
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by dawei

  1. The Dao speaks

    Yes, I have the two small books that don't follow the order we are used to now. Brilliant Some credit needs to go to the comic author who is the inspiration. (I've shared this somewhere in the past but no clue where)
  2. Being empty, present and one

    Ah... a single push hand... my first Medical Qigong master, who did full contact fighting in Asian would employ aspects of it in fighting when arms touched. We played with it several times and I found it enormously overpowering when he decided to show it. thanks.
  3. Sometimes people's exuberant obsessions are not clear to themselves. His extreme closeness to MH is across this forum but unless one was around for those few years, his heartfelt passion and devastating sense of loss of a 'brother' is hard to comprehend. That we did not have open, public remembrance yet seems his motive to get forum-wide closure, particularly for him. I can't chide his motives and feelings but what you relate is something I also felt... and why I posted few words so late in the remembrance. In the end, I think, he did a good thing in honoring MH. I can't count how many times I felt bad for something on the board... I was in contact with lots of folks in private to talk about why such action or inaction occurred. All we can do is talk and move on. You have really mastered that as a lesson to us.
  4. I've made the mistake here too... but I will say that your post was not clear, particularly to a foreigner. Up until a few minutes ago, he still believed you are a lady. Clear would of been, "Hey Lima sorry for any confusion but I'm a guy". I've been talking to him to educate him about the issue. He seems completely dumbfounded how he could of been so wrong as he talked of helping you before and you made some references to something that made him certainly think you were a lady... so it seems there is a lot of communication that was not clear between you two. You might of seen in the past where staff tried to direct some of his posting at times. We knew he was a foreigner with not a complete western grasp of online communication. In this case, clarity would of prevented all of the over-reaction going on. But, IMO, the reaction should be education not outrage. Added: And clearly he needs to slow down and read and digest meaning more. I do think he was caught up in the remembrance of MH to stop and think through some posts.
  5. Just to clarify... "to lead the qi to the tailbone" is to suggest the MCO practice... that the Qi will then flow up the spine, over the head and down the front of the body back to the LDT. This is described in more detail in many of his books. If you follow his instructions on coordinating the movement of the huiyin/perineum, it will happen. But what is not explained so much is how does one even know there is movement or not? This takes reading his other books but in a nutshell, you can touch your perineum to see if it is moving or not. Filling the LDT can be followed with some active Qigong so the Qi circulates through the body. There are several gates and openings and methods of movement that could be discussed... to speak nothing of the dan tians and chakras that one can play with. Further reading here on TDB about Yang: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/40914-dr-yang-jwing-mings-best-book-to-start/ It cannot be stressed enough that one should be in a group led practice with a teacher/leader/master who can resolve Qi issues that could arise.
  6. You'll have to log in: Lao-Tzu : a study in Chinese philosophy https://www.academia.edu/10087773/Lao-Tzu_a_study_in_Chinese_philosophy?auto=download Was written in 1870. Has a brief but interesting discussion on Laozi and Kongzi (Confucius).
  7. thanks for that honesty. I think your posting was ok. Calling someone out may raise eyebrows and there are of course many variables to weigh ( I work with data and just my mindset). I find your post a very reasonable expression to staff.. but you may have to accept if nothing is done in response. Having been on staff for almost 15 years (not just here), I do get that. It is a challenge of forum discussion. I am personally a bit aligned to staying on topic... but the freedom to bs is something we see in all topics at times. That is why I favor subforums where we say, this is discrete content and you can't bs in it. Editing another's response post is truly wrong. Everything was told to stop posting in that one thread... a big problem is, that message was months before he next posted... so nobody can know if he saw it. That is a big challenge on staff. I get it. Posting a thread also gets member attention. I think that is ok. We should understand how members feel. Don't think for a minute that this has consequence outside of honest sharing. I personally think the transition to a single Admin creates some pressure on Sean to be here and responding to issues. So I think we need to give him some space to his availability and how the forum plays out based on the comments laid out so far. Each of us has a vision, on the past and present and future, as to how we see this forum exist. Your thread helps an understanding in that direction. Sean's decisions will help show his vision for what he wants of the forum. (SOrry to comment for Sean, and if I said anything wrong, I will remove it). You have opened up a discussion on an issue. The challenge is likely how fast there is response and action or not.
  8. I want to add... members should report issues they see. How else can the staff know what is the pulse of the forum? I think we may want to consider what is reported vs posted... the former usually gets almost no action but the latter gets member response. I understood your original post and meaning and support of what you see going on. I think you should be afforded the chance to post such issues.
  9. Sorry... this one item I would, as Admin, not consider as an issue. I'll edit it out. You should be afforded a freedom to start a thread. I understand the point made by the poster, but disagree this is an offense to the forum. Edit: I have edited the post. You may choose to edit out yours with an original content or not.
  10. How to be on topic?

    Everything is Everyone... Just waiting on this...
  11. I don't think you guys still quite get it. I treated Trump the same as I treated everyone here; they were free to be who they are without the need to hurl curses at someone. My position was, if someone did something similar on the left and right they are really just doing the same thing. So I can't much complain about either one. I don't like false narratives in general either. For disclosure, I had talked some with Sean when the left leaning posts were getting a bit out of control and was left to decide myself. I took that to mean, I have to allow right leaning posts to have their ability to expression. I did ban at least one word and one conspiracy theory but otherwise allowed folks to say in a very private area, what they wanted. I will agree the tide changed from left to right and likely should of considered the unfair balance of blab going on... but we're simply back to a shift to the left blab in control. I have no problem with Sean deciding what blab is censored and allowed. I would of enforced his wish had he stated it. Without guidance, I let both sides be who they are, within the rules. I don't really like to talk about folks if they have left the board cuz they can't speak for themself... Karen was abworkhorse. Folks don't like to be on staff due to the stress of it. I managed it and her as well as I could. There were lots of behind the scenes discussion on 'moderating', believe me. I generally agree... and we all likely have lots of opinions, but I simply defer to what Sean wants to do. I will say, to his credit, he spoke against a growing forum for many years with me... and a 'return' to something simple. We all saw with his return, he has several thoughts on re-structure and there was not anything I was against really. I gave advice on what I thought could be consolidated, moved, etc. I fully expected a very trimmed down forum. So it was very interesting that very few changes did occur. I'm not sure if it was people's input saying they kind of liked this or that, etc... and a combination of, let's do a little bit and see what its like later. I think it was very smart to ask the forum for comments and the tribe decision seemed to generally be heard and play out. I prefer more open and growing forums but that doesn't mean I am against smaller, trimmed down ones. Once a decision is made, I go with the flow of it. As for Everything. That is in Sean's hands as he is effectively solo as Judge Dredd (judge, juror, executioner). I honestly don't see anything wrong with that... BTW: my son was writing me tonight about the movie, so it pops out. I talked with others about going to a 3 admin system and reducing staff to three equal powers. I had seen some issues with how staff decisions are made over a long time, and considered this and even talked with Sean about it... in the end, I did not do it. Now, I think that was a missed chance and may of stopped the off-grid experiment I was willing to test. I want to also be open about Taomeow. I need to shoulder her previous voluntary exile as that was a really odd issue that unfolded. I don't really want to discuss it nor the reasons I did what I did as everyone will not be satisfied anyways. But it came down to the staff treatment she felt at the time. It was basically a lose-lose situation for me. I will say that I contacted her a few times during her break and she let me know her feelings. Her openness was appreciated as it helps inform what members feel and go through. I didn't need to contact her; she didn't need to tell me her thoughts; but spoke, we did. I definitely don't want to see someone banned unless there is a good cause but accept whatever happens. I also don't want to see someone walk away from the forum [again] due to how folks participate. But many walked away in the last months. Back to the topic... I think Silent Thunder has some great comments: 1. Report what breaks the rules 2. rule thy self. Moderate thy self. 3. Stop validating and condoning by responding, 4. Spamming off topic is against the rules. Report it. 5. [Original content removed. Members should start threads within the rules.] 6. As is Ad-hominem. 7. No one is capable of ruining my experience here but me. Spamming is a minor annoyance, easily remedied by scrolling past responses, or using the ignore function. I'm not asking Sean to create these rules but I think these are great self-rules. If I have share information that someone would prefer I remove, let me know.
  12. welcome

    I think these are like two sides of a coin; different print but within a single substance. But it seems clear that they two sides (conscious and subconscious) have easier access to certain things and we have the challenge of a long bridge between them. As that bridge shortens, the things usually in the realm of the subconscious can come to the conscious side, and vice versa. But, IMO, I dont' think we want to dismiss the conscious side as for most of our lives, that is the 99.99% reality we experience. Energy is in everything, even words, thoughts, etc. One could almost test this. Get a thought. Then write it down. Then say it out loud. Maybe it should be something slightly more spiritual than, "I love eggs" but I think that might even work. One could test if smiling or not smiling affects it too. The key is simply to remove the barriers our existence likes to build up around us... like clogging pipes in a house. Becoming 'aware' can happen on mundane levels as well as very deep Oneness occurrence. But it shouldn't be forced. Let go of thinking to let inner sense 'know'. Even as I write all of this, I am buzzing like crazy. So try this: Type, "Let go of thinking"...
  13. Daoist Dieta

    When I first read it, I was immediately intrigued by the idea; so it was more curiosity to see what it might say. I was rather shocked to see how I felt like I was reading my own eating habits that I had already established. I had made some major shifts in my eating around that time and found that they were in a direction the book would recommend. So it was really good confirmation. I recommend folks read it and take from it what you agree with... or whatever. It's informative at a minimum. A very quick overview for anyone interested: https://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/blood-type-diet
  14. These three stages (purge, tonify, regulate) are usually taught as how to treat another person. I've not really seen it mentioned when one is doing something on themselves but it seems reasonable to consider. Cool on the dream. You can search here for some relationship between the lungs and throat: http://www.itmonline.org/5organs/lung.htm As I mentioned the idea of purging lung dirty Qi potentially moving down to an organ already 'cleaned', the Qi can also go upward and the lungs connect to the throat. This is my first guess at what you might of experienced. This reminds me of the idea that I think one can/should do the sounds and smile with the chakras as well. I prefer to do most of this type of thing from head down to feet so I can finish by purging out of my feet as well. I think its good to self-explore and don't want to recommend one pat method.
  15. I agree the combination is a worthwhile practice. Whether you first completely purge with sounds then smile , or purge and smile at each one may be an interesting experiment for you. I was in a JAJ medical qigong program that, at the time recommended starting with the liver and following the five phase order. When I asked, why purge a lower area organ (liver) before higher area ones (lungs, heart) that will later purge dirty Qi to the liver... I was meet with silence. Now, there are purging techniques to pull dirty Qi directly out but that was not the sequence. There are three aspects to keep in mind: purge, tonify, regulate. The last one is to create a peaceful flow. How to do that? The simple way would be to view the entire body as a whole (for some that might mean whole to the universe): Smile. Let go of thinking. Release you from you. You might even fall asleep. Good. Repeat.
  16. Year of the pig

    Well... it’s going to end in about two months so maybe ask about the Rat coming up
  17. Daoist Dieta

    Have you checked out the blood type diet? i found it was very aligned to my natural tendencies. Other than that, what are your goals and outcomes regarding this?
  18. Climate Change

    I only attempted to interpret/translate his [loosely nonsensical] comment/meaning. I didn't see AGW mentioned in his comments. I would not necessarily take his meaning as denyhing AGW but he would have to say that. I would suggest that he likes to talk 'above' the topic at hand... and why he comes across as always 'off-topic'. JMO.
  19. Connection between tao and christianity

    I'm curious if this interest in a 'link' is more intellectual/philosophical (no problem exists) or moral/ethical (there is a problem). I can only assume, based on a title, that your friend holds taoist beliefs? Or is this only your own personal inquiry ? Christianity: A single god that is transcendent, omniscient, omnipotent, and immanent. Daoism: Shit [naturally] happens.
  20. Climate Change

    I'll give it a shot... as it sounds very Sartre like. Climate is every changing, day by day (even second by second)... just as you cannot jump into the same river twice idea (Heraclitus). So, in every second, if the climate is changing, it is 'off topic' to itself (as that is its nature).
  21. There is an expression that comes to mind... No Man is an Island. This is from a sermon from John Donne, whom I loved reading... , who became the most influential Existentialist philosopher of the seventh century. he would become less known as the original phrase of, "for whom the bell tolls" , as Hemingway would write a book with that title. Donne wrote: “Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” It is a humanistic, empathetic conceit, and coexistence based on an idea of another's loss (of life). It carries the kind of bathos appeal for pathos. Yet, the understanding of his 'passing on' does not drag us downward to our own demise... but furthers our insight on how to shine a light on life, and beyond life. There is a simple question in all of this: Why do we continue to remember him (or the contra, why don't we forget him?) There is a recall, a recollection, a memory, a glance where we see him and remember him. That stuff is not just the mind but the heart. For those who have known that chinese did not separate heart and mind but put it in one word: XIN. Maybe Jim has now made that aware, why.
  22. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    I don't know much about this stuff but two things came to mind: 1. How close is the mic to the other electronic devices? I think that causes feedback more than the hiss, but just asking. 2. Are there other devices that broadcast over frequencies around? Like phone, tablets, wifi, etc. Just thinking about interference. Now that's amazing... a little doo-hicky does better than the built in ports. Thanks for sharing that.
  23. Thank you Manitou... many hugs This was a bit of a surreal time for staff as MB was so beloved among the board and staff who found him an inspiration of how to balance staff and a voice on TDB. When staff got notice that his wish was for us not to announce his 'further travels', the staff was unanimous in feeling to comply but we put some stuff in the private areas so there was a limited view of the news. I will say, I am glad Lima decided to start a thread. We no longer need to consider this is an announcement of his departure but a heartfelt, dao-speed to what our minds mapped as a physical human we called Marblehead. The staff, at the time, was not directly involved with a notice but we accepted the information we received. So I don't want to overstate some kind of information about him. We were acting mostly on what was passed along to us but we took it as his desire. You have relayed as interesting angle on the circumstance. It shows that in every corner, everyone was thinking about him. Our picture of those events gets clearer with each window that opens.
  24. It seems most fitting that the thread is in the Daoist Discussion as he was a stalwart 'philosophical daoist'. He had asked on his deathbed for no announcement and attention of himself on TDB but a coming 1 year eulogy from members seems useful to remember him. My only regret is that he was here in FL and I never made time to meet him. In a weird way, I was able to observe and interact with him on TDB like I was in his living room anyways. I felt like I could always find him on any day discussing any and every topic. And that was part of his soul: While he maintain a strict individual sense of chinese daoist philosophy he saw the equality bestowed to all. I don't think I ever saw someone so capable to so staunchly defend their own beliefs and yet affirm his opposites they had a right to theirs. Due to this nature, he could talk in every single forum and subforum with ease. There is no argument his posting count is something nobody may likely ever get to and it is not because he was verbose but because he saw the value in everyone posting. He was the consummate welcomer. He defined how to treat one and all who came, and found something in their post, however brief, to raise the welcome flag. As I said, he was a strict philosophical daoist and even I butted heads with him at times. But his position was not because he did not believe in religious daoism but rather, there was no practical use to him (in his life). He did not debate whether another might find value in it and use of it. Herein was his greatness, his own naturalness in action.