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Posts posted by goonis38

  1. You know what's a more dangerous attachment? The self. Fearing that some demon is going to steal your body or your soul. That's much more dangerous.


    Nobody can hurt who you truly are. Once you recognize your true nature, which is beyond any names, concepts, boundaries, then there is nothing to worry about. You only had that experience because you cling to self and fear arose. Should've radiated compassion and the demon (most likely just your subconscious projection) would've been pacified.


    Exploration without wisdom is dangerous because you can become even more deluded. Prime example of why I said earlier in this thread that OBE is just ego food.


    Thank you Sunya

    I think you all have sound advise... I appreciate it, and am listening to you all. That is nice of you to take the time...

    Your friend Mel

  2. I would say that without Gong OBE can be downright dangerous, a demon might take possession of your body or even kill your main primordial spirit while getting out there. When they see little you there, with that precious human body and without any means of defending yourself...


    I got demon obsession from Biyun Qi Gong and after starting practicing Falun Dafa the demon came after me to take my life. Had I not had the protection I have in Falun Dafa, well... The beast was creepier than creepy.


    So watch out, pursuit is a very dangerous attachment.


    Hi there,

    I think this is so true... I know this for a fact that there are also higher beings out there. Fallen Angels, demons, and spirits... You are very right, and thank you... Maybe thats why I have not been able to go into an OBE again... Something keeps getting in the way of my meditation... So could be my Angel doesn't want me to go there and knows what you do...


    I'm glad you are ok, and could protect yourself... And I will follow your advise... My body does seem to try on it's own every once in awhile to go into sleep paralysis, and the vibrational state... Looking for reason for all this happening to me brought me to OBE, just trying to understand why my body was acting like that. Could be an outside source. Don't know...


    No worries friend, thank you for the advise... Take care Melanie

  3. It is interesting to me that sex has been mentioned in the context of OBEs. At a previous point in my life I spent a lot of time roleplaying out fantasy sex scenes online. I had a few of my partners tell me that roleplaying with me was unlike playing with other people. One of them said that there was a sense of physical presence there, as if it were real. The online forum in a way became a conduit for shared hallucination, a medium through which two minds could become synchronized in fantasy.


    It seems as if sexual energy is very powerful. My suspicion is that it has something to do with it being the basis of creation.


    Hi there,

    Only a toy, well it's a good I know just what your talking about. What a great way to put it. Those where some lucky lady's. I guess you just moved of to China, but can still visit anyways. Good way to cut down on air And long distance phone calls... This toy is getting more useful the more I think about it.


    As far as sexual energy being powerful, there is no doubt about that, and some more than others. Is it a hallucination? I wonder... Well I'm getting tired time for bed. I guess your just getting started in China. Thats so crazy how different the time is. I bet that took some getting used to...


    Oh didn't know if you got that message earlier, it came back. But that sounds good... Melanie

    P.S. have a good one

  4. I realize that this thread sort of devolved from Jing to testosterone to cock rings :-/ .... anyways I was pondering Jing from another angle today....


    It all started when I pondered why it is that generally men or more turned on visually and women are more turned on emotionally. I remembered reading that the three treasures (jing, chi, shen) are stored in the 3 dan tiens respectively (jing=lower , chi=middle, shen=upper). I also remember reading that men tend to have more chi (which is why we have more body hair) and women tend to have more jing (which is why they have more blood ex:menstration). So the man desires the woman's jing, and the woman desires the man's chi.

    Now if jing is a more dense substance, closer to the physical realm, and if men need/want jing, (which is housed in the lower dan tien) then would it not make sense that men would be attracted to the physical apperance of a woman's body?

    Would a healthy female body suggest strong jing? If women want/need the man's chi (which is housed in the middle dan tien, thus more related to emotions) then would she not be attracted to a man's emotional quality?

    If you think about it, young women have very strong jing, old women do not. Porn stars (not that I'm advocating porn, just making an example) do not tend to be old women, they almost always are young, and good looking (thus a poster child of strong jing). If you are a man have you ever really analyzed why you think a female body looks so nice? Typically we don't tend to analyze this stuff, we just like it and thats the end of the story. But what gives this visual representation such power? is it not really the jing, the energy behind it?

    If you consider the case of a really hot babe with some ugly guy (and yes we have all seen it) as a man you are thinking "wtf!!??". But the woman is after the chi, not the jing. Her focus is on the mans middle dan tien, while our focus is on her lower dan tien where the jing is. Perhaps that is one reason that men trend to as a general tend have their emotional focus "lower" than the average woman. Perhaps that is why the saying goes "when a man's jing is full he will no longer desire the woman". I suppose if a man has plenty of jing, he will no longer feel the need for it.



    Hi everyone,

    Well I can't believe it but I'm actually going to comment on this thread. At first I found it a little loly. But I do see your point on this. I have known a man from 19 to in his late 40's, and he has changed so much. You know it is true that woman always are about the deeper love, and affection... Men are more about the outside and just the getting it done lets say.


    Now this is when we are young. I am 40 this year. We change all of us. Now as we mature, men also start to want the deeper side of things. And woman are just like well... are we there yet? So it does seem as if we change our attitudes on this to some degree. And it just could have to do with all this... And every person is different.


    I know one thing that I have always noticed was "charisma" I think this is so amazing. I can spot it clear across a room. A person either has it or they don't. And as for all the outside good looks a person can have. If you don't have charisma than, well it's just to Now thats just me... Take care Mel

  5. Master Moy, the founder of Taoist Tai Chi Society, was very upfront in saying he changed the Yang family form to suit his needs. He removed all the martial arts out of the practice and has diluted it quite a bit.


    Not that I am saying that you wont get benefits, you just have to keep in mind why you want to train. If you just want an introduction to Tai Chi then by all means go for it. But if you are interested in discovering the depths of Tai Chi then you have to keep in mind that you may have to eventually seek elsewhere. Of course the question then is, "Why don't you find the real deal to start with?"





    Hi there,

    Out of everything I find "Chi" very interesting... I wonder why they water it down like that... You should be able to start with a full class, that can take you all the way. That is right... Mel

  6. There is a reason that most adherent's of "serious spiritual traditions" never accomplish accomplish their stated goals. Their practices don't work.



    I have a friend who has been doing vipassana meditation now for 10 years every day. He goes to the retreats and such every chance he gets. I asked him last time I saw him if he was any closer to his goal of enlightenment and liberation than the day he started. He replied with an explanation about waiting for spontaneous instant enlightenment after many more years of practicing he thought it would come to him. I asked him if that had happened to anyone he had ever heard about in his school, to which he responded only with silence. I asked if actually anyone in his school that he had ever heard of had achieved enlightenment through their training, again silence. I didn't expect an answer as I meant those questions rhetorically, if Buddhist or mainstream taoist practices were producing any real enlightened being's it would be all over the news.


    I love my friend but he will die before he get's any closer to his goals, because modern "serious spiritual traditions" don't work. None of the mainstream schools are producing enlightened liberated students, only peaced out hippies.



    You can chant "om padme hum" till your teeth fall out, spin around in circles as a whirling dervish, trip your balls off with all kinds of shamanic entheogens, pray at a church, mosque or synagog, cast wiccan spells you buy off ebay or find at your local discount wicca-mart, preform guided meditations, try yogic flying, etc and you still aren't going to achieve anything other than an empty wallet as a result of your efforts.



    I like systems which actually produce results, Robert Bruce's system is one such system. I've had several OBE's with his method. I believe I actually made contact with another person during an obe as we both have shared memories of the event.


    I have noticed that during an OBE your ability to move chi into, through, and outside of your body is enhanced several hundred fold. In fact the only time other people have been able to even feel energy from me was when I was in a deep trance state having a near OBE like experience.


    One of my personal goals for OBE training is to become advanced enough to seek out high level teachers in the astral, I know it sounds crazy but there sure is a shortage here on earth.


    Hi there,

    I agree with most everything you say. Monroe is also a very good teacher in this. Yes this is what the point is to seek out higher being and learn... Also not only help your self, help others... Nice to met you... Take care Mel

  7. Hi all,

    I know I'm missing something... But am I the only one that could not listen to that. My goodness! It maid me want to crawl out of my


    Now I'm sure it has some kind of spiritual connection. I'm sorry, I hope not to offend. I live in an area with a lot of Native Americans they sing in away that is close, but much more beautiful. Maybe I just didn't hear the right person...


    Ok take care Mel

  8. The initial exercises for OBE are also healing exercises that rejuvinate the worn parts of the body as well as the mind. Other than that, taking antioxidents such as Vitamin E over the lifespan works from the pharmacalogical point. I'm sure you know the rest.


    One other not so commonly known anti-aging trick is to balance the chakras.

    Watch the folowing video to see if it does anything for you. Try it while meditating to experience the full effect.


    Having sex during OBE is new to me but I do use OBE to meet girlfriends and then meet them later in physical. They very rarely remember the OBE but follow the directions more perfectly than as if hypnotized. Come to think about it the dream/sleep state, at the subconscious level is, open to suggestion.


    Lol "follow the directions more perfectly than as if hypnotized". Wow makes me wonder how many times this my have happened to me. I know there are a lot of people who don't even think this is possible. I guess if I wouldn't of seen it myself, I wouldn't believe it either.


    JK have you seen the city? Hope you don't mind me asking... What about the higher beings. I know I have spoken to one. But never have seen one. If you don't want to talk about it here, send me a message please... I would love to know what you have seen... It would mean a lot to me... Thanks for all Melanie

  9. Hi

    Isn't amazing how important breathing is... I mean people take it for granted like blinking your eyes or what have you.


    I find myself holding my breath all time, which I know helps in causing me to have more stress in my life, and no telling what else. I just find it funny how the little things we take for granted are so important...


    I'm so glad I found this forum, I have to admit. I feel like I am way behind on my learning. But it's a start. I will try and remember to breath! And look into some of these books.


  10. Wow... Thank You SY,

    I will really take all you said into account. I sure don't want to get any older any faster. I'm 39 pushing 40. That is enough to make me think twice right there, not to be vain." I know what a woman". And I understand about the negatives, that are there. And know that to be true...


    But I also heard of some wonderful story's also. You where talking about helping people. My friend said he did this in hid OBE. And everything you said is true. He said he could visit a person where ever they are. That you can have sex, on the astral plain. But that it is better than what normal sex is here... More love, and energy... Could be you are losing energy? I wonder...


    I guess there is good and bad, just like everything else. But this is the first time, I heard about the getting older faster. Goodness!! But then you go back to you don't get something for nothing. I think if you are right. I will pass. But I have to say my body was trying to go into this vibration, and sleep paralysis all by it's self way before I started trying on my own. So why would my body try to do something on it's own? That is a good question, if anyone has an idea... Please if you don't mind.


    I will not try to do something, that is harmful to myself, or someone else, ever. I am all about goodness and love... But why would your own body go there by it's self, with no help? Or was there help? I'm unaware of... Anyways, that was very kind of you, to take the time and write all that all. THank you again...

    Your Friend Melanie

  11. I think that as you learn more of Taoist thinking, you will find that Taoist Science is largely about timings of the universe such as seasonal diseases, Chinese astrology etc.

    Here is a webpage on Buddhist philosophy (Not religion)

    What needs to be said is contained mainly within just one or two lines.

    I think that as you grow with the OBE ability, you will see how Buddhist philosophy ties into it as it is largely about cause and effect(karma)and morality.



    Hi again,

    Nice to hear from you... You seem to have a good understanding of this I can tell. When me and my friend where practicing, we would set our clocks, sleep and get up at 3:00 or 4:00. And wake up and lie back down, and try and have an OBE.


    But about the timing he lived in Amsterdam. I live in the US. So timing was different. And then there is some other timing, that I know your talking about. Like If I get to the vibration state, and my mind wont stay focused, my timing gets off. Lots of other things can through you out of the race also. But when you get it. It's so cool... Yes? And oh the pics of your exit point...


    Go ahead and pm if you like, I'm not sure how to work this. I'm still getting to know the forum, and trying not to piss off people with my poor writing Your friend Melanie

  12. :lol: Thanks RV.


    And Mokona, are you saying you manage to get undeniable evidence for yourself that OBEs are real? How did your friend actually find his way to you at work?

    I have read that you just think of the place you wanna go and you are taken there.


    Anyway, experiences on my side are tougher to accept. If I am to accept OBEs as 100% real, and not simply a construct of the mind, I have to accept a lot of other things. Like heaven (of some sort), angels, negative entity attacks, astrology and maybe even the power of Jesus. Things weren't always so strange though, at first OBEs were more normal and down to earth, then I started flying straight upwards into the sky and things got a little more crazy :lol:Beautiful, but crazy.


    I love OBEs, but am yet to get verification on them.


    Hi there again,

    Yes that is how it works, people can become so good at this. You could send them pics of a room, and they can travel through an OBE and pay you a visit. Sounds crazy... Mel

  13. What worked for me was having someone project, and then mess with me randomly throughout the day.

    It makes projection a much easier topic to understand. Especially when your standing next to cooworkers and jumping around becuase your being pinched by unseen hands.


    Hi there,

    Love the pic, that cat is kicking that dogs


    I get you, that's what I understand also. It's not just astral plain travel. A person can come visit. Way cool, and a little creepy. Especially while taking a bath. But seriously from what I understand there are privacy rules. If they are followed that is... Mel

  14. I once had an OBE, I was approached by a being of light, he came to me and bestowed upon me a divine mission, a mission to unblock humanities grammar chakra so no person has to suffer reading an overwhelming wall of text.


    I am not a grammar or spelling nazi, but have some compassion for those who may want to read your post.


    OBEs are interesting to me, but I cannot verify that they are real. Every morning I woke up, no matter how awesome I felt or how awesome the experiences were, other than myself, nothing in the world had changed.



    Hi there, The Guy

    Bless your I am so sorry! I gave you, and everyone else such a problem reading that. It sure wasn't my intent. I will try and do better next time. Please forgive my terrible grammar, and spelling and lack of spacing. Now that I look back on it, I would say that was the main Take Care Mel

  15. Hello Melanie,

    Welcome !I have be OBEing since young age.And remeber asking my mum that i am scared when my body goes stiff when i close my eyes and im thinking ,but cant move it,she didnt know unfortunatley.It was so scary back than.Those pshycic realms tally with realms of our mind(IMO).

    Now i love it ,there is nothing better(am i being selfish?)getting rid of body concioussnes ,so sweet and free.

    Do you keep dream journal?It is helpful to work my dream world out and break into patterns and meanings ,than you can remind yourself of those inside the dream and break into different spheres ..or shift councissness.

    I think best protection is developing honesty,kindness and good intention as in character wise.


    Hi there,

    I know, I was so scared the first couple of sleep paraylsis, and looking down on my body vibrating. I am so sorry... being so young. I bet that was scary, with no one to explain things to you. Have you learned a lot by now? I know there are people who can travel, and come straight up to you, in body. I just think this is so amazing... So tell me of some of your experiences, if you would like... Melanie

  16. :P



    Very few people have a natural talent for OBE so I did some checking into you.

    I also have a natural talent for OBE and I wanted to see simularities.


    According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you are born almost on Buddha's Birthday. Buddha was born on the 21st Lunar day, your birthday is on L15 of May.


    I was born on the Lunar 21st of May.


    The first OBE, I remember, was when I was about 15 years old. I have had them since then when I was worried about something or needed to OBE for some reason.


    I have only consciously intended to have one a few times and it was after I had found a Yogi that taught me the methods.


    Lately I have been practicing the methods again as I see a need forming.


    If you like we can E-mail and I will teach you.

    The methods are from Yoga, they work - and they will give you insights into yourself and your life.


    Most probably we will not be able to meet as I have lived in China for some years and do not intend to leave. I am originaly from USA's Appalachian mountain area so there should not be a language problem. (If you can understand Hill-Billyease :P


    To find my E-mail just click on the picture to the Left of this post.


    A few Questions,

    Do you have a lot of these times when you wake up at numbers like 11:11 ?

    Can you tell yourself what time to wake up and do?

    Can you send a mental request to a friend that you would like to talk and they call you?

    Is there anyone in your family with the names: Lavelle, Moss, or Bonnie ?



    I've been reading a few of your previous posts and see that the worry warts are trying to cause you problems. There are some posters here that see their purpose as to disrupt and others that know just enough to be dangerous, that simply want to see their words in writing and to see if they can influence others.


    The above is one of the worst things that a person can do to someone beginning to studying OBE.


    Like I wrote above, I've been having these OBE's since I was about 15 - I am quite a bit older than you are now.


    My experiences with them have been Very normal as well as no danger -But you -Absolutely- Must learn to controll your imagination and to understand your dreams.


    Here is a website on a person that has many, many, many documented OBE's. (Something like 14,000) The documentations are stored in a library that is kept for future research..


    I've read a few of the books written on his life's work and used them as guides rather than to listen to the know nothings and disrupters.


    I suggest that you take a few minuites to read a little of his life's work. Pay particular attention to his method for reaching the OBE level given on this website:


    His organization is here:



    Thank you so much for your support, I will look into what you are saying... That is something about our Birthdays. I will get in touch with you. It's funny there are always those people like that. That you are talking Thanks for the encouragement... Melanie

  17. Hi everyone.

    Thank you all for all you great advise. I will look into each web-site, that you all have suggested... And I agree about protecting yourself, very much so. Thats why I'm here speaking to you nice people instead of jumping into something. I really appreciate all the great advise, again... Melanie

  18. Hi there,

    I also have had the same type of thing for years. It sounds like anyways. And what I do is take my fingers right at the base of the skull and push as hard as I can into those nerves. It should feel good, or hurt in good way. Don't over do it. Or anything. Best thing would be if you could get someone else to go at it from another direction. Like you laying on back, them pushing upwards into that area. You would have to guide them, we know just where they are, others don't. It causes me tension headaches. But if I do this regularly it really helps. Anyways your not the only one my friend... Take care, Melanie