle poke or condence energy.... and ive do better breathing yang then connecting ying to get the shock and im pretty sure thats how it goes ...yang first. also with healing...are you pose to put ying chi in the pressure points and yang on the muscles or meat?? thanks, SIFU REL
  15. Who are the top people out there?

    Im starting to love this forum!!!
  16. Who are the top people out there?


    THumbs UP!! Your goin make a Great if not GRAND master one day!. i would actually like to learn from you to further my Chi manipulation Journey. thanks for the Knowledge.

    please explain further or could you offer me a link, to what your talking bout i would really enjoy learning.!

    i agree , opposites didnt really fit with what i was trying to say but ididnt have a word for it....Differents is the better word.
  20. Scientific Approach to Practice

  21. Scientific Approach to Practice

    science doesnt prove or disprove anything about death, so idnt believe all what science says cuz its just humans telling other humans, how or what things are according to "MAJORITY VIEW"

    well i dont study one tradition , like i said not everything works for everybody...i "STUDY" martial arts, by that i mean i dont just practise this or that i try to get every point of view possible and see what works for me. i classifying yin and yang Qi as two different energys that are one in the same...they are each other and you cant have a balance of one with out the other. and energy is never "JUST". you "MUST" understand what it does and how it effect us, then you will under stand Yin and yang As a Balance of your energy , which is one. -deep thanks, i wish i could meet one. LOLZ thanks for saying what i learned , if only you replyed yesterday id be a day better in my training lolz... but yeah ying/yin what ever you want to spell it.. but from what i learned that yin and yang are oppisites that fit together like a puzzle to make one. and no matter what the name is you got to learn to feel and distinguish them to understand they are each other. and to connect them gives of a type of...idk how to explain it.. its like yang is jelly and yin is peanut butter put it together you got a delicious sandwich(with bread of course) eat them seperate and its good but not the same when its together... -hope that help