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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. Wow...

    I wonder how much of it is pheromones as well. I encountered a woman when I was working as a law clerk that gave me hard on whenever she walked into the room. Kinda mousey and librarian looking as well as about 20 years my senior at the time but I couldn't help it. My roommate at the time who had also worked for the law firm before me said the exact same thing about her.
  2. Wow...

    The only wedding I've ever been a part of I wore aviators the whole time. My friend the groom was upset at first but when I explained the migraine he was OK. He knew I just wouldn't participate without them.
  4. Visualization for Repairing Injured Tissues

    I've screwed over both my knees pretty well, can't tell you what tore or whatever as I haven't had health insurance in 9 years so any sort of imaging is stupid expensive. Anyway, I used the soft braces from Walgreens and just tried to walk as well as possible. Now I mainly practice leg strengthening exercises that might be classified as jibengong were to have an instructor correct me but I don't have the funds for that.
  5. Wow...

    I'm more of a fine made straw hat kinda guy. The brand I like isn't available in the US, have to have a buddy smuggle it up from Mexico when he goes next time. Damned Cuban embargo. Meh, I doubt anything will come of it. I posted elsewhere that I wouldn't want to inflict myself on anyone right now and I'm sticking to that. Also, she already has a less than optimal boyfriend.
  6. Spiders

    HNJT some spiders' brains extend into their legs.
  7. The Five Levels of Taijiquan

    I personally wouldn't bother with the book. The essay is available for free from CXW, just without Silberstorff's commentary. Honestly a good teacher and constant practice will help you more than this book. Unless you are at a level to start instructing Chen jia quan in a MARTIAL manner you will most likely gain little from the book. Don't get me wrong, Chen Xiaowang's lineage is what I started learning from and it is very deep, I just think the book would be a waste of money.
  8. Instead of in my case. I'm nowhere near a good place to have a relationship with a woman at this time. Wouldn't want to inflict myself on someone.
  9. Spiders

    I've always respected spiders. My best friend growing up had a pet tarantula and I thought it was one of the most fascinating things. Daddy long legs lived peacefully in the house I grew up in. I've had black widows live in my closet for months at a time. I've had staring contests with wolf spiders. I make sure they are aware I can kill them at any time but if they leave me be they will be left alone. Most agree to these terms. They are incredibly knowledgeable beings and they taught me quite a bit about weaving energy and people.
  10. Anyone in the Philippines?

    I'm looking to move there. Has anyone any experience in Manila particularly that they'd like to share? I'd appreciate whatever tips or information you may have for an ignorant American. I had lots of Filipino friends growing up in Stockton but that's here in the States, doesn't mean much in the actual country. Here are my reasons to move there in case you're interested. 1. No snow. 2. Lots of English speakers. 3. Learn Liuhebafa and Yiquan. 4. Beautiful women.
  11. My Little Pony
  12. Spiders

    Cattle don't move as quickly and can't swat us away.
  13. I'd probably use a nice unfiltered apple juice over Tree Top. Sounds tasty.
  14. excess energy in the head from studying? WTF

    Not quite. Tucking the chin is a bad description IMO. It's basically meaning to say not to jut your chin forward or upward. Rather you should float the head using the muscles that make up the 'V' of your suprasternal notch.
  15. What are you reading right now?

    The Scar
  16. Legal question

    I didn't see anything about age in the Terms of Use after my cursory glance at them. I'm curious as well.
  17. End of relationship...

    Since I now see that you're 17 I4L I would suggest that you live a few more years. Once you're old enough to get into a bar and apply the techniques you will see exactly what I mean. A woman that is emotionally intelligent, secure in her identity, and genuinely interesting will be practically immune to anything a pickup artist throws. All women do not have the same basic instincts, homosexuals and bisexuals are shown to have a slightly different structure to the hippocampus. I am definitely not within the social norm and typically my relationships are polyamorous. I think I'll take a cue from konchog and I can only hope that your experiences over the next few years will change the conclusions you have come to with such youthful surety.
  18. End of relationship...

    Initially we talked about cigars and weight loss. I had a rather parallel upbringing with more than a few fellows. Fundamentalist Christianity does not equip a believing young male with any sort of dating skills "in the world." Many of the relationships that spring from that sort of church environment are nigh on arranged. Many of the fellows in the community were usually after one goal: losing their virginity. Most of them said, "It's like Pringles man, once you pop, you can't stop." I've studied their material, used some of the techniques myself and found it highly effective in creating shallow physical relationships. The type of woman that the techniques attract, the lifestyle that is espoused and the sheer number of fellows I encountered who quickly became jaded with it was enough for me not to fall into the trap.
  19. End of relationship...

    I4L I've spent quite a bit of time talking with the pickup artists in Scottsdale and reading many of the same things you are linking. I find your conclusions shallow and objectifying toward women. Have you ever created an energetic and empathic connection with a partner? Treated them as an equal and part of you as opposed to a possession? There is more to relationships than sex and social status.
  20. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    For some reason I thought you were trying to post like Scotsman speaks.
  21. What are you listening to?

    These guys were amazing live. Truly one of the best and most impressive concerts I've seen.
  22. What are you listening to?

    Eh... I prefer this bluegrass mashup. Or this one.