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Posts posted by Immortal4life

  1. i am looking for a pants shittingly scary movie, does anyone have any? most scary movies just bore me or make me laugh at the awful acting. i don't really like jumpscares either, i want something that draws me in and makes me genuinely afraid for a characters wellbeing. definitely of the horror genre...maybe psychological horror?


    Cannibal Holocaust, is probably the creepiest I have seen.


    House on the edge of the Park, is pretty messed up.


    The Last House on the Left, original 1972 version. Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham together.


    Blair Witch Project, is kinda creepy


    Hellraiser, is not bad


    Texas Chainsaw Massacre, especially the original is really good


    The original Friday the 13th is good. Friday the 13th part 4 is decent too.


    Some of these movies are on youtube in their full version. I could post some of them, but some are so creepy I am not sure if they are against TTB rules.

  2. He has insane amounts of cash, he hasn't found a way to launder it yet, but it's not so delusional. Walter is extremely intelligent. It's like the next step. He may not reach his empire, or maybe he will. It seems the next logical step from where he is. He didn't start out wanting an empire. He started out wanting to pay for his cancer treatment, but hey, YOLO.


    I don't think you can say he is worse off than he was when he started. He worked at a car wash, and students from his school, would come into the car wash, laugh at him, and make him work for them. Total humiliation. To me that was the biggest tragedy.

  3. I love Walter White. If he dies I'm going to be pissed right off. It would suck if Jesse died too. As much as he annoyed in me in the first few seasons, I think Jesse has really gotten his act together and gotten more serious about himself.


    I don't think of Breaking Bad as a tragedy, more like, Walter becoming what you always wanted to be, but were too scared to be. Or being what you always wanted your tv show heroes to be, but no one would make a hero like that.

  4. Today worldwide child sex slavery rings are running rampant. It seems the evil in this world are lusting after power and control over others at an unprecedented rate of escalation and aggression. The only balance is for good people to do what they can, every righteous action destroys a little bit of evil.


    One account is from the this Website, The Golden Rule Organization-


    Story about abused sisters. It makes Warren Jeffs look like an angel story on Oprah-


    I remember seeing on tv that when the sex slaves in some places reach a certain age, for the right price they can be killed during sex. One method was with a nail in the back of the head.

  5. Considering how much abuse has gone on in the churches of the religion of Christianity, it makes the whole organized religion seem creepy to me, and like it is organized in order to control people and hide the truth from them. It's no wonder this ended up happening.

    Huge Sex Abuse Scandals in religions and churches


  6. All animals i have observed, including humans, have energetic purification rituals. If you can't see humans doing it unconsciously, you aren't observing well enough. Think about people having excess energy and tapping their fingers or kicking their legs. Think about a person running their hands through their hair after a long day at work. People stretch all the time. Anything and everything you do affects your energy.

    This is true. Humans still do have some instincts, even if separated form nature to a degree. Another example is in response to pain. If you have a head ache, you might have the instinct to place your hands on your head, to help the flow of energy. If you have a chest pain, you will immediately place your hands on your chest.

  7. It was only a matter of time before it happened. PUA for women! Taught by PUA Mehow. Seems to focus on Qualification, screening, and "How to spot a player"


    How to spot a Player-


    Lisa, 21, is sick of college guys who don't treat her well and aren't faithful. She wants to meet a quality guy but doesn't know how to screen out the bad ones. There's no better coach to teach her how to spot a player than Mehow, a pick-up artist. He shows Lisa how to quickly determine a guy's motivations as soon as she meets him. First lesson is Qualification: asking questions to learn about his deeper qualities. The second lesson is Group Screening: using wing girls to observe his behavior when Lisa isn't around. Then Lisa goes out on hidden camera and approaches real guys to see if they pass the test. Will Lisa find a quality guy, or just a bunch of players?



    Avoiding his friend zone-


    Sarah has too many guy friends and no boyfriend. She feels like guys put her in the "friend zone" and doesn't know to catch their attention in a romantic and sexual way.Mehow, a professional pick-up artist, is about to teach her how guys think so she can become irresistible to them. In this episode, he teaches Sarah the concept of "intermittent rewarding". He explains how to get guys to chase her by using her laughter, touch, and teasing as rewards for the guy's good behavior. She also learns how to "punish" guys by occasionally withholding these rewards. This creates the romantic friction that fuels desire. Then he does something never before seen: he films her on hidden camera as she approaches real guys at a bar and puts her new skills to the test. She quickly learns that the art of pick-up can be just as tricky for women as it is for men. Will she escape the Friend Zone?



    The Subtext of Texting-


    For the first time ever, The Girl's Game reveals the secrets of pick-up artists to women so they can spot players and get the men they really want. This landmark instructional series will teach women to be pick-up artists themselves via real footage of women's social interactions with men. Jeminah just got out of a 6-year relationship to find that the game has changed. She meets many men but is finding that nobody wants to talk on the phone anymore. Most guys seem to prefer texting, and Jeminah feels like they can't handle a real interaction. She's frustrated with texts that lead nowhere and with a growing feeling that she's stuck in the past. Now she's found an unusual savior: Mehow, a professional pick-up artist. As one of the leading figures in the men's dating scene, he's dedicated the past ten years of his life to teaching the art of seduction to terminally single men everywhere. This is a man who deeply knows the psychology of ‘the game’, and now he's revealing all his secrets to women. In this episode Mehow will explain exactly what it takes to hook any guy via text via real-time, actual text conversations. He'll show how to turn the average guy's boring texts into a fun, spontaneous, and romantic chat. He'll reveal what guys are thinking each step of the way - and how to stay one step ahead of them.



    I'm outraged! This is sexism,and I feel I am being unfairly "targeted". I am not a target!!!


    Man did you see the huge grins the girls in the first video got on their face when Mehow explained the tactics they were going to use and the deviousness of it all?


    Haha jk, I have no fear of any "tactics" and am comfortable in my ability to maintain the frame of any interaction. If anything it shows that girls go through some of the same issues the we typically think of as issues that guys have to deal with, like the "friend zone" etc.

  8. Terrorstorm 2nd edition



    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 1/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 2/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 3/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 4/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 5/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 6/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 7/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 8/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 9/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 10/12
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 11/12 - Repost
    YouTube - Terror Storm 2nd Edition Pt 12/12

    • Like 1

  9. Yeah in the video in the OP, it shows many examples on film where women started hitting men in public, and then other men, i.e. white knights, came to "save" her and start beating the guy up even more.

  10. What kind of life would it be to nitpick throughout every segment of a video watched for entertainment? I discussed the aspect I wanted to discuss, not whether I agree or disagree with the content. The video is hilarious in the extremes men will go to in rationalizing their failure to get laid or win attractive mates, but also sad because there is such hidden truth in it and it is reality for a lot of men, as we see on this forum all the time.

  11. Don't be disingenuous, I never said anything about supporting what Sean Connery said. I never said I agreed with anything in the video. I certainly never siad it is ok to hit women.


    What I said, was only in regards to how he responded to Barbara Walters testing and challenging him.

  12. It's funny, a few days ago I overheard one of the top sales people in my company (a woman) complain about her boyfriend. He's a well educated, well off guy in a professional career, and she said that she just... gets her way all the time. She asks for something and he gets it. She asks him to help out around the house and he just does.


    It's kind of funny, but I (and many others) have noted that when you give women what they say they want (a nice guy who listens and helps out), they don't want it anymore, and then they hold it against you for giving it to them.


    I think the trick is just stand your ground. Own it. Let the harpies harp.


    That is so common. I think every guy probably experiences losing a hot girl he especially liked, because he was too nice, at some point in his life. It's a double stab in the back because he thought he should be nice to the girl he likes the most.