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Everything posted by goonis38

  1. 11 and "Twin Flames"

    Hi there everyone, Long time, no hear... I had a great and wonderful friend send me some beautiful information. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. We where talking about how I see 1 every where, clocks, sales receipts, checks and so on. And this man is such a smart man in my mind. He is also great at OBE and knowledge of beings, he also sent me some information on. He has shared a great amount of information with me. And I know you great people Tao Bums will appreciate it. There are so many sites that don't appreciate good information... Also I took some pictures at Thanksgiving, and caught a great pic of a Orb, that is full of electricity. I caught some other things i wont to share with you. I will write Mal, and ask how and where to post these. They are great. But different subject, or could be the same... I hope you think this is as beautiful as i did. I know we may not all agree. But it is good reading... Lots of love Melanie Twin Flame The Twin Flame, has a much deeper love than Soulmates. They share an unconditional love and a bond that simply cannot be broken. The Twin Flames are actually one in the same. They are made from the same mole or cell if you want the "technical" term. This is your "other self". They mirror you. Twins are split apart and have made many journeys to learn all of the life lessons. Twin Flames share the same soul and the same beating heart but in two separate bodies. If they come to Earth at the same time, it is likely that they will meet up. Twin Flames help each other grow and when they come together, they will come together for eternity. The love shared between Twin Flames is Divine Love. You can be very satisfied in a Soulmate relationship. That may be what you are here to learn in this lifetime. You will most definitely meet a Soulmate before you meet your Twin Flame. Twin Flames are only recognizable when they reach a certain stage of readiness, usually on the spiritual plane. Only God knows when that stage is. But believe me, when you find it and you meet that person, you surely know it. You know it is something you have never ever experienced before in your life. You know almost instantaneously from deep within yourself... that this is the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. What you need to understand is that Soulmates often prepare you for your journey with your Twin Flame. You may have set up walls around you because you have been hurt so many times in relationships. You stay clear of any romantic relationships because of the pain, the anger, the hurt and the fear. Enter Soulmate, just when you weren't paying attention. You may discover that the Soulmate has hurt you just as badly. You need to figure out what the reason that Soulmate has entered your life for. This is so that you can learn the lesson and move on to the next level. But what you need to know is that a Higher Power is working on your behalf behind the scenes to help you find the ultimate happiness. It may not appear that way at first, but as time rolls on, you begin to see exactly why someone entered and/or exited your life. You need to have faith and trust that the Higher Power will bring you to the one that you have long craved for - your Twin Flame. You will know your Twin Flame very quickly. And you will begin to go through the phases of Universal Law. When you meet your Twin Flame, you will often have some "issues" that still need to be worked on and resolved. This is the hard part, depending on how far along you are. This is where patience is a necessity. Twin Flames are at peace with themselves. They have no fear and no judgments. They have complete trust and faith that the Higher Power is working for their highest good. They completely surrender all worries, concerns and doubts. They trust that they are taken care of and provided for, no matter what the situation is. They have enormous compassion and are completely forgiving. Simply put - they are extremely happy. They are two bodies with one soul and one beating heart sharing in unconditional love. To get to this happiness, they must endure a great amount of "testing". If you have any fears, hidden or unhidden, they will come to the surface for you to see and face. Any secrets you thought you may have, any skeletons you have in your closet, are no longer hidden or kept secret. Everything becomes exposed. As you mirror each other, you will know everything. You will know your Twin so very well on the inside, in the heart and in the soul. You will know how they feel and you will know how they think. You will even hear them and yes, you will be able to communicate with them telepathically. During the testing stages, you may often think that you are going nuts or losing your mind. This is common among Twins. But notice that after you successfully complete a phase, you get rewarded. It is also normal to feel that no one would ever understand what you are going through. I have to tell you, besides my own personal experience, I have read several books already and there are plenty of people out there that are with their Twin or currently working on their reunion with their Twin. Know that you are not alone. Some issues that can typically arise during testing are patience, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, faith, trust, hope and belief. Patience is a big one. You have to be patient in knowing that you and your Twin Flame will be reunited in Divine timing. There is nothing you can do to speed that up. All the pieces of the puzzle must fall into place in order for you to be together. You must love each other for who you are no matter what your faults - the true meaning of unconditional love. Twins will often get a warm, fuzzy feeling just below the navel, basically where the soul is located. You are able to send love to each other this way. I like to call this feeling, the "waves of love". I call it that because that's exactly what it feels like. It feels good and pure. It is love like you have never experienced before. It is an awesome power! After all, you are given Divine Love. There is a tremendous passion between the Twins. No one else can satisfy you as well sexually and your Twin will know exactly how to please you. There's also a feeling of having known one another forever. Typically you are on the same spiritual level. You complete each other. You also teach each other and you grow together. When each twin has achieved an equivocal equilibrium and both resonate to an identical vibration of the higher consciousness; the Twin Flame should automatically appear, as the creator has orchestrated the union. It will happen because the Twin Flames have been sealed irrevocably together from the moment of their creation. Interesting synchronicities can often pave the way to a reunion; which often involve the numbers 11:11 - common in Twin Flame soul unions. Eleven is considered to be a master number and is thought to be the number of the spiritual messenger. Two 'ones' are united to form pillars to the heavenly gate - the connection between yin and yang, female and male. The significance of two into one is the perfect symbol for a Twin Flame. If Twin Flames happen to meet when they are in a loving relationship or a marriage, it is unwise to disrupt any present connections. The energies must first be dismantled in those relationships, and then balanced before the Twin Flames can freely come together. However Twin Flames should continue to work together at an energetic level. Since the Earth is moving ultimately into a fifth dimensional alignment, all Twin Flames would be reunited in other dimensions. The meeting of another Twin Flame calls upon the individual to grow spiritually; and to heal emotionally, mentally and physically.... and to look beyond the ego, physical limitations and age differences. Physical appearance has little or nothing to do with a pairing. Twin souls do not necessarily look alike. Many seem to be complete opposites such as brunette with blond, blue eyes/brown eyes, thick hair/thin hair, large boned/small boned. But the twin souls that do resemble each other seem to have a common ancestry, even if it's only from one side of either family."
  2. 1/1/11

    Hi Everyone... Happy new Years... I wish you all the best that this world has to offer... To you, and your family... Cool date isn't it? Your friend Melanie
  3. The Three Wise Men were Taoist!

    This is so right... And I have done this myself, it takes a lot of control to eat right. But it is so worth it... I think it is something I am proud of myself for. Doing without, will others are not. Isn't easy, but it was, and is rewarding. And I lost Hugs Mel
  4. The Enlightened Sage

    Hi there, I agree with what you are saying here so much, and can relate to the truth of it. I really don't label myself to much. I find that not for me. And do not judge those that find labeling good for them. I have found in my area of where I live, this is not the way people want you to live your life. And they seem to resent a person for not slapping a label on him or her self. I don't know why it bothers people so. Why can't a person just be... Melanie
  5. How repair of loss of Jing is possible ?

    Hi there all, I just wanted to add, I do know that there are things going on with OBE and ream sleep work, that have and can be used to cultivate your whole body and mind... There are people out there who have become so good at this it is amazing... I have had people OBE right to my house to look for an unfriendly spirit that was hanging out. And they not only sent him away. They told me things that they would not know if they where not here. Like we had a leak last Summer, and they let me know we had bad mold under our house. This was true... I don't even know who these people are, any more than I know who you are... But I was helped just the same... Now back to the subject at hand... There is also a group of OBE people, who know how to exchange there healing knowledge for Qi or Chi or other things they may need. In your spirit body you can do, and take more from another. Than you can in your human skin. Still there are limitation to this. Such as you can only stay in OBE state for so long before your body wants it back. But I have found dream walking to be a new thing for me. But again your ream sleep only last so long. You can take things to keep it going longer like meletonin, or other things. That I myself haven't used yet, but know of. Like there are some that use. the plant bella to stay in ream. I know little about all of this really next to some, but I know it is growing the knowledge of all of this, and it is going on... Your friend Melanie P.S. I would like to add that a person that takes from another should always have an agreement with the other to exchange something in return. Or you would be hurting yourself more than them in the end...
  6. What will be the future earth society?

    Even small You are on a roll tonight. I went to a technology conference years ago and they said that this already exist and the military uses it, on the war front. I don't know if that is true. My Military family "would tell me , but they would have to kill me" I don't know how many times i have heard that in my life... It is something to think about though... Mel
  7. What will be the future earth society?

    You are so making me lol... That was good. Can you imagine a city where no one can see anyone. That is so funny... Mel
  8. What will be the future earth society?

    Lol man I don't know why, it just did... I was looking at the pics of the city I guess that triggered the movie in my mind. It is an awesome movie, that is cool you know it. I was wondering if any body would know what in heck I was talking about as far as the movie. No please don't take anything I'm saying wrong. I always have a good heart in it. You know that... Just something about the pictures more than the idea of what the city is about... i actually think that is a pretty cool idea for people who like to be around people, and work well with them. I just am the hermit that lives in the woods. I know i don't look it. Your like, "did you use someone els's pic or what?" Hugs Mel
  9. Great to have you as a friend... You sound like me in your description... That's cool, I'm from Texas...

    Take care Mel

  10. What will be the future earth society?

    Hi there, I get you. I read it. and have heard of it before briefly talked about. And I did look at your web sites. I understand where you are coming from. And I am not against it. If it is for you. I personally am more like a wilderness, free spirit type. And I already resent any and all control over my life in any way. I am a member of the NRA and have CHL, and my CDL... Just because I can. And it is my right to have it. I will take what rights we have left... They have hide so much pork under every bill we sign it is crazy... I guess for me, this isn't what I like. I would rather even now. If I had the money have a house out in the woods. I love being alone... And I would hate being trapped up with a bunch of people like that... Thats like my worst nightmare man... But if it is for someone else thats cool... I'll just take the woods any day. I just got back from a trip to NM Woods, giant elk. It was awesome. I so wanted to live there... But sadly I can't right now. Someday maybe... But don't get me wrong "One man's meat, is another man's poison" thats all I'm saying. I have read some of the other post please don't think that I am bashing this idea for you or others. It could and would be a great thing for some... Warm wishes... Mel
  11. What will be the future earth society?

    You again? Ok what was my premise for "Logan's Run" ? I already stated that, it reminded me of this topic ... It my not remind you, but it did me... Oh and besides Army Brat, I forgot to say my husband is a farmer third generation, Well i don't know it depends on what kind of upbringing a person receives... And with a 25 year Special Forces dad, and a 25 year Special Forces brother, now Homeland Security... I was raised shooting, and out in nature. This is where I would find myself more in control of my life. And believe me this Texas girl knows how to make it. And this would be my personal choice over the topic at hand... Mel
  12. Subconcious Wonderings

    Hi there, I couldn't help but think of automatic writing when I read what you wrote. You most likely know what this is. But for the ones that don't, it is when your guide, or what have you communicates with you. And then again it could be just what you said, you could of subconsciously wrote it your self in your sleep. But what ever the case, it is very interesting and enlightening. And something for us all to think about this day of "1/1/11 the New Year"... We all have failures, and regret, everyone. It is a hard pill to take for everyone. Sometimes it just takes time, and sometimes it takes change in our lives... We are all on the same path together my friend, and I strongly believe that we will all understand things one day better than we can through the eye we see through now... Hugs Melanie

    Happy New Years... I wish you, and your family all the happyness the world has to offer... Take care Mel
  14. 1/1/11

    Thanks man, I'm glad we are friend also. You are a great person with a positive out look, I think thats all it takes... Hugs Mel
  15. What will be the future earth society?

    Hi there, That so reminds me of that movie "Logans Run" I think that kind of control, and way of society really isn't to far from the direction things are going. I have seen things turning to more government, less people. For years now... Is it for me, would I accept it. Absolutely not for me or my family. But I think that most of society could live under that kind of control quite easily... Army brat here, I can live off the land and would rather do so. Than be under some kind of false eden, as that, but that is just me... Take care all Mel
  16. Merry Christmas.....

    Hi there, I'm with you there... To much stuffy, stuffy... People are afraid to smile any more maybe there faces my I will do that. But I'm not one to fall in place any ways, so I just never seem to be the robot the world is wanting at the moment... Oh well... Heres to a Merry Christmas even for us that will not conform... Mel
  17. Hi there all, I took these pics at or around Thanksgiving at my home. I tryed to post them but had trouble or I would of had it done. I caught a really great orb and some other spirits. i would love to get you guys ideas on them. I have felt a presence in my home for over a year now. So I just ask if I could take some pics, and they posed for I mean really. The orb is just full of electricity, and looks like it has a face on it. And the one that is to the right of my left window a picture frame, my husbands Grandma hand painted. It has a face coming out of it. zoom in. And the closet you tell me. And there seems to be something getting some power off my dryer... Just what I think... Interesting any way... Please let me know what you guys think, your friend Melanie P.S. I have three really good other ones but having trouble...
  18. I didn't see you so funny my friend. I found you floating around my house all full of electricity... Just don't be in places you don't need to Mel
  19. 11 and "Twin Flames"

    I think it would be to wonderful for a perfect sexy flame to be waiting and just find one another... Wow. And then I would be married and have a child bummer for Melanie
  20. Rapture occurs May 2011

    Thats what I think we will see what happens... And don't worry. Live your life the best you can... Time will tell... Melanie Marry Christmas to all... God Bless
  21. 11 and "Twin Flames"

    Hi my friend, I'm not sure this friend of mine is close but not that close. But if I was to guess, and use my woman intuition about his deal, and what he wrote. That they are dealing with those type problems... "Romantic though"lol
  22. The purpose...

    Thats what I think it is just beautiful and well wrote, You took a lot of time in writing that from your heart I could tell... Your a good man... Take care Mel
  23. 11 and "Twin Flames"

    Oh I asked my friend that wrote this today did he find his twin flam? He has after all these years. They live in two different country's but they are working it out..." How romantic is that"... I wish I could have that, the way i keep seeing 11 all the time he might just be waiting for me... Awesome
  24. Oh I got the OBE goest buster team over here and did a clearing. One of the spirits called Allison when it was sent over to the other side and the man that lives two houses over five years ago was killed in a car accident, her last name was Allison then... Mel P.S. Also we had a bad leak this summer in the garage, one of the guys that came over OBE let me know I have mold under my house... Wow
  25. lol, hope i was a good girl this christmas... oh well not much hope in that...