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Everything posted by TheJourney

  1. love yourself

    That is all you must do. Love yourself, and love anything that you can relate to out in the world. Just simply learn about yourself and who you truly are. THIS is the key to nirvana.
  2. Meditation makes you dull

    You don't need to listen to the religious people that tell you that you should only enjoy the holy things. Enjoy the holy things AND the things of regular life. At least that's what I do. We all make our own choices.
  3. good guys finish last

    I love being nice. I also love being dominant. So I'm nice, but when the opportunity to be dominant without forcing it comes up, I will always take it. People like this. Let them be dominant sometimes, but you be dominant too. It's equality, yet we still get to stroke our ego.
  4. good guys finish last

    Be a nice guy but also assert yourself as dominant sometimes. Seems to be working for me.
  5. Piss drinking question

    hold up. why the fuck do you guys drink piss?????
  6. The nature of being

    Ok, well had a little thought on being I thought I would share. Ok, let's start off with something simple. Something cannot come from nothing. Ok. Well there is existence. What does that mean? Either being has always been, or it came into existence from something other than being. But what is other than being? Non-being. And non-being, by its very nature, does not exist. Therefore it cannot be the cause of being. Therefore, there must have always been. Now, all things that come into existence based on certain conditions are impermanent. That means almost everything. Being is not one of those things, as it can have no cause. But basically all things that you can see are based on conditions and therefore impermanent. What is a cause of all things? Being. Being is the cause. If being is the cause, then it must be impermanent, for it has a cause and is therefore based on conditions. So all things are impermanent, minus being and the nature of it. But yet all things are, and therefore are "being," for nothing can be and yet not be. But yet being is permanent and things are impermanent. So how can being be permanent, but yet all things that are as a result of being are impermanent? You see the two natures of existence. First is permanence. Existence is permanent. Yet all things that existence makes up are impermanent. Therefore, being is permanent, yet the nature of that permanence is the impermanence of the things that makes it up. comprende?
  7. The nature of being

    Well I was meditating daily but since I've felt like I really understood I haven't been meditating much. I just haven't felt like it. I should more though! And what do you mean by "using skills in kundalini reiki to begin gathering heaven and earth qi?"
  8. fusing souls or ascension?

    I think I know what you're talking about. Like your counterpoint? She/he/whatever is everywhere. Seriously. You just have to find and pick what manifestation you want.
  9. True Self

    I'm in the process of writing my book. Let me show you guys a paragraph from it that I thought may interest you, or lead to an interesting discussion. Hindu thought prior to the Buddha claimed that there was a true, lasting self, which merged with Brahma, or God. The Buddha rejected that claim, and said that there was no lasting self, just impermanence and not self. Here’s the trick to understanding. Your true self IS the impermanence and not self. That is who you truly are. But who you truly are has no one lasting nature. When you get into ultimate truth, words lose their meaning. This is just another example of that. Is there a true self? No words can describe the answer to this. Yes, there kind of is a true self; but that true self has no lasting nature, and there is nothing which you can say is that self. Yet everything is that self, but just an expression of it, and no given thing can be found which is the true lasting self. You are the process of impermanence and not self. All things are not self and impermanence. That is who you are. You are the process of life. You are all things. But "all things" has no set meaning, for it is in flux. this may explain it a little better. I'm having a hard time wording all this stuff, as it transcends words.
  10. This is something i've thought about many times, often while high. Sometimes it freaks me out to think about it, but at times it seems so obvious. Basically that the world is describing me. I don't mean like me personally but I mean our true self. The tao. The ultimate. The everything. What some call God. The more you realize your "self" as you know it is an illusion, and try to better understand reality as it truly is, you begin to relate to the world more and more. You may not realize it, but the reason this happens is because you're becoming more and more in touch with who you really are. Understanding that you are the ultimate leads to absolute bliss. Just believe in yourself and know that this moment is perfect. And then it will be. It also explains what's been going on with my dreams. Idk if you guys believe in this stuff, but a spirit and/or my higher self has been trying to contact me through my dreams. It's been wonderful. Anyways, in one of my recent dreams a dream character that looked like my mom kept telling me how I had expanded and stuff. I had never heard of it as expanding. But that also ties in and explains why I feel one with everything, i've expanded.
  11. True Self

    It's impossible to lose. You can just create the illusion of losing your true self, but really no thing exists other than your true self.
  12. True Self

    lol. I don't think anything exists other than the complete truth. But whatever, it's just words anyways
  13. On the path

    If you think that "regular" humans are filth then you're certainly no sage.
  14. True Self

    Within any given thing is everything. That is why I say name and form is the complete truth. And yet it is not the complete truth, for the complete truth knows no bounds.
  15. True Self

    The complete truth is beyond name and form, and yet the complete truth IS name and form. If i'm understanding you correctly, I certainly agree that many people who see the truth in buddhism and such get caught in the religion, thinking that it's absolute truth, and thus separate themselves from the truth. As for your last statement, I don't understand what you mean about exclusivity being more important than the teachings. Unless you're saying that "what is" AKA everything is more important than any given teaching, for any given teaching is only one angle of the truth.
  16. True Self

    Everything is the truth. And yet because it's all true, none of it is true. It's just so funny how perfect it is.
  17. True Self

    Those who desire to debate should debate. Those who don't shouldn't. For me, I no longer allow myself to be involved in conflicts. I no longer care to make people see it my way. I will help those who believe I can help them with my ideas or whatever, but those who don't like what I have to say I just let them find their own way. Debate implies that I have something to offer that they don't have themselves. I don't. I can, however, be useful if you like what I have to say and are open to it. But I don't go out of my way to make people see my way.
  18. Robert Bruce wants you!

    I downloaded his PDF on astral projection. I read some of it, but stopped before I really got into anything. I may get reading it again soon, thanks in part to this thread lol
  19. On the path

    "Normal" life can be a distraction. However, only if you let it be. What I really want people to see is that they are free. Right now. It's not that if you keep working you can be free. You are free. To be is to be free. Yet we can't accept this. We can't believe it. So we create our own illusory imprisonment.
  20. On the path

    Do you believe that in order to be a master one must be a mountain hermit?
  21. I am that I am

    The only way that you can really describe reality is to say "there is what there is." Any attempt to expound upon what is takes away from what is, and therefore is an imperfect description. When you understand that "what is" is simply you, then there is another way of describing it. "I am that I am." Sound familiar? If not, it's what God says his name is in the bible. Very interesting. It really is the truth. But it's not some external God. It's you. It's me. It's all that there is. I am that I am.
  22. True Self

    I try to avoid using buddhist technical terms too much. When I read people talk about this stuff, I can't help but think they're just repeating what they've heard and have no idea what they're saying, cuz they just keep using the same words. I try to EXPLAIN my ideas, rather than use words that have previously been used to describe them.
  23. Expand! Learn about yourself

    Thanks! I'm curious as to whether people are ready to hear they they ultimately are everything. I'm not sure if many people would be able to accept it.
  24. sub me dawgz this is my youtube channel! "The truth of no truth" is the only vid i've uploaded since i've had my current world view. the others are good too though, i think. had a different channel that had a bit more success than this one has had so far, but stupid name and much different topics led me to create this one.
  25. True Self

    It's hardly invented facts, seeing as how if you google search it almost every website will agree with me. Please, leave my thread now. Obviously there's some self-esteem issues for you to be putting down a complete stranger over the internet who has never talked to you. The internet is full of people with such issues, so you fit right in.