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Posts posted by Immortal4life

  1. 3 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    His own making but looks similar to other stuff. You literally just follow his guided meditations. That’s what I hated as there was no room for exploration, and some teachers say Taijiquan is a waste because martial arts are no longer essential for Arhatic healers.

    Lol they'll just empty force you😂


    That being said they overall seem like nice and sincere people and at the core the teachings seem based on kindness and compassion. But yeah...Taijiquan is no waste.

  2. I noticed all the head teachers seem to be Phillipino, which is weird since it's practiced all over the world by many ethnicities, it's not like people of all kinds of ethnicities don't practice it.


    That might not be accurate and may be just what I've seen though.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:





    There is no creativity—you do exactly what the textbooks say for any condition whether it’s herpes or a flu, as each has you focus on prana in a specific area and chakras to heal with the appropriate colors of prana.

    Oh she's so rigid in her practice and even daily life. Yeah I like to be creative, test things out, develop different things and focus on different aspects of my practice based on what I'm feeling in my body that day, where I'm tight, where my movements aren't smooth enough,  etc. This woman is so strict and rigid in her practice. 

  4. The exercise part is called Arhartic Yoga and she claims she is not allowed to show it to anyone, or practice it in public at all. I'm tempted to use game and seduction to get her to reveal it to me just out of curiosity, but I dont think I'm gonna, I'm just gonna respect it...but kinda curious too😋🤔

    • Like 1

  5. Ah thanks, this is kind of what I was asking.


    It makes sense that you would want to get the whole tradition and system, not just some Tibetan Yoga. The third video shows that some white people have gotten some of this stuff at least.


    Tai chi you also wanna train the whole system and get the whole lineage. It's also just as rare, even more, for a westerner to get the lineage. Almost no westerners have it, and very few chinese have the Tai Chi lineage.


    This gives me somewhere to start researching though. Is the Drikung Kagyu lineage available anywhere in North America or only in Tibet?

  6. So I've been hooking up with a woman who is super into it. That's even her job, she does Pranic healing on patients and even does it for free for the homeless. She has pictures of her master up in her house and even the whole feng shui of her house set up is based on the teachings of Pranic Healing. She wouldn't show me the exercise practices though cuz they're secret,  though she really pushed hard to get me to practice twin hearts and some other meditations with her. It seems wacky and flaky but after practice I genuinely felt the deep energy channels in my body noticeably widened. 


    Anyone here practice it? What does it do for you and what are the practices like? Anyone wanna talk about the secret practices?

  7. Bill Maher, the great progressive, who long supported the great cause of marijuana legalization, plus gay marriage, tells it like it is about Chinese wet markets. In fact anyone who's spent any real time in China, especially in areas or cities outsiders normally never go to, will tell you never eat meat there, if you do it's a matter of time before you get sick 



    Plus it very well may have come from.tbe Wuhan lab-


    • Haha 1

  8. It says the energy is not like any Yoga in that article. How is it like Tummo then?

    it sounds decent enough. It looks simple, much simpler than Tai Chi, without a lot of full body movement, more stationary. I do a lot of Chi Kung methods, how is it different from 8 peices of brocade, muscle tendon change, and many other ones like that? I guess that’s what you mean when you say Chi Kung already prepares you for things like Tummo?

  9. What's the background of Flying pheonix? Where does it come from, how did it develop, what's it's history etc.? How does a Tibetan practice have a Taoist twist?


    If Tummo requires authetic lineage, well that makes sense, but what is the lineage? Who are the teachers and what is their lineage?


    Yoga is something I wanna get into, but don't even know what is authentic and good, or what is flakey, watered down, and fake starting out.


    All I can really go on is what I observe in the physical forms starting out, since I haven't learned the meditation or more subtle aspects right?


    This was quite eye opening. Li Hongzhi probably does have energetic and spiritual power that he radiates based on the reactions his students have in his presence. 


    Says shit that sounds wacky, and morally preachy, but there's nothing really wrong with that. Lots of people believe all kinds of nutty things.

  11. Oh yeah it's like of you go to a minor league baseball game. It's quite impressive, they are skilled athletes, relaxed, they are professionals. But then the major league guy comes along and it's like whoa just nailing it out of the park like holy shit.


    I love neck chin na, and it's awesome if you get it, but you gotta be careful. He puts the guy off balance pretty good to set it up, but notice he doesn't have the neck locked out until the opponents head is right against his chest. Imagine if you tried that on a Xinyi fighter, if you know it then you know how risky that's gonna be to get. My Xinyi comes from the Lu songao lineage


    One of the deadliest strikes, is the suicide head attack to the chest, that'll kill someone. Break their sternum bone. In a split second they'll nail him with it 


    Timestamp 1:10 to 1:30


  12. No it wouldn’t have been different.


    When Chen Fa Ke went to a Beijing the top Wu masters came to see him, to test him, they were handled very easily. Yang Cheng Fu didn’t even try and tucked his tail and ran away to Shanghai.


    I’m not criticizing you though, that wasn’t bad Tai Chi you posted, just Chen Fa Ke and his direct students were just insanely good, a level of skill and power beyond what people can usually imagine who haven’t seen someone with a direct link to them.



    1887-1957), seventeenth generation descendant of Chen clan, famous Chen Style Taijiquan master, Chen Changxing's great-grandson. Chen became famous in his hometown for victories in leitai (free fighting) competitions held in the county and for defeating opponents armed with spear and saber while Chen stood barehanded (after he rejected the post offered to him by Han Fuju, local warlord). In 1929, through Chen Zhaopei's recommendation, Chen Fake left Chenjiagou and went to Beiping (today's Beijing) to teach Taijiquan. Very modest, used to say about himself "No Good" and for this reason became known in Beijing as "Chen No Good" (Chen Bu Zhong). Many times challenged by martial arts practitioners (including Bagua and Chinese wrestling experts), defeated them in great style, without hurting anybody. Emphasized Wude (Martial Virtue) in his teachings In his late he created New Frame (Xin Jia) of Chen Style Taijiquan, modifying the Old Frame (Lao Jia) by adding several movements and expressing Silk Reeling Power (Chan Si Jin) in more obvious manner.


    Chen had many students, including Lei Muni, Tian Xiuchen, Feng Zhiqiang, Hong Junsheng, Li Jingwu, Shen Jiazhen, Gu Liuxin. Shen Jiazhen and Gu Liuxin wrote a book called "Chen style Taijiquan", which was published in 1963. The drawings and explanations for the first and second routines of Chen style are based on Chen Fake's and his son, Chen Zhaokui's photos and introduce movements as taught by Chen Fake in his late years. Note: this book is a part of "The Complete Book of Taijiquan" (T029B) which is available through this


    In his letter to Wan Wende of Shanghai, Chen Zhaokui wrote: "I have one older gongfu brother, his name is Feng Zhiqiang, he's extremely intelligent, and his skill is the best among all our gongfu brothers".


  14. Feng didn’t claim it, he was a humble man from what I’ve heard , Chen Fa Ke and Chen Zhoukui did though. Chen Fa Ke is widely regarded as the best Tai Chi practitioner of the 20th century and the last Great master of the Chen family. No one alive today has that level of skill


    That video you linked is ok, but Feng would have  broke that guy in half

  15. The last thing I want is random people messaging my teacher saying Immortal4life was mean on a forum, I no like him why you teach him, he’s a douchbag, blah, blah, lol😂


    I’m an indoor student in the inner family Chen Tai Chi, and 6 Harmony Xinyi. Also train Yin style and Shi style Bagua.


    also Wudang chi king and Dayan Wild goose