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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. Would you like most women to cover up their beauty?

    This is what my sister does.
  2. What are you listening to?
  3. Codependency - Any Experience?

    Yepper. Although when it comes to two codependent energetics practitioners it can be a bit more complicated. Kind of hard to tell where one's self ends and the other's self begins. My ex and I were quite codependent on each other. I would use her natural yin affinity for grounding much of my yang energy and she would use my yang energy for... well nothing really. I was the one mainly directing the energy, I was mainly trying to help her deal with her emotional scarring and the health issues that manifested. It's rather difficult to help someone work through something they don't want to touch with a 10 ft pole. Anyway... I think Rumi sums it up rather well here.
  4. Change your DNA with just 20 minutes of regular exercise.

    The emerging field of epigenetics is VERY interesting. A lot DNA is changed by external factors.
  5. Zhan Zhuang

    One of the reasons one trains with eyes open is because the eyes are usually unconsciously connected to the arms and neck. Usually a teacher who does "eye training" will have a more martial focus. When you remove the connection of your eye movement with body movement you telegraph your intent less than you would had you not trained your eyes. I think this also has good impact on one's inner alchemy as well. If one is able to look upon something without the body reacting then there is less chance of the mind interfering with what one is looking upon. This article caught my attention recently.
  6. Hot Tea

    How hot are you setting your water? I found with mate that it was best at about 165-175 Fahrenheit.
  7. Yoga Is A Sex Cult!

  8. Mental Connections

    I find this to be an excellent description of my own experiences. I have a few friends that are particularly sensitive to my thoughts. It's kind of funny when I don't verbalize anything yet they ask me to repeat myself because it sounded interesting.
  9. make up your own conspiracy theory.

    At the behest of international bankers textile manufacturers have started applying a special piezoelectric circuit into all designer clothes. Your movement powers a tracking device which tells the bankers where you are. Soon all clothing made industrially will have this circuit built in. It is only while you are moving in some small way or another that any signal is sent. You must STAY STILL, have your clothes made from the very fibers up or become nudist to avoid this.
  10. Anyone up to speed on updating drivers for computer?

    Yeah, drivers should be free.
  11. Hardship

    I consider the stroke I had to be a wonderful gift now in hindsight. I was prompted to learn about myself, my own health, and how to manage things more safely than fire rituals. I'm still recovering but it's almost like a project now, releasing certain areas and reintegrating them into my whole being.
  12. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    Drew that's funny stuff. I also notice issues with electronics when my energy is high. My friends usually tell me their cell phones "jump" out of their hands when they get a call from me whilst in that state. I sometimes don't need my security badge at work. I've changed the radio station on a receiver a few times. Microwave ovens really bother me sometimes.
  13. Lower back pain

    Feldenkrais is good stuff too.
  14. Lower back pain

    Still in stroke recovery. In my worst days the following videos helped me a lot when I couldn't go to see my instructor. Also proper zhan zhuang practice.
  15. Quinoa and tryptamine

    Quinoa has never made me sleepy. Very interesting.
  16. Baguazhang help!

    Mud wading step is something unique to Cheng style bagua. Yin style typically does not practice mud wading step. The Xie Peiqi lineage members claim that Cheng was only taught the Dragon system of bagua. It's pretty interesting stuff.
  17. Source of Tai-Chi Symbol discovered and the Solstice

    Yeah I'm feeling it all right. I've got so much danged yin it can't help but rise and then it just buzzes around in my head and wakes me up at night. I've had to really work to put it back down lately. Perhaps the past three days this has been going on.
  18. Zhan Zhuang

    This is an excellent resource as well. EDIT: Seems this was already posted by another.
  19. Thank you Larz Zotigh.

    I had a long day at work followed by a long bus ride home. On my walk from my last bus stop back this squinty eyed bald guy with a bunch of tattoos walks up and asks me for a cigarette. I gave him one. We walk along and he says he has some cannabis. We find a suitable spot and get to toking. I gave him $2 and the rest of my cigs. Our conversation headed toward kung fu. We both demonstrated forms and then sparred a bit. Hell of a lot of fun. Had to bend my glasses back into shape and fell pretty good on my elbow when he did a decent take down. Made my night much better. It's great how you encounter those individuals those times when you need it most.
  20. So my ex and I were energetically and empathically connected at quite an intense level for a few months. She now lives in Indiana and just found out tonight she's pregnant and it's not a happy event. I've been feeling odd the past couple of weeks or so and today I had such a hard time with energy I felt roiled up all night. I know what I can do to reduce my troubles with feedback from her but have no idea how to advise her to help address her situation. Is there anything you guys recommend? I know pregnancy is a very sensitive time for a woman energetically and don't want to see her come to harm from ignorant advice.
  21. This is not my child but she will be coming back to me some time in the near future. I'm just about the only person that she feels safe with any longer. Thanks for the info guys, she has a rather intermittent mindfulness practice but nothing regular at the moment.