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Posts posted by Informer


    Simple experiment: blood follows chi flow. Hands get very hot in temperature when energy healing is being done.



    Yes, I have increased my temperature to over 100 degrees many times, that doesn't mean that it is in fact mystical and without any physiological basis.


    If you are thinking along those lines, then I would guess you may have mistaken awareness of the blood flow in your veins for chi. Many do.


    Here is a possible explanation of how it is done:




    The thyroid produces two hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate how the body uses and stores energy. Thyroid function is controlled by a gland located just below the brain, known as the pituitary (figure 3). The pituitary produces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid to produce T3 and T4.


    Notice the link between the thyroid and pituitary gland, both of which are used in internal alchemy.


    The thyroid secretes several hormones, collectively called thyroid hormones. The main hormone is thyroxine, also called T4. Thyroid hormones act throughout the body, influencing metabolism, growth and development, and body temperature.


    The functions of thyroxine and triiodothyronine are as follows:

    1) Increase the basal metabolic rate of the body, thus setting the rate of the chemical reactions that occur in the body

    2) Increase the rate at which the body uses food for energy, thus playing an important role in determining your caloric requirement

    3) Increase the rate at which the body both makes and breaks down

    Michael Lebowitz DC and Ami Kapadia MD

    glucose (gluconeogenesis and glycolysis), thus increasing the

    absorption of glucose by the cells in general and by the

    gastrointestinal tract

    4) Increase insulin secretion by the pancreas

    5) Increase the respiration rate and depth of each breath

    6) Increase the rate of both protein synthesis and breakdown

    7) Increase the growth rate of adolescents while quickening the closing

    rate of epiphyses in bones

    8) Increase fat deposition into circulation to be burned for energy

    9) Increase appetite

    10) Increase urinary excretion of calcium and phosphorus

    11) Increase secretion of digestive enzymes and peristalsis in the

    gastrointestinal tract

    12) Dilate blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow

    13) Increase heart rate, body temperature, and systolic blood pressure

    while decreasing diastolic pressure


  2. So how long are you gonna wait until you feel confident to step out and practice?


    Very seldom am I not practicing.


    My practice could very well be beyond most or even anything that you could teach me aside from beliefs. How long are you going to wait to find out what is true and start eliminating all those constructs you've been allowing to build up for all of these years? As long as you have been practicing I would think you may know the value of truth over belief by now.


    Why do you assume to put yourself in a higher place then others?


    I had thought to my PhD work on nitric oxide release as a vasodilator in the role of raising heat when chi was applied. Unfortunately, the protocols required to do in vitro/human experiments were too restrictive and time consuming.


    I doubt you have a PhD from any accredited university, or would be providing evidence for these extraordinary claims you so dearly believe to be true. I'm hardly impressed if that is the purpose. I don't think there is much that could not be written of as a placebo effect. People heal themselves all the time, my wounds heal of their own accord.


    Why wouldn't you have proposed to run the experiment on mice anyways? If there were replicateable results, I'm sure you would have found a basis for funding.


    Here is an example:

    Abstract Highlight Terms Highlight biological terms.

    Genes/Proteins(4) Species(2) Chemicals(6)

    To elucidate pathophysiological roles of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in regulation of vascular tone in vivo, we have developed and characterized transgenic (Tg) mice that overexpress HO-1 site specifically in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The Tg mice were generated by use of human HO-1 cDNA under the control of SM22-alpha promoter. The HO-1 gene overexpression was demonstrated by Northern blot analysis and coincided with increases in the protein expression in VSMCs and total HO activities. Tg mice exhibited a significant increase in arterial pressure at various ages and displayed impaired nitrovasodilatory responses in isolated aortic segments versus nontransgenic littermates while enhancing their nitric oxide (NO) production. The pressure of Tg mice was unchanged by systemic administration of either N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine or SNP. Furthermore, the isolated aorta in these mice exhibited lesser extents of NO-elicited cGMP elevation via soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), while exhibiting no notable downregulation of sGC expression. Such impairment of the NO-elicited cGMP increase was restored significantly by tin protoporphyrin IX, an HO inhibitor. On the other hand, 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2' furyl)-1-benzyl-indazol (YC-1), an NO-independent activator of sGC, increased cGMP and relaxed aortas from Tg mice to levels comparable with those from nontransgenic mice, which indicates that contents of functionally intact sGC are unlikely to differ between the two systems. These findings suggest that site-specific overexpression of HO-1 in VSMCs suppresses vasodilatory response to NO and thereby leads to an elevation of arterial pressure.




    Doctors don't generally just jump in and start testing idea's on humans.

  3. I wonder what she means by "heart".


    I think MCO is doing that, but that's not with what I would consider to be Heaven chi. How would you begin to describe heavenly chi?


    It seems like all energy can be united, and is already united, it just appears divided in the manner makes light appear divided into the colors of the rainbow.


    The energy felt in all lower centers seems divided, heavenly chi comes from the crown and is seemingly aspects of all other manifestations before being divided into prisms.

  4. Einstein provided evidence for both a subjective and an objective realm existing intertwined with the Theory of General Relativity:



    Some predictions of general relativity differ significantly from those of classical physics, especially concerning the passage of time, the geometry of space, the motion of bodies in free fall, and the propagation of light. Examples of such differences include gravitational time dilation, gravitational lensing, the gravitational redshift of light, and the gravitational time delay. The predictions of general relativity have been confirmed in all observations and experiments to date. Although general relativity is not the only relativistic theory of gravity, it is the simplest theory that is consistent with experimental data. However, unanswered questions remain, the most fundamental being how general relativity can be reconciled with the laws of quantum physics to produce a complete and self-consistent theory of quantum gravity.



    Yes, the premise is that it can be described objectively as well as subjectively if it is true. This is to advance knowing through both internal seeking as well as external seeking.


    By attempting to bring subjective experiences into the objective realm, there is motivation and intent within scientific process to find the truth objectively, releasing the subjective hold. This is in the same manner as General Relativity, which subject and object are explained objectively. The same is true vice versa.


    Utilizing proper rationale instead of blind faith. Relying on Faith and beliefs puts on in an interesting situation of confirmation bias:



    Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses.[Note 1][1] People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).

  5. Nope, I dont have super powers that is for sure. I am just an average human being who practices internal energy cultivation. Extraordinary claims are so subjective for sure. Breaking the 3 minute mile was one. Science does not have the tools yet to measure subtle energies or subtle bodies. Acupuncture and qigong are based on 5 thousand years of empirical investigation and practice. And yet, we in our belief in the superiority of modern science, poo poo it.


    I am not a jnanist. I am an empiricist.


    All beliefs even the statement: "Filling one with beliefs and superstitions is contrary to jnana," is a belief, a construct of the ego. This statement on that quote is a construct of the ego.


    Live without beliefs. Disengage the iron grip of the mind.




    I like you :)


    What I think happens is that there is imbalance between logic and creativity to affirm or deny either or.


    The equilibrium is in combination.


    As some may say there is only objectivity and others claim only subjectivity.



    Old experiments from the 90s show measureable increase in killer T cell count in the blood after an energy healing treatment. Research therapuetic touch or healing touch if you want cites.



    Yes, that could also be simpley autonomous control being over-ridden in the thymus gland.


    The development and maturation of semi-invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells) rely on the recognition of self antigens presented by CD1d restriction molecules in thymus. The nature of the stimulatory thymic self lipids remains elusive. We isolated lipids from thymocytes and found that ether-bonded mono-alkyl glycerophosphates and the precursors and degradation products of plasmalogens stimulated iNKT cells. Synthetic analogs showed high potency in activating thymic and peripheral iNKT cells. Mice deficient in the peroxisomal enzyme glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase (GNPAT), essential for the synthesis of ether lipids, had significant alteration of the thymic maturation of iNKT cells and fewer iNKT cells in both thymus and peripheral organs, which confirmed the role of ether-bonded lipids as iNKT cell antigens. Thus, peroxisome-derived lipids are nonredundant self antigens required for the generation of a full iNKT cell repertoire.



    The above is "actual" evidence, it doesn't prove it, but lend credence and increases the probability.


    Here is more evidence:



    They are called T cells because they mature in the thymus. There are several subsets of T cells, each with a distinct function.



    As evidence from independent sources compiles in increases the probability that the proposition is true.


    There is a lot more evidence, and it's no wonder thymus is associated with rejuvenation.

  7. *Reality check*, you don't have super powers. Carl Sagan put it very eloquently when he said: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."


    Science doesn't attempt to prove anything, that was done away with scientism.


    Filling one with beliefs and superstitions is contrary to jnana.

  8. Yes, so everything that isn't truly known is written as fiction?


    What about confirmation bias of the subjective persuasion, or when one experience is used to affirm a belief subjectively? Like fore instance, say someone tells you something will happen, and then tells you what it means. Then that things happens, so is what they told you it means also true?


    Is anything that has been attached to that specific phenomena or experience actually true? Or is it only the experience is true?


    Jnana approach:


    Jnana Yoga: Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge, wisdom, introspection and contemplation. It involves deep exploration of the nature our being by systematically exploring and setting aside false identities.


    What do you want to do with these Big Secrets you think people are hiding from you? If this makes you so angry and sarcastic it would be best to develop equanimity first before you learn "big secrets". These big secrets can make you into a flaming azzhole because it pushes the ego to the surface in a exponential way. They are supposed to do that. Learning to respond to life with a mature equanimity will facilitate the understanding of Big Secrets.





    This is known as "character assassination" or Ad hominem in philosophy, it was also in that cult link.


    Character Assassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Character Assassination is a type of false reasoning used by people and groups who have no real arguments. The technical name for Character Assassination is "The Ad hominem Fallacy".



    I don't mock any of you, I mock the beliefs you have.

  10. There is no secret, it is only belief.


    Truth doesn't need to hide.


    There is no bicycle or Ferrari, those were the video game.


    Anyway, I would prefer you to answer my questions as to why one would tell someone they have a secret without any intention of sharing it?


    Yes, sometimes I do mock beliefs with sarcasm. It is the only way I can find humor in an otherwise gloomy situation.


    Maybe you can explain this as well: "I can see your energy flaring up in your pelvic bowl from here."


    Are you doing remote viewing?

  11. Maybe they should have kept guns and bombs and landmines and stuff a secret. We def wouldn't be able to deal with people running around casting fireballs and chain lightning or spontaneously combusting.



    If someone wants power to cause harm, there are much easier ways available to them then learning spiritual practices.:wacko:


    Secrets are common for cults because:



    Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time. Beware of thinking that you are immune from cult involvement, the cults have millions of members around the world who once thought they were immune, and still don't know they are in a cult!



    Cults that use a belief system as their base are very common. Their belief system could be standard Christianity, Hinduism, Islam or any other of the world religions, or they may have invented their own belief system. What makes them a cult is the fact that they use mind control, not what they believe.




    A cult needs to recruit and operate using deception. Why?

    Because if people knew their true practices and beliefs beforehand then they would not join. A cult needs to hide the truth from you until they think you are ready to accept it.





    However cult leaders will tell you can only be "saved" (or can only be successful) in their organization alone. No other organization has the truth, all others miss the mark. So it is not the belief system that decides your future, but it the belief system AND your membership with that particular group.


    Information Control:


    Those who control the information control the person. In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it.


    Pressure Selling:


    One of the most common forms of commercial cults is the pressure selling organization. These groups ostensibly make money by selling goods via their sales organization, but in reality they make their money by selling goods and motivational materials to their sales organization. Using mind control they seek to enlarge and maintain their sales force, and hence their profits.


    Here are some key warning signs to watch out for…


    Deception. No valid business needs to use deception.


    Super hyped meetings, books, tapes, videos, leaflets, products.


    Use of Mind control, refer to the earlier "Mind Control" section.




    I think that anyone can say to anyone else that they have a secret. So what is the purpose of telling one you have a secret other than to have something to dangle over their head to sell them on later?



    "I have a really powerful secret, but I'm not going to tell you the secret, I'm just telling you I have one so you know how important and trustworthy I am" ROFLMAO.


    What is the point in even saying it? I think it would be easier to say "just trust me".


    I don't know if you are in a cult or not, but there seems to be symptoms of it. How was Kundalini diagnosed again?

  12. I just think that everything that teaches you something is your teacher, from animate to inanimate objects, from books to people. Teacher isn't so distinctly and narrowly defined from this angle, in that there is no specific mold for a teacher or a student. Like we are all a student, a teacher, neither a student or a teacher, both a teacher and student.


    So you need someone to physically help you, why is it any different from anything else you learn something from?


    Why does there need to be a specific form to a teacher?




    Some people have ability to adapt and learn to fight...they are good fighters. That doesnt make them martial artists. Bruce learnt wing chun from ip man. He used that as the basis of jkd...he added fencing and wetern boxing who taught him jkd...all the teachers of his vrious systems helped him get the knowledge to create his medley...


    But jkd is not an ima...there is no internal aspect to it. Cant compare with taiji...the principles are radically different imho.


    JKD is is not a MA, it is a way of assimilating and seeking useful tactics and putting them together in a suitable way instead of following the predetermined structure path. It was an evolution of that path and those decision that brought him to JKD, through seeking and determining what was self-evident.


    The metaphor Lee borrowed from Chan Buddhism was of constantly filling a cup with water, and then emptying it, used for describing Lee's philosophy of "casting off what is useless". He used the sculptor's mentality of beginning with a lump of clay and hacking away at the "unessentials"; the end result was what he considered to be the bare combat essentials, or JKD. The dominant or strongest hand should be in the lead because it would perform a greater percentage of the work. Lee minimized the use of other stances except when circumstances warranted such actions. Although the On-Guard position is a good overall stance, it is by no means the only one. He acknowledged that there were times when other positions should be utilized.


    Bruce Lee did not stress the memorization of solo training forms or "Kata", as most traditional styles do in their beginning-level training. He often compared doing forms without an opponent to attempting to learn to swim on dry land. Lee believed that real combat was alive and dynamic. Circumstances in a fight change from millisecond to millisecond, and thus pre-arranged patterns and techniques are not adequate in dealing with such a changing situation. As an anecdote to this thinking, Lee once wrote an epitaph which read: 'In memory of a once fluid man, crammed and distorted by the classical mess.' The "classical mess" in this instance was what Lee thought of classical martial arts.



    He was using a seekers mindset towards Combat Martial Arts as well as tradition. I agree he may have done better to have applied that seeking to internal aspects as well.

  13. Can you define what is a "teacher" MM? I think that's most of the confusion.


    Sounds more like you want a boss or master to tell you how it is. If that is the case then One will never progress beyond the master or boss.


    The philosophy of Jeet Kune Do may open your mind to what I'm talking about and using Bruce Lee as example:




    I have not invented a "new style," composite, modified or otherwise that is set within distinct form as apart from "this" method or "that" method. On the contrary, I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. Remember that Jeet Kune Do is merely a name used, a mirror in which to see "ourselves". . . Jeet Kune Do is not an organized institution that one can be a member of. Either you understand or you don't, and that is that. There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy. The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is. Finally, a Jeet Kune Do man who says Jeet Kune Do is exclusively Jeet Kune Do is simply not with it. He is still hung up on his self-closing resistance, in this case anchored down to reactionary pattern, and naturally is still bound by another modified pattern and can move within its limits. He has not digested the simple fact that truth exists outside all molds; pattern and awareness is never exclusive. Again let me remind you Jeet Kune Do is just a name used, a boat to get one across, and once across it is to be discarded and not to be carried on one's back.


    — Bruce Lee[3]


    So my question is, who would have been the one to teach Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do?

  14. We're a surfing area, and some native residents have been at it for generations, taught by their parents who learned it from their grandparents -- really very competent and usually obsessed, surfing all year round. Interestingly enough, we had surfers come take taiji lessons, not for the sake of taiji but for the sake of their main passion, surfing. They invariably understand it WAY better than people who come from hard MA -- because, well, they really need the correct set of skills every time they go into the water, their survival depends on it. So, no BS has ever been heard from this source. The ocean is a great teacher... and no one has ever seen the ocean stiffen a wave as it crushes down on you... It is entirely, perfectly sung -- and if you meet this perfect sung with stiff resistance, tightening, compressing, hardening, any of that... you're dead.


    I like that analogy TaoMeow. Because I think it is like elemental water.


    I think Bruce Lee had explosive aggression more akin to the elemental fire so the water didn't appeal as much to him.


    For example he seems he would rather be the wave that you have to deal with in that picture, rather then the surfer.

  15. I agree H.E. ,


    It seems to be explicitly pointing towards the center for one who is creatively inclined and from that perspective. It is like a creative angle rather then a logical one, yet they are equal when centered, which I think is the point of the writing. How could that which encompasses all omit anything? <_<


    It points at balance from creativity, to point at balance from logic would be different imo.

  16. Do you notice how much energy is expelled and the time periods it takes to release it? The OP video was showing conserving energy and drawing it out over long periods, where the one with Bruce Lee showed how to release it at once.


    So if I'm coming at you like Bruce Lee, you want to do the opposite to absorb the energy and let me get wore out while you would be using minimal energy.

  17. Yah, flex might be a better word. You have to squeeze your fist or you could break your hand, because momentum is being accelerated through the object, so the object being accelerated has to be properly structured and firm so it won't give upon impact. This "flexing" requires energy to be used, so it is rationed until the moment it is needed. When that instant comes then all energy and force is directed towards a single point and allowed to explode through impact.


    You can get away with staying a bit looser upon contact if you are wearing wrist wraps and punching, because they will support your hands and wrists.

    This is in contrast to sparring, in which non of that is used, only speed and reflexes with precision of motion instead of power and force.


    I think it depends on the purpose for learning to swim. Are you doing it to compete with other swimmers or because its something you enjoy to do? Are you trying to be the best swimmer?


    Some learn to swim by being thrown in the water, without instruction.


    Other are schooled in the intricacies for competition, and some go to classes for it. I'm not sure the intended point of the analogy.


  18. Good! I think we have something in common...:)


    In WingChun, Bruce Lee extended his right arm all the way out, then, he bends his arm back to strike or Fa Jin. If he had leant Tai Ji from his father, then he would have had been bending his right arm in the first place. Hence, that's all he has to do was straighten his arm to lunge the punch. In this case, he would have reserved all his energy in a Yin position before the lunge(a Yang state).


    Yes, I think so, indirectly Bruce Lee was your teacher....:)


    Haha, then I guess you are being my teacher in that respect. :)

  19. I think some may benefit from a different form of teacher than others. I learned by reading it and practicing it. (The trick of the 1 inch punch)


    So then Bruce Lee was my teacher?




    The guys at the boxing club are my teacher?





    I am my teacher?




    I didn't have a teacher?


    I guess it depends on the perspective. :)


    I was in a boxing club as well so we had punching bags and each other to practice on and critique :)