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Everything posted by Everything

  1. Thrive Documentary

    I didn't notice blame being put on corrupt people in this documentary. Yet, when people choose to live in a world where there is corrupt, it is handy to know the corrupt so that you have a fighting chance. Some people prefer a violent reality where you fight for freedom. Thrive on the other hand invokes your initial response of "they are doing us wrong, we are powerless." yet if you stick to the end of the documentary, you will be pointed towards a more wise direction where you reclaim your power and responsibility. I had a similar response as the reviewer there, but that is just the introduction to what thrive is all about. Thrive is not about politics. It is about the evolution of our consciousness. To become spiritual again, to awaken not to all the bad, but all good. Yet, I am very scepticle of the agenda of thrive. It seems that they teach us to take a materialistic approach to the whole spiritual awakening, by embedding desire for free energy and joining activist groups. It suggests that we promote independant media, but woulden't an awakened person be able to describe the universe without witnessing it? It seems to be a falling asleep cloacked in a materialistic awakening of diffrent form. This is not the kind of awakening we really want in my opinion. If we don't view it, our critics miss the point.
  2. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Yeah, I noticed allot of non western people can be spiritual in this way, but they never seem to succeed in translating the channel into a language that I understand. Bashar speaks the kind of English that I don't have to hear twice before I understand. Besides, perhaps Darryl is a great spiritual guy is because he is also well grounded in the material world. Something a not so spiritual person like me can relate to more easily. It seems to have more structure it then other channelers who don't know what definition to use for any given concept.
  3. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Yeah, this makes me think its all staged. Or that he's just pretty skillfull. Whatever it is, I find the teachings useful for myself aswell. Just like applying TTC to my life, so is the words by Bashar useful in my experience. It may sound totally paradoxical, but I kinda like it so far. He certainly made some paradigm shifts in my mind. Wether an alien or human being. Simple, straight to the point, practical and thought provoking. Who cares where the information comes from? I find this useful enough to pardon him if he turns out to be a fraud. If he's not a fraud, kudos to him.
  4. China's Got Talent

    It also sounds like Native American a bit
  5. Everytime I try to let go, my heart beats really fast. I wish to explore my spirituality while keeping my body and this reality as a hideout whenever I can't handle the fear in there. Yet, I cannot even initiate into this spirituality. Everytime I try to enter the spiritual realm, I become afraid. I know there is nothing to be afraid of, but I don't know how to stop fearing it! I am afraid of finding out the truth. It feels like death or the end of existance even. Afraid of finding out that I have never existed, or that life is meaningless. I can't handle it in my heart. I don't know how to stop being afraid of this. I thought I already know these truths, but my heart is stil very very scared and is not able to accept it or even consider it. I feel ashamed that I fear it so much. This reality feels like a cradle to me now.
  6. I don't think I will die, it feels like dieing. Maybe I should say that it feels like being born again, because I'm not talking about the destruction of my body. I'm talking about letting go and entering a new one. The new body is not scary, but I'm afraid in the new body! Confused and uncertain. I supose I've never experienced uncertainty to such a high degree. This has also been my philosophy, to just do and go for it. I even try to add humor to certain fears to overcome them more easily. Kinda joking with the reality of the nature of my fear. Like giving a devil an icecube to cool down, etc.
  7. Hehe, do I really sound whiny? Thanks to this experience my mind worries no longer about worldly things, because they seem so petty now. I am actually very grateful for the experience. Don't get me wrong. Even if this fear can't be overcome, it doesn't effect my life negatively. It was not my intention to speak negatively of it.
  8. I hate wining. It feels great to have experienced this. I'm looking forward to experience my fears even, but eventually I want to get over these fears and I will eventually. I have overcome many fears pretty quickly, so this shoulden't take so long. I guess wining about it is not going to help me be more couragious either. I'm kinda whining about it, because I find it hard to let go. I was really frustrated that everytime I managed to pull it off, my fear was blocking me from exploring my spirituality further. I'll have to be more patient in redifing the meaning I give it. I think the fear is just an indication of some flawed believe of false idea.
  9. Yeah, gotta do it to overcome fear, can't do it if I fear. It is paradoxical. I will allways keep trying what you said though. It seems like the most effective thing for all my fears. I hope this fear is not diffrent, but so far I've not been able to overcome this fear. So it really catches my attention and I want to overcome it now more then ever. Maybe even the slightest of subconscious thought will trigger a fear, because consciously "going for it" doesn't seem to work for me. The fear is triggered instinctually. Like grabbing a spider. You hand suddenly doesn't respond to your mind anymore. Even though you don't think about it. Even though I might be 100% focused with mind on certain music or mathematics, my hand has reflexes while touching the spider at first, but then the reflexes slowly calm down. I can focus my conscious awareness, but my subconscious awareness is blocking me from letting go in the first place. Perhaps I should try a mantra while letting go so that my mind gets distracted and is too focused on a mantra to become afraid? Or maybe I should create metaphors that allow me to operate in higher reality. For example believing that certain words or thoughts or mantras put me in a protective bubble or something. I need a creative believe that can help me get trough the experience maybe. Some temporary tools is useful you think?
  10. I doubt anything I will do in life is going to take away this specific fear, let alone drastically reduce it. There is nothing like it. There is no preperation, no practice for it. Perhaps it will take several lifetimes to become ready for it. Not that I'll die from letting go, but it feels like it in my heart. It feels too intense. This is blocking me in my path for quite a while now and I'm not going anywhere with it, it seems... Making no progress with it. Everytime I try letting go, I just realize I'm not ready. Feels like death. Many people believe that they don't fear death, but the moment before dieing, the last moment where you are on the verge of letting go of reality, that is the most difficult part. Once you do it, your mind will just experience every possible experience on Earth, every possible emotion, magnified and more extremely intense. I have this intuitive knowing that I have to suicide in order to overcome the fear of death, or non-existance, its weird and paradoxical, because overcoming this fear will make death seems like nothing. When I can't let go, I feel ashamed and see only suicide as the only possible lesson in which I can learn how to let go. I wont suicide though, I'll practice letting go with mind. After trying to let go, and then experience the failure, I have a vague realization that I am here living to die. That death is the lesson that will aid me in letting go. If I cannot let go in spirit, then I must practice letting go trough my body, by killing itself and trust. There is no returning like a scared little girl when my blood is draining. I am very dedicated to the truth, and do not allow my heart to deviate from it once I do found out the truth. Right not, I'm not even close to the truth. Feels like I might not return to reality once I discover that it is all fake and I'll be lost forever in the meaninglessness, desperately trying to form some sort of resemblance of reality around me. I try to control it, but loose control and become scared. I can feel my heart in my throat everytime I try letting go of physical reality. The moment right before you are about to let go of reality, that is where you hit rock bottom, it is so scary. It is like you are on a cliff of 3 kilometers high and barely balancing on one leg. Once you decide you will just hide under your ilusionary blanket that is reality, you feel like skinning yourself in order to distract your mind from the truth that the blanket is fake. Nothing is scary anymore but that alone. Call it God, I call it my biggest nightmare. If thats God, then I have learned today to truely be God-fearing. The fear of pain just dissapears and adrenaline pumps troughout all of your body. Even if your glimps of it was so tiny, it is extremely intense. I know that people are able to do it though. So there must be some thing I can learn from this. There must be a way to overcome this. Have you gone trough similar difficulties? Ever managed to let go of reality? I don't mean a dream where you become lucid. I mean becoming lucid to actual reality. It feels so scary, just one second of having gone near the edge and my heart starts beating stronger for minutes, without even looking down the edge of the cliff. How can I take letting go slow? It seems that I have to change my mindset from taking it slow, step by step towards just doing it in a rush. Just focus my mind on letting everything go so that the heart calms down and the mind stays clear of thought. If I try to control my spirit, the opposite happens. I loose control and become scared. I should be completely open and vulnerable? No idea what to do next. Not even sure if any philosophy or idea will be of any use here.
  11. Reaching no thought

    I've done this mantra meditation, where I used a nonsense word like ga-ring. Breathing in, ga, breathing out, ring. Focusing on breath and the sound of the word in my mind. Constantly. This lead to senselessness in my body. I heared nothing and felt not my body. As soon as I stopped the mantra l, thoughts would flood my mind and the 5 senses came back to life. Instantly. It is like this universe was not here a sec ago and now it is. So this is a trick to manipulate your mind into stillness, for short term effect. So that you are pointed at the right direction. I noticed how to reach much deeper states of mind, we cannot depend on a mantra for ever. Have to throw it away if it gave you what it could. The mantra is a battle with your mind, intending no thought, your mind thinks about having no thought. So instead, I tried the approach Osho. I came across an article of his on google. It adviced to observe your thoughts impartially. Then they will dissapear and come back. Just like in the mantra meditation. But this approach would actually go deeper according to Osho. Each time you reach no thought, the no thought becomes longer and longer. I have a problem though. I can't even observe my thoughts to begin with! Very confusing. As soon as I listen and hear, I no longer hear them. I just hear noises from my ear, like cars or wind or trees or birds, etc. Sometimes I just think, then I do have thoughts, but I cannot observe them! When I think, I try to recall what I thought one second ago, and all thoughts dissapear again when I go into observing mode. They don't go away, but I just loose my ability to observe my thoughts and be conscious of them when I intent too. When I don't intent to observe thoughts, I have thoughts again, but am no longer conscious of them, can nonlonger observe it. Sometimes I do remember a few thoughts I have as I go in thinking. Its hard to explain all this. I'm sure im using wrong metaphors here. Hope you can try and relate to this in some way. Don't take it too literally what I say to communicate this and feel free to give me advice from your personal experience.
  12. Reaching no thought

    Oh cool, I should try watching it on my netbook. My smartphone doesn't support sibtitles maybe.
  13. Reaching no thought

    Yeah, I know this. Trying to think them away creates more thought. Trying to observe the thoughts without interfering, thats my goal. I guess you're right though. This excersize doesn't get more personal.
  14. Reaching no thought

    No, I never really tried to focus on a body part. Is it similar to mantra meditation?
  15. Reaching no thought

    Aaww, can't understand the video.
  16. Reaching no thought

    You mean observing thoughts is not focusing within?
  17. Reaching no thought

    A thought is not a sound always right? Sometimes the sound in my mind mean nothing, not even a word. Sounds like sound. hehe. What is ment with thought. Is it all minds activity or just the one that are related to words? I feel that I become lost in the ocean of thoughts when I consider a thought to be every activity of the mind. So much going on at the same time. I find it hard to not get focused on a specific type of thought as I'm trying to observe. Or I mean, I find it hard to observe them all at the same time. Just like in a fugue, we tend to loose focus of other voices as we listen to one and we tend to switch focus from one voice to the next as we try to listen to them all at the same time. I get distracted by one specific type of thought all the time and loose track of the greater whole.
  18. Reaching no thought

    Yeah, I noticed that wether I close or open my eyes, my mind is still focused on vision as I try to observe my thoughts. So I try to loose awareness of vision, then I succeed, but I loose consciousness over thoughts too. It sux.
  19. Ch. 80, Taoist prophecy?

    Chapter 80 seems like a prophecy made by Lao Tzu! Reduce the size of the population and the state. Ensure that even though the people have tools of war for a troop or a battalion they will not use them; And also that they will be reluctant to move to distant places because they look on death as no light matter. Even when they have ships and carts, they will have no use for them; And even when they have armor and weapons, they will have no occasion to make a show of them. Bring it about that the people will return to the use of the knotted rope, Will find relish in their food And beauty in their clothes, Will be content in their abode And happy in the way they live. Though adjoining states are within sight of one another, And the sound of dogs barking and cocks crowing in one state can be heard in another, yet the people of one state will grow old and die without having had any dealings with those of another. No idea what to say. Guess I'll just explain how I got to this idea and you guys, in the mean time, tell me if you also think it is a prophecy or not and why. I recently had two nice people ring on my doorbell after praying to god to show me the way for the second time. The first time I followed gods signs I ended up being lead to nature by a dog. This second time was before I went to bed. I dreamed about a great wise text, with phrases. The first phrase was so intense that it made me lucid. I made and effort to recall it in order to continue reading the next quote in this dream without loosing memory of the first one. It was really hard. I knew that if I indulged too much into the text, I would forget the quote itself. This wisdom was so intense and powerful, I coulden't help but to read on. I should have stopped and woke my self up in its memory, but I coulden't resist the temptation. As if I wanted to take 2 diamonds even though I can only take one. Then I want three, etc, and ended up with none. I read further and ended up forgetting everything I read. Two people rang my doorbell. All I recalled was a vague proof of the wisdom I read in the dreams. This was the third phrase I read of this book that had something to do with a drunken aspect to all of humanity. I can never know how significant it might have been to me, since I forgot it. The two nice people started talking about the bible, not even bothered by the fact that I just woke up. Why would I reject their message when it was free and they insisted on telling it? I listened patiently and nodded in understanding as they talked about the end times, death of the kings and rulers of the current world, no death in the future, some thing picking up 144.000 people or so to take to heaven. No idea what it ment, but I just nodded and we ended the talk of prophecy with me politely questioning their idea of god and god having a human son l, jesus christ, where I always thought he was not the son but messenger of god. They brought me rumors of paradise and headed on to the next door. It planted a seed in my mind of prophecy. It seems that qu'ran has prohecy and the bible aswell. I wondered wether or not Lao Tzu might have been a messenger of god or follower of the subtle signs of god. I came across this short film about a monk and fish, where the fish was a symbol of god in christianity. Trying to catch it the monk coulden't. The act of hunting the fish raced his mind day and night. Eventually what was an innocent hunt to clear the fish which has disturbed the calm waters of his mind during meditation, became a journey of following the fish. The constant consciousness, focus on the fish and alertness to detect the fish, constant searching and constant hunting, running, chasing, all of it lead. It all lead to great change in this monk. In the end they both head for the heavens and the monk grabs the fish while floating around in heaven and he lets him go. The hunt is long over. This end of the monk and fish got me thinking that if Lao Tzu did exist, it must have been something like that. There comes a point where peace just is, and there is nothing else. Either that, or you start having a clear picture of what paradise actually is and thus you can be released of eternal chase for paradise. Just the knowledge of a coming paradise must have been enough. The end of times perhaps? I'm sure that every great man always leaves his greatest words somewhere at the end of his life. I read chapter 81. It seems like a last attempt at showing the path of peace, love, unity, god. Then reading 80, it sounded like a prophecy by Lao Tzu!
  20. Business gets in the way, but I agree with you that it should be that way. To sell medicene to the ill, you first need ill people. To cure the illness completely is to loose the business that depends on it. Today, allot of business has corrupt roots in this way.
  21. Ch. 80, Taoist prophecy?

    Yeah, opposites compliment eachother. I've noticed this ever since I've checked the symptons on what is in psychology being labeled as "personality disorders" Little story of opposite personality disorders in a survival situation: You have a borderline "disorder" and anti-social "disorder". When they both practice agreement with eachother, they're cured in no time. There is contentment in the food they both hunt and there is some disagreement over who gets more. Now lets say that the anti-social person kills all and he gets allot of food! The borderline person does not even feel worthy enough to enjoy his food so he is content with a little! haha. They make eachothers symptons worse. The anti-social person sees this weakness and naturally loaths it. Challenges it. He insults the borderline guy and even belittles him. The borderline guy gets angry, suprresses it into sadness and avoids the other person, but depends on him at the same time! The borderline guy starts to invent creative things to make life more easy, out of boredom and experimentation or playing. For example, he makes a fire or a blanket, playing with his inventions. The anti-social guy thinks he is wasting time, but when offered a new invention like a blanket, does not denie it. When the anti-social guy sees how the borderline person creates a fire so easily, he uses it to cook the meat. They form a bond, etc. When the disagreement stops, they socialize and start the maturation process, complimenting eachother in personality. Its kinda unnatural to be able to avoid people you disagree with too much. Especially when you label them with stuff like "personality disorder". It blocks the whole maturation process. I think in our society we have no more time to even disagree with people. Even family life becomes neglected, because everyone is so busy all the time. Where in the past two brothers would eventually solve their disagreements in puberty, nowadays they leave have so busy lives that sometimes family still disagree with eachother after years. Having to work day after day leaves no room for developing your self. When people are not busy, they just hang out with people they agree with. So we have to make effort to become a good individual and challenge our selves towards becoming our own opposites. Everytime I see two people disagree so strongly and passionately, I just know they're opposite and compliment eachother so perfectly. Its funny indeed! hehe
  22. I love the obvious things in life, but sometimes I'm oblivious to it myself
  23. Ch. 80, Taoist prophecy?

    Thank you. I enjoy this agreeing too
  24. I am nothing.

    We don't need to pass this on generation after generation trough mouth. Unless you think thats necessary. Having no wing. Making no swing. Being no single thing... To the dragon I cling! A description of every thing! These are the borders of our earthly minds. One step at a time, we explore the unknown. Do not associate too hastily with the encounters you make outside of your borders! Head in there without the self. Cutting the dragon in half will lead you nowhere. Especially if you associated with one part of the dragon and assume that the other part will grow back after you've cut it. It wont grow back, no matter how persistently you assume it.
  25. Attained, I Flew (My First Poetry Recording With Sound)

    You be got me thinkin' mon! Me mind be on verge o' de biiig explozyon, yaw! Reality upon reality Are we down or under? Words beyond mentality Hit your minds eye like THUNDER... Right in front of us is the unreality of our beastiality: Snakes of beauty and wonder... The devil without locality! Its skin as our bunker! Having lost our morality: Everyday is a blunder. Look for the Path towards reality: The self shall be cast asunder. Dot be deescriptyon o' da explozyon, brother! You be taking care naow... Stay away from de voodoo, mon!