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Everything posted by ejr1069

  1. I'm having night sweats every night now. My sheets are soaked. I typically wake up and need to dry off with a towell 2 times a night. Anyone have any tips for me? (seeking serious answers, I can see how this would be a fun topic to joke about).
  2. Tips for dealing with night sweats?

    UPDATE: Still having night sweats, but not as severe. I don't need to get up and towell off in the middle of the night, but my shirt generally does end up wet. It seems to happen around 11:30 PM every night. The TCM clock I found online seems to indicate this could be a gall bladder issue. Possibly an anger issue?
  3. From those that have experienced a dark night of the soul, can you tell me if you were able to keep your inner peace and tranquility through it? If so, what helped you?
  4. Tips for dealing with night sweats?

    I think the time I start sweating depends more upon how far into my sleep cycle I am rather than a specific time. But I will investigate. Thank you.
  5. Tips for dealing with night sweats?

    I don't drink alcohol but do drink green tea. Maybe I need to slow down on that. Liquid Magnesium? That sounds good. Magnesium is natures relaxer. However, I prefer to take in nutrition through food. I somewhat buy into the idea that natural foods have the right combinations of thousands of nutiients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, etc. But seeing as I'm almost never hungry these days, I might just need to do the liquid magnesium.
  6. Tips for dealing with night sweats?

    Curious to know if things got "better for you" after this detox period. This awakening has kind of sucked so far. By that, I mean that I have had health problems, financial probelms, marital problems, you name it. It has been brutal. I hope to find that "rainbow" and the pot of gold that goes with it soon...
  7. Anyone tried Hemi Sync meditations? If so, what did you think?
  8. OK everyone, I feel like something significant is happening. For 2-3 days (ever since starting the Hemi-Sync Mind Food CD), I have had a ton of energy. I get 3-4 hours of sleep a night. I eat 1-1.5 meals a day. I feel the need to workout like a mad man to release this energy. I have been journaling every day multiple times a day. That went on for 2+ days, maybe 3. Then yesterday I crashed in the early evening. Slept for 7 hours. Had low energy today. Needed several naps. Couldn't focus at work. Took a couple of trips to the forest, walked in nature, hugged some trees, did some deep breathing exercises. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
  9. Despite the life being in turmoil (wife wants a divorce, job is tanking, having trouble making money), I am feeling energized and joyous. I couldn't sleep last night. Stayed up til 1:30AM, then went to the gym to workout. Got home at 2:30 AM. Went to sleep. Got up at 5AM after having mild night sweats. Meditated for 25 minutes then went on a bike ride. Are these typical signs of a crown chakra starting open?
  10. Looking for guidance in a difficult space

    I'm no guru. In fact, I am on the path to enlightenment but still have a ways to go in my journey. So please consider the source. But as you asked for my input, I shall share it. 1. Is enlightenment worth pursuing if you can't fit into society at some level? If you can't earn a living? If you must become a burden to others? If you can't act out of love, compassion and joy with your wife? That life hardly seems like a life worth living. As much as our souls want union with the divine, we also strive for communion and fellowship with others and to make a positive impact on society. These must be incorporated to a healthy life style in my opinion. 2. If you are depressed, go within. Ask yourself what limiting thoughts and behaviors are taking you away from your heart center where your truth is? Our true nature is that of the creator: light, love, joy, compassion. If your thoughts are taking you away from this space, let them go, dissociate from them and find other thoughts. Work on yourself. Test to see if your negative thoughts are true. Imagine how you would feel without those negative thoughts, then replace them with thoughts that add to your peace or your joy. Change your thoughts, change your world. 3. Set goals of the physical world and strive to achieve them. We almost always feel fulfilled when what we are doing is fully engaging us. You gotta have balance. Find a nice mix of spiritual and phsyical pursuits.
  11. I saw someone wearing a necklace the other day. The necklace was black leather, string or possibly rubber. The pendant was clearly a fish hook, possibly carved in jade. Any spiritual significance to this type of pendant? I was drawn to it immediately.
  12. Late night cravings?

    Lately, I have been snacking in the midle of the night. I wake up and can't seem to get back to sleep unless I eat something. It's not for lack of sufficient calories during the day. I eat plenty. But maybe I am missing certain nutrients? That's my theory anyway. I tend to view cravings as your bodies way ot telling you that you need a certain nutrient that is in whatever food you are craving. My craving lately has been wholewheat bagels or cereal. Does anyone else have these? My rule of thumb is generally to not eat after 8 PM. But for the last 3 nights I have snacked after 11PM. Any ideas as to what could be going on? Shoudl I give in to the craving? How to curb them?
  13. I've seen myself grow over the last 4 years, letting go of limiting beliefs, becoming more open minded, loving, compassionate, accepting and less judgmental. I have made an effort to do what I can for those around me all while going through a tumultuous transformation. However, no clear cut path to service, no obvious ministry, and no spiritual gifts seem to be manifesting at this point. Possibly I simply need to be more patient? Does awakening always lead one to service?
  14. I'm contemplating walking to work

    Do you happen to own a bicycle? I thinking riding a bike makes more sense from a time standpoint. You could certainly ride your bike 15 miles per hour depending on the type of bike and the terrain.
  15. Late night cravings?

    It's funny that you mention that, because I had that very thought this morning. I plan on fixing either some vegetarian chili or red beans and rice. I was thinking that my body might be craving more b vitamins.
  16. Is awakening always a call to service?

    I do serve in little ways nearly every day. Always have. One day I might take the neighbors trash cans up from the street for them. One night I might coach soccer practice for the kids when their coach is a no show. But it feels kind of silly that one's life would be turned upside down and to go through all that I have been through simply to do small acts of kindness. especially as I have always done these types of things. Something still seems missing. I feel like I just need a spark. Something to come into my life that lights my fire that I am truly passionate about...
  17. Is awakening always a call to service?

    My definition of ministry is simply a calling. Not necessarily related to any religion or spiritual lineage.
  18. Is awakening always a call to service?

    Honestly, it justr doesn't matter any longer. For a while I thought that I might wish to be some sort of spiritual healer. But today, I simply want: 1. To not be depressed any more 2. To have lots of energy instead of always being tired 3. To have my head feel normal instead of tingling and numb all the time 4. To be a good dad and good husband 5. To be fully engaged in life enjoying my job, friends, anf family. 6. To be happy
  19. Damn Allergies! How to get rid of them?

    I believe the key is to cleanse your body and strenghten your immune system. You probably didn't just start getting allergic to your environment, more than likmely, your immune system has just reached a point where it can no longer keep up. I suggest: 1. Eat a whole food diet that is primarily plant based 2. meditate 3. Use a nettie pot every morning
  20. I am wondering if a shaman initiate gets spiritually beat up, unfairly judged, cast in a bad light repeatedly while not being recognized for the good deeds they do. Thoughts?
  21. I want to start teaching my children about the power of the mind and to control their thoughts in order to create the personality traits and life that they desire. I thought about maybe planting 10 thoughts in their head that they can use to apply to most life situations, and to have them frequently repeat those thoughts in their head. Thoughts like: 1. I am hard working 2. I am intelligent 3. I am kind, loving and compassionate 4. I am accepting and accept my friends and family the way they are 5. I am ethical 6. I am happy 7. I am truthful If you had to pick just 10 thoughts to teach your kids to repeat in their minds over and over and to apply to their lives over and over, what 10 thoughts would you start with? Sure, I could pick the 10 commandments, but honestly, I want to create a list better than that. The commandments are solid principles, but I don't want them telling themselves that they can't do in life over and over, I want them repeating affirming statements that empower, not restrict them. So: A. Do you think this is a worthwhile exercise to do with my kids? B. If so, what are the 10 life affirming statements you would start with?
  22. Energy related question

    The other night I was at a meditation function called "sacred circle". We sit in a circle and share music, poetry, and meditation. Near the end, we practice was is called "loving kindness" in partners. With the person seated next to you, one gives and the other recieves. The one recieving, is seated. The one giving is standing behind the person, lightly touching their shoulders. The giver repeats the persons name in their head over and over while thinking about sending them unconditional love. The reciever brings their awareness to their heart chakra and thinks about receiving. When I give, I also bring my awareness to my heart center and imagine the unconditional love going from my heart center to theirs. Each person gives for 3 minutes and each person receives for 3 minutes and afterwards, you have a chance to describe the experience to your partner. So the person I was partnered with this week is a Tibetan Buddhist accupuncturist. About 30 seconds into my giving to her, I feel her entire body tense up for about a second. Almost as if I had jolted her. Anyway, she described the experience to me as very pleasant. She told me that my energy was neutral, balanced, and masculine. I didn't get a chance to ask her what that means. Any ideas?
  23. Passive Intolerance

    Aaron, I tend to agree with your sentiment that most if not all religions are intolerant and that the dogma of those religions separates rather than unites people. However, I do believe that as more people awaken, we will see a shift in this. For example, I practice Catholicism. It's what I grew up with and it's an avenue that I have already carved out some ways to serve others with. But deep down, I'm more spiritual than Catholic now. I tend to believe that Jesus' original message was probably that of enlightenment, which means that his message takes you to the same place as buddhism, hinduism, yoga, etc. So the people that make up any religion don't necessarily need to be intolerant if they simply let go of the dogma.
  24. The concept that your enemy is your best guru is a wonderful idea that I had never contemplated. But I like it a lot. As for books, I am shying away from most books. I am on a quest for truth and I believe that experience is the true path to wisdom for me. Books give me an intellectual understanding of a concept while my experiences provide me true wisdom. I simply hope that the headaches go away soon and that I will again be able to experience the consciousness that I experienced 1.5 years ago. After a tantric yoga class, that night ther energy shot up my spine and I popped out of my body. The energy stopped at my heart center and all suddenly I was enveloped by a white light and the feeling of warmth and unconditional love. I consider that to be my first true encounter with the divine. The lobes of my brain are tingling quite often of late. I am also getting many headaches. I hope to be able to get the physical symptoms under control and that my spiritual gifts will come more clear to me so that I might use them to love and serve.
  25. Thank you for all the responses. I want to find my way on this spiritual endeavor. But do I need to slap a label on it? Shaman? Enlightened being? Something else? Does it matter? What I am sure of is that I am a conduit of divine energy. The people around me benefit from the energy that flows through me. Whatever that makes me, that's what I am.