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Everything posted by idquest

  1. MCO variants

    Do you employ three bottom locks in your system (I mean anus, huiyin, qianyin)? And if yes, what function (other than to prevent leakage) do they perform? Just curious. Thanks.
  2. "know the male, but keep to the female" On the basic level this is just an instruction on when heterosexual couples should have sex: when a female is ovulating. This is a time when a female is playful and instinctively wants sex. A male should pick up the subtle vibes from the female and follow. Just yesterday I watched a documentary about lions - female lionesses there are not very subtle, in fact they are quite demanding!
  3. IME taiji is not enough, not even talking about qigong. I had thought I was doing good job on flexibility with taiji and neigong until I started to practice quite sitting for longer time, around 1 hr per session. This was when I realized how inflexible I was. If you want real flexibility, heavy duty yoga is your friend. Possible resistance stretching as Cybele mentioned, but still yoga.
  4. The Cool Picture Thread

    5-dimentional dragon leaking into our bland 3-dimentional space. Good.
  5. Cooking pots defend from hostile electromagnetic radiation. That was my first thought when I saw the picture. Kind of makes sense considering exponential increase in electromagnetic pollution in our life.
  6. Damo Mitchell's Dragon Daoyin DVDs

    Mitchell is preparing several sets of DVD's with different movement forms he teaches, Dragons being one of them. The DVD's were initially scheduled for the beginning of 2017 but then re-scheduled for late 2017. Let's hope he will eventually release them.
  7. I have read most practices from the book. Didn't read texts much. The low level practices from the book are fairly close to what WLP teaches. Some methods described there are fairly straightforward and one could try them on their own. I mean methods like some of the yin xian fa or zhi neng gong. Tree practice, sleeping practice, and walking practice are described with a good level of detail. I'd advise against practicing other methods from the book without attending workshops of WLP or one of his students. Your question re Neigong vs Qigong does not make any sense for me. Can't understand and/or discuss it.
  8. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Well there have been other western students who studied directly with JC, not only Jim and Kosta.
  9. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Actually the thread does touch on MP as well as on other schools. Two things to note. First - humility is in scarce supply here. From both MP side and those who oppose MP group. It is difficult for me to imagine how one can advance in any art without a good level of humility. The second thing - is it just naive to expect that a serious practitioner of serious art will discuss any significant detail of practice in an open forum. Not gonna happen. But thelerner actually suggested an interesting idea: to discuss the method of sitting. I'd narrow down this even more: please state average time of a single session and how you sit, on the floor, on a chair spine erect, or in a recliner. It will be interesting to hear from ilovecoffee on this one. I personally sit for 70-75 minutes on the floor in a Burmese.
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Well there was a video of a western student passing a test of level 2 or 3, can't remember. I believe it was Jim's video but I could be wrong.
  11. Yoga/meditation cushions best filling

    Buckwheat is the best. I also use soft foam sheets for ankles. Also, depends on how long you sit. Better let us know what you do to open the inner thighs, groin, and psoases?
  12. It is not a number of repetitions that counts, it is change which is important. Ideally you do as many reps until you feel some change in the quality of movements, like improved rotation of muscles, or extended opening of joints, or better twists in connective tissue. If you don't feel anything like this, then do at least 10 reps of each.
  13. Breathing into LDT

    Reversed breathing could be dangerous if done incorrectly. If you decide doing it by your own without supervision, make sure that your diaphragm goes well down on inhale. If you can't feel it go down, best to refrain from reversed breathing until you can feel it.
  14. Trumpcare

    Isn't ACA supposed to be funded by Feds? Why would it collapse unless modified? I'm also wondering how Trump is hoping to get a tax overhaul if he can't deal with much easier task (comparatively only) such as ACA.
  15. Two Meals A Day?

    If you are not a teenager, two meals a day should be fine. Teenagers still grow so they need more nutrients. I've been eating two meals a day for many years now.
  16. V is for Vegetable

    The Paleo diet idea could be right, but people draw wrong conclusion from it. For whatever reason people assume that supermarkets full of eye rib cuts were available in stone age. The main source of protein before people discovered agriculture were insects and larvae. Look at apes including chimps - they all eat insects all the time. Crickets and termites contain B12 along with protein percentage on the level of beef. In Middle East and South East Asia insects is a noticeable food source even now. Messy truth? Sooner or later the main protein source for people on this planet is going to be insects again.
  17. Sitting meditation not comfortable

    Could be because your body wants to make a mudra
  18. Porn?

    If porn replaces viagra, then it's possibly good. If it replaces the real thing - it's just a surrogate - make your pick. If porn is an addiction - then it is not different from any other addiction being that alcohol or substance.
  19. Let's Talk Obamacare

    So if an army/intelligence service soldier is wounded and/or disabled, what ministry pays for their medical care and/or disability: civil health or military budget?
  20. He usually emphasizes these things in foundational workshops: - stretches similar to yoga - about 20% of time. You can look at Roni's youtube video to get a sense of it - Wuji standing. This one is tricky. You'll need to stand correctly. The book is not very clear or precise alignments AFAIR. If you are not sure about wuji, stand in 'holding a tree'. Damo regards Holding a Tree as an advanced pose but it is easier to get info on it than for wuji. Anyway, standing should be min 10 minutes with the aim of 20 minutes - moving exercises. Best to start with his jiben qigong and do it 10-20 min a day for 2-3 years. This is what his senior students advise (I'm a beginner) - if you still have time, sitting for 20-30 minutes would be good. - Dragon Dao Yin, IMO, is good only because you make steps while doing it. Other than that it is quite tricky. Please note that Damo promises in very near future to issue DVD's on all his moving forms - you can find this info in his LNG website. I personally am waiting for his Wu Dao Yin DVD - it is brutal but good for the body. At this moment Damo does not have plans on teaching new students in NA. But his senior student Steve Galloway teaches in Toronto (Canada) and possibly in Atlanta 3-4 times a year. Get it if you can.
  21. Taiji Style

    Can anybody recognize this taiji style? Jokes aside, this is exactly how most people understand what taiji is.
  22. Replenishing Yuanqi

    We should distinguish between facts and theoretical knowledge. Experience of qi will be a fact. Lots of practitioners will have this experience, so you can't really call it BS. As for how yuanqi behaves over the lifetime - I'd say very few people really know if at all? Because reference to the old textbooks might as well be just a theory, what matters is actual experience and practice.
  23. The whole evolution thing is all about fight for resources. AI's will need resources to the same degree or even more than humans - make your conclusion yourself.
  24. Breathing through the heels

    Did you master breathing through the throat? Some time ago I realized that my throat was so tense that what I thought was abdominal breathing was not even close to it... Still working on it...