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Posts posted by Immortal4life

  1. I cant really comment much on Dr. Hu, how close his form is to Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun's, or anything like that.


    What I can say is that almost everyone I have seen perform Dayan qigong, had slightly different movements and slightly different forms.


    As for qigong in general, I think, in my personal opinion, that Dr. Hu's movements appear to be very natural, flowing, and relaxed. I especially like how he moves his whole body together.


    So IMO Dr. Hu is still very good.....

    • Like 1

  2. Here is a good article from Michael Tse's Qi Magazine about correctly practicing Qigong, and the consequences of incorrect practice.


    Ultimately natural and gradual practice is best, day by day

    Tse Qigong Centre

    Qi Magazine Issue 55 - Side Effects


    by Adam Wallace



    Qi Magazine Issue 55 : by Adam Wallace


    How is it possible that Qigong, which follows nature's principles and has been so efficacious in preventing and curing all manner of disease, can produce side-effects?


    Actually Qigong is not directly responsible. The real culprit is the practitioner who has either failed to follow the exercise's principles, exercised impatience (desiring quick results), combined too many different methods (internal Qi becomes confused), followed an inadequate teacher, or learned from a book.


    Side-effects can include dizziness, headaches, nausea, chills in the body even when the weather is warm, or hot flushes (the inability for the body to control its own temperature), internal wind, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or hearing voices, distention at the Dantian or chest, shortage of breath, numbness of limbs, spasms (involuntary jerking movements while lying down), palpitation and restlessness, swelling at the vertebrae, rushing up of Qi, leakage of Qi and emission.


    Positive effects of Qigong practice include warmth, tingling, an electricity-like flow within the body, heightened sensitivity, and an all-encompassing feeling of tranquillity and well-being. Negative sensations include coldness, numbness, and prickling pain etc. These, however, should not be confused with side-effects as quite often this is merely the internal Qi being mobilised to fight the disease or clear the blockage. Any discomfort in the body means that the Qi is not flowing smoothly in that area. The channel needs to be opened so practice should continue unabated. After some time any unpleasant sensations should disappear bringing forth positive sensations.


    Some Qigong styles emphasise using visualisation during meditation. Using the mind in this manner can help concentration, but it expends Qi while the purpose of meditation is to store Qi. This is only accomplished with a calm and empty mind so it is generally best not to use visualisation. Other methods encourage the student to mentally guide Qi along the Du channel start-ing from the Huiyin point between the legs up the spine to the Baihui (crown of the head), then down the Ren channel to Lower Dantian and back to Huiyin. The object of this is to form the Xiao Zhou Tian (Small Heavenly Circle or Microcosmic Orbit) which is the 'Prenatal Way'. In the womb one channel orbits the body and the breathing is through the Dantian and skin. At birth the pattern changes - breathing uses the lungs and the channel separates to form two - Ren and Du. When the body has reached a state of balance naturally the Xiao Zhou Tian will form and Qi can move in either direction spontaneously. It should never be forced to open. Side-effects of this include the feeling of sickness, pressure at the back of the head, nervousness, or coldness at the kidneys.


    Some books mention "press the tongue to the roof of the mouth" to connect the Ren and Du channels. If taken literally pressing the tongue upwards in this manner will cause it to become rigid, and could lead to speech impediment. There should be no tension whatsoever anywhere in the body during movement or meditation. When the mouth is closed the tongue should naturally touch the upper palate just behind the teeth. It does not need to be emph-asised.


    Some books also mention "raise the anus" to close the Huiyin point to prevent Qi leaking. The principle is correct in theory but the method is wrong and can lead to bowel and bladder problems such as incontinence or constipation. A preferable method is to gently squeeze the toes, which tightens the thighs and buttocks and closes the Huiyin safely. The seated Lotus position also serves the same purpose; keeping the Qi in the upper body to nourish the internal organs.


    If a Qigong system has its rules they should be adhered to with no deviation in order to avoid side effects. Hard Qigong, for example, creates heat in the body and raises the spirit. Failure to meditate, which restores the balance, will lead to an aggressive or euphoric state which, in turn, will lead to hyperactivity and nervous-ness.


    Side-effects can usually be corrected either by yourself (adjusting the posture, breathing, or mental state, or changing to a more suitable method of practice altogether), your teacher (who can direct you to the source of the problem) or Qi transmission from a Qigong master (to restore the imbalance). If you were learning from a book or video and are experiencing any Qigong side-effects you should suspend all practice until you can find a teacher.


    With a safe method and a qualified teacher you should never have to experience any side-effects whatsoever from practice, and only enjoy the positive effects and benefits for the rest of your life.

    • Like 3

  3. The practical part of this thread, is that you can feel Qi as something literally real.


    Yes people can believe whatever they want to believe, but come on, some people are actually intellectually honest with themselves. They want to know, they arent going to just strongly believe it for no reason or because Jesus or Lao Tzu told them to.

  4. I have heard many people say, "how can I know Qi exists? I want to see proof."


    However, this is always a short sighted view. It is looking for answers outside of yourself. In fact, your body can be the best device for receiving Qi you will ever have. If you want to know something is real, the only way is personally experiencing it, and feeling it.


    A good thing to do is to relax your body and mind and silently say "I am one with universal life energy, it is flowing though me now, I feel it." That's mostly a mental or mind method. Do this anytime. Anytime in the day just stop for a minute, relax your body, mind, and thoughts, and say the affirmation. As you make the statement, realize it's truth.


    Another thing that is easy to do is standing meditation, with the two palms facing each other, as if you were holding an object in front of your body. As you meditate, have most of your attention on the Lao Gong acu-points in the middle of the two palms (those are also powerful energy points), and the energy between the hands. 5, 10 minutes is pretty good to start feeling energy......



    After that you can pull the hands away from each other, and then bring them close together, and repeat many times. You may feel the energy in the hands more automatically then


    You could also do it with the tips of the fingers of each hand facing each other an inch or two apart, instead of the palms. The palms would instead be facing the body. You could have the finger tips facing each other in front of the abdomen(dantien) or chest. Then you could pull them apart, and then bring them close together again, then back apart, back close together again. But don't actually touch them together when you bring them together. Then, try this, bring one hand up a little bit and the other hand down a bit, then reverse so that the opposite hand goes up and the one that was previously up goes down. As they pass each other, feel the energy and magnetic current between the fingers. You can also do it with one going forwards, and one coming in towards you, and reverse, as the fingers pass each other, feel the energy.


    You can also do it in a darkened room with just a bit of light so that you can see a little bit. Then you can maybe try to look at the energy coming out the fingers and hands, and possibly see white light coming from the fingers and hands, or even auras.

  5. I dont really have an opinion on Yan Xin and his methods, dont know a lot about his system, but here is some more research-

    Certain Physical Manifestation and Effects of External Qi of Yan Xin Life Science Technology


    Xin Yan, Chongqing Institue of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongquig, China


    Feng Lu, Reference, Inc., Boston, MA, 02110


    Hongjian Jiang, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 02114


    et al.


    This paper reviews a portion of the data generated via the external qi emitted by Dr. Yan Xin. Included here are (1) strong responses developed in LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters, (2) strong responses in aqueous solution structure as probed with laser Raman spectroscopy and (3) alterations in the half-life of 241Am as probed with both Y-ray spectroscopy and a solid-state nuclear track detector. According to the different circumstances, external qi of Dr. Yan Xin can display different attributes such as being distance transcending, bidirectional, reversible, or targeting. Although external qi of Yan Xin Life Science Technology has not been identified with any of the four known and accepted fundamental physical forces, its influence on physical reality is robustly confirmed.




    Focusing on Yan Xin Life Science Technology research results in the areas

    of physical science and technology, we have come to the following conclusions:

    The external qi emitted by Dr. Xin Yan has been detected by physical

    detectors and its physical existence has been confirmed. External qi emitted

    by Dr. Yan has been found to interact with and affect matter at different levels

    from molecular to nuclear levels. Specifically, the external qi from Dr. Yan

    significantly affected the molecular structure of liquid water and other water

    solution as well as the half-life of radioactive isotope 241Am.

  6. Energy research in the past, and modern energy research


    Interesting article on the history of energy research

    The Human Energy Field in Relation to Science, Consciousness, and Health


    From PubMed, National Library of medicine, Scientific evidence proves high level energy can be emitted from the palm of an energy practitioner-


    Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan.


    It is generally accepted that more than 10(-6) gauss order magnetism was not detected in normal human condition. However, we detected 10(-3) gauss (mGauss) order bio-magnetic field strength from the palm in special persons who emitted External Qi ("Chi" or "Ki"). This detection was possible by special arranged magnetic field detection system, consisted of a pair of 2 identical coils with 80,000 turns and a high sensitivity amplifier. Each of the coils were rolled 80,000 turns accurately, and were connected in series in opposite direction, actuating as a gradiometer. We measure bio-magnetic field strength in 37 subjects with this detection system. The only 3 subjects of them exhibited strong bio-magnetic field of 2 to 4 mGauss in frequency range of 4 to 10 Hz. This magnetic field strength was greater than that of normal human bio-magnetism by 1,000 times at least. A simultaneous measurement of bio-magnetic field strength and its corresponding bio-electric current was examined in one subject. During exhibiting such strong bio-magnetism, its corresponding electric current was not detectable. Therefore, the extra-ordinary large bio-magnetic field strength can not derive from internal body current alone, hence the origin of the large bio-magnetism is still unknown. We suppose that the extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength might be originated from "Qi" energy in the oriental medicine or in the oriental traditional philosophy.



    Article from Spectrum Diabetes about how sophsticated scientifc instruments can detect the existence of Chakras 4/3/149

    Electromagnetic frequency measurements recorded at each chakra vary in oscillations from 100 to 1,600 cycles per second (each chakra functions within a certain frequency range) in a physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy person.10 In an extremely ill person, there may be little oscillation detected at one or more of the chakra sites. The third chakra should hold the most interest for people with diabetes because it includes the area in which the pancreas is found.



    Articles about energy development technology

    scientific basis of treatment methodology


    Heat and electricity are part of the spectrum of qi. It is why hot will go to cold and vice versa, and not something else. Energy expresses itself according to qi balance.


    Heat is simply a manifestation of Qi .html

    In a monastery in northern India, thinly clad Tibetan monks sat quietly in a room where the temperature was a chilly 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a yoga technique known as g Tum-mo, they entered a state of deep meditation. Other monks soaked 3-by-6-foot sheets in cold water (49 degrees) and placed them over the meditators' shoulders. For untrained people, such frigid wrappings would produce uncontrolled shivering.


    If body temperatures continue to drop under these conditions, death can result. But it was not long before steam began rising from the sheets. As a result of body heat produced by the monks during meditation, the sheets dried in about an hour.


    Attendants removed the sheets, then covered the meditators with a second chilled, wet wrapping. Each monk was required to dry three sheets over a period of several hours.


    Why would anyone do this? Herbert Benson, who has been studying g Tum-mo for 20 years, answers that "Buddhists feel the reality we live in is not the ultimate one. There's another reality we can tap into that's unaffected by our emotions, by our everyday world. Buddhists believe this state of mind can be achieved by doing good for others and by meditation. The heat they generate during the process is just a by-product of g Tum-mo meditation."


    They also documented monks spending a winter night on a rocky ledge 15,000 feet high in the Himalayas. The sleep-out took place in February on the night of the winter full moon when temperatures reached zero degrees F. Wearing only woolen or cotton shawls, the monks promptly fell asleep on the rocky ledge, They did not huddle together and the video shows no evidence of shivering. They slept until dawn then walked back to their monastery.


    Instructor in Psychology Sara Lazar, a Benson colleague, used functional magnetic resonance imaging to scan the brains of meditators at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The subjects were males, aged 22-45, who had practiced a form of advanced mediation called Kundalini daily for at least four years. In these experiments, the obstacles of cold and isolation were replaced by the difficulties of trying to meditate in a cramped, noisy machine. However, the results, published in the May 15, 2000, issue of the journal NeuroReport, turned out to be significant.


    "Lazar found a marked decrease in blood flow to the entire brain," Benson explains. "At the same time, certain areas of the brain became more active, specifically those that control attention and autonomic functions like blood pressure and metabolism. In short, she showed the value of using this method to record changes in the brain's activity during meditation."



    Qi and mechanical pressure-



    Qi and sound

    Can students in an intensive Qigong training increase the output of low frequency sound from their hands after one week of training?


    ***To answer this question (and others), 29 Americans traveled to China. The strength of their low frequency sound emission was measured before and after the training at the Institute of TV and Electro-Acoustics, a national institute of technology and standards. Prof. Lu Yanfang, who conducted the seminal research on low frequency sound emission two decades ago, conducted the testing. (The results of testing performed in this lab 15 years ago are included at the end of this paper.) In her research she had found that Qigong masters, powerful healers in China were able to emit powerful bursts of low frequency sound, 100 to 1000 times as strong as average individuals.






    Scientific evidence of the reality of external qi

    Sidorov 06


    Accelerating or Decelerating the Growth of Biological Subjects


    This is one of the most commonly documented effects of conscious intent on living organisms in both the Eastern and Western literature. The studies reported under this category include the acceleration of seed germination and plant growth rate [79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89]; a directional increase/decrease in the growth rate of in-vitro cancer cell cultures like human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line (CNE-2), human breast cancer cell lines, lung cancer cells (SPC-A1), liver cancer cell line (BEL-7402), erythroleukemia (K562), promyelocytic leukemia, CNE-2, SGC-7901 gastric adenocarcinoma, spleen cells of mice and lung tumor cell line (LA-795), etc. [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 1]; bi-directional effects on the growth of bacterial cultures such as E-coli [95,96] and Salmonella typhimurium [97]; and inhibition of in-vivo tumor growth in mice [94, 98, 99].


    The typical in-vitro study involved randomly dividing laboratory-prepared cancer cells or other cultures into groups with at least one group being treated with intention or external bio-energy (like external qi), plus one or two control groups. Sometimes, one group was treated by a sham healer (person without training in bioenergy healing).


    In vivo-models most commonly used mice inoculated with cancerous cells, which were then randomly divided into various groups with one group being treated by external qi or other spiritual healing method for a set period of time. The control group could be either non-treatment or sham treatment. Then tumor size and the survival time were measured as the outcomes.


    Qigong and Healing


    Physical signal detectors. (a) Infrared radiation was detected 50 cm. from the hand of a Qigong healer. (B) When a Qigong healer emitted Qi to a patient, an AGA thermogram could display the entire procedure of Qi emission by reading the thermal flow moving from his arm to his palm and finally to his finger tips. Then the surface temperature of the patient's afflicted area, although one meter away from the healer, was raised by 3 degrees C. © Using a microwave radiation meter in 50 trials of emissions from a Qigong healer, formal records of radiation curves were recorded in 28 trials whereas the control group reported no change. (d) There was significant difference between the typical curves of magnetic signals during Qi emission by Qigong practitioners than during simulated Qi emission by non-practitioners. (e) Significantly higher infrasonic (<16Hz) sound pressure was recorded from the Qigong healer group than from the control group. (f) Other exploratory studies have used Gamma ray, microwave, high frequency X- ray and other detectors with positive results.


    Chemical dynamic methods. External Qi can affect the dynamic process of chemical reactions, for example by accelerating the reaction process. Qigong healers can speed up the reaction time by 400%.


    Biological materials. More comprehensive results are produced using biological detectors, e.g. liver cancer cells, lung cancer cell cultures, cells of living organisms, blood plasma, Vitamin C, DNA synthesis of liver cancer cells, FAB protein crystals, E-coli bacteria, tumour cells in mice, hepatitis B virus in vitro, and the inhibition of growth of human liver cancer cells. Tree leaves connected by probes to a signal amplifier registered the Qi emitted by a healer's hands at 50 cm. at several times stronger than baseline. The germination and growth of various plant seeds can be significantly accelerated. The growth of E-coli bacteria can be inhibited or accelerated according to the intent of the Qigong healer. Several studies show an inhibitory effect of external Qi on human cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo.


    Living sensors. Many studies have been carried out on various species, largely to respond to the criticism that Qigong healing relies on psychological suggestion. (a) External Qi has a significant inhibitory effect on cancer cells in tumour-bearing mice. (B) Qi can prolong the lives of laboratory flies. © Animal studies on hypertension and diabetes show positive results. (d) In one study, 18 pigs with surgically induced paralysis were divided into three equal groups. One group received Qigong healing within twelve hours, three treatments for the first week and two treatments daily for 84 days. Another group started Qigong treatment seven days after the injury and received two treatments a day for 84 days. A third group was the control with no treatment. After 90 days the first group could walk around freely and two of them could run and jump. In the second group all but one pig could stand and one could run. In the control group none of the pigs could stand up and only two had some avoidance response to stimulation.


    Human bodies. Frequently reported and well-documented successes in Qigong therapy include: the complete remission of degenerative disc diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, myoma of the uterus, cataracts, asthma, shoulder peripheral neuritis, significant improvement in fractures, cardiovascular diseases, irregular pulse, hemi-paralysis "and many more too numerous to list here." One of the common characteristics of these diseases is that they are considered incurable by Western medicine.




    Oxford journals-

    Growth Inhibition of Cultured Human Liver Carcinoma Cells by Ki-energy (Life-energy): Scientific Evidence for Ki-effects on Cancer Cells -- Ohnishi et al. 2 (3): 387 -- Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine


    Growth Inhibition of Cultured Human Liver Carcinoma Cells by Ki-energy (Life-energy): Scientific Evidence for Ki-effects on Cancer Cells




    More scientific research studies

    In vitro test of external Qigong.

    BioMed Central | Full text | In vitro test of external Qigong


    Pubmed study

    In vitro test of external Qigong. [bMC Complement Altern Med. 2004] - PubMed Result



    Evidence of Qi-gong energy and its biological effect on the enhancement of the phagocytic activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes





    Analytic review of studies on the effects of External Qi


    Study on meditation and brainwaves

    Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds (



    Excerpts from the articles in Readings on the Scientific Basis of Bodywork and Movement Therapies:


    Qi theory fits in well with scientific discoveries C-1and2.pdf


    Here's a interesting article. It really seems to be on the right track for future development. The future is in energy and fields of energy- %...ic%20Energy.pdf


    I doubt there's enough money in external qigong for a company to control external qi though. a.pdf

    Qigong Institute


    Meridians being discovered by machines?

    California Institute for Human Science: Research at CIHS

    California Institute for Human Science: Newsletter: Volume VI Number 4 SUMMER 1999 ..icine_share.htm


    I found those articles to be fairly interesting,

    Research on GDV Bioelectrography





    Machine that affects a limited amount of the energies in the body


    "Direct action on the affected areas results in rhythmical contraction of a large number of the myofibrils of the skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of the blood vessel walls. "


    It can make you involuntarily flap around. It measures skin resistance and then changes it's current and the person can't adapt. So in other words, you feel real energy from this machine, not just a vague belief

  7. Earlier I made a thread about Tibetan Monks abilities to use meditation to generate heat in their bodies, to melt snow around them, or to dry freezing wet sheets wrapped around their body until the sheets start steaming and become totally dry. This was an impressive demonstration. However, in those videos, no actual methods used by Tibetan monks were shown or disclosed. So here is some footage I was able to find online that shows actual Tibetan Yoga and meditation methods, used by Tibetan monks.


    Documentary about Tibetan Yoga Masters-


    Here is a very good, detailed video, where a practice is shown that they call "Tru Khor" (spelling?). This is the only video I know of where it is shown to the public-


    Here is a very interesting video! It claims to be Tummo meditation, and it is similar to the methods shown in the previous videos. What I am extremely interested about here however, is that it is a demonstration by a Westerner. I did not know that westerners could learn these practices, without becoming monks, or if they even could become monks-


    Tibetan monk explains what is happening in Tummo practice-


    The Tibetan method of Relaxation-


    Does anyone have any information on the westerner in the Tummo video? Or how a westerner can learn this system of Tibetan Yoga/meditation?

  8. Meditation/Science, Ch'i/Chi/Qi/Ki - Bio-energy under scientific test conditions


    Video showing scientific tests performed on Buddhist monks' ability to regulate their bodies, calm the mind, change skin temperature, and to dry icy wet sheets wrapped around their body with their minds and Qi energy. They are wrapped in ice cold wet sheets that could cause a normal person to die from hypothermia, and they make them start steaming. This is the Yoga of Inner Heat, or Tum-mo meditation.

    Meditation/Science, Ch'i/Chi/Qi/Ki - Bio-energy under scientific test conditions



    Article in the Harvard Gazette about scientific tests performed on the Tum-mo meditation abilities of Buddhist Monks. Meditation changes temperatures:Mind controls body in extreme experiments

    Harvard Gazette: Meditation changes temperatures

    • Like 1

  9. No offense at all, but yes, you are completely wrong about what Internal martial arts are.


    IMA means Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Baguazhang.


    Some people believe the term internal comes about because 3 masters, 1 in each of those arts, decided to combine their schools and cross train with each other. So those became the 3 arts internal to their combined schools.


    Other people think internal means arts with a Daoist influence to them, meaning Daoism is internal to China, where Buddhism would be external to China.


    However, I dont think these theories are strictly correct. Internal means development of internal aspects such as the Mind and Breathing. Different internal martial arts have different methods, but the one underlying trait is the specific use of the Dantien and core to lead all external movements.


    You can see in this video, the man has a stick placed at his dantien, his center of gravity, and you can see how he literally and specifically is using his dantien to move the person on the other end of the stick-