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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 68 of the Tao Teh Ching

    MH, I am sure that you already know this, but it is not about supressing emotions. It is about "you" being present in the moment. I have found it helpful to "watch myself" when I get angry. When you watch yourself and follow the thoughts, it actually becomes kind of funny. After a while, the anger actually drops (or disappears). Have a good weekend.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 68 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Don't you think that anger is something that we strive to transcend? The way of Tao. Also, an angry warrior tends to be wild and sloppy. Much easier to beat.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Dawei, Your insight is very valuable. These threads are valuable to me to first determine the correct English translation, so that I can then try to understand the words, and with that possibly apply it to my life. I appreciate your and Chidragon's efforts for the rest of us. Thanks.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Or possibly... "Broadness" is openness or going with the flow of Tao. My description of "don't judge" was for the complete line, not just a definition of Broadness. Also, thank you for the gift of the translations. It is very helpful to not be dependent on the generic interpretations. Without perspective, much of the meaning can be lost.
  5. Interesting... Does the same thing happen if you rotate your seated position before meditation? Sort of realign yourself to the energy flow. Also, can you feel energy or vibrations when you meditate?
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    In the context, I think by Cultivation it is meant "refined judgement". With broadness, the message of the line is basically, "Don't judge".
  7. Does it feel like "you" are pivoting and turning or your body? Feelings like that can be common as you begin to separate your awareness from your body.
  8. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    If you don't mind a suggestion... Rather than your normal meditation, try "listening" to music. Put together a playlist of relaxing music you enjoy. Put on a pair of headphones (or earphones) and just listen to the music. Don't think, just listen to the music and let it flow over you. If you need to, sing along with the music, but the key is to listen and let it flow. When you are really listening, you will notice that the music actually gets loader (and the thoughts quiet). Have a great weekend.
  9. [Moderation] -- tulku

    As a newbie to the forum... I want to thank Tulku & Witch for the mature and healthy discussion in this thread. It is nice to see adults dealing with issues themselves. Way too many bad soap operas going on in this forum... Still looking for a good discussion on Taoism... Have a great weekend.
  10. This is a very impressive and astute observation. Most people never notice that. When you "notice" that, you are watching your own Ego/Mind in process. As I am sure you already know, it is definitely worthwhile to watch the thought process. Your broader point is that you are probably beginning to develop the "witness" perspective. Your Ego focuses on the past to project to the future (creating worry & desire). Try to stay focused on the present and listen to those boring conversations. Sounds like good things are happening. Can you feel any energy flows or vibrations?
  11. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching English/Feng Everyone under heaven says that my Tao is great and beyond compare. Because it is great, it seems different. If it were not different, it would have vanished long ago. I have three treasures which I hold and keep. The first is mercy; the second is economy; The third is daring not to be ahead of others. From mercy comes courage; from economy comes generosity; From humility comes leadership. Nowadays men shun mercy, but try to be brave; They abandon economy, but try to be generous; They do not believe in humility, but always try to be first. This is certain death. Mercy brings victory in battle and strength in defense. It is the means by which heaven saves and guards.
  12. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    Always a good path, no matter what your belief structure. :)
  13. Desires are Ego based projections of past memories into the expectation of the future. Thought forms attach because you give them energy when you focus on them. Energy follows your attention. As you are fully present in the moment (during meditation or life), you "turnoff" the Ego. The key is being in the moment. The first step is connecting with your inner "witness". From the witness state, you can watch the thought forms float by and it makes it easier to feel the energy flow. You may already know this, but in the beginning it is easier to "watch" anger form. With practice, you can even see the energy form at the "pre-intent" phase of the thought. Best wishes on your path. What is your definition of enlightenment? What do you hope to find in Samadhi?
  14. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    My point is the same as Z3N in the above post. "You" are not your thoughts or emotions. Or, your "spot on the riverbank", can be found in the silence of the mind. Try listening to the silence and see what you find...
  15. Agreed. Both Buddhism and Taoism teach us to be non-judgemental. Each of us should worry about our own path.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Very good point. Thought streams and a sea of consciousness.
  17. As you go into the stillness yourself, tell me what you find... Also, it is not possible to repress or renunciate desires, it only strengthens the attachment. As Buddha said, you "drop" or let go of it. Finally, I agree with your point that Taoism & Buddhism are very similar and lead to the same place. But the approach is somewhat different. Buddha's path is the systematic peeling away of levels until nothing is left (Nothingness). Taoism is the total acceptance (and love ) of everything. In the end, everything and nothingness are the same. Just two sides of a coin.
  18. Positive, negative

    In the oneness of Tao, there just is... No one is there to compare... Have a great weekend!
  19. Positive, negative

    Interesting thought... I agree that everything is Tao, but are you saying that one can further realize that... by judging between good and bad, and then remembering (or focusing) on the good?
  20. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    Body scanning also works well.
  21. Positive, negative

    All clinging (good or bad) leads to same place. Perceived separation from Tao. Even good wolves are wild creatures that bite your hand.
  22. As you basically stated, love is what we are. It is our base state. Or, Tao is love, love is Tao. Love just is... Yes, sadly, many mothers and fathers don't truly love their children. But, it is a better example of true love than a romantic couple. Relationships have a tendency to be more codependent (no matter how good the sex). Finally, it is not really possible for an old man who truly loves everyone to be sad. Sadness comes from perceived desires not being met. If you truly love everyone, their is no separation and you are one with Tao.
  23. taoists

    Good one... All thoughts (including artificial beliefs) are part of Tao. The problems is that we are to busy being distracted with the little organisms that we miss the big picture. All is Tao...