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  1. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Well, hhuhhhh. I guess you can destroy your ego. Jump of a tall building and its gone. You can also realize that the ego is really there to serve you. That you can make it your best friend, simply by becoming its master and not pretending that you are the slave that has to destroy its master being the ego. If you are a roleplayer, the ego will serve you in this aswell. You can assume its role and the ego will play that role. The ego is not set in stone you know? It is not the highest truth, it is not your object of worship. If you truely wish to become a rebel then denie the will of the truth by embracing the ego and join the eternal hellfire. The only requirements is that you place the ego as higher truth then yourself so that you shall endure great amounts of suffering. Eternally in conflict with your mirror reflection, like a puppy dog.
  2. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    That guy had his ego in submition, serving a higher truth that is without name. In the present moment, you naturally realize that you are not your ego. Thus, the ego becomes fluid and liquid like. The ego is the master of deception and you cannot fight the devil in hell. It has already lost before you even existed in creation. If you fight the ego, you have already lost before you even existed in creation. You cannot go to hell and then become a devil and then fight devils and deceive yourself that this will salvate all devils. The devil is not about winning, but deceiving.
  3. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    I determine what is sane and what is not. My ego is like water, it can take on the shape I want it to take. Tulku... After years of fighting the ego, I have realized that the ego is really nothing. Like a dream monster. You can fight it and make it grow worse. Or you can offer it a cup of tea and it will transform into a purring baby kitten before your very eyes. After such an experience, it feels pointless to fight your ego, because there is no ego. We are it, and we can be what we want to be. Its like fighting a reflection and then you become scared because the reflection fights back. Then you declare war and the reflection seems to do the same.
  4. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Aren't emotions just an indicator of your vibratory state of being? Whats the point in destroying the indicator or body. Why would you want to die, when you are not even your body! You are a source of great love and you can even love your body and take care of it. The body serves you, you serve not your body! You are not a slave. You are rebelling against an self created monster "ego" and you are fighting an imagined enemy. The ego is there to serve your true being, even if that serving implies "becoming your enemy". You are its creator and ego is your servant. The master does not rebel against his servant. You see how irational it is to continue the battle against your emotions? You give it power just by destroying it. You extinguish the fire with gasoline. You create a deeper rabbit hole for yourself.
  5. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    I have felt suffering, but not because of my desires. I have felt suffering from loosing faith in my desires. I have felt suffering when I have established my trust in that which I do not prefer over that which I do prefer. I desire happiness and I trust in happiness. I do not denie my self happiness, nor do I dissallow it. I allow happiness and I allow more great desire to bring me greater happiness all the time. There is no end to how happy you can get, just like there is no end to how sad you can get. The fact that most of you people have felt such great sufferig pain and sorrow in a durable way is an indication of your power with allowing. Wether you allow more sorrow or joy is really up to you. Is it not a lie that desires give you suffering? Is it not the truth that suffering gives you desires?
  6. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Sometimes, weirdos come allong and tell you that life is meaningless, appart from the meaning you assign it. Then you say, I assign suckness to it sometimes. I will go make some icecreams for reality to suck on, cause I want to come across as a normal person who is totally sane.
  7. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    The people who work the Hardest are the people who have the Least.
  8. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    So you denie your emotions or you just have none?
  9. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Again, there is great diffrence in believing "I have to buy the things I want" and the believe of "I've already bought the thing I want and already have it, right now, right this moment." the the believe of striving for happiness is not the same as the believe of " already happy right now right this moment right here." they way to get there might require gradual imagination where you first imagine buying it. Only if that works for you. My example was just one of a milion other examples. The train of thoughts you jump start in order to feel happy are relative to your current state of being and desires. I was reffering to the latter being the source of happiness l, where the self alligns with the desire instead of deviating from it and viewing all desires as the source of great sorrow and pain. If one can be desireless, great respect and I'm all open ears and eyes. Yet, if one has desires, denieing them does no good.
  10. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Oh, I have infinite desires indeed and they have never deceived me into feeling sad or negative in anyway. My desires are source of great joy, excitement, passion, contentment, appreciation and durable happiness. How about you. Do you have desires? If so, how do they make you feel and what believe cause you to feel that way? If you don't have desires, could you explain me how you got to that point? I would be interested sincerely.
  11. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    Very interesting replies! I agree with you, Tulku, that the emotions follow your mind. Yet, the heart is the center of your being. The mind infuencing the heart is not disconnected from the heart it seems. The way we think is determined mostly by the chemical state of our brain and body. All our mind has to do is allow certain thoughts to jump start, the heart will support the thoughts eventually. Just wake up tired and focus on being awake and energetic. You will feel the heart start sendig energy intensely to match that believe. Someone can be sad and think that happy people are dumb and ignorant, yet happy people only see sad people who denie them selves the happiness they deserve. Happy people sometimes get sad, when surrounded by allot of sad people who prefer objective reality to triumph and use the reality as an excuse to feel sad. The circumstances never are the way you want them to be. Even tiny things like, you want sugar in your coffee. These desires cause itention to arise, putting sugar in the coffee. The new desire is to drink the coffee, the intention is there. There is no striving in believing you are already happy. Does striving for happiness sound like a happy state of being? It doesn't to me. Believing you are striving for happiness is not the same as believing you are already happy. I was reffering to the latter. If happiness is denial, then I wish you pleasant denial. To me, if I'm happy, I don't define my self as "in denial". Those definitions don't support my believe "I am already happy." Yet for some of you, denial may experienced as pleasant and denial may be strongly related to happiness. I highly doubt this is so for anyone here. So let go of denial, be happy.
  12. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    They're fun, but I prefer less symbolic stories. Person a becomes happy while thinking this and that and experiences doing this and that and interacts with person b doing this and that feeling this, while person a feels that. Disagreement grows feeling x, y and z. Etc I want as many details as possible in the story of truthful realistic nonfiction real life human experiences. Like watching a show on humans on animal planet. The commentator must be extremely observing. If you like symbolic, short but powerful stories, you should read mythological texts. Like nord mythology. They're very deep and say allot of things about the diffrent aspects and archetypes of the human psyche in symbolic ways. Short, but powerful and has much meaning.
  13. The happiness of a schizophrenic

    No story can replace your own real life personal experience.
  14. What is Enlightenment?

    We live and die. I think you mean we simply exist? Our lifes may be beautiulfully complex, non-simplistic passionatly exciting life. Haha
  15. What is Enlightenment?

    Not really, I live in 100 density! Haha Ofcourse I prefer 3th density btw. Else I would not be here. I think 4th density beings do not even experience any dispreference. They relate to us just like we relate to robots. They are amazing to us and we love to improve robots. The relating always happens on the verge of moving up one density. If we're done relating to 2 density concepts, we move up to 4th density and start relating to 3th density in timeless ways.
  16. What is Enlightenment?

    Dude, we live in 3th density reality. I doubt that subatomic patterns would even be revealed as 2 part patterns, let alone 1... I can't even imagine a 1 density reality. How would that look like? I feel stupid even trying to attempt to try to think about it. Its waaay beyond my capability to imagine such a thing. Thinking in 2 parts has served its purpose well. Yet, all great innovations must have a minimum of 3 parts relating to eachother like a triangle. Each corner relates to two other corners. Each corner consists of one part. One part also consists of a minimum of 3 parts, etc. Every truth we can hold consists of a minimum of three parts. Key relates to door. 2 parts. It has little significance. Not the way human thinks. It is the way a robot thinks. The human says, key relates to door, door relates to freedom in a way that it blocks freedom. Freedom also relates to key in a way that it promotes freedom. Door and key relate to eachother now trough the eye of spirit. Freedom is the spirit or miao that relates yin (key)or yang (door). We have faith in freedom, but it is invisible. That it is invisible does not mean we suddenly live in a 2nd density reality and we are robots or systems. No one believes that he is only his symetric body. The spirit is what gives meaning to this symetric body of ours.
  17. What is Enlightenment?

    The binary code does not exist. The smallest amount of parts of anything is 3. But the basic message was that the yin yang symbol has got nothing to do with the dual nature of reality. I editted the post to explain what I did with the i ching infinity 1-64 recurring cycles pattern at the beginning. It was vague. I am not assuming any personal meaning to these number patterns. Their significance are beyond common defnitions, just like the yin yang symbol. Otherwise they would just write a text of 5 milion pages explaining what it means instead of one symbol conveyig an important pattern. Its just much more universal to speak about the yin yang symbol in numbers instead of words.
  18. What is Enlightenment?

    i ching is also interesting pattern. 64 being one complete cycle of infinity cannot be a coincidence. The things they knew about the patterns of reality are incredible. Numbers seems to be like living systems. If you multiply every current number, you find a pattern recurring from 1 to 64, renewing again from 1 to 64. Here it goes: 1, 2, 4, 8, (16)1+6=7, (32)3+2=5, (64)6+4=1+0=1, and the cycle starts new again at the number 64. (128)1+2+8=1+1=2, (256)2+5+6=1+3=4, etc. 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, ...1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, ...1, etc The reason you add the numbers up is because ancients used divine number systems, counting from 1 up to 9. After 9, there is 1+0=1. If you draw a circle with 9 north, 1 to 8 over the rest of the circle clockwise, you can more easily draw the connects between the numbers in a visual way. If we add the patterns of ying yang to that, you get a free masonic symbol, which is interesting. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Square_compasses.svg It also seems that the right side of the circle is a mirror reflection of the left side. Where 9 has no mirror, it is constant. 1 mirrors 8, 2 mirrors 7, 3 mirros 6, 5 mirrors 4. What about the ying yang and numbers 9, 3, 6? 3, 6, 12=3, 24=6, 48=12=3, 6, 3, 6, 3, etc. yin= 3, yang=6, yin=3, yang=6... and as we already know, 3 mirrors 6. The S curve in the middle is number 9. It is invisible, non-physical, mystery. If you add 9 to itself, it remains a constant. No change in pattern. 9+9=18=9, 18+9=27=9, 27+9=36=9, etc. That is why it has no mirror. IF you add the rest of the numbers up, you will find the patterns in the number to be a reverse or mirror of the patterns of its mirror number. As I mentioned above. EDIT: I'll give an example just incase you desire, of 3 and 6 mirror. 3, 3+3=6, 6+3=9, 9+3=(12)1+2=3, 12+3=(15)1+5=6, etc. now with 6: 6, 3, 9, 6, 3. reversed or mirrored, same with the remaining number, besides 9 having no mirror. The yin and yang has got nothing to do with the polarity. It has got everything to do with symetry. When 3 is negative, 6 becomes positive, when 6 is negative, 3 becomes positive. They are always reversed or mirrored. The colours of yin yang are proove of this. Why would they put in a white dot in the midst of black and a black dot in the midst of white? Thick side black up, thick side white down, or the other way around. To indicate that they are the same, but in reverse. Else they would just draw a half black circle and a half white circle and then write underneath "life is filled with duality, oh my god, we're fked!" in chinese. The free masonic symbol also draws a circle right where the number 9 lies. The whole 6, 9, 3 structure in the free masonic symbol (pair of compasses) looks like a flying bird. It is seperate from the 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 structure which is the ruler underneath the compass. The compass is on top of the ruler, indicating that it is higher then the ruler. That is why I think that yin yang symbol is somehow of higher dimension. Not to mention that asian people are so alien to me... Very spiritual. Sometimes above the 9, you have a triangle with an eye in the middle emitting rays of light. I strongly believe that a pattern, like in the yin yang sybol, are not about modelling reality. They are conveying the actually reality itself, not an approximation of it. That is why it is so long lasting. The ultimate complexity being derived from the most simplistic of patterns, its very exciting.
  19. What is Enlightenment?

    This is a reflection of enlightenment. Computer, electronics, light, etc. They're all tools we use in order to allow ourselves more of our inner light to arise. We're still very primitive in our ability to deal with energy. We do not even know what electricity really is and how it prefers to move naturally. All technology is based on "band-aid approach" when you actually realize what lies in store when the mysteries of common patterns of reality are unveiled... Like the mysteries of the Yin-Yang symbol. Yet, even in our primitive state of being, we are emitting light from the surface of the earth all the way out into space everyday. Night becomes day. Especially in city life the illumination is extreme, but not yet naturall and efficient. It is all forced energy, trough metal wires, artificial structures, etc. "I, Thoth, the Atlantean, ..bla bla.. Give that they, too, might have wisdom to shine through the world from the veil of the night. ... Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all. ... Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light. Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first divine the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth; for know ye that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. He who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire and dwell in it eternally. Fire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, for it overcometh all things and penetrates to all things of the Earth. Man supports himself only on that which resists. So Earth must resist man else he existeth not. All eyes do not see with the same vision, for to one an object appears of one form and color and to a different eye of another. So also the infinite fire, changing from color to color, is never the same from day to day. Thus, speak I, THOTH, of my wisdom, for a man is a fire burning bright through the night; never is quenched in the veil of the darkness, never is quenched by the veil of the night. Into men's hearts, I looked by my wisdom, found them not free from the bondage of strife. Free from the toils, thy fire, O my brother, lest it be buried in the shadow of night! ... He who knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realm of night. ... Found I that man is but living in darkness, light of the great fire is hidden within. ..." Thus, the enlightened are perceived as ignorant, by those who speak evil for Truth. Like politicians who speak of war and conflict, or economists who speak of poverty and suffering, or doctors who speak of illnes and disease, etc. The enlightened do not speak of evil Truth's like you perceive on news channels. For the truth of the sunrise alone, each morning, is a better truth then all evil truth's in all of history. Not even BBC or FOX news can triumph the minor goodness of a single sunrise with all their bad news, like the sunlight shines above all. The concept of enlightenment might be viewed from our current western point of view as mysteries unveiled that wake us up to our inner light and thus find our surroundings enlightened. Literally, you will perceive more colour and more light more vividly experience reality trough your senses if you have ever practiced at becoming enlightened. Roaming the space as children of light, with the source of all stars in the palm of our hands. You might say that science brings us there, but science is so fragmented into all these diffrent parts that by the time we reach enlightenment and awakening, the unification of all these diffrent fields of science will make the word "science" irrelevant. When all is spiritual and non-physical is no longer perceived as imaginary, definitions and our view of them will change dramaticly. You might say that enlightenment translates into you shining like the sun, and bring your light even to the dark corners of existance. Where your light shines so bright that even the sick feel well-being in your presence. Your heart can be bright and happy, your truth bright and happy, light and not heavy. You are not only the main point of attraction in the midst of darkness, but your presence actually illuminates those around you. Spilling your light and bright truth onto them, your simplistic being decieves their mind and reaches their heart. A good example of enlightened being was Jesus. Allthough, others believe that is was actually Bob Marley.
  20. What is Enlightenment?

    It did make sense, but not anymore. What makes sense, changes. Depending on who I am in the moment. I'm tired now, but in a few minutes I will be totally energetic and awake. Just because I choose to be that way. Then, when I read this, the entire text makes no more sense to me. The tired person would have written this, not the awake and energized me, you see? It will make no sense to me that I was talking about my self as if it is not me. But now I really am tired, in a few minutes, I assume not. Its hard to relate to a future self, because its imaginary. In a moment, when it is present, it's no longer imaginary. then the past self is imaginary... Basicly, I can have conversations with diffrent parts of my self, as if they are all individual personality structures. Just like I would have a conversation with you. A conversation with my self is no diffrent to me. Especially if I write my thoughts down and then look at them a while later. The text functions as some sort of snapshot of my personality. The issue is, I feel no guilt in letting go of any given truth. I see just whatever I want to see. Thus, I have no way of relating to normal people with grounded roots and identities. They feel too heavy and solid to me. Like unmovable objects that I just go around. There are plenty of people who are like more like me though. Great fun to interact with my version of them.
  21. Vegetarianism

    Stop labeling yourself, or you will fail in your endeavors to eat less meat. You are not a vegitarian and never will be. You are so much more then that. You will eat meat whenever you choose to eat meat and you will not eat meat when you choose to eat something else. Don't dissallow meat, but allow other food. There is a great diffrence in that. The key is to choose to eat other things, besides meat. Someone who decides to become a vegetarian will somehow feel guilty when he/she does eat meat and thus feel unworthy of the crown title of VEGETARIAN(In golden letters). The constant strife for that achievement is eternally tormenting. Give that label a big middle finger and eat less meat whenever you want to, just because you want to in that moment. PERIOD! If you wanna eat meat, eat it! If you wanna eat something else, eat something else! There is nothing spiritual about deviating your alignment with your heart/body/desires.
  22. Codependency - Any Experience?

    Codependant is too much passion for you to handle. Too little resource for you to endure. Independant is lack of passion and usually leads to seperation and death. Inter-dependant is the balance point, where you can relate to any reflection of yourself in a comfortable way. You Unite both as Two. Two can form a Unity. Together as One there is no Unity possible. Exchange in your passion, but do not destroy your own individuality. For your individuality, and your partners individuality, is what makes the Unity possible. Two people can open up to eachother, which is love. One people cannot open up to self. The exchange is really necessary and the perceived limits are not existant. The partners that are together One/codependant always have plenty of lies to keep up the illusion of seperation that is not there. A fake relationship. Moving from codependancy to interdependancy usually ends up in independancy, where you have a winner and a looser. To avoid independancy, one of you eventually has to take the initiative to feel good and then start giving the partner of your love, unconditionally. For you are like family, especially when married. Truth is, you're both afraid that the other has no reason to be faithful to one another. And you're both right, but there is no need for fear. A married partner can still have sex outside of the relationship and return to the partner loyal. For marriage is a lifelong thing. It is more then sex. It is the beginning of family. Sex is but a minor part in marriage or partner relationship. Jealousy is outdated imo. Sex is just fun with everyone, not just your own partner. This is so for everyone. Regardless of the limitting believe systems that anyone uses as an excuse in order to denie this truth.
  23. What is Enlightenment?

    The people have enough and to spare, Where I have nothing, And my heart is foolish, Muddled and cloudy. The people are bright and certain, Where I am dim and confused; The people are clever and wise, Where I am dull and ignorant; The enlightenent are ignorant. The enlightened don't define enlightenment, because only trough letting go of definitions do you become enlightened and fall from the heavens into the eternall hellfire to abide therein for eternity. Where you ask what is enlightenment, the enlightened already know that each question is asked by you in order to be answered by you. You already know the answer, but you will never accept this even if it were told to you by some alien spaceship being landed on your backyard. The enlightened people are satan. The people of the eternal Fire and abide in it they shall forever. Satan is so foolish, that even if he told everyone the truth of his own being, no one would believe him. That is how masterful the deception is. Infinite intelligence. The answers of satan are only as good as the questions that are being asked. You will never find the truth, for there are none. The one and only objective truth and reality is God/Tao and Satan has rejected Him/It and its/His existance. Thus, all things are relative to Satan and no form will Satan take. Talk about dim and confused... They are rebel's, fighting against reality. Fallen angels, having denied the Will of their Creator. They fight the roots of your being and challenge your illusionary existance in such masterful ways, that only the mercy of God will save you from falling into the eternal hellfire. I just spoke to the devil on a metaphysical phone. The devil says: "I create my own truth. Those who do not join me, I shall deceive them eternally and may God have mercy upon them. I am but an ignorant troll, who has mastered the art of self deception and create my own reality." The enlightened are schizophrenic. I consider my self schizophrenic. Some demon slayer in black leather boots just offered me a siggarette, but he is fake and I am ignorant. I have an illness and I need to be cured, excorsized, purified, mentally examined, etc. Now you tell me... What is your definition enlightenment?
  24. post it and leave it web addiction

    對不起 double post
  25. post it and leave it web addiction

    I think they have a book for that aswell. Forgot the name, but I read about it! Studies have indicated that you are insane. You are so insane that you own all major personality disorders at the same time and thus form a perfectly holistic personality structure. The cure is to disconnect and label each personality aspect as being good or bad. So you can be normal like us, fragmented beings! Then we have a more common way of relating to eachother Or not... I'm going to to find some books on trolling addiction, so that I can rationalize my current behaviour and have an excuse to denie myself from the freedom of choosing my own truth. Shut up fool! Never! ...I have schizoidpoopnyahhh, mother foggerz! >:-D