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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Benny Hinn is a known huckster and Christian faith "healer" who puts on a great show but has no results.
  2. Monterey CA

    I am in Sacramento, hello! Ted Mancuso has a school in Santa Cruz.
  3. New books for EVERYONE

    I know for certain that I could not provide useful information in a book. My progress is still too minimal to be discussed. Perhaps in 30 years. Now? I have nothing worthwhile to present except for immature guesses and words from a position that is not at all where I would want to "witness" from to use an Evangelical term. Things that are worthwhile take time.
  4. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Have you read Neil Gaiman's American Gods?
  5. How hard are you? :)

    I never joined any of the gangs because I knew that way led to prison. My uncle did much the same but the drugs got him to prison. He and I are somewhat parallel in that we tend to stay on the fringes of the criminal element but never join up. As an adult now and having lived away from the region for so long and then coming back it's definitely a big change. A lot of people think I'm a racist White guy, I'm not racist there is shit in every people and I have been exposed to more than most. I also expect a certain level of decorum when in public. Arizona is largely White and Mexican and coming back to NorCal was a big culture shock for me. The increased exposure to negative behavior here has increased the tolerance to it, such that unacceptable behavior is considered the norm.
  6. How hard are you? :)

    I grew up in Section 8 housing in Stockton, CA. I'm Chicano but look Anglo. It was real fun when the Mexicans found out my dad was Mexican. Got jumped for my boots, jumped for being White, jumped for being Mexican, jumped for being smart. For years everyone thought my family had money because I did well at school. Eventually it got to the point where I became known as the kid who would bite and scratch if attacked and I always had a 2 foot long chain made from key rings at my belt with keys at the end to use like a flail. Never did get that thing confiscated and I think the "handle" a metal letter "M" is in a box somewhere, perhaps the only thing left from my childhood. I went to visit my grandmother there two weeks ago and heard a driveby less than two blocks away. There are approximately 70 murders there so far this year alone. Per capita it has a higher murder rate than Chicago. The city is always in the top 10 hot spots for car theft. Growing up I wore a lot of green in middle and high school because there were no major gangs repping that color on my side of town. A friend of mine gave me a tip so I also wore grey shoes (neutral) with laces tied at the toe (untouchable) for a while. It's definitely not a place I would like to live in again.
  7. You Meet A Wizard

    I already waste an inordinate amount of time trying to keep my mind from going into overdrive. I'll take the rich and sleepy option.
  8. Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

    Spot on GMP. Growing up I don't know how many times I heard similar stories and saw such "charities" set up. I was good friends with a Nigerian family who actually were persecuted and driven from their mainly Muslim homeland. The church did help the man bring the rest of his family to the US after he came but after he was in the States the charity for him and his family was over.
  9. Theologian says China to have largest Christian population

    Christians are easier to control than Daoists.
  10. The Ottoman Empire

    It's a reference to the game Half-Life. Classic first person shooter, you start out with only a crowbar,
  11. Drew I've blown out both of my knees and through proper practice I've gotten a lot stronger and have really regained a lot of mobility. I highly recommend standing in single sided weighted stances for a few minutes. Discomfort is normal but of course stop if three is downright pain. Once you can stand comfortably I highly recommend Northern Shaolin jibengong to rebuild your strength and flexibility.
  12. Webomicssss

    Looking For Group, not a spinoff but from the same creative team.
  13. Webomicssss

    LICD is great too. I'm actually a bigger fan of LFG but it's slower update schedule makes me sad.
  14. Every time I've wanted to kill myself has coincided with some drug I've been taking. In the past it was fluoxetine and sertraline. Most recently it was gabapentin. Anyone else have trouble with medicines causing suicidal thoughts?
  15. Sound of conch while astral travelling

    My Mayan friend and meditation teacher would regularly blow the conch when he first started practicing Chen taiji intensely. He'd startle a lot of us at first but I think the reason he taught me and offered to teach another friend of mine was because of our reactions to it.
  16. cussing and daytime boggie man to boot

    I think that even labeling the words "offensive" provides with them with more emotional attachment than they deserve and I KNOW that what is offensive and what is not is entirely dependent on audience. YOU may find the words offensive but to my normal audience the word fuck is used like a comma. Highly intelligent, highly educated, and very eloquent people have exchanged "offensive" language with me but no offense was taken on either side.
  17. cussing and daytime boggie man to boot

    I don't think there is any separation of cursing and eloquence and I'd honestly rather eliminate such dualities as you suggest. It was a duality for me when I was younger but I have accepted that cursing is a matter of audience. So few people actually talk to me in person that I don't filter myself except for work when I have it. Cursing has a special case in emotional impact on ourselves as well as in conveying the gravity or severity of a situation. Some of the best conversations I've had usually have the word fuck inserted in various places with varying emphasis.
  18. External + Internal Martial Arts

    I'd like to see a lot of these MMA guys train with someone like Su Dong Chen or Ark Minoru.
  19. cussing and daytime boggie man to boot

    I've been cursing like a sailor for years. It was always a speaking duality from the age of 5 onward. My grandfather's every other word was 'Fuck' and that stuck with me. While I was living in Arizona most of my friends spoke similarly. There were times in my life where I tried to curb my tongue but those phases passed quickly.
  20. What do you want for Christmas?

    I'd like a job.
  21. Webomicssss

    I love Girl Genius. I've been reading it a couple of years now and check in at the appropriate times.
  22. Yo, wachado?

    Just the kung fu basics.
  23. Sensations experience during practice

    Western science has still yet to find many endogenous compounds for known receptor types. You could be switching between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, you could be experiencing endogenous cannabinoid receptor stimulation or even fascial awareness. Also the brain is always susceptible to its own programming who knows exactly what is going on in these instances.