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Everything posted by TheJourney

  1. True Self

    Why would I read an academic book on hinduism written by a phd when i'm not interested in hinduism? Why don't you read an academic book written by a phd about scientology?
  2. True Self Just going with everything i've ever read.
  3. It finally makes sense. There are no holes. It has to be true.(of course there could be details i'm missing, as this is new, but the general idea) The funny thing about it is, as I will say, even though most of you are closer to finding the truth, most of you will probably reject this. Basically all that exists is chaos. It's life. It's all that exists. Chaos is made up of different subjective truths. Perhaps there are infinite subjective truths. Anyways, people start thinking about the truth. Some more than others. You may think you don't know the truth. That is basically the truth, but you don't understand that yet. The seekers are desperate for the truth. Because they believe there is a truth, they are farther from the truth, but they are on their way unlike those who don't care. As you grow spiritually, you continue to think that you have found the truth. The more convinced you are that you have found the truth, the farther you are from the truth. Even if you're closer to finally finding the ultimate truth than those who are unknowingly "closer" than you are. We're all looking for enlightenment. What is enlightenment? Understanding that there is no truth. The buddha said his teachings were a raft to get across the river. Once you cross, there is no need for the raft. Truly buddha was the greatest spiritual teacher that I can think of, but he didn't teach the truth. He tried to get us to the truth, which, as I said, is that there is no truth. I'm so happy. Or content. Or whatever. Now I just have to understand that I can't just tell people and expect them to understand. Some of you may say i'm stuck in my truth. Whatever.
  4. sub me dawgz

    There is an ignore function! Hallalujah. Goodbye
  5. Hey just saw what you wrote on my page. Yea if you have any questions or wanna talk about stuff or anything just message me. I'll continue to talk about it on the forums and stuff.

  6. sub me dawgz

    Lucky7, only you would say that a vid where I specifically say that the truth is non-conceptual is based on concepts The strong negative reaction i'm getting for absolutely no reason is just further proof that i'm doing something right. How immature are you? You're like a baby. "I disagree with you so i'm gonna respond to every post you make and try to make you look stupid and whine like a little baby." No, it is you who looks stupid. I don't care what you think. Stop responding to me. Jesus. Maybe there's an ignore function on this forum.
  7. sub me dawgz

    dude...why are you on my dick? seriously? if you don't agree, lay off. i don't care. i'm here for people who like what i have to say. if you don't, i don't care. talk to people who care. because i don't. mkay?
  8. Astrology

    in my experience, astrology is accurate.
  9. Processing Info

    Try whatever seems appealing and see what works for you.
  10. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    You can look at the buddha as god...of course, not the western concept of god, but god nonetheless. It's all semantics anyways. It all comes down to how you define god. Because westerners have had the christian idea of god stuffed down their throats, they fear calling buddha god. But really it's not a big deal. You're god too, if you choose to view it that way, with the buddha nature and what not.
  11. Lucid dreaming

    I've lucid dreamed my whole life. I go in phases where I do it a lot, anywhere up to like 5 times a week, or not very much, like a couple times a month. I can lucid dream whenever I want, though. I just have to have already been asleep for a few hours, then I know how to enter into a dream without losing consciousness. I can give you my technique for doing that if you'd like.(I don't really need to use the technique anymore, I can just kinda do it by just being aware, but i'll tell you the technique I used to use that gave me that ability) go to sleep for a few hours and set an alarm or something. Once you wake up, don't get off your bed but look around a couple seconds so you regain a little awareness. Then try to go back to sleep. While trying to go to sleep, though, play a part of a song over and over again in your head. Just like you're listening to it on the radio. Don't get too excited, still try to sleep, but just listen to the song while doing it. After a little bit, you should start to feel like you're rolling and flipping and moving around, maybe like someone is making you do it. That means you're doing it right, so don't worry. Keep repeating the song. Not too long after, you'll be in a dream, still repeating the song.
  12. The Enlightened Sage

    me no likey science. me likey philosophy.
  13. The Enlightened Sage

    Just get all you can out of this moment.

    2011...a year for buckin fitches...
  15. siddhis do you believe in them?

    Who knows. I've never experienced either of those but i've encountered some strange shit.
  16. The Enlightened Sage

    EVERYTHING is the ultimate. buddha nature, if you want to call it that. But yet none of it is, because there is no one set "ultimate" and therefore all just different impermanent expressions.
  17. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Very interesting! I guess that's the natural conclusion of my thoughts...
  18. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Thinking you're "right" is inherently being wrong. There is no single truth to life. Just be in the moment, and see what life is right now.
  19. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    It's a paradox. The truth is a paradox. No way I could answer it would make sense, as far as the words go. You just have to try to understand what i'm getting at. Well, if you choose, lol
  20. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    otis- I feel like I finally understand what is meant in taoism about making yourself dumb. I know nothing. I am very dumb now.
  21. Free yourself!

    Don't grasp at a truth. If there's a truth, then there must be "goodness" within that truth. Therefore there must be morals to live by. Therefore there is a certain way of acting. This is imprisonment! Enlightenment is liberation. Liberation means freedom. How else could be free, unless there was no truth!? It is the only way. The truth is within you. Just think. Truth is what imprisons us.
  22. I hope I can find a way of supporting myself that i can enjoy. I will probably end up married, but only if I can truly find someone i feel a truly deep connection with.
  23. The Enlightened Sage

    The truth is that there is no good and bad, there simply is what is. If you truly want to say you understand you must understand that, since there is no good and bad, I must simply do what I want to do. If you refrain from doing something that just means someone else is going to do it. It doesn't make sense to live in any other way than just flowing along doing what seems right. As he said, people arguing about whose truth is better is rediculous. It's like. Who cares?
  24. love yourself

    I think that when you see the truth you just know. but what do i know
  25. The Enlightened Sage

    I like what you said about speaking their language so they can be happy with their own interpretation rather than try to convince them of anything. Most of us think that we're just one step away from the truth usually if you think about it, so if we can tell them the next logical step and let them find their truth then that is great. No one needs to see it like me. I just want them to see it.