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Posts posted by cold

  1. 1 hour ago, Marblehead said:

    And I'm not good at drywall work.



    No with a moniker like Marblehead I figure you for a stoner lol :rolleyes:


    2 hours ago, Apech said:

    Can I just say that in all humility I fully agree that I am wonderful.


    Seriously thank you for kind comments.


    Seems that moderation is not for me anymore - but thanks to Dawei for the opportunity.


    Good luck and thanks to Karen.


    Hold on to that thought "in all humility I fully agree that I am wonderful.":wacko:


    True thanks to you both and for all whom contribute to this site!:wub:

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    Well,  let's be more accurate ; 'only in USA '  and only in that form .


    But  USA  did and still does have a forefront position in the development  of 'world culture' , or 'western global culture'.   Which, by all the indicators, is in decline.  One of the terminal indicators of decline , moves into the self destructive phase. This is self destruction. Just as a person in 'decline' and bad 'psychological health'  may eventually  kill themselves , a society  and/or culture can, en mass, act out these self destructive forces.


    I dont expect the problem to just go away, it will get worse and worse , and become more senseless (unless one senses what is driving it ). It won't stop by itself without appropriate remedies   and although on 'small scale' such remedies and solutions have worked ( eg in  some smaller, regional, indigenous cultures ) , in a huge complex social structure like this, it is near impossible to implement such remedies ... without a massive 'master re-set' .


    Yes,  the theory goes, not just individuals  can get psychologically sick and aberrant, but whole cultures and societies can .  And when you living in one of those ... not much makes sense ;  meaning, life,  purpose , reason for existence .  


    Well, I thank you for the correction:)

    And also for the comments with it!

  3. Upon reflection I want to make it clear I'm as upset with the gun violence in America and thru out the world as I can be.

    My humorous post was an attempt to make it clear that this is a complex problem and it will defy easy answers.

    So called "knee jerk reactions" is what I was and am critical of...

  4. 42 minutes ago, joeblast said:


    Its time to ban SSRIs and basically all depression medication and the heads of the FDA should roll, be replaced, and then objectively take a look at why the hell there is basically a 1:1 correlation between all these "mass shootings" and depression medication.



    And of course I want to know - did he ever have contact with any member of the FBI or CIA?


    Were any FBI or CIA "agents" in the vicinity when this shooting happened?



    Its time to take a look at what MKUltra morphed into and dig out all of that research and declassify it.


    and of course, start the fkn prosecutions already


    Shortly after reading this post, (and in all honesty, many similar posts ), my knees began shaking or would begin to shake...

    Funny thing being I had a doctors appointment today and I took my nieces I pad along ...

    "Doctor, Doctor give me the news ... my knee reacted earlier as I described before.. and we couldn't replicate it in your office."


    "Lets try this Doctor now watch carefully" I said.

    "What are you doing?" she asked?

    "I'm about to read a post on The Dao Bums." I replied as I opened TTB > Off Grid > Gun Control and Shootings and pulled the very post I quoted above....


    I began to giggle and my knees began to dance.

    Then I laughed uncontrollably as my knees jerked, first one then the other... somewhat violently I might add at least to those not use to such a spectical.


    "Mr. Cold", the Doctor said Eureka "You are having a sympathetic knee jerk reaction to the knee jerk posting!" she exclaimed!


    "The laughter is helpful very helpful!" the Doc said "But I'm going to write you a prescription" she continued as she wrote "Take one grain of NACI as needed when reading certain posts by those particular authors prone to knee jerk reactions.


    Just thought I would pass this along, with the recommendation to take it with a grain of salt...:lol:


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