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Everything posted by Informer

  1. Commonality among all Spirituality

    Here are some more interesting correlations from another source:
  2. Commonality among all Spirituality

    MCO and the Chakra system could be closely related because they were translated from the same texts. Same as "Inner smile", "Metta", "Accepting Jesus in your heart" etc . . . The Egyptians even had the foresight to preserve DNA in mummification. Their understanding of objective and subjective realities far exceeded anything of the time, from Astronomy to Internal Alchemy, they had all this knowledge before it was as common as it is becoming today or 10,000 years later. here is an essay on Egyptian Mysticism so you can find some correlations if you like:
  3. Commonality among all Spirituality

    I think much of the great works in the "Library of Alexandria" were preserved in different languages. Just as the preservation of Aristotle's work in Arabic, later to be translated after the dark ages. i think this could have occurred more than once, and may even be continuing to this day. It seems like bits and pieces of a great book of truth is scattered about in different languages and entangled in beliefs from the ones who deem to own these parts of the great book. Alexandria was fairly close to the pyramids, in which the Egyptians had the first known writings of internal alchemy. Lao Tzu, Buddha, Mohammad, Jesus, all came after the existence of the Library of Alexandria, where the knowledge of the time was being stored like a central database and later burned of original copies. I think much of the great book was preserved in various other languages as well. A particular instance is when Aristotles works was translated back from Arabic playing a part in lifting the veil of the reigning "Dark Ages". The Library of Alexandria suffered many burnings, and these burnings could have been destroying the original copies of the literature while only the translated ones remained, and became owned by certain religions or traditions.
  4. Also it is not the tingling that goes to the thymus, it is there awareness of the tingling. Like you are going to it.
  5. Yep, The next step for owledge imo is to find the center of the brain where the energy will coalesce as one activating the third eye. The third eye connects the left hemisphere (logic) with the right hemisphere (creativity). If the energy seems scattered about through the head, bring it to the center, until you notice the tingling in the third eye. Crown isn't necessarily the same as the rest of the chakra's, in that it is more like a portal, and is one of the last ones to realize. From that comes celestial or preheavenly chi, which comes from projecting "up" from the third eye to complete the circuit, at which point you will get chi flowing through you body and will be able to feel it unmistakeably and even get physical evidence of its passing in the form of "goosebumps" Like some said that heart or rejuvenation center is a good next step after activating the third eye. There are various practices from metta to inner smile which attempt to guide and explain this phenomena. The heart is loving energy and used for healing and corresponds to the thymus gland. So one you have a central focus of the third eye, you can use both aspects of the brain to shift focus of awareness to the thymus, then to switch the control from autonomous to manual when you choose. First is to find the center of the brain, utilizing both creativity and logic as one, which will also help to provide the intuition needed to guide you along. There is also a possible conflict and physical blockage in many areas that has to do with pineal calcification from using fluoride. Happy trails!
  6. I don't know that it is, I think it is and will continue to think it is until evidence is found to the contrary.
  7. Incorrect. The correct answer is yes, no, yes and no and neither yes or no. Please refer to the Heart Sutra:
  8. "the eater of death"

    You have a good point, waveform writing is meant to be subjective, and hold multiple and deeper meanings than appear on the surface, compared to particle writing which is strictly objective interpretation and singular meaning.
  9. Leading Qi with your finger nails.

    Could this "chi" be awareness of the blood flow through the veins, and the magnetic field caused by this flowing and the electromagnetic field of the earth? Then yes, if you scratch you may get increased blood flow to the area.
  10. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Why would I assume that you do not exist when the probability increased for existence, when evidence was provided to the contrary of non-existence?
  11. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Once there is a basis and foundation on which to accumulate evidence towards truth, the collecting can begin. For instance, there are many of various cultures that agree that there is a third eye. They affirm this through subjective experience, each of these differing line of consilience mount increasing evidence towards a truth. Yet in actuality you only know of its truth when you find it within and develop an awareness of the subjective phenomena to affirm that it does exist. One can only really prove anything to oneself when questing in the subjective realm of self-evident truth.
  12. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Haha, that is the issue here There is no way for "me" to know that "you" are truly questioning existence and existing. I know that you are seemingly questioning it because you are typing that you are questioning existence, which leads evidence to increase the probability of your existence. But do we absolutely exist or absolutely not exists? Most animals do not appear to be communicating the questioning of existence, so that decreases the probability of any subjective existence.
  13. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    "Cogito ergo sum" by Descartes paved the way for self-evident truth by providing evidence of it's existence. Before that science and religion were completely separate in European thought. By providing seemingly objective evidence that is also subjective, we can begin to correlate the subjective realm, bringing it towards objectivity or vice versa, which provides a process or basis for which to determine validity of such evidence. Some may even say there is only subjectivity, which mean all reality is existent within, as others may claim that reality is only what can be found objectively. There exists a balance and bridge between the two which Descartes pointed out imo.
  14. That is a huge myth bro. The myth is that we use 10% though, not sure where u got 3%?
  15. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    It doesn't really prove anything, just provides evidence for existence. (self-evident) Existence of subjective phenomena. I can't affirm to you that I exist, you can only affirm to yourself that there is existence simply by thinking the question.
  16. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    If a thought exists, then there must be existence. Do I exist? Here A thought does exist. (As a question in this case) ----------------------------------------------------- There must be existence.
  17. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    "I think therefore exist." It does not say you are an I, it only says that upon pondering existence you affirm existence. "I think therefore I am" is the subjective perspective, with I being placeholder for whatever is questioning. Yet you only affirm existence of something, not defining what exactly. It isn't pointing at I as you are thinking, it is pointing at the existence of a question in the very least.
  18. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    I think they are within will / intent.
  19. Something about reincarnation...

    Yes, they aren't our atoms or us, for that is only pretend. Atoms don't own anything, they only interact or not. I take it you have done some self-inquiry and concluded the absence of a soul or the absence of self? What is absolute?
  20. Something about reincarnation...

    I personally feel that if you are believing you are not seeking. If you are rejecting you are closing your mind. I leave things like that unknown until it can be known. I'm fine with not knowing somethings. But, the way I do see how reincarnation can work is simply that our atoms will recycle on this planet for a very long time. Some of these atoms that currently make this form may one day used to as nutrients for a tree or other plant, which could then be consumed by an animal to become a part of that form, until that animal is eaten or dies and the atom becomes part of another form.
  21. Misdirected Path

    Sounds like BS, lol. We have sex but don't call it sex so it's not sex . . .rofl.
  22. Turning Invisible

    Sounds like a Fairy Tale.
  23. 7 Elements

    These elements are ever present in our daily lives and obvious for anyone with an open mind to see. Space: is the very bare emptiness or relative void which all phenomena must arise, it is at the center as it is what all that can be perceived must arise within. Lightning: Our neurons fire with electrical sparks like lightning, giving rise to our conscious mind. (brain) Heart: Love and healing. Our bodies immune system helps keep us healthy. (Thymus) Fire: Our body metabolism gives off excess heat which is used to keep us warm. (Thyroid) Water: Most of our bodies contents is water, water has 2 poles to dissolves most substances, which is often used to describe the formless form. (Blood) Wind: We breath air to get oxygen for respiration. (Lungs) Earth: Our bodies have a skeleton of bones to hold our shape. (Bones) I made a few obvious correlations, but I think there are many more you may find for yourself as well. If we collapse the circles representing the outer elements towards the center of awareness we get the seed of life found in sacred geometry as well. (Image on the right)