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Everything posted by cold

  1. What Have You Learned

  2. Desiring to return to a natural state I dwell in frustration that "enlightenment as a fact. It's inborn and can't be helped." I am doing a fine job of working backwards though.
  3. What Have You Learned

    I know the folks up the block but rarely engage beyond the cursory wave now and again. I return their calls for assistance promptly and help when I can. Manners, proper manners seem lost amongst the youth of today. (I'm sure that's been stated for eons) I work with my hands, frowned upon mostly, unless ones a surgeon now a days. Some days a few hours other days none my needs are small and mostly met. I rely very little on indoor plumbing Most of my stress is from operating a truck on congested roads. I have been known to say what the world needs now is greater respect, I don't have to like you or love you either but I will do my best to offer you respect.
  4. I suspect there was or will be a rupture or two on the road to rapture
  5. What Have You Learned

    I think one loses their innocence in small and large ways along the path to wisdom. It, innocence is replaced with awareness, if we are lucky.
  6. What Have You Learned

    After many heated discussions with Alfie over the years, you know, "What's it all about Alfie?" I have to wholeheartedly agree with "Knowing your fear is a major step in the direction towards freedom." And peace with oneself and the world at large...
  7. What Have You Learned

    "probably a better, " in what way? I suppose I understand less confusion with age, for me age has shown me I don't know as much as I thought I did I don't know about following ones fear, rather agree with getting to know ones fear(s) getting to know all about ones fears.
  8. Favorite Daoist Quote

    "plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is" for the resulting cramps, after jumping in the pond before waiting at least an hour after eating the rice and millet cakes.
  9. simplify

    twinkle toes
  10. It is both : alive then dead. As it died its spirit went to the light. The light revealed when the box was opened.
  11. What is Immortality?

    Actually finding grains of millet in a millet haystack is easy if one knows what to look for , past life experience either helpful or not. Now trying to find grain in a straw pile is as they say a horse of a different color.
  12. simplify

    farm aid
  13. Talk HRC

    zerostar, in your reply, above its Hilary is mentioned directly three times, and referred to her as her once, making the score four add one for the DNC = five. And only a single mention of Trump. Did he espouse a plan to replace the super delegates whilst he was running? Or now that he is in office? Would he have won without them? Just on popular vote? And on a final note I will admit my ignorance what is so obvious, but what makes you think Congress will do what the voters ask of them as opposed to doing the bidding of their constituents. The big donor$ How are we going to make progress while we ruminate over the dead horse some keep insisting is the real problem?
  14. Talk HRC

    In particular, in a thread labeled Talk Trump. Except once a day or even more often? I wonder how many times Hilary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, President Clinton, and the DNC have been mentioned as compared to number of times President Trump, his administration, the RNC in the 315 pages of comments on this topic so far? My reply above was even with Trump et al mentioned 4 times and Hillary et al mentioned 4 times.
  15. simplify

    lemon aid
  16. Zen

    I can relate hemorriods cause problems with sitting and sh*tting resulting in anger and frustration.
  17. Mair 12:8

    For best digestion the bird should be prepared with great care, so as the meat falls freely from the bone? Followed by devils food cake while one considers the if the arithmetic adds up? Small fish are often caught up in the main stream are they not? As a child I marveled at the shad whom struggled to find the point farthest from the main stream. As an adult I attempt to mimic them. More often than not I fail. The struggle continues
  18. Zen

    I prefer to sit with a view, it matters not whether it be clouds, mountains, or a pristine landscape. Be it of my imagination or not, matters not. I wander and I ponder. Cling or not the choice is yours.
  19. Closing the TheDà

    in the clouds of course with Lucy mining diamonds I suppose
  20. Main Stream Media

    Choice is yours. Feed the peace or feed the discord both inside and outside. Placebo effect Row, row, your boat gently down the stream... see a pair of docks tired ready for rest where to put in, to tie into for the night? Where to shelter in comfort the dock to the left? or maybe the one dead ahead, oh wait the right one ... is the right correct ? Oh my ...
  21. Main Stream Media

    I referred to that as an optimal illusion in a different thread ... It began when? "this allowing people to find things that best" validate or "fits their unique experience in the world.
  22. what exactly is "God"?

    God is in the de tails : cat tails, dog tails etc...

    What is it called when we see what we want? An optimal illusion.
  24. Rare Methods?

    Or close eyes and hum: hello darkness my old friend ...