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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. finally going to college

  2. Daniel Pfister is teaching bagua, taiji, and xingyi at UC Davis.
  3. Bum Creations

    Doctorow's novel about these people is quite good.
  4. Dogs Driving
  5. Tai Chi Movies

    I've watched both Tai Chi: Zero and Tai Chi: Hero, very fun. I just wish that I understood Mandarin. I have a good idea as to what's going on and all but I would have liked to have known who the bagua guys were in the second movie that Yang Luchan fought. Lots of fun, anachronisms everywhere and the fights are choreographed by Samo Hung so it's top notch all the way. Not at all realistic but a blast to see.
  6. Depression

    Almost every drug that I have been prescribed for depression has had such negative side effects that I refuse to submit to a doctor's opinion on these things any longer.
  8. What are you listening to?
  9. Money is evil

    The English are a much more subdued lot than here in the States from what I perceive. Most of these large churches have educational programs that I can only compare to brainwashing and cultish behavior. Of course that only starts after some sensationalist recruitment scheme. The church I grew up in had a weekly block party for the neighborhood youth that included go carts, electric scooters, a small skate park, concession stands, and merchandise. There were overseas "missionary" trips which I believe were really meant to cement the malarkey and create a more submissive group. My little sister went both to India and Venezuela but jumped through so many hoops just to go. Our youth group alone had over 200 members and this was in a city of approximately 300,000 people.
  10. What are you listening to?
  11. Money is evil

    I have seen this. I helped start a church at the age of 16 as the resident techie. All of the pastors had been involved in megachurches previously and decided they needed to emulate what they came from. It was disgusting to hear the leaders of the church requesting 50% of the congregation members' income.
  12. Shaolin Internal Practices

    Watched a VCD of the first form of Rou Quan from Mao Jingguang. I think that Chen taiji would be more accessible and provide the same benefit. The Rou Quan set and Chen taiji look very similar and I think Sal Canzonieri has a valid position in that Chen shi is more Shaolin influenced than anything from Zhang Sanfeng. There was definitely Daoist influence in the Rou Quan set, who knows what the original set looked like.
  13. Pole shift
  14. Pole shift
  15. Pole shift
  16. Pole shift

    Yeah the Poles are very impressed with the Irish's drinking ability, haven't heard a review of English drunken ability yet.
  17. Pole shift

    Sounds like pseudoscience from the Internet. We are already in the 4th dimension (time) as well as possibly 6 or 7 more if you subscribe to string theory. Geomagnetic shifts do happen occasionally. The "shield of energy" is our planetary electromagnetic field which is created by the movement of the liquid metals within the Earth. Scientific knowledge allows one to sift through the bullshit more easily.
  18. If I were to die tonight....

    If I were to die tonight then my physical suffering would finally be over.
  19. Shaolin Internal Practices

    Sal Canzonieri has done a lot of research into Shaolin internal practices.