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Everything posted by Everything

  1. Getting back to sleep

    If I had trouble getting back to sleep, I would celebrate! No more falling asleep on the toilet seat! Yay! Or I would lie in bed lucid daydreaming all night long! I that like nighydreaming?
  2. Always wanting more

    It seems that I always want more and having more and more is very exciting and joyful. The process of receiving all that I desire is the joy of all that I desire represents! The things I receive create more loving desires and more beneficial desires in me all the time. I receive toys, I desire friendships. I receive friendships, I desire a better relationships, etc. I desire a better relationship, I desire to know my self first, I learn about me and I relate in a better way. Desires are pretty beneficial to mankind in my view! Are they not? I don't lack faith in my desires, neither my receiving of the representation of my desires nor the receiving of new desires. I do not believe the mind can predict what effect each desire has on their lifes. I believe the mind can only perceive how it chose to perceive what has happened, not what is happening, neither what is going to happen. Thus, I follow my hearts desire, for it has eyes beyond my percepti
  3. Always wanting more

    Some people like complexity. You might imagine a non smoker self and then mimmick your imagination self. This will keep the mind content in its occupation with the little details of becoming a non-smoker. For your heart, its real easy though. It knows exactly how it feels to be a non-smoker. Your heart switches from smoker to non-smoker faster then the speed of light. The body experiences the sensation a few seconds later. The mind may choose to rebel against the heart its entire life, much the same way it wishes to dominate nature, not realizing that serving nature is serving the self. The example I gave was to symbolize the intensified negativity experienced right before you leave a given negative experience. Sometimes I feel sad. Deciding I will be happy, I feel my sadness intensified. In these scenareos I always allow myself to experience that last piece of sadness and then completely let go of it in the moment of experiencing it. You experience that sadness as joyful, or the sigarette as distasteful. A transformation takes place while you choose diffrent sets of values. Usually people choose to be happy and then the sadness kicks in real heart, then they realize how much they like to feel sad and thus they remain sad. No problem, but for how long do you really need to be sad, right? Allot of people blame that last sigarrete for re-establishing the habbit. This is not true. It is you who decides in that moment that you still choose to prefer the sigarette. The last sigarette is inevitable, it will come one way or another. You might quite smoking for 3 years and your last sigarette is experience after 3 years, realizing how much it stinks or something. Or a friend might smoke right next to you and you don't like how it makes your clothes stink. The last sigarette is not something that you consciously chose to have in your life. It is a subconscious test, that you place upon yourself, to make sure you are a non-smoker in your entire being. You might experience visions of all kinds of tasty sugar food when you quite on sugar in much the same way, the vision is there telling you that you still are a person who likes sugar and eats lots of it, because you define the sugar as tasty. A person who doesn't eat sugar, doesn't define sugar as tasty. It makes him dizzy, ill, wanna throw up, tastes like poison, bla bla.
  4. Always wanting more

    Enough can be fellt by the heart as a constant sensation, but the symbol that represents this abundance is a changing symbol. The mind perceives it by guidance of the heart. You know that the source of value comes from your heart, the symbol from your mind. You always have had enough when you are the source of enough, its creator.
  5. Always wanting more

    I have felt anger many times. In those moments I only search for things of my hearts desire. Like love or peace or contentment. These create the in the moment desires which then intensifies the circumstances of hate. A desire for love, intensifies your ability to perceive the hate that You are currently experiencing. Only allowing the hate to be and letting go of it will allow the love to stabilize. Like a last smoke before you quite smoking. That last smoke is not out of desire, but out of experiencing your dispreference for sigarettes for the first time.
  6. Always wanting more

    Following the minds desire always has a detrimental effect on someone, because the mind is incapable of desire. The heart true carrier of desire. My mind describes the symbols that represent my desire in each moment and the heart guides the mind in paradoxical ways. You may choose to neglect the heart for a while and stick to one specific representation of your hearts desire at one specific moment in space and time, but this symbol your mind grasps onto will be eternally empty and void of value. For only the heart is the source of value, not the mind.
  7. Always wanting more

    Who desires the unattainable anyways?
  8. Remote viewing is simply accesing information "non physically" I've remote viewed location, objects, numbers. I've had succes. I would go as far as to say remote viewing is really possible, but I'm still in the process of placing more trust in my ability to have repeatable and consistent results. So I wonder if there is anyone here who's done it and got some results aswell?
  9. Pleasant nausea!

    The other day I was experiencing cold and then warmth. I thought, wow, do I like the comfortable feeling of warmth on my body! Another day after that, I was in a car experiencing too much cold and thinking about that warmth the previous day. Later in that car ride I experienced a sudden nausea. How sickening! This nausea was making me dizzy, want to throw up, and I was on fire! I was sweating all over my body, wanted to rip my clothes appart and free my self from this warmth! I suddenly thought, "Wait a second... Now I'm warm! HAHAHAHA!" This was the most pleasant nausea I've ever experienced! As soon as I realized that I was finally warm, the nausea dissapeared.
  10. The Parent's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation

    Good parent advice: "Be the change you wish to see." Works all the time! Its not about trying, just being. So simple!
  11. Check this out! Coca Cola is actually an Arabic word, if you look at it from inside the window, where the logo is reversed. check the video at 1:35
  12. I believe I am sad and ugly, tired, weak and unworthy! when it comes to politics, I believe I don't know much and don't care much. when it comes to education, I believe it is boring. when it comes to music, I believe I am worthless at my artistic efforts. When it comes to friendship, I believe I hate people(mostly myself) When it comes to religion, I believe I'm too tired to read all the books. When it comes to spiritual practices, I believe I feel tired. when it comes to life, I believe its sad. Maybe tomorrow I'll change the believes, but today, I believe I'm too tired to change them. Tomorrow I'll be too happy to go to sleep. Damnit, just the thought of it made me happy. Now I failed at being sad! Cool, I'm angry again Ugh! Haha! yay! Nooo! why?!?! Lol darn it... roflmao stop it! *slaps self* I hate myself! hehe, thats more like it. No! xD etc...
  13. I find it so odd how the people have been naming their waking hours "waking hours" and their dreams "just a dream" when dreams are so much more purpose filling! The only way to rationalize the fact that dreams can be so intensely revealing of truth, is to throw away our definition and actually call sleeping the awakening and this waking reality the dream of our having fallen asleep. When I have a lucid dream, the 5 minutes I have that lucid dream, it is so intense... So intense that I learn 5 truths about my self that I have been in the process of forgetting for 5 years long. Then, the habbit kicks in as I wake up(or should I say go to sleep?) that I forget those lessons from my lucid dream within just 1 week. Totally void of wisdom I become and filled with ignorance. Untill I can succeed at yet another 5 minutes of lucidity, either in my dream or waking hours. The effectiveness of my ego at succeeding in forgetfulness is so big, that I now call my own ego the "master of deception." If you ever find your selves facing all the layers upon layers believe systems that forms the platform for your ego to fool you around, you will witness the ego's strong desire and intent to keep you from finding out this is a dream. After a while, you just cannot ignore this force we call ego or devil. The biggest battle you will ever have to fight in your life, is the battle with your self... The devil is infact powerless, but if you are a person of slumber, you can be assured that your ego has got you under its controll. The battle is not one physical violence, neither mental violence. The battle is about facing the truth of peace with courage. Such a simple task you have to do in order to wake up, yet, no one I have come to know in the world can achieve to do it. The task of recallig that this is a dream... If you ever do find yourself doubting wether or not you are dreaming, the battle with the ego has begun, wether you're aware of it or not. The drums of war are being hit so intense, at that moment, that you cannot even hear it. Where an army of physical violence deceives you from your own power and freedom, the master of deception always keeps 10 thousand deceivers ready on hold for when the time comes that you shall doubt the reality of your current dream.
  14. The master of deception, ego.

    Right away sir! I'll make sure we'll have prison guards, loyal to the empire, who make sure all the prisoners take their notes!
  15. The master of deception, ego.

    Guess what happens when you place your average lucidity teacher in front of a man raper! Lucidity teacher: "We can all be lucid, m'kay? " Rapist: "Why did you wear those pants today! I told you to wear the black jeans, not the blue ones! Come here, I'm going to punish you!" Lucidity teacher: "We're all free to wear what we want, m'kay? "
  16. The master of deception, ego.

    Thanks. I think we're all deserving of thinking that way, allowing more value to flow into our lifes. When you're happy, the rest will follow. The ego is me, by definition of ego. I once heard someone tell a story about a girl who loved clouds and got sad when they were gone, where at the end of the story she realized the cloud was within her all this time. After that, she saw a cloud and she said "look it is a cloud!" When you bring value into your life from the outside in, you end up sad. When you allow value into your life from the inside out, you end up feeling more excited when it does come from the outside in. Its like a person enjoys the thought of a diamond, so she draws diamonds, she is happy because diamonds already exist and she exists. Then, she suddenly receives all kinds of diamonds into her life. Where each diamond had a story behind it and a lesson. The only toy I value and still enjoy today, don't regret buying, is the gameboy. Simply, because I enjoyed playing the gameboy with my friends, without having one! We took a piece of paper and designed levels on it, to play on, with our fingers as the main characters. This is how kids have a strong imagination. They don't even need outside events to feel the way they wish to feel. I can still be that kid when I want to. This allowance of value from the inside out has thought me enjoy the thing I value even MORE when it did come, by first enjoying it from within and not without. Unlike most toys I've thrown away, the gameboy kept returning into my life, even after giving it away. It kept showing up back into my life as a reminder. You manifest from within, not without. The gameboy is not the unchanging truth, just a small reminder of it.
  17. Anyone know any monk or person in isolation, for a long period of time, who has been recording his/her dreams? One can only imagine how strange their dreams would get after a long period of isolation. I wonder how much it would affect their dream reality. Wether it would get more realistic or perhaps strange and weird? It seems that the western people, with our way of life, we have the strangest dreams of all, simply because there is so little structure in this multicultural of this society. It seems that people have chosen to let go of their roots and fly above the forrest, looking in confusion at all the diffrent kinds of trees that have been growing. Everyone has his own personal symbology, yet we can see the powerful relics and left overs of the ancient cultures and their symbology, of which some still succeed to find their way into our subconscious mind. Though, the power of dreams are still not drained. The symbology has just become fragmented or transformed, as to making it hard for people to even relate to one and another in a unified way or form a culture together. Where I ask people who live more isolated and seem "dumb" from the outside, they can sometimes share incredibly deep dreams that deal with core issues of the conscious and subconscious mind. Their dreams can also be very rich and filled with variety of people who act in unique ways and each and every one of them reflect the dreamer in a powerful way. Some of these people have so much time on their hands that they actually automaticly become aware of whats going on in their subconscious mind simply when they are bored. Without any effort at meditation or calming their mind. Which reminds me... Muslims, Jews and Taoists relate to eachother in the fact that they are encouraged very much to meditate in some ways during their day time experience. Where Muslim does it on the ground, a jew in his mind, a Taoist in his body. We all have placed an emphasis on having a quick break from this reality to become more aware of all the subconscious events that are occuring. Where people who have let go of those ancient traditions only have the same level of subconscious awareness when their environment allows them. So anyone recall having heard a dream of a person who has had that dream during a long period of isolation? Perhaps emprisoned, on a deserted island, or perhaps even born in isolation. I wonder if we can still relate to the dreams of an isolated person in any way. I believe that dreams are soul experiences that our brains can only interpret by relating all the meaningless interpreted and altered information links together in a unified way. Its like a sneak peak at the unknown, yet, what you see is totally bend around, because your mind is not capable of receiving the information in an unfiltered and unaltered way. So my last question, what do enlightened beings dream about? I assume they are lucid all the time? So a more appropriate phrasing would perhaps be, "what do enlightened people choose to dream about?"
  18. What do isolated/enlightened people dream about?

    Same here. Lucid dreaming has changed my life at a deep level, being the most effective tool for personal growth. Even though I can only recall 10 minutes of lucidity a week. I'm improving everyday in both dream recall and lucidity. I don't recall as much as that though, hehe. I guess I do recall 5 powerfull and vivid dreams a night at some times where I hover in between lucidity and non lucidity. Sometimes the vividness of a dream deceives my judgment about the nature of that reality. Allowing me to challenge my ability to deceive myself in more powerful ways and thus also challenging my ability to conquer all the powerful deceptions, like overcoming deep fears, etc. One has just put an effort at lucidity and he or she already receives all the benefits. Thanks for the reference. I'll check it out for sure.
  19. Hey all! I was thinking the other day... It really excites me when I eat very little and endure the cold at the same time. Anyone know any specific individual person that is known for this efficiency of consumption and energy production?
  20. Who eats least and endures cold?

    Jogging in the winter does keep you warm, but allot of energy goes to waste this way. Its not efficient enough in my eyes. The yoga devotee who takes cold showers even in the winter, thats more like it. Thats pretty little food to imo!
  21. Who eats least and endures cold?

    Well, yeah kinda. As extreme as can be ofcourse. Preferable a person who doesn't eat food and endures cold Anyways, thanks for the name. Definitely shall check it out on the web.
  22. Who eats least and endures cold?

    Thats interesting... Most muslims living in western world eat tons of food in the morning and tons of food at night and call it fasting, hehe. I guess faith never triumphs when its only foundation is fear of hell.
  23. ..laughing buddha Mooji on TP

    It seems that laughter is an indication that one is not yet ready to live naturally in higher frequency and enlightenment. Like some indication of resistance to enlightenment and then it causes tension which results into laughter. What do you think?
  24. What do you dislike about yourself?

    Qualities, personality traits that I disown are not mine... Isn't it obvious that you answered your own title question with "none..."? You don't dislike anything about yourself. I really like about me that I enjoy violent movies. If I didn't like that I enjoyed violent movies, I would not enjoy violent movies! When you enjoy your "destructive" or "negative" or "dark" nature, don't fight this desire. Only if you decide to completely allow a diffrent reality, where you prefer total peace, then are you ready to dislike or disown that nature of you. It will just fade away like a puff of smoke WHEN YOU ARE READY TO ALLOW a diffrent reality. When you accept a diffrent value system.
  25. Conversation with Tao

    The following quotes from Tao, are my personal interpretations of my ego's experience with Tao. It is by no means intended as a personification of Tao. Once upon a dream... I was right there, in the kitched, as I gave my good words towards the water I was about to drink, only to realize that this was a dream. I decided to let go of everything. Fell down, my muscles became numb, my body vibrated and faded away. I felt high excitement and filled the infinitely empty vessel with trust all the way to the brim that I would now return to Tao and face it. I said, "This feels great!" I had a vague memory of the reality I usually find my self in. All I recall that I was discontent about the fact that it had so many limits! I said in all excitement "Wow, I feel so free here with you, Tao, compared to my previous reality!" "How is it that you felt enslaved in the reality you just came from, and not as free as you feel right now?" said The Tao. I said "It was much more limiting then this one, much more physical and dense! So heavy! I have no idea... I guess I doubted your existance and took the limits as the unchanging truth instead! How forgetful I was!" The Tao replied, saying "Does this conversation matter to you, now that you are certain that I exist?" I said: "No, infact, I don't need to talk anymore..." Tao "Do you wish for me to challenge your trust in my being?" I said: "Sure, go ahead. Nothing can make me forget this! Now I know I can face anything, because I trust in your existance 100%!" Tao: "Off you go, then! Also, forget about this conversation shall we? Don't want to create a personification of Tao by describing me as some guy with vocal chords!" I slowly woke up in my bed and was no longer afraid. I wrote down, "...My... purpose... in... life... is... to trust Tao... to... infinity..." I closed my eyes, and stood up. thought: "I doubt the Tao will warn me when I am about to step right on a sharp object!" I peaked trough my eye lids to see whats in front of me and decide to just open my eyes and walk this way. Lest I should feel the pain on my feet! thought: "Surely, the Tao could not make that pain go away, haha! Uhmm... What was I dreaming about again?" Oh yeah! Trust Tao! These limitations really make me forget about Tao so quickly... I write down "No... idol... worshipping... ,lest... ye... forget... the ...Tao!" Closed my eyes again: "There is no place for fear in full trust..." "I trust Tao to infinity..." I became conscious of Tao and let the thoughts just be, without influencing my actions. Placing my awareness mostly on Tao, without thought, without doubt, without question... I tried to sense where the Tao was leading me and just trust it to infinity. I felt a thought saying "The Tao will hurt you!" I sensed the Tao in the wall, and hit my head against the wall and enjoyed the pain, followed by the silence of my ego. I felt the Tao in my feet, walking guiding me towards a table. The ego was shouting "The Tao wants you to brush your teeth! Its good for your teeth!" I remained focused and conscious of Tao and trusted that this will lead me somewhere. Every action was followed by sensing Tao for further action. I found my self in front of a table with a lady bug lying on its back. I was filled with joy as it became appearant that Tao guided me towards this side of the table, intending me to take the lady bug outside of the house. I recalled the dream more clearly now and felt free. The Tao usually led me towards doing actions that my thinking mind totally did not approve of doing. Paradoxically, once I followed them true, many great personal events happened that lead to allot of joy and harmonious results in my life, as long as I held the intention of trusting Tao. It seems scary, it seems like the opposite direction of love! If you follow it trough without doubt or fear, you will be rewarded for it! The reward of this world lies with trusting Tao, truely! I do not even know what it is, yet I thank it for every moment in my life... Lest I forget about the Tao and the freedom that follows the recalling and trusting of it! Tao "Become conscious of me, so that I can become conscious of you!"