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Everything posted by Informer

  1. Dominoes is like dominoes is a circular argument or begging the question. (Logical Fallacy) Science generally refers to probability, we don't prove anything with certainty, therefore I followed suit, I could make the statement absolute, yet I am unwilling to make such a commitment to anything absolute, even though it sometimes appears that way. Theories by definition are the "most probable" explanation. If a theory is not the most probable explanation then it becomes a hypothesis.
  2. Shrinkage Theory of Everything.

    The big bang infers that there is always more "space" to expand to, and at the same time it saying that space is infinite. Yet many current views of the universe say that the universe is "round". The only way I can see all of these things being true is only in a relativistic means of perception of expansion, and not a true and infinite expansion. I think there is a misconception that to expand to more space does not require more space. I don't see how we can go "buy" more space to expand to in the universe. Please don't be sorry, I appreciate critique and that you took time to read it as long as it is
  3. Yes, a Modus Tollens hypothetical syllogism can be confusing. I will spell it out for you. If determinism is probable then the entire universe is like dominoes. The entire universe does not seem to be like dominoes. ------------------------------------------------------- Determinism is not probable. I try to use this logic to avoid confirmation biased.
  4. So do you have an argument or stating the obvious?
  5. Yes, and neurons do not follow like dominoes when we are making choices, our cognition is quantum, so it doesn't fall like the dominoes, but randomly. "A human brain operates as a pattern of switching. An abstract definition of a quantum mechanical switch is given that allows for the continual random fluctuations in the warm wet environment of the brain. Among several switch-like entities in the brain, I choose to focus on the sodium channel proteins. After explaining what these are, I analyse the ways in which my definition of a quantum switch can be satisfied by portions of such proteins. I calculate the perturbing effects of normal variations in temperature and electric field on the quantum state of such a portion. These are shown to be acceptable within the fluctuations allowed for by my definition. Information processing and unpredictability in the brain are discussed. The ultimate goal underlying the paper is an analysis of quantum measurement theory based on an abstract definition of the physical manifestations of consciousness. The paper is written for physicists with no prior knowlecge of neurophysiology, but enough introductory material has also been included to allow neurophysiologists with no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics to follow the central arguments. "
  6. Shrinkage Theory of Everything.

    It is just a switch in perspective, just as shrinking objects could appear to be traveling away from you without a clear vantage point.
  7. I was showing the false dichotomy inherent with only one option preceding and proceeding each interaction, which is objectively wrong description of the universe. The universe does not adhere to the domino effect, one event can result in a completely random interaction preceding and proceeding. (it doesn't have to follow the line.)
  8. Shrinkage Theory of Everything.

    I agree with that idea. I think there should be something in gravity to affirm or deny the hypothesis as well. The experiment that could be used is not yet known to me. Dark Matter is still uncertain to me, although it is also amongst the physicists. In theory, particles should be effected by shrinkage, else they would be appearing to get larger, defying shrinkage in some manner, as many stars seem to be doing. If dark matter doesn't appear to be changing size to us then it would be shrinking at the same constant minimal rate. "Not everyone, though, thinks that this phenomenon represents an ironclad prediction that dark matter is made of WIMPs. “We know little about dark matter, since we can’t measure it directly,” Jonathan Feng tells “But there are theories and models. WIMPs are attractive because they happen to appear in many popular theories of new particles and interactions. But what if there are other well-motivated possibilities for dark matter besides WIMPs?” Feng, a physicist at the University of California, Irvine, worked with Jason Kumar (now at the University of Hawaii) to re-examine physics models to find additional possibilities for dark matter. Their work, published in Physical Review Letters and titled “Dark-Matter Particles without Weak-Scale Masses or Weak Interactions,” suggests that dark matter could be composed of heavier, strongly interacting particles, or even particles that are lighter and more weakly interacting than WIMPs. “WIMPs are a very specific example of dark matter,” Feng continues, “but there is a broader class of particles. We found that some of the models also predicted the right amount of dark matter for the universe, but with dark matter that was much more strongly or weakly interacting than WIMPs. We are wondering if almost-exclusive attention for WIMPs is really warranted.”"
  9. Atoms show a property called "entanglement", which means it "remembers" and is connected with other atoms it was once bound even when separated by vast distances of space. IE: Entanglement is not dependent upon space or distance at all. So if you consider that we are made of atoms that are entangled, then once these atoms are recycled and reused in another form, they may still have "memory" of previous entanglements.
  10. It's in my opinion that anyone who claims enlightenment is missing the fact that "you" don't become enlightened ever. So anyone who says that "I am enlightened" is not enlightened. Saying "I am enlightened" is not only arrogant by claiming some sort of superiority and even inferring it, it is simply not how it works or how it is ever described. Awakened is not equivalent to enlightenment, although to a common untrained observer, they would not know the difference between awakening and enlightenment because enlightenment is beyond preponderance until after awakening. Everything that I have seen and read seems to say that there is not something separate from the universe to be something other than the universe. If a Buddha teach there is not a "self" then a self cannot be enlightened. Buddha teaches there is not a self. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Therefore a self can not be enlightened.
  11. Ah, so it IS a cherry picked interpretation that is an exception?
  12. To discover awareness is free it must adventure from the cavity to the heart, only then is it understood, and then only after the fact . . .
  13. Lao Tzu was obviously referring to so called "objective phenomena" (imo) because you don't "SEE" without an EYE to perceive LIGHT from the PAST. See the Anti-thesis in other post.
  14. The notion that there exist a creative aspect of this universe should be as self evident to us as is cogito ergo sum . . I prefer the term Free Awareness to describe the a fundamental aspect inherent to us all: Awareness of the essence therein. Awareness which is that all observable phenomena arises. The awareness that is our cognition and consciousness. Awareness of awareness, circular or not. We are aware that we are aware. So we are the same in that aspect, regardless of what other difference you can ever find. I prefer Free Awareness: Awareness of the essence therein. Awareness which is that all observable phenomena arises. The awareness that is our cognition and consciousness. Awareness of awareness, circular or not. We are aware that we are aware. So we are the same in that aspect, regardless of what other difference you can ever find.
  15. You can erase negative karma with compassion/forgiveness for all parties involved Although it likely compounds if you repeat the deed again. Good karma just requires positive influence towards the collective humanity in general. (imo)
  16. Global Revolution!

    Live Feed There is a revolution beginning in the Manhattan financial distict.
  17. Quick MCO question.

  18. No Me?

    I'm curious, do you exist?

    Sort of like how men and women seek each-other, to feel complete, instead find the completeness within.

    yin (inner smile), yang (inner fire). You can notice how your right hand is repelled from dan tien because its +like+ energy and -opposites+ attract. Inner smile as well as inner fire, can be manifested at the same points, even at the same points. Hence the idea of finding the balance.
  21. Specific problem sitting in the lotus posture.

    I'd say relax, full lotus is over rated imo.
  22. Personally, right hand under left coaxes inner fire and the opposite is inner smile.
  23. Intuition

    I would say feeling is the 6th sense before intuition, but maybe it could go either way.
  24. How much Rei-Shi ?

    Get some more data from other sources to determine exact suggestions? I wouldn't always go by someones claim on how much to use when he will then have a say in how much they sell you. the 10:1 mean that you take the weight of the extract x 10 to get the real data. So if you have 1 gram of extract you need 10 grams of Ganoderma lucidum to have a balanced equation. (IE: 900mg) But that's just the claim of their product and suggestion. ( I have found suggested use to be lower for me than is generally recommended on the bottle, possibly because they stand to make more money the faster you consume the product.)
  25. Always wanting more

    Goals are a course of action to take, whatever the motive is. Goals could be geared towards the opposite of greed and desire even. If your course of action is based on personal greed and desire, then you are likely lost in a cacophony of illusion.