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Posts posted by goonis38

  1. :lol: I would say keep doing what you are doing :P


    I had similar experiences & spent years chasing them again :blush:


    I think sometimes its out of our control.


    Good luck ;)



    Hi there,

    Can I ask did you go about it? In the same way? how many times did you get to go? What did you see? Did you see the city? Please I really would love to talk to you. The person that got me started on this just left me on my ear with this. I would really love some guidance and more... Melanie

    P.S. I know it's no pipe dream, people can even met there... :rolleyes:

  2. I think I've seen such a thing, a few of them in fact reaching into my body causing lots of tension which woke me up and as I came out of sleep I could see them in between the dimension of sleep and wakefulness. They were not of this vibration but I could feel them and see them except when I came fully awake they were not there and I did an energy wash of my body with my hands with reiki and the tension went away and I felt like they were gone. I've only had this particular thing happen once. I don't really know what was going on so I couldn't elaborate on any real theories other than they were screwing with my organs energetically, they were black and kind of like your daughter described them, with only eyes and nose I think.



    Hi there,

    Sorry it took me so long. I'm learning my way around here slowly but But yes I have heard of that happening to a person, this guy that was suffering from some kind of attack. Said something reached inside him and grabbed hid heart, can you imagine that is just awful. I am sorry you got such a scary rude awakening to. I have heard lots of people talk about these watchers. I wonder what they are up to, besides the obvious. Now someone earlier was talking "Nephilium" sorry for the misspell but also known as "fallen Angel" I think these and watchers are mistaken for aliens some of the time. Now thats not to say there isn't something else out there to. This ol world is something else. And we could never quit learning... Mel

  3. That is so funny I was saying at a place called the Camino Royal. A known place, Hotel for people to go and do this type of thing. I always met Pagan people in the elevator. And one Time I was talking to one of the guy's from the staff at the bar. I'm friendly... He had brought me my food earlier. And any ways he said he went up to the penthouse suite, to take some food and wine, and the door was open and lights on every where. People getting after it every where. He was like where would you like this sir? Get this... the man never stopped, "oh just where ever is fine" and just keep at it. It was so funny that poor guy that worked there was like why can't they dim the lights at least. And how come I can't come to your room and that be going on? I said it's like all the nudist colony's, they are all the I guess they are exchanging that energy and aren't thinking of

  4. Hi all,

    Just a thought but fallen Angels could be... Also we have watchers, that are seen a lot by people. I have never seen anything myself. But my daughter is 8 and was playing in her room listening to music playing with dolls, and saw something peaking around the corner of her room, bedroom door. We have no other children, and husband was gone by the way. She said when it saw her and noticed she saw it. It moved very fast sideways. I was laying in the spar bedroom on my tummy playing with the dog. She came in and said " Mommy you where peaking around the door at me" I said no I wasn't!! And of course we where the only ones in the house. So I get alarmed just a little. It just so happened, I had all black on that day. I ask her ok, just what did you see? And she told me what I just told you. And I said well what did it look like? And she said a little taller than you, I'm 5"5, and all black except a white face with no facial features, but she put it more like nose, and mouth, and stuff. She was frightened. So we don't talk about it any more. Thank goodness, I have no trouble with her staying in her room. I just explained imagination. Which it very well could be. But if it was something else. I don't talk about that with her just yet. So thats all I have Fallen Angels, Watchers... Melanie

  5. HI there everyone,

    I am new to the forum, and new to OBE. I have been given the basics to going about it, and had one good go at it the first time. This is how I was told to go about it. lie on you back very still, don't move a muscle. And start the energy flow from feet to top of head back and forth gradually gets faster. close your eyes, and when you start to see the images in head that come right before you fall asleep start imagining a spar bedroom, or another room you know every single detail about. I start at one end of the room and work my way around. Then you will fill your body start to vibrate slightly. Now here is the hard part, your body falls asleep, but your mind doesn't. This is your chance to visit the other astral plain. My friend that told me how to do this, said there is a whole city, with lots of people. And beings that are higher life forms. That we can't as humans even begin to understand. I have went once on my first try. Haven't been able to go again. I was in the room in my mind as i said and a woman came up in my face, long blonde hair, heavy set, scared me. So I went back to the room. Thats right not to my bed, where I was sleeping, isn't that amazing. Well I started around the room didn't take long, and again I see a man talking to another man, for some reason I can't see the second man. But the man I can see is kind of a Adam Sandler chubby brother type looking guy. And he looked at me and said to the other person. I couldn't see " where did you find this one?" So again I go back to my safe place my spar bedroom by the way. And I decide to go ahead and wake up. I get out of bed, it took exactly an hour for that. I e-mailed my friend to let him know. And back to bed I go, I look over at the clock and it said 11:11, which has been going on for most of my life that I remember. So I was like that figures, and went to sleep. But no matter how hard I try I can't have another OBE. First time dumb luck, or what? Anyone with any advise or knowledge. I would really appreciate it. By the way, I have had sleep paralysis, and waking up vibrating. Weeks and months before this experiment. So anyone, I would love any comments or ideas. I will be thankful... Melanie

  6. HI there everyone,

    I can only speak for my self of course. But I am all about "charisma"... There is just something about seeing a person across the room, and just knowing. It has always been that way for me, and it usually last for years. Well the inside sends off an energy... And it seems to send a signal to just the right person, if your lucky. Now if you get that kind of energy going, there is nothing better... that is way beyond regular every day sex. Why wast your time, and energy, on it... Melanie

  7. Hi there,

    I just started to learn how to have OBE very interesting. It does seem as if you are going to another place that other people and other advanced life forms that we will never know while we are alive at least. Our minds are a powerful thing. It is just amazing to me. Communication with our minds and much, much more we are able to do. I think with the right training and practice. We can go far... Melanie

  8. [size="3"]


    Well hello nice to met you. I have only been involved in one other forum, ever. So It will take me awhile to learn my way around. Thank you for having me. I am 39, with one daughter that is 8, a 13 year marriage. I have always been interested in what else there was to the world, and outside of it. I have studied, and listened, and looked into lots of different perspecsive's and ideas. I recently met a person, which is no longer in my life. But showed me the basics of having an OBE. I seem to be a natural at it. I had already in the past year been fighting with sleep paralysis, and waking up vibrating, looking onto my body. Not knowing what was happening. So this friend told me how to go into a basic OBE took right away.

    Haven't been able to since though, and this has been a week or so. Well I guess this is enough to start. There always is much more. But so nice to met you. And thank you for having me. Also I guess I hope to find some guidance. So that I am not just throwing myself out there without protecting myself...

    Your new friend Melanie[/size]