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Everything posted by cold

  1. simplify

  2. simplify

  3. What is Mastery

    A video survey of last few seconds before the plow truck operator ended, or almost ended in the ditch, showed 99.8% of operators exclaimed "Oh Shite" while the much less common comment was "Wake up, hold my tea, and watch this". The 0.2 percent were at or very close to the level of mastery. It takes tremendous spatial awareness and a very perishable skill set to stay out of the weeds so to speak. As soon as condition allow, first snow fall or icy conditions, I find an empty area and floor it, over brake and over steer to try and keep the skill level up. So as not to injure or kill somebody who isn't as skilled (or knowledgeable of their lack of skills). A critical first step is in keeping your cool whilst all around you have lost theirs ...
  4. Watching The Birds

    Always a pleasure to see a (hopefully) healthy bee on the job!
  5. simplify

  6. "rest in pervasive awareness without the least fluttering of any of the sense doors." Simple in a temple or other sacred place. Nigh on improbable if not impossible out amongst the unwashed masses. At least for any length of time... "No effort, no seeking... natural beingness" Try driving a car with no effort no seeking. Grocery shopping, walking down a crowded street with no effort no seeking. In the world but not of it?
  7. Feeling powerless and low

    Manitou you are in a very special position. As rene points out recalling that you remain loved by Joe will help some. As the days pass the pain will recede and return with increasing regularity. Acceptance then denial, and back and forth between them is to be expected in the coming days, weeks, and months. At least that was what occurred to me... best wishes and warmest regards
  8. Energy exchange

    Well worth repeating!
  9. I suspect as long as we are living we shall be seeking...
  10. The circle of life!
  11. But who decides the truth? Outside of mathematics, does a simple majority agreeing make it so? Therein lies the question. Does just one truth exist for every situation, every individual? I think not. I deduce those whom play "Judge, jury and executioner", that is those who "know" the truth are wrong more often than not. That's why we offer jury trials as an option, as suppose to a single Judge deciding beyond a reasonable doubt guilt or innocence of a person. By default one shoe does not fit all and in general chickens don't have teeth but as you pointed out anything is possible, the shoe will fit someone. And some where exists a chicken with teeth. I have it from a reliable source, Diogenes. Familiar with him?
  12. Total honesty? Is that humanly possible. I have known a lot of animals up close and personal, they are not without guile. A person who speaks untruths may be authentic to themselves. A person who speaks untruths well, may in time develop expertise in this skill as it is? A skillful liar? Well that's an interesting definition, "Skillful means to alleviate suffering..." but not by all means inclusive. "... making a plan to quit addictions," whose addictions, whose suffering? Does the old saying Charity begins at home apply? If not why not? Starting sticking with anything is generally a good thing as is eating healthy nourishing food. Both of those take effort. For example healthy food is grown in a healthy manner with respect to many factors and some skill is required. Nourishment both physical and spiritual, will undoubtedly arise from efforts seeking healthy nourishing food. Likewise someone who does charitable work for monetary compensation is not as likely, in my opinion, to be a nourished as on who gives freely of their efforts. I cant state that as a truth but in my limited experience working with both employed personel and volunteers the volunteers by and large seemed to be at the least more peaceful of the two. I find a smile given with authenticity can be a simple act of charity that helps both the giver and the receiver. Yes! Your baby is adorable, maybe a lie, but one for which one can be forgiven if it is stated to prevent suffering and is followed with a smile. How's about that for skilfull?
  13. Have you first hand experience with people whom work with charities and or the greater good? What are examples of skillful ways of living versus not so skillful if you please. My pool of contentment is pretty deep. I float in it in peace most of the time. Yes, I have an ego, it is the foundation of my being, and I suspect without it I wouldn't survive very well or very long. In my experience wanting anything doesn't lead to happiness. But eating a nourishing meal when hungry can lead to contentment. And I find that sleeping when tired is very useful and satisfying too!
  14. simplify

  15. simplify

  16. Greeting to all

    Welcome and best luck!
  17. hello from prague

    Welcome and best luck going for the big one!
  18. So the ends justify the means? No matter how nefarious the means? Morally wrong actions ( morally wrong in my eyes) are ok, if my motivation is strong and intent clear, and no higher authority to judge exists. For example manifest destiny , where might makes right?
  19. Thinking of you and wishing you comfort and peace.
  20. 你好

  21. L & S

  22. Hello

  23. Hello!

  24. Hello!
