
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by GreytoWhite

  1. Ha, good one. I've been filtering through April Fool's jokes all day. A trans friend of mine who is quite able to pass for female announced her pregnancy on Facebook today. Although I wouldn't mind a sub-board for banned members only, other places I frequent have similar things. One place even calls their area "The Gimp Tank."
  2. What are you listening to?
  3. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    I hate to revive an old thread but thought this would be the best place to post. If you're interested in Dan Harden's work there aren't DVDs, there aren't YouTube videos, there is no book.
  4. At training today...

    Aye, practicing in moving water is a very good idea for aikido. Especially the kihon dosa and kamae if your branch has those.
  5. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    The plot is pretty bad as is the intercourse.
  6. TBH, this site is quite useless in taoist forms.

    Use the search function. A lot of the more knowledgeable people have been chased away by various fads and member trends over the years.
  7. TaoMeow on Coffee

    Proper siphon pot coffee requires good stirring and a quick boil. The Japanese are nuts about the siphon and are particularly careful to stir enough. This causes the coffee grounds to settled on the filter in a pyramid shape.
  8. TaoMeow on Coffee

    TaoMeow here are some machines that I like quite a bit. They may produce similar results to what you are describing in the German machine.
  9. TaoMeow on Coffee

    The Clover machines are interesting. I think it's the 70 micron filter that is keeping the oil from your cup. French presses usually don't have that fine of a mesh. Also Starbucks over roasts their coffee which leads to excess oil on the bean - except for their sad excuse of the Blonde roast.
  10. Books, DVDs, Internet, it's all great to learn ABOUT qigong but you will never LEARN qigong without an instructor.
  11. What are you listening to?
  12. Arcing Spheres of Light - Visual Phenomenon

    It's just crap floating around in your aqueous fluid.
  13. Interesting Yoga Video

    I see a lot of parallels with the qigong I do to help my spine feel better. Does anyone know his background? The guy looks super fit.
  14. Theory: proof of chi is in the electrical pulses of the brain
  15. Psychotic break

    It happened to me a few years ago. Basically what is broken is the perception of consensus reality as others see it. What is flowing through the break is the paracosm that the person has created in their head, however it may have come. Often someone in this state is EXTREMELY intuitive and you may want to pay attention to what they say but save it for later. As to what causes it, there are many causes. Usually extreme stress in one way or another is responsible from my experience. In my case I was experiencing major energetic shifts from practice and my chiropractor helping with my spine, I was about to be laid off, I was living with my mother who is alcoholic and bipolar, I was obsessed with certain things I could not learn through reading and was unable to differentiate some things about it and I was also extremely lonely, then BLAM! psychedelic experience triggered a psychotic break.
  16. Other Forums ?

    Dharma Overground has a good bunch of people but it's slow.
  17. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    Hanging out now.
  18. If you had superpowers what would you do differently?

    I'd travel extensively, see the world, and help people.
  19. Is there a teacher nearby? Find an instructor.
  20. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    I just dropped in.
  21. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    Just popped in.
  22. Older Dao Yin Book by Lily Siou?

    Sorry, doesn't ring a bell and Google wasn't much help. I did think of this book but it's not that old.