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Everything posted by Vantage

  1. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Maybe I have given you the wrong impression. I am in fine health and my sexdrive and energy are above avarage, so I don't think there is any reason to talk to a doctor. The reason I am interested in sex transmutation is: -the books I read promise even better energy and drive in general. -I have experienced increasing energy loss right after ejaculation. And also I am interested if the increase in energy would benefit my meditative practice (the work of byron katie).
  2. I've been doing some of the Tibetan Rites at the moment. ( I usually do the 21 reps in the morning and I was wondering if it would be ok to do another round in the evening. Some sites say " Doing more than 21 repetitions of each exercise in any day will affect your chakras negatively and can create imbalances in your body." What do you guys think?
  3. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    And how often/for how long do you do it?
  4. Tibetan Rites - ok to do twice a day?

    Well if there are no benefits to doing it twice I will just leave it at once a day. That's the site where they say: " 21 is the maximum of each exercise you should ever do. If you want to enhance your program, do the exercises at a faster pace, but do not so more than 21 of each exercise each day. Doing more than 21 repetitions of each exercise in any day will affect your chakras negatively and can create imbalances in your body."
  5. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Thanks for that tip I browsed through it shortly. I would be very wary of people claiming to be doctor that are actually not a doctor. And the way he build his site up and uses exclamation marks does not promise much good to me. But that's just my opinion, maybe there is very good info there, I don't know.
  6. Tibetan Rites - ok to do twice a day?
  7. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Thanks Matt for the interesting pointers. I get the impression that you are talking about enlightenment or something like that. I am not sure. The reason I am interested in sex transmutation is not for enlightenment. I just want: 1. Good energy in general 2. A healthy appetite for women Last time I ejaculted was 18 days ago, and it seems that my sexdrive is very low. I have very little interest in meeting or approaching women. So maybe it would be a good idea to arouse myself and see how that works for me. Since I already know I am not going to ejaculate, I have little interest in masturbating. So maybe I need to recondition myself to experience pleasure with masturbating w/o ejaculation. I am thinking out loud here, and as alway I will investigate and experiment further. If I believe this quote I found on another board I should stimulate: I also found this post by (someone posting under the name of) Ron Jeremy. (bytheway, was it really him?)
  8. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Can you point me to an easy place to learn these things? I've been googling but could not find anything useful.
  9. hi there

    Hi there, I found these forums through searching on google for sex transmutation and the big draw. Happy to be here, I have a lot of questions so I had to register. I'll tell something about myself. male, 35 years, living in the netherlands. One of my interests is The Work of Byron Katie, she wrote a book about the Tao te ching so she may be familiar here. Her husband is Stephen Mitchell who is a translator of the the Tao te ching.
  10. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    The only exercise I know for this is called udyana bandha. a breathing exercise from yoga. Should i be doing more breathing exercises to move the energy? if so, which? Thanks for your help.
  11. Sex transmutation. To stimulate or not?

    Good point. I did not really think that way before. Maybe it's a good thing. Since I was used to having a high sexdrive, and chasing superficial sexual contacts, it feels kind of weird now having a minimal sexual desire. Interesting. Charles Runels says in his book the lifecycle of a spermcel is 81 days. So he suggest to aim at 81 days if possible. I'll see what I feel like but based on the way I feel now I definetly want to try to get to 80-100 days.