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Posts posted by goonis38

  1. <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


    I went to bucketlist and put them on there. This is should do a slide show... Sorry Mel

  2. Aaron,

    I think that was beautifully wrote. And I have thought something close to this before. This is kind of the same. I think it is good to stay "child like". And I believe this to be what you are saying...


    I try to do this, and look at people and life through those eyes. Not the jaded ones that life will try and give you later in life. A child loves all, trust all, and thinks about people and things in the most simplest of ways. "beautiful" and I agree.


    I have always said if life makes us hardened, we lose. And I'm not going to let it win.


    Hugs... take care Melanie[/color][/size][/size]

  3. Maybe different than what your original message was... but Mr Crowley said that 11 was considered a homosexual number. :huh:


    Lol Homosexual... But he could of been on to something in away. Because if what my friend wrote is true. We would be two parts of the same... This could start up some confusion in a person mind to say the least... Melanie

  4. In China, 11:11 is the completion of one life cycle AKA: death :

    Beginning to Peak : Peak to Beginning

    Written as: å››


    Hi there,

    Well I sure hope thats not true I'm only 40 and have a 9 year old that would be broken hearted. I almost lost my life this year in a car accident though. So we never know when our number is up...


    But I saw it as a child all the time also, and here I still stand. So that makes me feel a little better...


    But it is good to know each persons Idea of everything, because they sure are different...

    Live laugh and love... Melanie

  5. Hi there all,

    I took these pics at or around Thanksgiving at my home. I tryed to post them but had trouble or I would of had it done. I caught a really great orb and some other spirits. i would love to get you guys ideas on them. I have felt a presence in my home for over a year now. So I just ask if I could take some pics, and they posed for I mean really. The orb is just full of electricity, and looks like it has a face on it. And the one that is to the right of my left window a picture frame, my husbands Grandma hand painted. It has a face coming out of it. zoom in. And the closet you tell me. And there seems to be something getting some power off my dryer... Just what I think... Interesting any way...

    Please let me know what you guys think, your friend Melanie P.S. I have three really good other ones but having trouble...


  6. Hi there everyone,

    Long time, no hear... I had a great and wonderful friend send me some beautiful information. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. We where talking about how I see 1 every where, clocks, sales receipts, checks and so on. And this man is such a smart man in my mind. He is also great at OBE and knowledge of beings, he also sent me some information on. He has shared a great amount of information with me. And I know you great people Tao Bums will appreciate it. There are so many sites that don't appreciate good information...

    Also I took some pictures at Thanksgiving, and caught a great pic of a Orb, that is full of electricity. I caught some other things i wont to share with you. I will write Mal, and ask how and where to post these. They are great. But different subject, or could be the same... I hope you think this is as beautiful as i did. I know we may not all agree. But it is good reading...

    Lots of love Melanie

    Twin Flame


    The Twin Flame, has a much deeper love than Soulmates.


    They share an unconditional love and a bond that simply


    cannot be broken. The Twin Flames are actually one in the same. They are


    made from the same mole or cell if you want the "technical" term. This is


    your "other self". They mirror you. Twins are split apart and have made many


    journeys to learn all of the life lessons. Twin Flames share the same soul


    and the same beating heart but in two separate bodies. If they come to Earth


    at the same time, it is likely that they will meet up. Twin Flames help each


    other grow and when they come together, they will come together for eternity.


    The love shared between Twin Flames is Divine Love.


    You can be very satisfied in a Soulmate relationship. That may be what


    you are here to learn in this lifetime. You will most definitely meet a


    Soulmate before you meet your Twin Flame.


    Twin Flames are only recognizable when they reach a certain stage of readiness,


    usually on the spiritual plane. Only God knows when that stage is.


    But believe me, when you find it and you meet that person, you surely know it.


    You know it is something you have never ever experienced before in your life.


    You know almost instantaneously from deep within yourself...


    that this is the person you are


    meant to spend the rest of your life with.


    What you need to understand is that Soulmates often prepare you for


    your journey with your Twin Flame. You may have set up walls around you


    because you have been hurt so many times in relationships. You stay clear of


    any romantic relationships because of the pain, the anger, the hurt and the


    fear. Enter Soulmate, just when you weren't paying attention.


    You may discover that the Soulmate has hurt you just as badly. You


    need to figure out what the reason that Soulmate has entered your life for.


    This is so that you can learn the lesson and move on to the next level. But


    what you need to know is that a Higher Power is working on your behalf


    behind the scenes to help you find the ultimate happiness. It may not appear


    that way at first, but as time rolls on, you begin to see exactly why


    someone entered and/or exited your life. You need to have faith and trust


    that the Higher Power will bring you to the one that you have long craved


    for - your Twin Flame. You will know your Twin Flame very quickly. And you


    will begin to go through the phases of Universal Law.


    When you meet your Twin Flame, you will often have some "issues" that


    still need to be worked on and resolved. This is the hard part, depending on


    how far along you are. This is where patience is a necessity.


    Twin Flames are at peace with themselves. They have no fear and no


    judgments. They have complete trust and faith that the Higher Power is


    working for their highest good. They completely surrender all worries,


    concerns and doubts. They trust that they are taken care of and provided


    for, no matter what the situation is. They have enormous compassion and are


    completely forgiving. Simply put - they are extremely happy. They are two


    bodies with one soul and one beating heart sharing in unconditional love.


    To get to this happiness, they must endure a great amount of "testing".


    If you have any fears, hidden or unhidden, they will come to the surface for


    you to see and face. Any secrets you thought you may have, any skeletons you


    have in your closet, are no longer hidden or kept secret. Everything becomes


    exposed. As you mirror each other, you will know everything. You will know


    your Twin so very well on the inside, in the heart and in the soul. You will


    know how they feel and you will know how they think. You will even hear them


    and yes, you will be able to communicate with them telepathically.


    During the testing stages, you may often think that you are going nuts


    or losing your mind. This is common among Twins. But notice that after you


    successfully complete a phase, you get rewarded. It is also normal to feel


    that no one would ever understand what you are going through. I have to tell


    you, besides my own personal experience, I have read several books already


    and there are plenty of people out there that are with their Twin or


    currently working on their reunion with their Twin. Know that you are not




    Some issues that can typically arise during testing are patience,


    tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, faith, trust, hope and belief.


    Patience is a big one. You have to be patient in knowing that you and your Twin Flame


    will be reunited in Divine timing. There is nothing you can do to speed that


    up. All the pieces of the puzzle must fall into place in order for you to be


    together. You must love each other for who you are no matter what your


    faults - the true meaning of unconditional love.


    Twins will often get a warm, fuzzy feeling just below the navel,


    basically where the soul is located. You are able to send love to each other


    this way. I like to call this feeling, the "waves of love". I call it that


    because that's exactly what it feels like. It feels good and pure. It is


    love like you have never experienced before. It is an awesome power!


    After all, you are given Divine Love.


    There is a tremendous passion between the Twins. No one else can


    satisfy you as well sexually and your Twin will know exactly how to please you.


    There's also a feeling of having known one another forever. Typically you


    are on the same spiritual level. You complete each other.


    You also teach each other and you grow together.


    When each twin has achieved an equivocal equilibrium and both resonate to an identical vibration of the higher consciousness; the Twin Flame should automatically appear, as the creator has orchestrated the union. It will happen because the Twin Flames have been sealed irrevocably together from the moment of their creation.


    Interesting synchronicities can often pave the way to a reunion; which often involve the numbers 11:11 - common in Twin Flame soul unions. Eleven is considered to be a master number and is thought to be the number of the spiritual messenger. Two 'ones' are united to form pillars to the heavenly gate - the connection between yin and yang, female and male. The significance of two into one is the perfect symbol for a Twin Flame.


    If Twin Flames happen to meet when they are in a loving relationship or a marriage, it is unwise to disrupt any present connections. The energies must first be dismantled in those relationships, and then balanced before the Twin Flames can freely come together. However Twin Flames should continue to work together at an energetic level. Since the Earth is moving ultimately into a fifth dimensional alignment, all Twin Flames would be reunited in other dimensions. The meeting of another Twin Flame calls upon the individual to grow spiritually; and to heal emotionally, mentally and physically.... and to look beyond the ego, physical limitations and age differences.


    Physical appearance has little or nothing to do with a pairing. Twin souls do not necessarily look alike. Many seem to be complete opposites such as brunette with blond, blue eyes/brown eyes, thick hair/thin hair, large boned/small boned. But the twin souls that do resemble each other seem to have a common ancestry, even if it's only from one side of either family."



    • Like 2

  7. Hi there all,

    Well it's funny I used to smoke when I was younger and stay out late and it not effect me. Now at 40 don't even think about it. It would lay me up for a week. And it's also funny if your the one smoking you don't smell how bad you smell.

    But when you stop. wow you stink! and your cloths, and mouth. So yes it hurts us so much besides or insides...wacko.gif

    Glad I don't do that anymore... If I go drinking, I see people smoking. I want to also, It seems to go with drinking quite well...


  8. This does not bode well for the moderation at TaoBums. If a person of your character feels the need to resign, there most likely has to be something wrong with the other moderators. However, in the absence of real information, that's just a guess. And it might be a bad guess too.


    I'd love to know what happened exactly. I hate all this secrecy bullshit. We hate when politicians meet behind the closed doors and yet we do it on a small scale everywhere we go. How stupid are we? How can we want our political leaders to be more transparent if we can't even run a simple forum in a transparent manner?


    I agree I always thought you are the kindest person, More for less moderation, and more people. And you seem to care about freedom of speech. So scary that you are stepping down...

    Moderation always pulls down a forum, I have seen it happen so many times... Your a sweet heart...blush.gif

    Take care Melanie

    P.S. I remember when they started moderation on here, I made a thread about how it would hurt the forum. I hate this. It was much better without...

  9. Agreed.

    Wow... I had no idea tell I started reading the whole thread. That this had become such a big thing. Mal you are a good guy... No one else will do any better.... Moderation just sucks and always messes up forums....

    If there is going to be moderation on this forum no one is going to do it better...

    When I first got here, I thought it was one of the special things about it, that is didn't have any moderation...

    There is no need for it. It always takes away from a forum... People are to thinned skinned these days. Can't go crying every time someone calls you a bad word, this is not the play ground." Good Lord"...

    And that is right on Mal " you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time" Just tell them to get over it. You got a shit detail... Moderation stinks. But you don't... Your a good guy...blush.gif Take care Melanie



    Not pleasing all of the people, all of the time, doesnt equate to fucking up.

    (If it did, then even Doris Day and Prince fucked up:o... see, it just cant be true..)

    Everyone here has a sense of humour, wide perspective, and compassion and knows how much hard work and time and heart you put into this place.

    Moderating is a controversial thing, always. Just like Moose have horns, moderating has controversy.

  10. Hi there,

    Wow... This is the best post I have seen in a long time, on any forum, it really cuts to the belly of it...

    I feel your pain, first off. I was just talking to my husband last night about this very subject. And it comes up in our house quite often...

    First off let me say. I am a good person so there is one, and you are a good person there is two. And there are more of us, but my mom always said " Good people are hard to get to know, while bad people are easy to get to know" So another wards we don't put ourselves out there to met as easily, as the bad ones. So it seems as if the whole world is full of shi**...

    Now with that being said I know just what you mean. When I was young I had a drug problem, I went to the preacher at the Church. I have went to most my life. For Love, and understanding. Maybe he would pray for me, or with me. Maybe tell me I wasn't this terrible person I thought I was, that I keeped punishing myself for some reason.

    So what did I get? Love, and understanding? No scorned, talked about around town. We live in a small town. They where mad at me. You are weak, and stupid, for this. Well yes I already knew that. Thats why I'm here trying to get some love, so I can forgive myself and move on. No!!! This is not what I got even from the Church... I still don't forget them, I forgive them.... But I see them for what they are....

    Now next, I'm 40 this year. I was in terrible car accident, that wasn't my fault. A man ran a stop sign and hit me in my drivers side door. This is about three months now. Every air bag popped, all glass in my car busted out. The EMS lady said we thought you would be dead. Totaled my nice car, me and my husband have worked hard for, for thirteen years of marriage...

    I never got one phone call from my husbands family, to even say they where sorry, are you ok. And as far as that goes the man who hit me never came to see if I was ok, I had to go to him and say it's ok we all make mistakes, I'm glad we are alive... nothing from this man. And I may of received two phone calls, people that said they where sorry for me...

    And yes it is in all there faces... Some people love to see you loose nice things, be down on your luck. They hate you when you are up. And are glad when you are down. Even your own family, I told my husband mybe they wished me dead the way people act, sad for them, full of hate they are... "Happy Thanksgiving".... right!

    But here comes the good news my friend, There is good in the world. We are here and many others just like us. It stands to reason we can't be the only ones... So chin up, for me and you. We will keep buying a bum a hamburger if our heart pulls us to, and we have the extra cash... We will love when we can another, even if it is a hug.... We the sweet loving people of the world must stay sweet. And don't get hardened by these hartless creeps...

    So hugs and love to you... I am sorry you have been treated this way. And I know you feel for me. Because this is the way we are...

    Take care, Melanie

  11. Personally I like to take energy away from the eyes. We spend most of the day using our eyes as the primary sense to communicate with the world, and overstimulate them, creating extra tension.


    Cupping with the palms seems good, but then breathe and put the attention somewhere else.


    I've found that eye pillows really help to disengage the eyes.


    Hey Scotty,

    I use those every day while I meditate... And play relaxing music...


    "Disengage the eyes" that is a good way to put it...


  12. Life is suffering, so when you have joy make the most of it because suffering will come its part of life. Move Slowly, Cloudhand


    Hi Cloudhand,

    That is so right, that was something, I didn't think about it, like that. My mom is not very heathy right now. I can lose her any time... You are very right...

    People all over the world suffer more in one day, than I can in my whole life... So you make a not so beautiful important point, but one that needs to me made everything isn't beautiful and nice all the time...

    Thank you Mel

  13. Hey there,

    Very good question... wow...

    I think it is the same but different for everyone... I can't speak of course for everyone, but myself...

    And the true "purpose of life?" for me is to be happy with the simple things, like baking cookies...

    Looking at a bird playing in the water...

    Looking into the face of my little girl and saying to myself wow, that is amazing...

    Now 98% of the time I am there, but for some reason there is this part that wants to go to Bath & Body and buy my way into my purpose in, Like thats going to do it... blush.gif

    No the little things they are it for me, just need to hang on to those moments and make them who I am, not what others may want me to be. After all who are they anyways?.. My Grandma always said.

    "They didn't bring you into this world, and they most likley aren't going to take you out of it" Love it...


  14. HI there,

    I haven't had it bad next to so many. My mom got sick and I lived in an orphanage for awhile. There have been other things but so many go through the same.

    Now I don't look at this stuff as suffering, I look at it as a lesson in life.

    When I first got to the orphanage. I was sitting next to a girl and we where talking about what had brought us there. I went first. I really felt bad for myself. I had the "victim mentality" So I told my story of my moms sickness, and the feeling of never being really wanted and here I am. I felt really bad for myself...

    Then she turned to me and told me her story, she said her dad, keep her baby sister locked in a room and starved and beat her and other things that are just so bad I don't want to go into them, her little sister died, and they CPS came and took them away. But big tears rolled down my face. And I hugged her. And I said to myself I will never feel sorry for myself again as long as I live.

    There is always a person with a worse story that ours. So I learned a big lesson that day, that has helped me throughout my life... They are life lessons. I am no victim... I will still turn a negative to a positive...

    Ok take care Melanie

  15. Hi there,

    I am pretty new also, nice to met you...

    Well my Grandma was born in 1905, and raised me for the most part. Life was hard back then. She new how take a plant and boil it and make medicine, her own eye drops and everything.

    She came to this part of West Texas before it was settled. They came over in wagon's. She would show me this X on her leg where she stepped off the wagon and a rattle snake got her.

    They even made there own soup from pig fat, I believe she said. used wash boards or a rocks to wash there cloths... They worked hard. Had like 10 children, for hands to help with the cattle driving.

    Also she had her baby's by herself sometimes if there was no one to help... This is only two generations away...

    I don't want to ever have to live that way. I like room service, and all this pampering... At the same time I'm an Army brat, and if it came down to it. I wouldn't be totally helpless... Wow thats something to think about and as you say respect the people of the old days... They where very strong... Melanie