Fū Yue

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Everything posted by Fū Yue

  1. Motivation without sex & ego

    What was seen as false was never really false, and so it could never become true. What was seen as true was never really true, so it could never be falsified. Thus, it is a continual sacrifice (of fire, passion, desire) to fire which can never be quenched but of itself. At it's most simplistic, no flower bud, no flower, just life at play.
  2. Motivation without sex & ego

    I would say that it is simply the innate and pure desire of what is to be what really is, or the destructive impulse of the false to become true, and in doing so be destroyed. Calling things 'egos' and 'selves' just creates more confusion IMO.
  3. I think passion is the most important ingredient when it comes to alchemy. But passion does not need to be 'hot'. Everything under the sun is already burning up, anyway. It could be fragrant, ice-cold, electric, sweet as honey... The concentration of it is what's neccesary.
  4. Loss of lust and libido ?

    Don't fight what yourself wants to become in a misguided attempt to return to 'normalcy'. There are many different ways to make love in this universe, and you can use those new centers of 'sexual heat' to magnetize and enthrall women as well. Chicks dig that heart love reactor you're developing.
  5. YouTube Vid that Hit Home

    Thank you. He really hits the nail on the head in that one.
  6. YouTube Vid that Hit Home

    Link doesnt work.
  7. Consciousness is Not Eternal

    That's not true. You have the light as your constant, faithful companion. The illumination of day-to-day life is the greatest and most powerful tool.
  8. Consciousness is Not Eternal

    Everyone remembers deep sleep IMO, they just don't do anything while in that very subtle state of consciousness so it leaves little impression, or a feeling of there being a 'gap'. Actually that gap was what their awareness was engrossed in at that point in time (ignorance of light or nurturing darkness). I've tracked awareness into the deep sleep state, and have found that there is still form (sound, color) and emptiness (bindu), you are just inside of the heart rather than having pierced it, so if you make a noise (thought, memory, music) it bounces off of all directions and returns back to itself, causing bliss.
  9. This is not a skin abscess, it is your mind-body's evolution. In this case, the needle could accidentally miss your arm and go straight through your eye, making you a crazy one-eyed man. Your body has to become ready to receive the completion, you have to lay the groundwork and adapt to it's changing circumstances. Otherwise you will be destroyed, and this is true of using entheogens as part of practice too. Clear your body of toxins, learn to rest in stillness, perhaps do some sort of shaking practice or dance. Get help from the KAP guys, follow that advice from the earlier thread. Sorry if i'm being redundant. This is not something you want to rush, you need to become comfortable with those 'freaky altered states' and learn to be the calm within the storm. Otherwise, how will you just 'settle down' when you can no longer feel your body, but the world, and no longer hear your heart beating, but the raw rhythms of time? You find balance underneath the hoods of the cobra or dance on top of it, in the sky; then it becomes attracted to your own force of awareness and is subdued - or, you become lost in yourself and drown in the sensations, and it drives you mad. In a trial by fire you must become like water. By all means, use an entheogen if you think it will help you, but you will need to develop that calm stillness eventually. It is key to a successful journey through unseen realms (which will undoubtedly happen if you decide to use entheogens), and it is key to stabilizing kundalini and the no-longer dormant forces in your body.
  10. Your body is your mind.
  11. Spontaneous Poetry/Stories

    sometimes a snake in the grass is a cloud in the eye of a hurricane.
  12. Yes. Both are misleading. Ultimately, Realization cannot be named in any way. It is more obvious than the subtleties of word and more subtle than Nothing. It doesn't make any sense, but it's illuminating insight is the inspiration of sensation - So when things start making sense, you're way off . You can understand it's billion functions because you are them, but you cannot make sense of it because it is beyond 'you' - thus, you must leave 'your' precious things at the doorstep to glimpse the crystal palace. At the same time, if you find you've gone into Nothing then you are by the coat rack and not in the living room. Even though you may be able to realize it's truth through instruction, word or sight, ultimately the instruction was not the truth, nor the word, nor the sight... that was all you. Through speech we venerate it, whether we know it or not. Every sort of appearance is in honor of this profound Suchness, but in recognition (appreciation) of the primordial, the conventions lose their (self-ish, 'illusory') power and use. The words, the smells, sights, sounds feelings, all become extensions of That, but they are just extensions. Hands and feet sing, but the Root is silent. It does not matter if you can dance like a pro if there is no undisturbed, untouched, untainted appreciation of the Doing because, ultimately, That is the whole point.
  13. Has science found enlightenment?

    Why not?
  14. Feels like Death -shamatha before bed

    When I experienced nirvikalpa samadhi for three or so days, there was definitely form. The form was emptiness. 'ego' didn't even apply to anything, there was only the world. The world itself was the Witness to 'my' consciousness, and I could hear the worlds... all the worlds, spinning and dancing about my consciousness which was in complete repose. The rhythm of space/time was my body. I could have left this world for anywhere, any other place in existence at any point in time, never to return, such was the degree of absolute freedom I was experiencing. I would not equate deep formlessness only, with nirvikalpa, which is effortless absorption into the universe as consciousness. I went from a formless samadhi into this life and it different, though familiar. You could say it was a unity of formless/form. Formlessness alone will not lead to liberation. As to your comments the production of the golden body... It is indescribable, so though I disagree i will refrain from commenting.
  15. Korra season finale

    The fight scenes are extremely well-done like the first, but the hamfisted romance brought it down a few pegs... not that the first didn't have hamfisted romance, but it's like honey smoked vs. sandwich meat you know? Worth a watch, definitely. The darker tone was an interesting take on the avatar universe, even if some aspects of it didn't quite make the cut.
  16. We walk the Way, not to reach the destination

    Indeed, words are inherently deceptive and mean little to nothing at all. The truth cannot be communicated through sounds of any kind, because the vibrancy of the word itself is simply a result of the inherent indefiniteness, emptiness, of all things. Attempts at definition will undoubtedly fail, thus do all things which arise dissolve.
  17. It all depends completely and entirely on you. One man's 'quick path' is another's 16 year apprenticeship.
  18. Heart As Qi Circulation Focus

    If you consider the back of your conscious awareness as pre-heaven (the entire invisible universe), and the front of your conscious awareness as post-heaven (the entire visible universe), then refining 'course' breath into 'radiant' (empty) breath via perpetual motion within stillness (undisturbed awareness) as a process becomes very profound. It reminds me of this verse from the gospel of Thomas - Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom." They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."
  19. The seemingly fluid nature of the 'ego' construct is in actuality raw consciousness itself reflecting the 'free will' of the heart-singularity. Take a look at your hands while they're behind your head... The mind is completely luminescent. Within the heart-singularity is the spark of paradoxical potential (ten thousand things) which gives birth to the entire universe the moment it 'touches' raw consciousness (the 1 goes through 0, resulting in the sound of a circle's radius, OM). The form of the heart-singularity is affected by the 'free will' of the initial reflection (The full-spectrum sound of 'you' making a full circuit through space/time, the total sum of all cause-and-effect for that particular universe). Since that 'free will', though engulfed in it's past-times, has complete access to the full radius of potential (the whole of the circle's radius), the essence of consciousness... is acting. Gives a whole new dimension to phrases like 'divine play' eh? If such a thing were true, self-recognition would be closely intertwined with evolution and the resultant place of the individual self within the universal web. Of course, it's all dream logic and what-not. It was fun to write, though... left a sweet taste at the roof of my mind. Fun to think about!
  20. Perhaps you could consider raw consciousness-light as the evolutionary aspect of lifeforms while conditioned consciousness is the root-lock on space/time, or 'karma'.
  21. Desire for diffrent reality

    I am that which is, That which is be the word, This word is freedom and fire, The greatest love is born from purely being, It's work is an ocean of play. My self empty of negative or positive, Completely united is all.
  22. I just didn't want to say air three times in a row. Perhaps I should have said winds... polluted winds, knotted winds or something of that nature.
  23. The air takes on the qualities which you allow it to take on. For some, they breathe in the essence of life, for others it's just slightly polluted oxygen. Some people spend their whole lives breathing in the same ideas, patterns and blockages that have been circulating through their body since time immemorial. Others finally realize it's time for some fresh air.