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Everything posted by dawei

  1. It took a while to get used to the new order but now I realize to stop scrolling down so much as most of what I look at are all in the first forum set. The re-shuffling of forum locations now feels brilliant.
  2. No more right-wing bullshit.

    With no offer of ketchup
  3. It's a weird feeling when you realize that you really really really should put on your glasses before reading... Read as, Murder Superman subsection Read as, I hope the Tarzan would protect us swiftly
  4. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I've encountered that at times and it really seems to vary. Sorry about that. AH, your right !!! maybe the first link is open but later ones are not. I just got blocked from the entire article. Maybe I'll check if clearing my cache lets me back in but good to know. Thanks. I went through my clear cache that I normally do (3 softwares) and cannot read the entire thing again. Apologies for posting a link that cannot be read now.
  5. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I think you have made a clear point here, thanks. But have wondered about this on some level. The Feuding Fathers
  6. The Chinese Communist Revolution

    There is the saying by Mao [something like]: Women hold up half the world. I used to joke that he should of added, the 'heavier half...'
  7. Neither of you are defining what 'current model of globalization' means... Consumer choices are a global consideration in the auto industry (and many others). So a better form than what (I assume you mean the current model execution)? Hard to comment unless there is some explanation of what one is really talking about... what would you love to see ? Or maybe the terse comments being made are not really intended for conversation (?)
  8. Not sure if your serious or joking... life isn't as binary most of the time. I bought a Honda but not a Toyota... so I'm against Toyota and ok with Honda ? I'm all for competition in this realm and someone else is buying a Toyota.
  9. The Chinese Communist Revolution

    杀一儆百 - Kill one to warn one hundred
  10. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    I hope the reader isn't using a dart to throw at the glossary and pick what it sticks to One should at least give support from the text to support their point otherwise it is speculation for the most part. I mentioned the other six uses of Shen and it doesn't fit them. There is also Ried's notes that it is akin to "roll up into a ball". Now, I learned how to 'roll the dan tian energy' like a drum... why shouldn't that be a possible and literal meaning too as that practice is well known? But I don't really see it supported in the text overall. I lean with Von that this is not a exercise manual but more a state of being with emphasis on the calm and still heart that results in many beneficial things regarding not just Qi but mentions of Dao, De, Shen. I don't see a sequence of practice like one might see in later alchemic explanations; here it is just the state of being expressed [as I see it so far]. There's enough mention of ghosts and spirits that its early date still puts it much closer to spirit visualization practices than to inner alchemy as we know it today. Roth is the most decided on the idea that this is a breathing practice. I've given several links to his articles/books to show his thought on this work so folks can see some background on where he came from. So I respect how he has justified his understanding but I don't yet completely agree. How do we know this is not an early embryonic breathing technique, which is a suppression of breathing technique in the end? One can look at Dr. Yang's book titled on this and see his translations of ancient texts on it. But most of them read more modern alchemy as well. SO I can take a few sentence examples to see if a substitution seems to play out but in most cases it seems to not work: Thus the Qi of the citizens Thus the breath of the citizens When the heart/mind is still and Qi is regulated When the heart/mind is still and breath is regulated This essence –Is essence of Qi!With Qi and Dao, then there is life; This essence –Is essence of breath!With breath and Dao, then there is life; To transform creatures, without altering your Qi; To transform creatures, without altering your breath When with virtuous Qi you meet people,They will love you as they would their brothers.When with wicked Qi you meet people, When with virtuous breath you meet people,They will love you as they would their brothers.When with wicked breath you meet people, They will harm you with their weapons of war. Once blood and Qi are still Once blood and breath are still The form of the heart/mind‟s QiIs brighter than the sun and moon, The form of the heart/mind's breathIs brighter than the sun and moon,
  11. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    Lindell just defines the word in various usage, as should be done, like a glossary. What they see doesn't matter as much as what the neiye is saying.
  12. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    As you might noticing looking at the translations: Qi is translated by Reid as energy-breath and Roth as vital breath. Though Eno and linnell do not use breath anywhere. I'm still on the fence regarding this but there are some similarities to other writings: See my post here. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/49163-neiye-introduction-multi-authors/?do=findComment&comment=883948
  13. Neiye - Section 13 - Concentration

    Linnell uses Shen 7 times but it doesn't seem to have the later alchemy connotations Qi to Shen. I am likely inclined to keep it as a reference to spirits as the other 6 are.
  14. @Sean Assume you realize the above is not effected yet. I'd still put PPD last as on a phone there is too much to scroll through to get past it to another forum. The Floating World: I agree with combining the two areas as they are toned down to be too similar now. I was trying to come up with something with "Cloud" to convey some kind of Daoist mountain feeling but can't yet. Also, I should let you know the 'Stream' tab at the top was customized with the first one being "Main Board Activity". This was setup as: So you can see that O-G (now gone) and Rabbit Hole were not included as there was a request to not see those show up in a custom 'unread content'. If one uses the canned "unread content" then All forum areas show up. Up to you if you want that custom one to remain or not (or rename). Done in ACP.
  15. Daoist Meditation

    You may enjoy going through the Neiye study we're doing: https://www.thedaobums.com/forum/256-neiye/ Welcome
  16. Mass shootings

    But I don't think the shooter(s) want to show a solution as much as they likely want to be 'heard' in some cases; particularly those who wrote a manifesto. I've been mulling this over and not sure it is just alienation as their act is a kind of final alienation (most understand they will die by doing what they are doing). I think there is some kind of final act that says to the world (or locally), "you're going to hell in a hand basket and I'm done seeing it and everyone doing nothing about it". But your question remains: how does that fall occur? Why is the fact of this idea (which many likely think) pushes them over the edge to killing others (and themself), as they could just kill themselves? So dying alone is not enough of a message? In this case, I agree with his attempt to try and talk about some of it as you are. Group hug Yes, one single label isn't enough to describe this guy. I think he sees no end in the insanity going on and this is his parting way of saying so.
  17. Your such a wildling site maps use to be popularly unused
  18. Currently: Daoist Discussion -- Daoist Textual Studies General Discussion -- Buddhist Discussion ---- Buddhist Textual Studies -- Hindu Discussion ---- Hindu Textual Studies -- Esoteric and Occult Discussion ---- Agrippa Textual Study So each of the four have a sub-forum for a textual study. The idea was that the main level was general and then a textual study was a specific teaching or book. I know... this overlaps a bit with Systems and Teachers of. I think this latter could absorb into a higher level. So what was raised before, was if there was going to be ONE textual study, then all of those sub-forums (textual studies) would get into ONE place... but it shows now as just under Daoist. The Agrippa was simply to stay parallel but you can see it is quite dated. Maybe there needs to be NO General ? Maybe there is Daoist Discussion ... and Focused Traditions (for others) ? For the record, I was not trying to argue to keep Newcomer Corner, just pointing out the permission issue. I think those could go into Welcome or General (which i just suggesting nixing ! LOL). And I think these two could go into the Private: - 道家学说 - Interviews or combine several of them under a heading.
  19. I agree with the challenges you mention; modding is not for everyone (you knew that about yourself and still agreed to give it a try for my sake which I really appreciate). We've even seen two suspension on moderators so even if their contentiousness is low, modding can raise up issues. So it can be demanding on the emotions. So while a volunteer squad sounds good, you have no idea of what can spring out of control among a group who can't agree on action too. Every rotation, I made different changes to better suit those on staff in order to try and make it less stressful. Some things work and some don't. But I would not of traded a single day of working on staff and with staff. Agreed... and few know this better than you. I think you and Thelerner have been on staff the most often (on and off). You guys never turned me down when I would ask you back for a short bit (as you say the pool was dry). I very much appreciate that.
  20. Merging Newcomer Corner implies new topics can be started there, which currently isn't allowed except for MEMBER group. MEMBER must post their first thread there and after approval is promoted to a group that cannot post in Welcome. So if you do the merge, check out the group settings to get folks allowed to post (ie: Junior Bum, The Dao Bum). Vast High Weirdness: Maybe to be parallel to Discussions on the Way... Discussions on Other Traditions. I know, sounds a bit corny. The PPD forum was placed as the last forum because if one is using a phone, you have to scroll down through that vertical long list to see anything below it. So might want to move that last. I'd probably put the Gender Gardens first as it is likely used more than the rest (except PPD).
  21. No more right-wing bullshit.

    The staff noted the pendulum swing from left cursing and full on takedown of POTUS to right domination. We had shut down a few threads and banned one conspiracy story. Staff were talking about talking with the board/members and I had ok'ed one of the staff to start that... but it didn't happen in time. What you may not see is that much of what you mention might of been in reaction (to borrow from Ilum). I think we once again see the pendulum in reaction. So while we could of done some things earlier, not sure why folks can't just not go to a thread if they feel it is uncomfortable. Self-moderation did lose on this note. maybe we under-estimated those claiming spirituality (?)
  22. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Only two were booted and for rude comments... although I agree that at least one was more a 'mirroring' issue as someone mentioned. It reminds me of sports where the second punch is sometimes [unfairly] punished more than the first punch. At least 5 (likely more) left on protest or given a "you're not welcome here" feeling. Maybe they'll come back some day. I never celebrated someone being banned (well, let me try hard enough, maybe I can come up with one), but certainly do like seeing old ones making their return. I don't sense it as lighter and healthier... being skewed goes both ways. It's just a pendulum effect except now the extreme left has no extreme right voice to worry about. Fewer voices can ensure fewer disagreements for sure. Maybe that is the healthy part...
  23. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Agree on the size & fright issue... that is one of the few things that has bothered me for a long time... and why I first took notice of Tulsi. I told my wife the other day I wanted to contribute to her campaign. I think it would be a shame if she drops out too soon. She has not yet qualified for the next debates. I read an article yesterday how some are talking about her aspirations are not really for the presidency but definitely to do something next. There were hints that she has defended Biden for maybe VP consideration. Time will tell.
  24. Mobile Version Questions

    Only staff is Sean right now. Have not heard a change on full site.
  25. No more right-wing bullshit.

    If we were all sages, it would likely be a very boring site I view it as simply the ten thousand arise in sundry ways. As an aside, there have been 2-3 energetic shifts in the world in the last several years. So I see there are some forces at work that many might not consider or feel. I've said before, I think he represents a reset on some level. I generally agree with what your suggesting.