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Everything posted by Informer

  1. Exploring the Now

    I have pondered this, and think it could be because within the black-hole the matter goes the the most nearest universe, or the anti-matter universe, where it collides with the anti matter. The explosion is then guided back through the hole becoming a quasar, which is an effect of the matter colliding with anti-matter. The anti-matter universe would experience a super nova, because the hole isn't containing the explosion in that universe. If a black hole formed in the anti-matter universe, when the anti-matter mass collided with mass in our universe we would see a super-nova. I think the equations aren't adding up because the calculations would need to be reversed at the threshold of the tear or rip of the fabric.
  2. Static shock problems...

    This is more about what you know about "you", it is not about the shock or the cause.
  3. Sending Chi into something

    IE please read example in above post. Maybe it is something to be considered, or not, completely up to you.
  4. Sending Chi into something

    Example: One cannot love for you, but they can love you and/or show you how to love. What if the times it does work, it is proof of a placebo where people are really healing themselves anyway?
  5. Sending Chi into something

    Doesn't matter rainbow, non can do it better than you because some energy is always lost in transfer. Has anyone lived longer than expected because Michael Lomax healed them? Or do the ones who heal themselves live longer than expected? *shrugs* I'm too young to know.
  6. Sending Chi into something
  7. Being Different

    Like a Jehovah Witness is not that much different than a Bodhicitta. I mean they are both intending to make the earth better, yet for different reasons.
  8. Being Different

    I personally don't care if someone is trying to convert me or not, it is ultimately up to me to choose to let them convert me. I would assert my stance on the matter, and hopefully they would respect my views in turn.
  9. Being Different

    Common ground exists within the similarities, division divide. When the common ground or "base pairs" (I like to call it) are found, then the differences can bloom in their own way, yet still with that common ground to keep us together and from straying to far away. (Like DNA)
  10. Static shock problems...

    So then what do you really know about the shocks?
  11. Static shock problems...

    I didn't say that. If you wanna look at it from a more mystical perspective, I think the excessive discharge of electricity would be due to inability to control or compress it. First I would suggest eliminating scientific explanations tho. It is becoming common for you to take defense when there is no offense really existing other than in illusion or perspective. I think it may be of benefit to attempt to understand what is being said without taking it personal.
  12. Sending Chi into something

    Imagine how quick awareness would spread if the only cost of learning Internal Alchemy was to pay forward what you learn to another.
  13. Sending Chi into something

    I don't see any evidence that chi healing actually works in transmission. This is after looking at general average life expectancy charts of the populace that generally practice versus the ones the don't. It seems like modern medicine is more of a determining factor. Honestly, I think regardless if it works or not, the energy would be better spent helping someone learn to heal them-self and then to teach another to do it. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. -Lao Tzu
  14. Static shock problems...

    I think it is good to use the creative and mystic aspect of the brain, yet when not balanced with logic it is easy to get carried away. The balance is found in the center of your head, where logic and creativity communicate and combine to help each other, (imo). Going to far into science makes the creativity recede as well as going to far into creativity makes the logic recede. Neither is right or wrong, they just are. I think that: The only way to understand chaos is with creativity. This is because if chaos could be defined logically, it wouldn't be chaos
  15. Static shock problems...

    He could be speaking from personal experience, considering it was also my initial reaction the the post as well. Use fabric softener and don't overload the dryer. (Dryer sheets) You are probably accumulating most of the charge while you toss and turn in sleep. If you think it is mystical, what sort of evidence led you to that conclusion? (P.S. I am glad you brought this up, because it has been a very long time since I have been shocked, maybe the energy can be absorbed or utilized by teh mitochondria somehow.)
  16. Static shock problems...

    I've noticed street lights and things going out too. One thing that is fun is if your sheets or blankets are full of static, you can see the sparks in the dark. I used to get zap'd a lot too. I think the insinuation of disillusionment is helpful unless you choose to be defensive. I thought about typing something a long the same lines as JohnC, but there is no need now. In all honesty you must determine what it is, however you choose it, scientifically or mystically, both or neither. One must make many assumptions to determine it is anything beyond science tho, imo. Test to see if you really can control it, in a controlled manner/experiment. (IE i also considered it in a mystical sense, but due to inconclusive evidence/experience on a mystical level, I chalked it up to science rather than mysticism.)
  17. Being Different

    It is actually a road block for those incapable of deeper inquiry. Intentionally or not? *shrugs* Not everyone exercises the ability to change perspectives. Instead, realize that it is a choice to choose a fixed one. The focus of the "essay" (if you wanna call it that) seems to be more about acquiring something, and why attachments are not important. False knowing builds constructs that must be seen through, to build a new basis for true knowing.
  18. Being Different

    All of this 300 years after he is dead . . . I think he was trying to explain that jesus was saying that we are all a part of the same thing he was. We are all a part of "god" , but that was squashed real quick, purity traded for power and control. (imo)
  19. Being Different

    The First Council of Nicaea seems to be a relative topic coinciding with the last excerpt .
  20. Being Different

    An obvious feint by the Vatican. Thanks for taking time to type it, it sounds interesting.
  21. Being Different

    Being different is still being something other than you are . . . The song just related. We can all change perspectives if we so choose.
  22. Being Different

    Sounds enticing. Would you agree that "Just be" would over-ride or refute "being different" ?
  23. Being Different

    Hardly afraid, a thesis is generally designed to convey the jest of a book. Either A: he refuted it and would find the above statement in agreement or B: The premise being conveyed is not fully understood and has been refuted in the above. I am not going to pay to find out, because it is not important to me. If it was free info I would be happy to look over it.
  24. Being Different

    It refutes the entire premise and title, even the thesis.