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Posts posted by goonis38

  1. The Nymph and the Sage


    "A story type or theme appearing over and over again in the Mahabharata is that of an Apsara sent to distract a sage or spiritual master from his ascetic practices. One story embodying this theme is that recounted by the epic heroine Shakuntala to explain her own parentage. Once upon a time, the sage Viswamitra generated such intense energy by means of his asceticism that Indra himself became fearful. Deciding that the sage would have to be distracted from his penances, he sent the Apsara Menaka to work her charms. Menaka trembled at the thought of angering such a powerful ascetic, but she obeyed the god's order. As she approached Viswamitra, the wind god Vayu tore away her garments. Seeing her thus disrobed, the sage abandoned himself to lust. Nymph and sage engaged in sex for some time, during which Viswamitra's asceticism was put on hold. As a consequence, Menaka gave birth to a daughter, whom she abandoned on the banks of a river. That daughter was Shakuntala herself, the narrator of the story."


    Well hello there,

    That is some story... The end gets after it doesn't it? I guess it would be as in the Bible... "That the sons of God, saw the daughters of man and found them so beautiful. They married the ones they wanted, and maid children"... It all boils down to woman starting a bunch of trouble. Adam and Eve... Can it be we cause so much strife in the world. And yet so much love, and give the birth of our children... It seems to be upside down, and right side up... Doesn't my friend... Melanie

  2. The sage loves fairy tales of all nature; to fathom is fun, but to favor is to forfeit.


    Ask, why seek out conceptual, vowel-induced truth in these fairy tales? The Bible, religious canon, etc...


    The problem is seeking answers....



    Find the One Original Question,


    and you will find


    the question


    is the answer... and it has been here, everywhere, all along.


    Hi there,

    OK the answer is there all along, Find the original question...

    So another words the question is my answer... Yes?

  3. 6. Master of Fate


    102 A glow in the sky

    103 and soon you'll arise

    104 Night pales

    105 Day shines forth

    106 You ride on thunder wheels

    107 cloud banners trailing

    108 heave great sighs

    109 look back yearning

    110 for earth's beauty burning

    111 look and linger

    112 forget your way

    113 I draw a long arrow

    114 and shoot Heaven's Wolf

    115 then draw me down the Dipper

    116 And plunge alone into



    I love those, they are just so pretty... Thanks again Melanie

    117 the White Void

  4. Listen to it. Avoid things that stress it out (nod to avoiding high-heels for lower back issues :ninja:)


    Stretch it, take it for walks, feed it good food, water, take it vacations, show it sunlight, show it new things, appreciate it ;) (or have someone else appreciate it :))



    I'd just add that IMO (current) it's not "yours" as in a possession it's "you" - which put a whole big t'other spin on everything that goes with...


    Hi Kate...

    That is great... I love the way you put all that, so true and right... Amen sister!! Mel

  5. 7. Young Master of Fate (Shao Si Ming)


    88 Hall full of lovely ones

    89 Yet you had eyes for me alone

    90 Riding a whirlwind A cloud for a banner

    91 Suddenly you came

    92 And as suddenly departed

    93 And only had eyes for me

    94 I bathed with you

    95 in the Pool of Heaven

    96 In a sunny fold of the hill

    97 I dried your hair

    98 Now it is I who shout & sing with despair

    99 Under a chariot-awning

    100 of peacock feathers & halcyon flags

    101 You climb again to the Nine Heavens



    Thank you... This is beautiful... Melanie


    Amen Brother,

    I'm still looking for mine, I believe I left them in drawer somewhere... Could be that last trip to But really to open minded, true statement... Mel

  7. Hi Melanie.


    First of all, here is something I have observed. I think one of the biggest misunderstandings in the cosmology of the modern Christian is the idea that all spiritual beings are directly in the service of either to Yahweh or Satan, what they would call angel and demons. The spiritual world is much bigger and much less black and white than that. But parts of the Bible that suggest this (Genesis 6, Daniel) are more or less ignored by most theologians today. That was my experience when I was studying these things in earnest. My point is, incubi, succubi, demons, fallen angels, nephilim, etc. are all different types of beings.


    Now, about The Book of Enoch and canonicity. The Book of Enoch was very influential in Jesus' day, well known to all Jews. It is even quoted in the Epistle of Jude. But there is this idea of the canon, where there is one collection containing what are considered the most important, authentic, and authoritative books against which all other writings are to be measured. The book of Enoch was not included in the canon by Jews, even as influential as it was, because their standards were very strict. Christian standards were very high too. The Epistle of James almost did not make it in, and there was a 3 Peter that was not included because Christian leaders were not fully convinced it was authentic.


    My point is, it was not a slight to the Book of Enoch not to include it in the canon. But because it was not included in the canon used in Europe, it was forgotten with time. Actually, according to wiki, it is in the canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. How about that!


    By the way, contrary to popular misconception, the Christian canon was not decided at the Council of Nicaea...


    Hey Mel,

    Wow thanks, this is a great deal of information that helps. Understand mainly we are being keep something from us for some reason... And I would just like to know what... Why do you think they keep these books out, in your opinion?


    Also do you know the difference between a fallen Angel, and a Watcher?

    Thanks for the info.. Melanie



    But I think betwixter was right to point out that "Do not add..." technically only applies to Revelation and not the Bible, which is not a book so much as an anthology.

  8. Before OBE is possible, other than as a fantasy, you must defeat the Guardian of The Gates... If you dare to meet me.



    I pick Moody Blues "Legend Of A Mind"


    But I follow... My ego was left behind along time ago. Took one trip to Amsterdam to get rid of it. Me and my husband always joke it must be still in a drawer over there in that Hotel we stayed in. You take that kind of deep look inside your self, and you are never the same again. (ego) perhaps not!!

  9. "A transcended being can live in the most extreme negative environment, a slum in Mumbai or in Mexico City, and remain radiant, loving and blissful. Feeling life's pain and the pain of others and transcending it."


    Um- I'm not so sure that some people are ready to explore the idea (at least, just the idea) that their outward circumstances may have little to do with their own satisfaction and/or circumstances.


    I am personally grateful that I live in neither Mumbai nor Mexico City. For lots of reasons - few of them are "transcendental".


    Of course I'm often wrong. Do you/have you lived there?


    Hi Kate,

    I know you aren't addressing me, I was just reading that post myself. Trying to think of how to respond... So thanks for the help. That had me scratching my head on that one...

    Ok take care my friend Mel

  10. I tried to quote both of you, but got one. Anyway. From what I've read and what makes sense to me in my own practice, I am developing an inner child. A "qi baby" as I have heard it referred to. Through relaxation, meditation and clearing the mind, it becomes possible to tune into the rhythm of the body... the subtle little ticks and muscle spasms, the qi flowing through the body. With conscious effort on breathing, those ticks and spasms can be smoothed out and calmed. With enough repetition and enough focus devoted to the practice, the energy begins to come together in the dan tian (or where ever one lets the mind linger).


    Leaving the body seems to be a stage. I truly believe that attempting to do anything during the practice, or reaching for phenomena, leads us down the wrong path. The phenomena come on their own, they are simply byproducts of the process. Having said that, I should clarify that such things are not necessarily bad. The striving for them and wanting them is bad. If the practice has reached the level where they happen, and a person finds themselves inclined to do them, then by all means explore.


    The time that I left my body, I was allowing the qi to flow and simply watching it. Rather than focusing on small cycle, or focusing on breathing or my posture or anything... I was simply letting go.


    It seems to be a widely held belief that our spirits are simply borrowing our bodies, and once the body stops functioning, the spirit will continue to exist.



    I agree with everything you said... We are just borrowing this ol body... That is my zip this suit off analogy, and take a walk in the spirit...


    That is what i pretty much do. What you are talking about, But I do it while laying on my back, not moving a muscle is harder than it sounds isn't And also meditating on one thing is also harder than it sounds. It's funny some of the things that sound easy, are hard. And some of the things that sound hard, are easy. So I have been really been developing my inner child?... I believe that.


    Like I have said a many of times, my body was doing things on it's own way before I was trying to find out what it was. I believe this just to be a developmental stage for me. As far as contacting spirits and things. That is something that comes natural also. Not something I try to achieve... We are born how we are... And God gave us a brain to look into things. And gifts, He has given each of us. I don't look at anything with a negative mind. I am a positive person. Full of love and peace...


    Take care Melanie

  11. I don't know where I came from. A long chain of being? Given I am here and not elsewhere?


    To entertain the idea that I am "fallen" is IMO to buy into someone else's explanation for my existence - which, if going well, I need not ask about.


    BUT, if to the contrary, it's not going well ("well" being entirely defined by my small idiotic self) then rather than asking what has happened and what I have done (and what has been done to me) to have things "not go well" - should I attempt to look beyond for yet another explanation. Beware, there are more than enough people and things willing to explain who you are to yourself.


    Hi Kate,

    I thought your name was to change You said what, but I forgot...


    Thank you for your reply to the thread... It is great just to hear everyones ideas on different subjects... That is the beauty of a forum...

    Talk to you later Mel

  12. Hi Mel,


    I believe the term 'watcher' you are using to describe what your daughter saw and her description of it, is referring to a 'being' that alot of ghost hunters and paranormal researches have named thus because of its 'haunting' habits and not the Grigori or watcher (Irin-Aramaic) of biblical infamy. The watchers are typically associated with the angels (they aren't the Nephilim) that mated with humans who in turn gave birth to the Nephilim; although many other references to the watchers don't necessarily correlate all of them with just some 'fallen' angels or even evil. Sometimes the word watcher (Irin) was used to just refer to angels in general, a particular order of angels (like seraphim, archangels or cherubim) that fell (Grigori) and other times an order that did not fall. The Sumerian Igigi (even though deemed gods) story was very similar to Enoch's Grigori...and most likely 'ripped' off.


    The "do not add, nor take away from this book" is Revelation 22:18 and was most likely, as when Revelation was written (regardless of who wrote it) was before the council of Nicaea determined what books went in the 'official' canon, just pertaining to Revelation itself and not the entire book. I don't buy that the author had some weird foreknowledge that that book was going to be placed at the end of a large bound collection of writings that a corrupt council would string together and so tagged that verse on to refer to the entire text. But who knows....


    Hi there,

    Why do you think they left out the book of Enosh? On the web sit I found to be the best they even call it "The Hidden Book Of Enosh" They are all corrupt I'm with you there! Makes me feel as if they felt there is something to hide.


    Yes I do understand that of the other watchers, but to be honest... I wasn't sure of the difference. if there was any. I just know that when I read. I can't tell you where I apologize, you may know what part of the Bible. That when "Archangel Michael" heard the cry of man under the strain of the Nephelim and Watchers as they where separate. He ask God to intervene in there part via the flood. Are you saying they are the same, or different? I did understand that the Nephilim are the offspring between woman an Fallen Angel.


    But I guess what I'm asking is where do the watchers fit in? Thank you... Melanie

  13. I think several people have probably developed a temporary nondualistic state of awareness from meditating, but I am really not so sure if that is what I am looking for, or even what I define to be enlightenment. It seems like a traumatic brain injury or death of the physical body probably would undo that state of awareness, hence it isn't a permanent attainment.


    I live everyday with the knowledge I will die, and my base awareness may begin a new dream in a reality similar to this one. I want to rise above that cycle altogether, and only a handful of practices seem to promise that, via an energetic route.


    I like Robert's system to me it seems like you are feeding and strengthening the inner body preparing for an exit, and I think it might be relevant to my goals. I also think being out of body gives you access to tons of knowledge and experiences you couldn't otherwise attain.



    I think it is a brave to exit your body as you say. And I know people have mentioned the ego being involved. I feel it's just the opposite. I think a person full of them self, and ego. Would never chance leaving there body. So I think it's just the opposite, myself...


    This is just a suit, or body's we wear every day. Some day we will zip it off. And be in our spiritual skin. Why not take a walk in it now...

    Lots of love Mel

  14. Meg,

    the gnostic journals are indeed a gem for those interested in that subject. It is the general belief that they are speaking of alien lifeforms who did genetic experimentation either with our species or with another species or perhaps just amoungst themselves. I could also be that these "nephelim" are indeed alien humanoid lifeforms. The reason most people believe the former is the biblical verse stating that the "sons of man" (translated as fallen angels) took wives of the "daughters of men" (human women) and taught them many things (the occult). Then of course it's the belief they somehow mated with the women giving them offsrping which were the nephelim. Some will argue that since inter-species breeding isn't possible naturally, that genetic experimentation occured. Thats the general theory of most people that i've heard.


    As per "incubus"...well i'm a guy so no, lol and nor have I had an attack from a "succubus" i don't think (if i did i don't remember). However there are accounts of people encountering different "lifeforms" in altered states of consciousness that have had "romantic" encounters, "demonic" encounters etc. Most noted, especially amoungst one or two Kunlun practitioners is the encounter of "Reptile-humans". Some people claim to channel their species such as... . their validity doesn't go beyond their own word so it's hard for me to take seriously but if you find sum meaning in it...well there u go.


    You say you are a follower of Christ but don't like churches and you read the gnostic journals...have you ever heard of or looked into the essenes? You may resonate with what they say. If you'd like some info on that PM me.




    Hi there,

    Thank you for your nice reply. I would believe that about the alien thing... This is all around the time period, if I'm not mistaken of the Egyptian time period... It has always been amazing to me how they accomplished so much. The golden molded face mask, well the list is endless.


    But if the Angels where mad because they where ask to bow down, to something they felt was inferior in every way to them. So they maid there own people the Naphilim giants... I will pm you and get that information... Thank you, that sounds great...

    Take care Melanie

  15. Well.. the nephilim are the igigi or "watchers".


    Wow, Yes the watchers, People report seeing them all the time... Blake all the way down, white face, features are almost not there... That is great Non thank you. What do you think of them?


    My daughter saw one, I have never seen anything myself. She is eight. She said when it saw her, it moved very fast sideways. I know... I read somewhere

    "Archangel Michael" heard the cry of man under the oppression of the Nephilim, and watchers. That he begged God to intervene via the flood... What do you think? Mel

  16. :) Hello there Mel, I hope all is well.


    Where can i find the book of Enoch? & how did you find out about it?


    Cheers :lol:


    Hi there Moonbar,

    They have the book on the net here is the site that I found to be the best... I wrote this early this morning. I should of added it...

    It is in the Jewish Bible, which I also find interesting. They do study it. And it is mentioned briefly in The Holy Bible all of this in Genesis 6 1-9 Enosh was not very far removed from Adam it tells of Enosh on the same page Genesis 4 17-19. In a lot of other places I'm sure. I'm no expert on The Bible. I read and try and learn what I can. I just find it strange how it was left out. The book is long... You will see when you look at the web site... Tell me what you think... Take care Mel

  17. I wanted to add this web site it is the best! Notice it says the Hidden Book Of Enosh...

    Well it's Mel again,

    I find this very interesting... I know we are all people of different faiths and different thought. This is only one idea. I'm not trying to push anything off on anyone. I'm very open minded to different ideas myself. I think we can all be right, thats just me. "Live with love, in your heart"... "Treat others as you, want to be treated" This is what I do...


    I love God, and Jesus. And no matter what your faith, I think it's good to look into all, or almost all. I don't like Church or the ways of Churches. I pray and meditate and show my love, right where I sit.


    But I just want to throw something out there to talk about. Whats everyones idea on, The "Fallen Angels" Nephilim.? The giant elongated skulls they find to this day. what was there roll? And how many of you believe they still play a roll to this day, not in the physical but spiritual? You know it say's in Genesis... "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were so beautiful, and they married any of them they chose" Thus came about the giant Nephilim, "They were the heros of old, men of renown" The book of Enoch has been left out of our Holy Bible for some reason. And it goes into all this in much more detail. Why leave it out? When it had such important information. It also says somewhere in the Bible" Do not add, or take away from this book" So please all. Penny for your thought. What do you think?


    Has anyone had an Incubus attack, or anything else that could bind this together? Could be, Incubus is Fallen Angel... Now I don't want to get peoples blood boiling, lets just have a pleasant discussion. No one is wrong, and no one is right. But if you like to say so. So be it... This is the beauty of a forum...


    Ok what do you think? Take care Melanie

  18. This is an article i wrote earlier this year




    Are there members that use a pendulum ?

    I would love to get some feedback...


    Thanks in advance


    3deedit : Click on " TAROT 3D "


    I have used the pendulum, and can anytime I like. I used to us an ABC chart. Then I was told that turned into a Ouija board, which can draw negative energy... So I just stick to the yes and no questions. And If I really want to know something I will ask...


    The pendulum is a interesting communication devise, but an OBE is better... Mel

  19. I was wondering when I got lost and moved to China. Now it makes sense. Funny how the mind can run things together.


    Hi again,

    I didn't see what i did, tell just now. I was like what? And I scrolled up and looked and I replyed to you two in the same post... Sorry wasn't trying to be confusing. But I sure can see how it was...


    Well.. you know we all want to run off to China with JK, lucky dog...



    Hi and nice to met you...


    As for your question of where else to post a thread I believe I went about it by choosing a topic from here and posting...

    Now you can also go view everything on "view new content" upper right hand corner, and you can also post I think...

    Please forgive my I am new also... Someone else will come along and explain it better.


    Again welcome... Melanie