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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Microwave bad effect on food qi ?

    The microwaves produced by the emitter targets the resonant frequency of water. It vibrates the water inside the food causing friction and hence you have generated heat over time. People are worried about microwaves contained inside an appliance but forget about all the other frequency waves traveling through them constantly.
  2. Is that why I am afraid of spiders? Our alien overlords look like spider humanoids?
  3. The perfect weapon

    While I agree the number of deaths from the normal flu season is bad, if SARS-COV-2 infected as many people as the normal flu did, you would have a vastly bigger number of deaths. If we look at what is happening in Italy and Spain at the moment, you do not require the Army to move dead bodies from hospitals every year for seasonal flu.
  4. Semen Leakages Lead To Total Unawareness Brain Fog

    For me its not so much leakage of semen, but abstaining from the energetic feelings/sensations of orgasm. Heartbreak, sometimes its better to let the pressure out instead of that pressure building up and causing neurotic/irrational psychological problems within the mind.
  5. Healthy rich sexual life?

    I thought celibacy was the abstinence from masturbation? I don't think you can be celibate for 3 years but continue to masturbate from time to time.
  6. Silly hats of religion

  7. Yin Activities Yin Food Yin Elements Yin Locations

    Heartbreak, what is happening with your sexual energies? Are you constantly depleting it, conserving it but repressing it or are you transmuting it into a higher force?
  8. nm

    But why tho
  9. The perfect weapon

    Dawai are you feeling any tightness in the chest just recently? Maybe infrequent episodes of loose bowl movements or nausea?
  10. The perfect weapon

    I thought virus cannot survive without a living host. I thought most can live no more than 24hrs on a surface?
  11. nm

  12. nm

    Why nm
  13. The perfect weapon

    This is what really worries me.
  14. The more you externalize these forces, the more power they will have over you and the more helpless you will become.
  15. Ego

    Nungali, how does the dweller of the threshold compare to the ego? Are they both the same thing or quite different/incomparable?
  16. How do you find the above statement in regards to the inter-relationship between jing, chin and shen?

    “Gong-fu” Transformations Within the Physical Body by William Bodri
  18. Ego

    I agree. I maybe was misleading equating the ego to the devil. Instead of fighting against yourself, I find it's better to watch/observe indifferently.
  19. Ego

    The Ego suffers death and is reborn every moment with the appearance and disappearance of each thought. Simply extend the duration of time between each thought. This can give insight into an aspect not seen before.
  20. Ego

    I think its an interesting perspective. There is another perspective that the ego is the creator of form, operating on the level of mind. The ego is personal, however going deeper within, we find a vast impersonal space whereby all form is born and all form dies.
  21. there is no enlightenment in the future

    But yesterday is but a memory, and tomorrow an imagination of what could be.
  22. Ego

    If man is the microcosm, and the universe is the macrocosm, the ego is the imperfect creator of the microcosm, the demiurge the imperfect creator of the macrocosm. The archons are no more than instruments of demiurgus control, so following the inside is a reflection of the outside, if one overcomes the ego, one overcomes the creator and is free.
  23. Ego

  24. Ego

  25. Be careful what you ask for. As it may arrive in unexpected ways.