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Posts posted by Immortal4life

  1. It's not a conspiracy theory anymore %1%24s&



    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has demanded that China 'come clean' following reports that coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory, not as a bioweapon, but as part of bungling experiments to prove that Chinese scientists were superior to Americans in identifying emerging virus threats. 

    It follows multiple reports on Wednesday that intelligence officials believe coronavirus first crossed to humans accidentally during experiments with bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab.


    After word of the outbreak finally became public, Chinese leaders were quick to blame Wuhan's 'wet market' where wild animals -- though not bats -- are sold for consumption, leading one source to tell Fox News the debacle is the 'costliest government coverup of all time.' 


    'Patient zero' worked at the Wuhan lab, and spread the virus into the local population after leaving work, sources told the outlet. CNN later reported that an American investigation into the lab's role in the global crisis is underway.

    'What we do know is we know that this virus originated in Wuhan, China,' Pompeo told Fox News on Wednesday evening. 'We know there is the Wuhan Institute of Virology just a handful of miles away from where the wet market was. There is still lots to learn. The United States government is working diligently to figure it out.' 


  2. When it comes crashing down, and it hurts inside
    Ya' gotta take a stand, it don't help to hide
    If you hurt my friends, can you hurt my pride
    I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide
    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right - Fight for your life
    Well I'm feeling strong about right and wrong (Ooo yeah)
    And I don't take trouble for very long
    I got somethin' deep inside of me
    Courage is the thing that keeps us free
    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right - Fight for your life
    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right - Fight for your life
    If you hurt my friends, can you hurt my pride
    I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide
    I am a real American
    Fight for the rights of every man
    I am a real American
    Fight for what's right - Fight for your life

  3. We were talking about wet markets in China vs. US


    But yes, factory farms need to go too. It's just weird though how you keep defending China. It's like when China is criticized you just have to be like "hey America is bad too!"


    Let's just all say it , China is really bad. It's not a free country. That's all. Resist that temptation to defend it, or compare it to other places. It's just bad on it's own. It's worse than than America. It's better to live in America than China.


    There. Was that really so bad? I know you can do it. Chill. Take a deep breath, say to yourself...China sucks...say it, say "my name is SirPalomides and China is very bad"'s ok, you'll live. Hitler's not gonna return from the grave and rise again. WW3 isn't gonna break out. No one got inspired to beat up an Asian American cuz you said that. Racism didn't increase throughout the globe. 


  4. Some socially formed ideas are more advanced and humane than others. If you read the whole thread, you'll see that the UN actually requests all nations progress to a vegetarian diet. 


    But I can see why some people don't wanna take a hard look in the mirror, and would rather imagine racist code words than think about the damage some diets do to humanity  and how cruel they are in objective reality to animals.

  5. Those hoses aren't gonna stop anything if people are eating bats, pangolins, dogs, and cats. Just shut them down. I assume the ones in a country like the US are safer and more responsibly regulated obviously than China,  but just shut down all wet markets. Civilized people should have moved beyond that stupidity by now. Even Fauci says shut them down. They're cruel, inhumane, gross, and outdated.


    That's all well and good what you say, but the practice of naming viruses by location is not a secret racist code word. That's paranoia. 

  6. Lol! Well I dunno if your dating problems are from communism. Mostly it's just biological attraction triggers of the sexes wanting the highest quality mates possible to pass on genes that will survive and replicate. 


    Why do you get tons of happy chemicals flooding your brain when you hook up with a very attractive woman? Cuz your DNA knows its gonna now make very physically attractive kids who are then going to be able to replicate themselves for many generations, so your DNA knows its gonna live forever now, so it floods you with happy brain chemicals. 


    Or if you hook up with a whole bunch of women in a short period of time? Your DNA knows its gonna survive for many generations and you now don't even have to invest your whole life to make sure one survives to adulthood, the sheer numbers mean some kids will survive and replicate. Dopamine jackpot 


    On the other hand, you can also get into a long term relationship which also increases the chance that your kids will survive and increase the chance you know the baby is yours, so you'll get lots of oxytocin chemicals to reward you.

  7. Well we can't deny that gender relations are quite strained nowadays.


    Look at data from Tinder and other dating apps where 80% of women are dating 20% of men. We now live in a type of polygamy or polygyny. A lot of inequality. Fatherless children, broken homes, divorce etc. We cant deny that. It's just the pareto principle at work though. It means you gotta be in that 20% for life to work out for you. Dont wish for life to be easier though, make yourself stronger.

  8. That's a huuuuuug leap from naming viruses by location, to manipulatimg people into thinking they are being attacked through propaganda.


    Also doesn't change the fact that sometimes countries are attacked for real.


    Good thing no major powers are going to war anytime soon. I'm personally glad major powers havent started any new wars in a while. Iraq war sucked, that was harsh and bad. Good thing no one is starting WW3 😂Much better to do business, like say with Russia. They have nuclear bombs, better to do business with them I say. Ultimate deterrent.




  9. Falun gong seems to bring all people together


    Getting to Know Falun Gong: Marvellous Connection to Chinese Culture for an American Couple


    Although the environment changed, her seeking of spiritual relief became stronger. She described that feeling - to seek for that feeling is just like finding a home, the final destination, and the place where one feels very comfortable. She discovered that the majority of priests and ministers did not put their hearts into the teachings of conventional religions.



    Falun Gong puts an end to Prejudice, in Chinese people, and all people.




    Knowing the democratic West to be a tolerant, pluralistic, and diverse place, Chinese authorities have sought to brand Falun Gong as contrary to these basic values. In a word, they’ve sought to cast it as “intolerant.” Several journalists have taken the bait.

    The characterization is patently misleading, and rests solely upon an outsider’s uninformed interpretation of doctrine. It’s found to be at odds with lived practice.

    Consider the first of the two major issues Chinese authorities cite: an alleged intolerance of homosexuality. (We can’t help but note the irony of China’s communist rulers having until recently banned homosexuality, labeling it a mental disorder.)

    Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are welcomed by the practice just like anyone else, and not accorded any different treatment. Whether they continue to live that lifestyle, or self-identify with that term, is solely a personal choice and not something anyone in Falun Gong would force upon the individual. Central to Falun Gong is the making of one’s own decisions.

    Falun Gong’s teachings do suggest that certain behaviors, including homosexuality, generate more karma than others or are not conducive to certain aspirations in the practice. But this it is left at the level of teaching, and not a creed or regulation. How one understands a given teaching, and to what extent he or she applies it, is always a personal matter.

    A second, related point that must be emphasized is that Falun Gong’s teachings on this and other matters do not equate to a “position statement” or “stance” on some social issue. They are intended solely for the individual aspirant, and to be applied to his or her own life; they are not meant to be applied to others, much less non-practitioners. Falun Gong does not have any position on what other people should or shouldn’t do with their lives. It simply offers its teachings on personal change to whomever is interested in its path to spiritual growth.

    What holds true for homosexuality holds true for interracial marriage and interracial children, if not more so. Falun Gong’s teachings have little to say about the matter. What some journalists have picked up on, prompted by Chinese state media intimations, is the presence of a passage in one book where Falun Gong’s founder mentions the issue in passing.

    These teachings can be summarized as a belief that different heavens correspond to different races on earth, and that persons of mixed race lose a direct connection to their corresponding heaven, at least in the corporeal sense; a person's soul in unaffected, just as is their ability to engage in cultivation practice. This in no way amounts to an endorsement of racial purity; in Li Hongzhi's writings, he states in essense that the phenomenon is nobody's fault, and one does not need to be concerned about it.

    One most inflamatory result was a New York Times journalist who wrote, without attribution, that Falun Gong believes children of mixed race are the "spawn" of the Dharma-ending period (a time of moral decline referred to in Buddhist scripture.) Needless to say, no such language appears in Falun Gong's teachings. Regrettably, the journalist did not temper his own, outsider’s reading of that passage with investigation or evidence. They failed to check with any living, actual persons who do Falun Gong, preferring, seemingly, to not let a sensational reading of the passage be spoiled by evidence to the contrary.

    Had they looked into the matter, they would have found their assumptions to be just that, assumptions. Many who practice Falun Gong have married and had children with individuals of a different race after taking up the practice. Of the 14 individuals who make up the Information Center’s staff, fully 4 fall into this category. If Falun Gong teaches racial segregation, it’s doing a poor job of it.

    If the practice does not breed racial intolerance in the life of the individual, one might readily imagine how much less so it translates into a general “stance” on interracial marriage in society.

    The two most frequently cited forms of “intolerance” end up suggesting, upon closer examination, just the opposite. Indeed, if anything, it would seem that something in Falun Gong is instead conducive to greater tolerance.

  10. The origins of humanity are an interesting subject. Edgar Cayce gave some insight on it . At the end of the day it doesn't really matter to spiritual development, but it also does give some interesting perspective

    Readings Extract - The Races of Man at the Time

    READING: 364-3

    In the period, then - some hundred, some ninety-eight thousand years before the entry of Ram into India - there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amilius. (Aryans into India 2000 BC = 100,000 years BC) there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amilius [?], who had first NOTED that of the separations of the beings as inhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of those peoples into male and female as separate entities, or individuals. As to their forms in the physical sense, these were much RATHER of the nature of THOUGHT FORMS, or able to push out OF THEMSELVES in that direction in which its development took shape in thought - much in the way and manner as the amoeba would in the waters of a stagnant bay, or lake, in the present. As these took form, by the gratifying of their own desire for that as builded or added to the material conditions, they became hardened or set -much in the form of the existent human body of the day, with that of color as partook of its surroundings much in the manner as the chameleon in the present. Hence coming into that form as the red, or the mixture peoples - or colors; known then later by the associations as the RED race. These, then, able to use IN their gradual development all the forces as were manifest in their individual surroundings, passing through those periods of developments as has been followed more closely in that of the yellow, the black, or the white races, in other portions of the world; yet with their immediate surroundings, with the facilities for the developments, these became much speedier in this particular portion of the globe than in others - and while the destruction of this continent and the peoples are far beyond any of that as has been kept as an absolute record, that record in the rocks still remains - as has that influence OF those peoples in that life of those peoples to whom those that did escape during the periods of destruction make or influence the lives of those peoples TO whom they came.
    ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events
    ALSO IN: Division of Body into Two Sexes
    ALSO IN: Mans Initial Entrance into Earth
    ALSO IN: Atlanteans and the Environment

    READING: 364-4

    And Ohum, that builded the walls across the mountains in this period, through those same usages of that as had been taken on by those peoples. And also into American area and became the first of the mound dwellers, or peoples in that land.
    ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands

    READING: 364-9

    (Q) Was Atlantis one of the five points at which man appeared in the beginning, being the home of the red race? (A) One of the five points. As has been given, in what is known as Gobi, India, in Carpathia [?], or in that known as the Andes, and that known as in the western plain of what is now called America - the five places. In their presentation, as we find, these - in the five places, as MAN (Let's get the difference in that as first appeared in what is known as Atlantis, and that as MAN appearing from those projections in the five places - and, as has been given, from their environ took on that as became necessary for the meeting of those varying conditions under which their individualities and personalities began to put on form) - one in the white, another in the brown, another in the black, another in the red. These, as we find, taking that form - Would snow be the place for the black? or the sun the place for the white? or the desert and the hills for either the white or black? as were partakers of those things that brought about those variations in that which enters, or becomes as the outer presentation, or the skin, or the pigment that is presented in same.

  11. 4 minutes ago, ilumairen said:


    It's not so simple as you'd like to paint it, and I don't have the time to address this adequately at the moment. 


    If you could take the time to consider what I've presented without the tendency to immediately dismiss, it may assist us with any further interaction.


    Ok, I'll wait for you to explain further when you have time. But the premise of this thread is fairly simple, laid out in the OP, and no one's been able to really rebut Maher's point.


    Wet markets are dangerous, should be shut down, and names of viruses dont make racists racist.