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Everything posted by Everything

  1. Conversation with Tao

    I'm living the dream!
  2. Compassion and Suffering 2.0

    I have found lately that not only does my state of being move about the entire universe, leaving nothing undone, I have found that my state of being has no intention. The universe is like a mirror. In a sense, don't distinguish yourself from the world and wait for it to give itself to you. Be the world and accept it as you have always been it. Don't wait for the mirror to give you the experience of what you want. You experience it first in your being, then you will reflect it to your self from the outside in, automaticly, effortlessly, without any intention or action, leaving nothing undone. The reflection will eventually come, in one way or another. Especially quickly if you allow it to come and not put expectations on the future and all the little details of how it will come that really are meaningless anyways. Your state of being can reflect in many possible forms and manifestations. Infinite, infact.
  3. Ever since I first read TTC I wondered who these mysterious beings were that Lao Tzu called sages. The sage experiences without abstraction, And accomplishes without action; He accepts the ebb and flow of things, Nurtures them, but does not own them, And lives, but does not dwell. Lives, but does not dwell. So the sage can choose to be sad and happy whenever the sage wishes. The experience is for us to choose. We nurture our sadness, but do not own it. Accept the ebb and flow of things and let go when we are ready for a diffrent reality. "Might not witness, but still describe Might not act, but still accomplish" Sounds like a spiritual being, who is very connected to the mind of the universe. Like people who use prayers instead of action. Or people who acces the collective conscious for information, so there is no need to witness. There are many videos of Bashar. Bashar is a being channeled by Daryl Anka. No idea where Daryl Anka is getting his information from, but it seems interesting none the less. View for yourself the videos on Youtube. Choose random links to your likings. Bashar discusses many topics in enlightening ways. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcq5tcOzito What do you guys think?
  4. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Are you afraid of the dark, or do you suggest in any way that others should be afraid of the dark? I can't really see anything inside of him. How do we see these things you are seeing?
  5. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Don't take it seriously. Take it lightly
  6. Behind every fear is a lie. Allow yourself to experience the fear more fully, follow your fear. Then try to ask yourself why such a situation or thought feels anxious. What lie creates the sensation of fear? Then when you keep believing in that lie, it is a choice, no longer a habbit. You are free to give life whatever meaning you wish to give it. Life is meaningless. Your reality is an empty vessel. Its bottom is infinitely deep. You can keep filling it, it will never be full. Fill it with good things, if you wish. Do not give away your powers of filling this vessel for other to fill it for you. Life is meaningless, you give it meaning. Don't fall for the idea that others have chosen for you what you have chosen to believe. You are free to believe lies, but fear is the gift you receive. Without it, you would not be able to return to your natural state of being. What are you afraid of? There should be many ideas that cause anxiety, just start with something simple. Are you afraid to be with yourself?
  7. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    This is not a one way of life, but infinite, all as one. To be in touch with your core being, consciousness and opperate from such a deep level will not supress your mind into silence. You will be the silence itself. All you need to do is recognize your natural state of being. If you can recognize it, there is nothing else left to recognize. I don't have a problem with dependancy of language and conceptual understandings. Just accept it for what you choose it to be. You know that the communications are not in the words themselves. Apply this to your life. You can be aware of the nameless even as you speak spoken words! Don't let the manifest distract you, as I said. Stay sensitive and remain open to the possibility of the non-physical communications and beings. There is nothing to be afraid of. The non-physical works in a way that you manifest your own fears. All fears are based on lies. Become aware of the lie that creater the fear and the lie has lost its power, unless you choose to keep to the lie.
  8. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    The more I listen to Bashar, the more I hear the calm silence behind the words. Very deeply rooted and powerful. Don't let the manifestation fool you. Don't listen to the words with your mind, just be and witness it, apply it as you come to know the concept from within and not without. You will have to find personal proof for yourself, don't take mine or anyone's words for the truth. Tao applies very little force to move the amount of mass the Tao moves. If you allow the truth to just be as it is, your ego will calm down and relax in the benefit it gives it. "It can't be that easy" comes from the ego, not yourself. Keep looking for yourself. Relieved from the stress the mind used to endure and wasn't designed to handle, your mind never gets any more silent, calm and relaxed then this... Your life doesn't get less effortless then when walking the path of least resistance. Every culture has personified the concept of God. Every culture has been using metaphors to help people relate to the non-physical in a more direct way, to provide some sort of structure or crutch for people that have yet to explore this non-physical reality. Religion or Philosophy. If the metaphors work for you, keep using them. Eventually you will have to let them go and be without the crutches, so that you explore the non-physical to the fullest degree. For me, the metaphors and symbols Bashar uses provide for me a dependable and solid crutch to refer to everytime I get lost in my spiritual practices. I've made more progress thanks to the fact that the symbols Bashar uses and defines, I use aswell and define in the same way. We're on the same level in those regards, even though these symbols and metaphors that is spoken are essentially void of meaning, which is not denied by Bashar. He does it for people who want to learn to stand, without falling down too hard. By applying the concepts in this physical reality first, so that we can be more loving and confident when we finally do discover who we really are and the power that comes with that, we will be ready for it, eager to take on the responsibility, not fear it.
  9. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Thanks for the warning, I appreciate it. I have absolutely no way to relate to what you're saying at the moment. Do know that I'm allways sceptical, even when I seem most open minded. What you said made me no more sceptical then I already am. I have neither with my mind been able to find any darkness within his teachings and neither have I with my heart been able to do so. The search never ends and I'll keep in mind the words you have shared.
  10. Any writers?

    Don't put such a small expactation on the outcome of following your passion. screenwriter/director or novelist is a spoken word that has its definition constantly changing. You cannot chase after such an illusion, it will lead nowhere. Allow this life to suprise you and feel gratitude for the mystery of what the future holds for you. Follow your passion in the moment, not in the future. Only from the present moment will you realize the present moment you desire it to be. Everything you possibly need and want will come to you. If you feel the passion to write a story right now, then do so. You already are professional screenwriter/director or novelist if you choose to believe so. The more you allow yourself to be who you are as you believe it and go with the flow, the quicker this believe will become self-sustaining. Up to a point where you can hardly change the fact that you are a screenwriter/director or novelist. Do you really want to be a professional screenwriter/director or novelist? If so, then why do you not choose to be one right now? What is stopping you from doing this? As I said, I don't think people want to be a "professional something". People want to serve humanity most of all. You want to write stories and share your imagination with the people of this world. Everything you need to do that will come you if you allow yourself to do it. Even if it might seem like you're taking a long road, it will actually be a shortcut that strengthens your feet. Allow yourself to be suprised and not put such detailed and abstract expactations on your future. Your conscious mind is not designed to endure such a horrible stress of working out all the details for creating the future exactly the way you want it to be. If you allow life to suprise you, you will find that the way it did came to you is equal if not much better then your limited expectations of the future. It matters not if you become an astronaut or a baker. Those circumstances don't describe you, you describe them
  11. Qi is making my hair fall out

    Circumstances don't matter, state of being matters.
  12. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Could you be more specific? I have not developed an intuition for the intention of people the way you have. I just had a feeling that Bashar was trying to help people, but what do I know? My intuition isn't that good to be honest. Let us say that Daryl Anka is a freemason, and Bashar is just a tool. He might be an atheïstic freemason, even though he claims to believe in one infinite God. What is wrong about Daryl's teachings or Daryl himself, exactly?
  13. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Yeah, people are so spiritualistic these days! Haha Just kidding... I know what you mean though. I can't stand some people either, but I realised that when I realize that I can stand them, it is not longer a habbit, but a choice of choosing not to stand them.
  14. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Yeah I know Mooji atleast Gonna check Adyashanti.
  15. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    You know, it would be funny if you smashed pie in his face! Then he would preech about how sugar effects your consciousness
  16. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Any youtube video of a teacher you find fascinating? Link it if you would like to. I'd love to Check it out. What do you think about Osho for example?
  17. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    You mean Darryl Anka? If so, what is the relation between him and neigong according to you? I mean how do they relate to you?
  18. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    Haha, no idea what a cult even is. Channelers do seem to express a disfavor about religion. Or religious leaders who bent the truth or hold it back. Conveying half truths for favor of the self. I also think that people bent to words of the prophets to their own likings. Like Jesus(or his real name) said, love even your enemies, yet people don't practice agreement in discussions and practice disagreement instead. I notice that there are many prophets aswell. There are other channelers aswell, who also do a good job. I discovered that Bashar actually means "messenger" in arabic. Searching stuff about channeling, I found out that we've had so many messengers. I'm starting to think we all have the ability to be a messenger. I see allot of similarities in all the messengers, yet their personalities differ allot. Each "channel" has a diffrent feel to it. The way they convey the messages. Bashar comes very strong and confident. A kind of stable and powerful way that is effortless like peace. He calls it the path of least resistance. I noticed that this is so for Muslims aswell. Especially if you consider that the muslim prophet has been able to achieve such grand things. Also do the messengers reject the idea of heaven and hell, or a judgemental God. Reject the personification of God. They also feel free to refer to God with other names, as they find the names themselves essentially empty. I've noticed that other channelers are more of the "Christian" type, where the channelers future self express some sort of regret and discontentment over their past of having worshipped "Jesus" and spread misinformation about him. Perhaps innability to recognize the God within and having felt seperation for so long. This is appearant in the materialistic aspects of the christian approaches to life, but also Muslims who have addopted a western approach to life or have been influenced heavenly by it. No comments about buddhism or hinduism, just that some people refuse to believe in a past and future, unable to recognize that the present contains the past and future aswell. Other then that, every messenger so far has been poking our remembrance of everpresent, non-judgemental God. Basicly, peaceful and non-materialistic messages. I really don't see any hidden agenda here at all. So it really confuses me how channels speak of future self, alien being, spaceships, etc. What I did notice is that Bashar mentioned that these beings have science that tries to reflects their spirituality. So that is really not a bad idea. As Lao Tzu mentioned: Woe to him who wilfully innovates While ignorant of the constant, But should one act from knowledge of the constant One’s action will lead to impartiality, Impartiality to kingliness, Kingliness to heaven, Heaven to the way, The way to perpetuity, And to the end of one’s days one will meet with no danger. Just like Einstein at the end of his day regret that he did not keep the constant in mind: The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. In Islam they call it Holistic science, I think. Bahar seems to express allot of holistic concepts and ideas. I guess Arabian and Chinese language look alike allot. Taoist approach to life has been lost in the greatest parts of China, but it does resemble the True Islamic way of life to some degree. So I guess its not really that much a diffrence. He's just a sage, wether muslim or Taoist doesn't matter I think. Some people even believe that Martial Arts originated in Sudan. Still I wish I could ask why he's named Bashar and what he knows of Kaaba, or The Cube in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
  19. Hope, faith and Love.

    Of whom I am one... Hope is a doubt and a deviation in heart from the truth. A knowing is not. Abundance in effort is the innability to remember who you are. Faith, the way Patrick Brown described it, is denying your true nature by handing over your power to define your experience TO OTHERS. Then you also force other people to use it for you! Life is meaningless. That emptiness is essential. We are to use and draw from this emptiness. Define everything the way you want it to be, not the way others have chosen to see it.
  20. What reincarnates?

    If you say that nothing reincarnates, do you imply with that that the soul is nothing, or "non-existant"? So do you believe that anything that is non-physical is essentially not part of existance? Do you believe that information is non-existance? Do you believe that information is physical? Its just food for thought, so that you can relax, as your mind is too busy to eat his meal.
  21. Kyoto Protocol

    The air above is filled with huge, thick and lengthy chemtrails that cover the atmosphere like a thin blanket as the wind blows it about. It has been good weather here so far. Just a chill breeze, no snow. Still haven't used my gloves at this time of the year even. Its abnormal the amount of chemtrails I see these days. Then when I see one of those regular big commercial passengers aircraft flying right above my head it leaves not even the slightest of smoke behind, when everyone says that the chemtrails are from passenger aircrafts, when these planes that leave the trails gain altitude in a way that a passenger aircraft can not even dream of doing. When people say that these are pilots, I still wonder why they practice right above our heads, when they could do that above the ocean. Not to mention that these planes never fly at the same spot twice. As if they wish to tactically spread the chemtrails over the atmosphere. Also when it rains, the rain smells like rotten eggs sometimes. Especially if the chemtrails are allot. What is the meaning of all this?
  22. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    I've not yet allowed my self to believe in non-physical communication, but I'm getting there much faster now with the help of the spoken words of Bashar. Ever since I've been watching Bashar, it seems that my dreams are becoming more solid and my waking hours more fluid. Good results. I like the balance there. I hope to join a forum with dolphins and whales one day and speak with them about life down there and I can tell them bout life up here, but I have a feeling they already know, hehe. Very exciting times xD
  23. Thrive Documentary

    Thrive Documentary LINK on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3azxd4LG0xM I wonder if anyone saw it already and what you think of it. It seems that they have stated the obvious truths there that most of us already know. Like corruption, etc. Then they add stuff like free energy and aliens to it that I'm scepticle about. I always thought that we didn't need any device to acces these free energies. I also thought that aliens didn't need a spaceship for traveling. So all they have is a women who claims to have seen rainbow colours in the form of a torus while taking a ride on an alien spaceship. This is another one of those things that I'm scepticle about. You might say that a human being would melt when directly making contact with an alien. Who knows? The sacred geometry seems to be important though. It doesn't matter where it came from, it seems to have allot of wisdom embedded in them.
  24. So what is it?

    I also think they put something in there. The emptiness seems to have a purpose, obviously. Maybe foundation for a pillar. Which is not so liquid. I have no idea... I think it is related to blood somehow. Perhaps people will fight over the meaning of these symbols and shed blood over them.
  25. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    I also noticed that as time goes by, he's been lecturing slower and slower. As the audience get more and more patient. If you look at the old videos. At first I loved the fact that he talks so fast. Then I realized that I was not patient enough my self. The natural way of his speech is pretty calm and not so wacky. The accent? Noticed that each word has its own origin of country in accent. Either he did this trough practice, or the alien has learned English from all of the world and not just America. However that funny accent came to be, I find the speech very crystal clear. Every word pronounced to its fullest potential of his voice. I am also wondering about the accent and the fact that he only speaks English. Some say that the information that is universal is the emotions attached to the words and not the words to the emotions. Yet, I think it would be cool if he also learned Arabian language Asian and Russian. I must say though. I thought it was nonsense at first. Yet, applying the concepts, it seems to work. Especially the level of understanding of existance Darryl or Bashar has seems to be way higher then mine. I learned this from a philosoph teacher a while back. Many know it is useful to remember that you exist. Yet only Darryl or Bashar took away the question of "why do we exist". It should be in one of the videos about existance and non existance.