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Everything posted by dawei

  1. The perfect weapon

    I agree. The chinese response was to shut down a doctor who posted online there was an outbreak and he asked all doctors to 'mask up'... he was assaulted by the government with threats of arrest... he caught the virus and died. Chinese media went crazy over this. There are some bad actions and good actions being taken. I'm just looking at all of this as data points and trying to see what makes sense.
  2. The perfect weapon

    Everyone wants to progress with a solution. And an understanding of what caused the outbreak, spread, infectious parameters, etc. I have heard that Singapore is aggressively doing good containment. Please give my bows at your temple.
  3. The perfect weapon

    Sorry... I have no agenda in this except I am married to a chinese lady who we were able to get out of china by a razors edge before they shut down flights... so my personal concern is for those I know in china and the risk it poses for the rest of the world. I've been going there for the last 15 years more times than I can count. If that is self-serving, so be it. But my heart, relationships, family connections, care and desire for knowing what is going on... may be self-serving in the direction alone.
  4. The perfect weapon

    It is a well established fact that chinese labs do not destroy all the animals they test and they are sold. Folks are in chinese prisons for this. I only stated that it was plausible to consider this fact when looking at what we really don't completely know so far. As well, people I know in china, in government and police force, have long speculated about the role of a lab relationship. There are articles of scientist talking about it. Some are removed. The topic is the virus. I don't go as far as SJ yet. I'm only showing there are concerns raised about labs, which seems on topic.
  5. What are the oldest Chinese Taoist myths?

    Are we quoting Blake again Nicely said
  6. The perfect weapon

    Did they debunk that labs sell animals they are supposed to disposed of? Time will tell how this shows up among humans from animals. I think that is a valid concern.
  7. The perfect weapon

    I have also been reading a lot about this and a lot depends on who is pushing the story line. I do find it more interesting that items get posted and then are removed. This is happening a lot in china which is not a surprise. There is a strong case that the virus is not from the food market because the three animals that have been mentioned either do not get sold there or do not carry the virus... that is one story line. That it is something bio lab related seems rather plausible given that china has a history of labs working on animals and then not all the animals get killed and disposed of, but rather are sold.
  8. How/why does qigong work?

    https://healingtaousa.com/articles/a-history-of-early-daoist-visualization/ http://albanycomplementaryhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/daoist-meditation.pdf https://www.academia.edu/4212110/To_Become_a_God_Cosmology_Sacrifice_and_Self-Divinization_in_Early_China Puett makes several of his writings available: https://scholar.harvard.edu/puett/publications?page=2 I agree on WU people. Not sure I see the latter explanation as successful. Thanks.
  9. Xing and Ming cultivation

    I binge-read the entire thread... really great discussion and topic To be fair, IMO, there is no experience apart from external objects else we would not be experiencing living... but I do get your point, which I think is: There is an intrinsic aspect, else these experiences cannot exist. I'm more familiar with reading about no-mind with Zen but it seems similar... that there is no deliberate (nor deliberating) mind, it is more flowing with, what is.
  10. How/why does qigong work?

    Thanks for explaining that. I come from much self-taught (or read) Qigong and then more formal Medical Qigong training where in both, intent and visualization were used, as was a part of the earliest Daoist practices that pre-date the more modern Ming / Xing. For some reason I have never read or understood is: Why did the earliest methods stop working so that later methods were invented or adjusted to claim to be the path and way? Why are folks incapable of doing the more original practices and need strict steps and methods now. I am really talking out loud and not about your practice per se as I see it more as an anciently passed down one. My opinion on it, now far removed from the practice and having the time to 'look back' is that intent and visualization is powerful when done correctly. It is not so much Yi leads Qi, which has some truth, but when Yi combines with Qi it is more like something new emerges if one then lets go of it; it becomes a self-directed force in a way but the role of the mind is a third wheel. I began to see the dangers in such methods. Not to a beginner who doesn't quite understand how to manipulate it yet, but to someone who knows how to manipulate its power.
  11. Careful quoting Blake... the incredible opening is a harrowing poem. Which really seems the point. So, One as you share is still conceptual, yes ? Or is is more like the [hidden] fabric that holds it all together. This is then how I do tend to see Dao on some level.
  12. In this case, The One is a material thing... being born. Tao is not. As an aside, I have long held to the concept of multiple "Ones" discussed among the ancients that get bundled together as One as well. But if Tao is not material but conceptual, then can't there be a conceptual One? I think this strays from your OP and main points of no full immortality except the immortal 'now'.
  13. I am going to ask you to use your mind to remember a time when you did not use your mind. Do you remember when doing something, there was not another thought in the entire world, history, etc... that came into your mind? Is that just not remembering or is that just 'isness' ? I don't know there is an answer or a proper question to it but just trying to make a point that the mind also, 'is'. Interesting that you brought a plant into this as I've been watching my plants. They seem to 'grow' given their environment and do they 'know' it or just 'be'. For us, maybe that is akin to breathing.
  14. How/why does qigong work?

    I asked SJ about Yi follow Qi... and intent is important... Did you comment on that issue? Your past is your past. I can feel that was a useful practice for others. I can smile at that.
  15. How/why does qigong work?

    Do you do healing practice? Healing others?
  16. How/why does qigong work?

    Medical Qigong practitioners understand the use of intent. Ask JAJ, et al. I asked him a single question: spell out the basic principle. he later said, intent is important.
  17. How/why does qigong work?

    Nothing is really a secret, Intent—qi follows yi. spell out the basic principle. You later said, intent is important.
  18. GB-14 : Meridien Design : Headaches

    There are several switch backs along the GB line. Don't think it is a block but all that the line hopes to traverse. If you explore the line enough, you will come to understand so.e points usefulness.
  19. Well, glad to see that others see the coming subterfuge... he is the one who said that westerners can't read, understand and translate chinese texts... and he needed to explain it to everyone. So, here we go again... but for those wanting to see a few of his past attempts: What is ATP? Muscle Contraction and ATP Why is Chi Kung Practitioners are healthier and stronger breathing the same air....? Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing I'm not against a discussion where folks can have their opinions and the issue is discussed... and let's see if this changes from the past, but the prior experienced seems summed up by a member years ago:
  20. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    At Bums, now, folks have a forum without a chat... PW is a forum for the purpose of a chat. In reality, most have avoided here.
  21. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I think 1 and 3 are a good start to what Luke mentioned as a 'more careful approach'. I know of stories of the earliest times here with magic being intentionally thrown dangerously at folks... and that was acceptable. I think where there is no bad intent, there is room for improvement and more careful approaches to arise. So, I would not think #2 is needed IF IF IF one can decide when to not offer help and when to keep it really simple. The last one would require that made known in the opening offer of help but likely you mean that approach. And we're constantly in contact with each other on a subconscious and energetic level. There are lots of connections all the time we are not aware of. When one becomes aware in the moment of these types of connections going on, its like looking around the room to see who is there. This is non-intentional stuff though. And projecting is all over the place, even subconsciously. Many are; some without realizing it as it may be subconsciously going on and some use it intentionally... this is my opinion on astral as I'm not interested in intentional participation of it but have talked with folks here about it. I'd likely defer to Wizz and Jeff to comment about my interpretations. To me, there is subconscious connections all the time, sometimes were conscious of it or maybe 'feel' something is going on like looking around a room. To me, astral is more intentional going on. But Wizz talked about the sleep and awake aspects that do make we think about the question: When is it just subconscious connections vs astral stuff.. or are they sometimes (or most of the time) the same? I can only say, if Light level, one would not be in astral. This may be a distinction without a difference for those who cannot really see (or experience) the difference. For example, if I am residing on Light Level, I cannot shift to astral as I am already outside of it. As to Kundalini. I defer to others with more insight to it but that doesn't resonant on my evaluation. Meaning, the mind translates energy connections and some get a kind of sexual sensation from it. That to me seems different than how I thought Kundalini meant an inner arising of sexual energy. The former is an interpretation of any energy connection and the latter a specific arising in specific channels in a specific way. I've had a temporary kundalini arising once. I was heavy into my perineum energy rising practices with MCO. It was like a electric fire was rising upwards... But just my experience. On populating astral with gods and goddesses. I would again see it as, deities are Light beings and outside/beyond astral. There is no reason they would drop down to that realm 'to populate' there. I think folks who can reach astral and not Light may find them there due to that is where they can meet. But if you can meet at a higher level, there is no concept of astral. JMO.
  22. It started as repeated statements he was leaving on his own which seemed due to his not wanting to adhere to repeated requests made by staff to play nicer. We provided examples and pointed out the offense, etc. He ignored them all and made some hoopla about leaving yet again, so he was banned for a year with the chance to ask for a return. That was 2015, I believe. I did share this idea with Sean, about a banned member being able to ask for a return but the result is based on staff decision... Sean simply seemed like it was something he would think about but I could see that likely it was not a path he wanted to go when he came back. In either case, a banned member has no standing to be back here without staff approval.
  23. Unless the AI chip is one of poems But I would say a thread on sharing a line from a poem might be a great topic Let's folks ponder it and sink into our psyche. My personal range of poets is west and east... I think you are on to something here.
  24. I recall many years ago hearing of fire retardant used in carpet and its exposure to kids who tend to roll and crawl around on carpet was enough to make me never want carpet again. https://www.minnpost.com/second-opinion/2015/12/major-furniture-mattress-and-carpet-makers-still-use-toxic-flame-retardants-r/
  25. .

    Sorry... fake news... I don't know your group. I know of Ken and those in his time.... which I guess we could say are part of his 'group'... but I got along with a few of them. At least one was actively helping me determine fake puppet accounts. Now that is news. There is the story of a member who was on staff turning off his wife's PM message ability... did I mention a thousand stories.