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Everything posted by Lozen

  1. focus

  2. i will be gone for awhile, perhaps forever

    I had the same experience.
  3. UFC 75

  4. The feminization of the Western male?

    The thing that so many seem to be forgetting is that most men who were/are dominant, in a balanced way, are PROTECTORS. They use their strength to protect women and children. Ever heard of the term "Women and children first"? Why is that? Why did these non-feminized Western men save their women and children first? Is it because they were enslaved ot their women? I think not.
  5. focus

    Last time I meditated it was for a half hour a day for about a month. All it ever did was make me fall asleep and make my back hurt. Thanks for the link, Michael, I'll look at that! I did manage to prioritize the five things I'm trying to do.
  6. focus

    i involve tons of people and social commitments in all of my practices, and i do study and commit to many things. that's why i suck at all of them. jack of all trades and all that.
  7. nature spirits, faieries

    i will look for the original report i wrote on it, but it was many moons ago...
  8. nature spirits, faieries

    I saw faeries once in Arcadia, Florida and once in Glastonbury.
  9. my favorite links are here: http://www.dirttime.org/links
  10. How do you self- soothe?

    cooking, baking foam rolling, massage, yoga, stretching listening to enya and other relaxing music baths, showers, hot tub bath salts, lavender essential oil cuddling hiding under many blankies reading a good book going to the movies by myself doing something for others
  11. The feminization of the Western male?

    That would be the Madonna in Catholicism, not Christianity. Many of us have seen churches completely lose it when movies/books like the Da Vinci Code came out. There's a reason for that. There's a reason the Gospel of Mary (and other gospels) didn't make the cut.
  12. I'm not Karen, but I've been using the tooth whitener that ToothSoap sells. It's not bad.
  13. So you swish with sesame oil for 20 minutes before breakfast? Hmmm... Not sure I'm up for that.
  14. What is the oil pulling routine?
  15. There is a book called Where There Is No Dentist...
  16. There was actually an article pointing out that when doctors go on strike, the mortality rate goes DOWN and rises again when the strike is over. This has happened in Israel, Canada, Los Angeles, Columbia, and Holland. I wouldn't exactly call doctor-induced diseases the natural course of things...
  17. pandora internet radio!

    Wow, this is so cool. www.pandora.com All you do is type in a song or musician you like, and it'll play other similar songs you maybe haven't ever heard before. For someone who never buys new CDs (memememe!) this is golden. It's part of the Music Genome Project.
  18. The feminization of the Western male?

    there have been cultures in history where the men sacrified their women, or their girls even and all of those cultures have died out hmmm
  19. OMG this is so funny http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11yey_pr...l-to-dana-white
  20. The feminization of the Western male?

    Are you arguing that men in patriarchies do not have a disproportionately large amount of power? No judgement, I'm just asking.
  21. MSG

    There is actually an article in JAMA talking about the limitations of the peer review system. Actually a friend of mine--who is a scientist--worked in a lab which he said could only publish in a couple of journals. One of the review committee was in a competing lab. Although they couldn't prove it was this person, their papers were nitpicked and their submissions and publishing were slowed down significantly. I think it can be more about politics than science. One example he gave when discussing this was the guy who did pioneering research on folate. The guy had trouble getting lab time for 35 years before he was vindicated l because his findings did not square with what peer review thought should happen.
  22. pandora internet radio!

    Oh, sorry, I just gloss right over your posts sometimes.