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Everything posted by Everything

  1. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    Ok, so here I found the explanation of the irish accent, and he is LITERALLY AND VISUALLY describing the 2 dimensional motion of the arabic language in written form. I am literally struck by awe. I don't even know what to say anymore. 😦 It's like everything I have ever been told has been unlearned in just a few seconds by this man.
  2. Sumer: the "black-headed" vs. the "red-faced"

    Dolphins are stewards of the ocean. Humanity future is as the steward of the land. And Robert Irwin is the steward of the land. And his father aswell. And they both speak australian. It sounds somewhat Irish to me. The future language of humanity sounds like that. Wait... Now I am confused. Why does australian sound like irish? This is interesting.
  3. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Ahahahaha I so love those kids. We need more trees! I need more trees in my nose! I'm gonna bring a tree to school. So I can breath it. My doctor says it's good for oxigen and in my brain I need extra oxigen in school. To become the solution for all problems forevermore! I'm gonna save the wuuuuulrd, wiiihooooyah! Snort them pure fresh oxigen straight from the source. Oh wait... Ocean provides more oxigen than trees? I'm sorry teacher, I'm going to the beach I need a breath of fresh air. Seriously tho, have you ever smelled the fresh ocean at the beach. Or along the shoreline? There is no better thing in the entire universe. But you need to focus on the experience of all your senses as you are in nature, before you experience the pure experience of the natural freshness and purity of life force itself. A scent of a plant, you can crush a small tiny bit of green under your fingers, rub it, and then smell that. The scent of that, feels like extacy to me. Pure extacy. And the sound of the ocean, and even the scent of the ocean and the vibration of the waves the sound is literally felt in the air! That is pure extacy! You can feel the sound move your entire body. It vibrates/massages my chest! This is pure healing. This is pure life force. Wind, water, air, earth, sun. Even a forrest or pure natural untouched wilderness. Humans need that. We need nature. Nature is our natural freedom. It is our true natural being. It is our natural path of least resistance towards everything that we want. As all of creation resides within each and every one of us.
  4. Mr. Rogers ---> BOUGHT <--- a house in NEW YORK! FOR JUST 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS! IN NEW YOOOORK! NEW YOOOORK! This guy is GOD ALMIGHTY. HE IS THE WAY. Come on people, line up over here. We are all going to become like mr rogers. Pay attention now. Do you ROGER? Roger that. *salutes* Very inspiring indeed.
  5. A movie of enlightenment

    The trailer roger reminds me of luke skywalker from star wars the last jedi. And tom hanks, it's just too cheesy of a resemblance. He is that goof that always saves everyone! Just like luke! I love it. He is like, "soldier, you gotta save this dude." Mr. Rogers: "Roger." He actually saves a dude from an impossible scenario. Real casually... "life is like a box of sages... You never know what you're gonna get next." There are so many good people on this planet. And so much loving attention is flowing here from places that are not even conceivable at the moment. But allot of love is here. And we are in the middle of all of this. I can pick the mr. Rogers of my life so easily. Like oh there is a mr roger. And oh there is another one. Oh that person suddenly became a mr roger all out of an incidence that was co-incidided. Co created. Well intended. We all have a mr rogers inside of us. Actually scrap that. ALL OF CREATION RESIDES WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US! What more can I say?
  6. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Sitting in full lotus can relief all suffering forever. It reminds me of ancient description of throne dimension, which is the highest known at the time. This throne of creator, symbolic representation, of source dimension, flowed ever relief, milk honey and non intoxicating wine. As the description of pure positive energy flowing outwards from source, that was used at the time. Nowadays, I see how throne or palace are related. And full lotus is natural human vessel palace. But you are ment to sit full lotus on mountain top. To understand how high and refreshing and ever renewing and replenishining the ever reliefing exists. One second in sitting in vessel floating palace alignment, is like 5 billion years on this planet. You cannot communicate that in words. But through self decoding inter harmonic inter dimensional ever self integrating self allowed ever rapturously extatic greater allowed realisation of the divinely perfect fractally step down transforming magentha white, or ever highering frequency step down fractal transforming self integrative self elevating self decoding light codes, self decoding light codes as sung through the inspired inter harmonic high frequency rythm 7 hertz, rythm perfectly inspired and aligned divinely self inter harmonic ascending melody. And guess what, your voice reaches far on a mountain top. Coincidence? You may think shut up. Maybe next billion of years. No... I heard it just recently. In a city. A city... Where usually pop music plays... We are living in highly accelerating times. Good things are on the horizon. Always. Technology can be used for good. These things don't happen by accident. Many people on this planet love their fellow brothers and sisters. And are seeking to bring the ever reliefing nature of all being and becoming straight to your doorsteps. Like jesus making a chair. When you focus on relief like jesus, you cannot help but sick people come to you and instantly be healed by your presence, and they just say thank you, and bye! And guess what. I know why... This message has been the essence of all cheese. It was very cheesy.
  7. Does the soul know the difference?

    Wait a minute, arcturus ra mentioned he got a big deal as a dj. The guy who played it was a dj. I think his self decoding light codes inter-harmonics got into my city! Holy moly, he was not kidding.
  8. Does the soul know the difference?

    Also the soul is being and becoming the difference. The god dimension you speak of. Well, then I would have to think of the throne dimension. And it is made out of pure positive light. One second in that dimension is like 7 billion years here on planet earth. It is the most rapturously extatic thing I've ever experienced. It is so extremely satisfying. High frequency. And I found it glowing white/magentha. It reminds me of arcturus ra. Or how he conveyed the essessani. Very light magentha. Very high frequency. Very pure. And very clarity. Clear. Feels so clear and so refreshing and renewing and replenishing. Wooh. Feels very good. Like breath of fresh cool air. Or ongoing never ending good feeling goosebums. Everything is experienced in the knowingness. Because it is so massively expansive and so rich and fast free. You can impossibly keep up with words. But I heared someone speak there language through self decoding sound harmonics, played at shamanic rythm frequency. Melodies of ever self decoding language of the highest most pure high frequency ever expanding knowingness that I have ever experienced. And no idea who played it. Or how. Was far far away. And I never expected to receive light codes in the middle of a city. A freaking city out of all places. Hahaha. Oh well, you want pop music? Oh you want exotic music? Ok, here we go. Arcturian sound frequencies light codes coming up! Like whaat? I wonder if the person themselves even knew!
  9. Does the soul know the difference?

    I found that the better I feel emotionally the more I understand everything. But ofcourse it is not easy to communicate that with beings who are in the moment focused in the lesser knowing or on the lesser knowing aspects of it. For example, war asks for peace. Peace flows from the 5th dimension to the 4th. But because most people don't allow the natural flow of new life and new life, they miss the new peace and bigger peace, being and becoming evermore here and now. And they simply flow into the idea of death, then poof, release all resistance, and back into pure positive energy and back in life. I agree that it is an illusion, because you never die, you just addopt a new memory. You can be here one moment, and in a completely different life in another moment. And because the memory is new, you have no memory of the previous life. But it still exists. It's just no longer necessary or relevant, to all the things that that life wants, that your new life now is all those things you want. So allowing the natural preference is the way to speed up the cycle untill you notice no seperation between black and white. It becomes so fast that there is simultaenous asking and allowing. You become a physical manifestational representative of Source Energy, or pure positive energy. Kind of like how someone I knew who I forgot the name. But maharishi mahesh reminds me of that person. Very allowing. I know allowing is the key to all wanted or realisation or conscious co-creation of all things wanted being and becoming evermore. It's just emotion. Like how I found you here. I thought, OH WOW, someone who actually knows how life works. Good to find you here. And I realise, it's not common, but that is changing because I have the desire already. And so it is coming. And now I found you. Like I know people, but most of them are trying so hard to help people that they don't let themselves be true to themselves. And always be like, yeah after this life. Or after I do this. Or first I have to heal these people and then I will be who I really am... Well, guess that reflection shows me it is time, that I simply be who I really am. Much more fun and easy aswell. Do you believe that there is an inner earth in the north pole as people say? I do always find my self going north whenever I allow myself to feel better emotionally. It simply always naturally happens. Natural inspired inclination to gravitate more north as I allow myself to feel better emotionally. Also more inclined to go more into nature. But when humans are working in nature, I feel an energy that is even more dense and old than 4d reality. It is almost like an endless unending suffering. Humans working in nature is like war. Maybe even more dense. When nature is ment to be a place to rest and relax and allow the new energies to flow and be received. New life after new life. So fresh and new and pure! Pure positive energy! Oh... There is not a greater thing in life. Ever refreshing and renewing and replenishing and being and becoming ever expanding source energy. So pure and natural and effortless. And joyful. And free. And pure.
  10. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    I tried suicide aswell, but when you succeed, as I did, you will realise what true freedom is. And then you will also finally open up to your inner knowing, that you do not need to kill yourself, in order to be the freedom that you already are and always have been and always will be allowing yourself to be and become evermore here and now. It is just that when you finally ACT with the BELIEVE that you are going to kill yourself. And so you do. But then you do not die. But you also no longer care about the conditions of your life. Why? Because you already said goodbye. So now, you come back into alignment with your own soul, your inner knowing, that we all have acces to. And it is eternal and infinite and ever expanding and wise, and it is the source of your being and it is your life force. Now you can be do or have anything you want. And you always say "I love life! I want to be in this body so much. Ofcourse I am here, because now I understand everything! And now I realise I always had acces to this knowledge, if only I knew the difference between allowing myself acces to my own greater knowing, feeling very good emotionally, and not allowing my self acces to my own greater knowing, feeling very bad emotionally." And ofcourse an easy way to learn how to release resistance and tap in to your soul or greater knowing. As meditation can help you do that in a matter of minutes. As meditation is literally the exact same thing as suicide. You simply let go of the self contradictory believe. And so you naturally effortlessly (no action required) allow your greater knowing to flow more fully through you again, and now you feel good and you know what you want. You have found it. And you have allowed your realisation of it. You full realisation of it. As real as stick and stones. Physical manifestational realisation. Real reality observable tangle touchable realisation of what you want. As the relief you seek, it is LITERALLY there in your life. It is in your beingness. And it is so, because you allowed to come to you or be realised by you. However, you already have always had the source of your well being, here and now, always with you. As you can feel your relativity to it, emotionally. Your relationship with it. God does not say to you, "Son, I disagree with you." You know why? Because God loves you unconditionally, and Knows ALL is well. So you are inseperable from God. And so, you don't need words. You need to FEEL or SENSE your connection, your relatively allowed or lesser allowed connection, as your emotions. To help you EFFORTLESSLY understand what the source of your being knows about you, here and now. So if you say, my life sucks, you feel negative emotion. Because the Source of your being has a different perspective about that. And since you are inseperable extension of your source of being, you cannot help but feel bad, or painful uncomfortable negative emotion, when you say that your life sucks. When you create discord between you and your source of being. And if that discord is allowed to continue, it gains momentum and turns to painful life conditions. Negative life conditions such as pain or discomfort or disease. It's just a lack of ease you see... If you did not do anything to disallow it, it would be there. But you don't disallow on purpose. You disallow your own source of well being, because it's simply law of momentum. You are used to doing it, the ability to do it gains momentum=power. It becomes easier to continue to do it, and so... Now allowing the source of your well-being is difficult. So I am here to remind you, you can unlearn those habbits, easily, by meditating. You know why? It is not easy to go from negative thought, to all of a sudden shift to positive thought. Nearly no human can do that. So let there be seperation between your suffering and your relief. By releasing all thought, meditating, and allowing your natural well-being. To find the answer again, more easily. Feeling your way to it. As now, you can see, the problem is the source of the solution. A new solution unlike any before. You have pain, you want relief. Then focus on the relief that you seek. And hold your focus consistently on the idea of relief and what that could be. Let it come to you through the natural path of least resistance that is of momentum of your focused thought about relief. And you will find relief can not only relief you from this pain, but FROM ALL SUFFERING. FOREVER. You can feel so good and still feel better, and you can come to know source perspective of and about everything and anything. You see, your soul knows the relief you seek, and knows exactly where you are in relationship to it and your path of least resistance to it. But it takes long, if you have allot of resistance to the relief that you seek. So when you meditate, and you think no thought, you release all resistant thought, and now, your energy path is open and clear, and you can receive the FULL realisation of the relief that you seek, VERY QUICKLY. You know why? Because you have no thought, no assumption, you do not think how it will come, you allow it come how it will really come, which is always the way you want it to come, or how it is suppose to come. You leave all of your expectations behind and you offer 0 resistance to the natural path of least resistance. That is why meditation is identical to dying, without the unintended self harm, that you insist you need (which you don't) with the idea of suicide. So insistence is resistance, just like dying is meditation, and self harm is always resistance, because you want relief. And sometimes pain can offer temporary distraction from suffering, but meditation reliefs ALL SUFFERING. No difference. It's simply a releasing of resistance. Like letting your self fall in love, unconditionally, forevermore, with the source of all creation, of all well being. And wellness. And if that is the case, you can go from 0 to hero in a matter of seconds. Because you ALLOW yourself to be naturally and effortlessly redefined by virtue of your own inner being or your soul. It is easy and effortless. And you can do it, it's very easy. Meditation is very easy, as simple as focus. And focusing on relief, is easy aswell, but especially if you want it! And you want it more than anyone! So guess who is most capable of focusing on relief and realising relief. Me or you? YOU! YOU WANT RELIEF! And so in just a matter of focused time on relief, you will be telling me what relief truely is. What freedom truely is. Cause you have got more relief in your soul, that is available for you right here and now. That you can even allow yourself to receive the relief that all of humanity has asked for, on behalf of them. Without even needing to teach it. You become the relief. By holding your attention on it long enough, that you allow yourself to realise it. So what you do, is you let the pain die, and you live with relief. And then you realise the pain has never been a real thing. It's just temporary result of temporary resistance, that you can ALWAYS easily and effortlessly let go of. And allow your natural well-being or relief, or your natural knowingness or life force, or soul, or ever refreshing replenishing good feeling energy motional emotional indication of allowancw of true natural and effortless well-beingness. And you can expand on the relief that you seek for eternity if you wish. You can focus on relief so long, that like Jesus, if someone comes to you with pain, just being near you will heal them. Why? Because relief is the natural path of least resistance towards all things wanted, as it is being and becoming evermore here and now. And you will then say, thank you unwanted sensation. You help me realised everything forever. I have let go of this life, and my life stays with me. Because I love my life. And I am who I am. And I love myself. And I care about myself. And I always wanna feel good! And feeling good/relief is my eternal nature of being. So thank you pain, for reminding me what is really at the core of who I am. And who and what everything and all that exists truely is. As the primary desire the primary essence of all existance, is that all is well. And becoming weller evermore. And so my unconditional freedom to focus on the relief, doesn't require death. Because the cause of pain is not a real thing. It is just energetic resistance or discord within myself. And releasing that, I found that the relief I find, is being and becoming evermore throughout all things in all of existance, evermore! And how good life is! That even death is a relief of life into MORE EVEN BETTER LIFE! ETERNAL RELIEF. forever and ever and ever.
  11. Does the soul know the difference?

    Ok I understand what you mean. Thanks for clarifying. So what is the 5th dimension you talk about? I have experienced it only slightly in my life. It was pretty amazing. But I was more borderline 4th dimension and 5th dimension. Quasi physical. Very maleable. Mastery of my own personal energy motional nature of being, harmonizing physical and non-physical to higher degree of higher frequency. It's not easy to maintain that alignment of 5th dimension operation.
  12. Same, my parents sacrifice a bit too much. And I wonder if that will ever be a necessary thing. It's hard to keep that up, because it is not natural. It's like wanting something you do not believe is possible. And so, when it is achieved, it becomes unworthy of the sacrifice. So now one seeks to sacrifice for evermore greater things. It turns into ongoing self sacrifice. Like a chain of pain. That keeps growing. And humans are so self sacrificial. In so many ways. It reminds me of the story of creation as human innocence sacrifices their own nature towards the unnatural. Out of innocence. As the source of all evil is incomprehensible innocence. Like loving god so much, you decide to kill yourself and a bunch of other people aswell. It can be deemed as ignorant and arrogant. But in the end it is inconceivable innocence. We often praise God SOOOOO MUCH. That we actually begin to disconnect ourselves from the praise itself. As feeling unworthy of the praise. Like feeling as if God is praising themselves and you are unworthy. It's fake, because people lose touch with their own inner guidance of their own emotions. So they think they are praising, even tho they do not feel praise worthy. It's trying too hard. Trying too hard to appreciate, when you are not ready or not in the right place to be praising. So most people try to seek to change the conditions around them, to make it more conducive for them be one who feels the praise they are praising. But they forget that they are UNCONDITIONALLY loved and guided and supported extensions of that which they call God. So they feel they will die if they don't praise God. Or go to hell. But actually being afraid of fear itself is Hell. You lose touch with your own emotional guidance system. Which is all you need actually. And then when you pinch your own natural connection with your own soul, as felt through your emotional guidance system, you seek to DO things, to retrieve that connection, even whilest you are feeling fear, and thus actually not creating any relief or opening for the natural connection to flow again, because they don't realise that that fear is indicative of their inseperable connection and indicative of a lesser allowed connection. Not indicative of disconnection, it's just indicative of complete distortion. I don't know why humanity chose this path, but it seems the plan is greater than anything we could have imagined. As we humans forget alot. And the greater plan, is not even rehearsable. It is that great. I guess you have to forget, in order to experience a re-membrance. And if you become addicted to remembering, you will never allow yourself to become fully realised. That is why death is such a great thing for so many people. As they fully catch up again to all that they've truely become and are joyfully being and becoming evermore here and now. As the ultimate releasing of all resistance, or self contradictory energy. When there is no choice anymore, then all the rules are gone. And so everything is possible. As the ultimate freedom. And here we are. Again and again. Looking for death, or the ultimatum. Not knowing, we cannot die. As we are being and becoming evermore here and now. New life after new life, ever refreshing and renewing and replenishing. Ever self sustaining. Source of All Creation. Evermore free, from the bondage of the past. To simply be here and now, evermore reaching beyond what can be seen, to the true present furthest most expanded state of being and calling of Source. To our natural path of least resistance of joyful being and becoming. And so when will humans realise that nothing you see or have seen is actually presently what is truely here? It will always be and becoming evermore here and now. And the freshness and newness of that is what life is all about. It doesn't require a bomb, a storm, a quake, or an end or death. It just requires us to be present and listen and open minded. To what is truely being and becoming evermore here and now. And if lost, then forgotten is only the forgetfulness. For reintegration of the total ever expanding soul is inevitable. Yet so much more easy when, when one allows themselves to enjoy themselves for who they simply already are. As our natural state of being is always already fully revolving around the natural path of least resistance that is of Dao or God or the Source of All Natural Being and Becoming evermore here and now. As the energy motional relief of all natural being and becoming through the natural path of least resistance. That we are even beyond the entire physical being. The Source of them and the Source of the moreness of its evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. Then who does not trust their own Source? Ignores their own natural energy motional felt guidance of their own natural emotional guidance system indicating and evermore re-referring them to their own natural truely joyful being and becoming evermore here and now. Effortlessly, accurately and always precisely and perfectly, waking the individual to all that they truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Surely they will meet themselves, and let go of defining the old forevermore. As even what is physically present, is old forevermore. Untill one finds their own natural path of least resistance of their own truely joyful being and becoming evermore effortlessly here and now. And remember all that they truely are, as the culmination of all that they've truely been, as the allowance of the realisation of all that they are truely being and becoming evermore effortlessly here and now. Evermore joyfully. Evermore naturally. Evermore reliefing and better feeling. As the natural alignment with the natural being and becoming of the natural ever expanding source of all creation. That is of all things being and becoming evermore here and now. Surely humbled are so many to their own greater truth. Not realising how arrogant, self contradictory, and self ignorant it is to think one of lesser than their very own soul. No greater harm exists. And yet, nothing more irrelevant. And unnecessary. To no longer think of that which was. But rather with all that all of that is right here and now. Being and becoming evermore here and now. I cannot see it or taste it or touch it. But it is the life force than runs through us all. And it is eternal and infinite. It has been long before this physical universe was even born. And we are all of it. And it is wise. It is powerful and effortless. It does nothing, and leaves nothing undone. The grace of the almighty. Not human power, but ever expanding, also through our experience of it, through us, of itself. To expand evermore beyond what it has been. Into all that it is being and becoming evermore effortlessly, joyfully, truely, lucidly, clearly, wisely, unerringly, undeniably, irresistably, here and now.
  13. Astrology and astral impermanence

    When will people actually realise their true nature, which is eternal and infinite in being and becoming evermore here and now. For most people it, seems like, not untill die. Because they care so much about conditions, that they prevent themselves from realising those conditions. But if suffering is sufficient, then people will give up. And as they give up, and witness how every single condition in their life turns around "miraculously" then they know that they are one with the source of all these conditions. And then life can become fun as it has always already intended to be, anyway. So then from that point of view, you realise how and why you created all of these conditions. You remember their value. The value of all of these things you created. And then you can simply move on with your life, in your true eternal joyful being and becoming evermore effortlessly and joyfully here and now. All that you want to be do or have. Being and becoming evermore here and now. In full co-creative harmony and alignment with the ever expanding source of all being and becoming evermore here and now.
  14. Does the soul know the difference?

    The waves are the ocean.
  15. Does the soul know the difference?

    Yes and that "higher truth" is not one thing. It is infinite and eternal ever expanding source of all creation. The reason we often say all is one and one is all. Is because everything is inter connected. And to know this you have to understand only your emotions as they always perfectly indicate your here and now energy motional relativity between your physical consciousness and your greater non-physical consciousness (your soul). So when you meditate, and release all thoughts, you also release all self contradictory thoughts. And thus in that moment, you are capable of integraging your own greater knowing of your own soul. Because you have no resistance, so it flows more, and because you no longer offer a thought, you are capable of receiving new thought from your soul which is always being and becoming evermore here and now all that you want to be do or have, in full co-creative harmony and alliance with the ever expanding source of all creation. As your soul is pure positive energy, as the breath of the source of all creating. And we all extensions of all of that. We are all the furthest most leading edge expression of all of that. And we are being and becoming evermore here and now, in full co-creative harmony and alignment with all of that. And so, if you do not find your own emotionally good feeling alignment with your own soul, you miss the entire point of your life. And thus a releasing of thought, would help one find its natural good feeling balance of natural and effortless path of least resistance that is of all natural being and becoming evermore here and now. That is how and why you gain acces to all of your evermore greater knowing, being and becoming evermore here and now. As you allow yourself to feel better emotionally, again and again. Never endingly. In ever exponentially accelerating acceleration of fashion of being and becoming evermore effortlessly and joyfully and freely and truely and naturally here and now.
  16. Does the soul know the difference?

    Those two are exactly the same thing. You are again looking only at your physical extension of being. It's like saying, "I am my fingers." And then your soul would say, well you also have a hand. And then you say "no I only have fingers, the hand is destined to become a finger." Then how is that you are speaking? "I speak through my fingers alone." Yep... May I ask you what the 5th dimension is? How do you experience it, describe it. Because I think you have an interesting take on this.
  17. Does the soul know the difference?

    First of all, yin yang refers to the natural trinity of the natural path of least resistance of life, energy in motion, being and becoming here and now. Contrast is a necessary ---> function <--- of our consciousness ability to focus and expand thus upon chosen being and becoming. You might be correct that when we die, we withdraw our consciousness out of physical body. So you may call it less physical. Or quasi physical. As the 5th dimension that is build upon the 4 dimensions of time 1 and space 3. So we are here to learn unconditional love. Which is the unconditional emotion. So you might call that the fully realised physical being, fully converged and blended with their soul, as physical and non-physical together hand in hand as one. That you call the 5th dimension. Quasi physical. A more high frequency more highly integrative beingness of the here and now, being and becoming evermore. So you say that everything was soul and ends up as space. This is not true. Because your soul is still here. It didn't cease to exist. It is your own life force that allows you to speak and write and breath. As your physical being is an extension of your soul. And yes your physical body will die but your soul does not die. So if you consider yourself to only be the extension of yourself, yeah then you will end up being only 1 dimensional elemental consciousness. But you are not an element. You are a human being. Secondly, apes have a different family of consciousness and evolutionary trajectory than humans. That if you accept that, you will discover their unique abilities, and unique beingness, that is ment to live in co-creative harmony with the humans that we are. They are not lesser beings or devolved beings. They are just different. And for a very good reason so: Because this universe SUPPORTS VARIETY! THAT IS HOW RICH LIFE IS ON THIS PLANET. Again if what you say is true, that all white becomes black, well, you can also say all black becomes white. So you are only looking at one aspect of creation. And this is what is ment with being a half witt. When you ignore your own emotions, and you do not find alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, you cannot ever know anything with any degree of consistency. Because you are always thinking in half truths. But if you feel good, and are in alignment with your soul, then you understand the value of both aspects as they fully support one another, in our freedom, to be do or have anything we so desire. Because there is infinite variety being and becoming evermore here and now. And your soul will always lead you back to this realisation, no matter how much or how many times you choose to forget it. As only goodness comes out of all things being and becoming evermore here and now, from your soul's point of view. So your forgetfulness does not bother it. Because you cannot ever become less than all that you have truely become. You can only temporarily block your natural state of being and becoming evermore here and now. That does not necessarily achieve or accomplish anything. Including the fact the it does not accomplish the lessening of your being, even if you believe it does, and thus experience literally that you are becoming less. It is like a child closing their eyes when they ride down a slide, because they are scared, because they have resistant energy, as self contradictory thought form. That does not allow their own natural and effortless realisation of their own greater knowing. And they say "that was horrible!" But next time they realise, that it was actually amazing. But they had no way of knowing at the time. Because they blocked their own natural being and becoming evermore here and now, temporarily. That didn't achieve anything. It didn't make the slide less fun for others. Not even for themselves. It just took some extra time and releasing of resistant energy, to eventually catch up with their own soul's greater knowing of the value of this life experience. And the fun of it.
  18. Here and nooOooooOoowww, heeaaaar an Ooooooowl! And the owl says, listen to your emotions. "I can't hear it!" Why do you have to be so literally? "Because I count on my words to make it all work for me!" Then listen to your emotions, and you will find the right words. "That actually makes sense..." It cannot make more sense, than the most sophistacted sense of all your senses of translating energy in motion into the sense of emotion. "But what about my vision and hearing and touch and taste and smell?" What about them? "They are meaningless without the emotion." And you always have the emotion. "But that is too meaningful!" Then how about you look towards the lesser emotion? "But my emotions are on fire!" Have you ever thought about calming them down with some water? Or that which is even cooler... Void empty silent infinite space of nothingness... "sounds peaceful." Does peaceful feel better to you? "yes it does right now." Then that is your guidance from your higher knowing, that peace is your path of lesser resistance. "But I don't believe in my higher knowing!" Then you can believe in your emotions. "but my emotions suck!" Then you are game over. "So now what?" Now you are at peace and now your emotions no longer suck. "I should be game over more of the time!" And then you will truely enjoy playing with life and as life. "But how can I play, if I am game over?" You can't. "Then you are game over." Indeed, and you can be game over aswell! "I am already game over..." No you're not. "Yes I am!" Really? Then why do you contradict me? "Because I am playing the game where I am game over even tho I am not!" So you are not game over. "But now I am." And so now you will truely enjoy playing as life. "But how can I if and but to the in from ans to of with ! ... Just kidding..." You are getting the hang of this. Why did you hide that message from me? "Haha, now I got you, you stupid owl!" 😈 Hey, stop hanging on to me! I wanna fly away. "You're not going anywhere, you staying here with me forever now ahaha!" I am already here and now forever. "Not if you fly away." For you maybe... "Don't you care about me?" 😰 I only care about myself. "But but but but but but but!" When are you going to let go? "Never... Most likely." Ok. "The weather is beautiful today isn't it?" It's a great day to fly. "Yeah, I would like to fly aswell." Then spread your fingers wide open, jump, and flap them untill you float in perfect finger guided accuracy around time and space. "Ok." Follow along! *owl flies up, human falls down, flapping their fingers* "My fingers are too small!" Mine are not! "How do I grow them larger?" Point more often at things that you like! *Human points at owl* "It's not working!" Give it a couple more million of years! "Alright have a nice day!" Thank you, you aswell! "Damnit, this is going to take too long... I might aswell, just... Give it up." GAME OVER! "AAH! 😬 Where did you come from?!" From here and now. "Strange... I come from there aswell! Haha, I didn't even see you!" But I did. "Stalker." I like looking at smelly things. "Why not just smell them?" Smell what? "Smelly things." Do you see any smelly things? "Sure, I see you." Come here and we will smell eachother. "You smell like dust" And you smell like boiled milk and honey. "Ew, gross!" Pretty subtle if you ask me. "NO! I MEAN YOU POOPED ON MY SLEEVE!" Hold still, I'm trying to figure out what I had for breakfast. "Probably small cat who steals cheese from a dumpster. And makes high pitched noises." Maybe I ate the dumpster? "Well, that way the small long tailed cat, would be ok with that." Hey that rhymes, so it must be true! "Ofcourse it's true. Just like the fact that I love you." Quickly rub my nose. "Why?" Hey I am a talking owl, you have to atleast do one owly thing. "Oh well..." *Owl closes eyes in nose rubbed satisfaction* -The end. "Hey owl, I think I finally understand why I care so much about you." Why is that? "Because it makes me happy." I care about myself aswell.
  19. I want the conflict to end

    Yeah that is why you always need to care primarily about your own alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, so that everything in your life can be of full integrity and of full benefit to you and from you, being and becoming evermore effortlessly here and now. So if the conditions become an excuse to not find alignment with your own true beingness, then they will simply wither and die. And if your own life becomes a condition to not find alignment with your own true beingness, then your physical life will also wither and die. Untill you can find your alignment again, with no excuse whatsoever left, to not be happy anymore. Unconditional joy or love. As who it is you simply truely already are being and becoming evermore effortlessly and naturally here and now. Also doesn't require one to do something to allow it, but the allowing does have to be there. And so it is always about what one does that doesn't allow it, that blocks it, which is the reason for the withering and dying. But if nothing is done, nothing is left undone. And then the allowing and alignment simply naturally occurs. And then one appreciates the withering and dying again as simply life becoming more life. Refreshing and renewing steadily along the way. Just like breathing in and out. One doesn't say, I have died to the old self. But if they would say that, that would be very beneficial for everyone to know. Your previous self is dead. So why fear death? You are fresh and new now. That is a good thing. It allows your life to refreshing and renew ongoingly evermore here and now. So go ahead and be free to acknowledge that you are dying 5 billion times per second. Be free to be who it is you truely are. It is simply normal and natural. And so it will always feel better to you, because it is in alignment and harmony with your true nature of being and becoming evermore here and now. Fresh and new evermore. Unlike anything before, and again and again and again. So you can never get disconnected from the natural path of least resistance. You can only pinch yourself off from it, temporarily. Untill death becomes the path of least resistance. Or simply stop pinching yourself off from the path of least resistance. By letting go of doing that, and allowing the path of least resistance, to be ongoingly evermore felt by you, emotionally, as that which feels better, to focus upon the greater allowed realisation of it being and becoming evermore here and now, and as you find yourself feeling very good emotionally again, you are fully in alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, and your life becomes a wonderful journey of being and becoming evermore here and now in ongoingly refreshing and inpsiring and renewing and replenishing co-creating with the source of all creating. Of all being and becoming evermore joyously and freely here and now. You can be so full of life and so joyful that death simply becomes another thing. Like walking from this door to the next. So normal and natural. You would be saying, dinner was great! Bye... And you fall flat with your face in your pie. Cause that's how I wanna die. By not caring about how I will die. I will just do it when I will do it. Don't need to make it any more complicated than that. Most thoughts humans think are rather contradictory to their own greater knowing. That's why one is not capable of realising their own true freedom, from a perspective, which blocks it. As the solution cannot be realised from the state of being which created the problem. So if you would find your unconditional ability to simply allow your own natural and effortless alignment of and with your own greater non-physical consciousness, then problems will be very very very short lived. And fully appreciated for what they truely are. As simply platforms for further expansion into evermore effortless greater allowed realisation, being and becoming evermore here and now. That is simply joy. And effortless thus. But very succesful and very potent solution oriented.
  20. Your point of view is always valid. You don't have to argue about which point of view is more valid. If there was only one truth, there would be only one person. That'd be pretty boring. So you argue only if you are not in agreement with your own point of view, fully yet. If you were, you don't need to change the perspective of another, because you would know the value of your true identity which is unique, and thus also know the value of the true identity of any another, which is unique aswell. Rather appreciate the point of view of others, and then it simply informs you, of the misunderstanding that the people around you are having. That is important to know, not because you have to join them in their misunderstanding. But because they are not going to join you in your understanding, especially when their misunderstanding gets activated by them for themselves flowing against themselves, by virtue of their free will to explore the contrasting environment of immense variety that is of this physical time space reality, to come to new preferences, and further understanding of one their own true nature from several different points of view and path ways of eternal being and becoming evermore here and now. It is simply freedom that allows another person to argue about misunderstandings, endlessly, for the purpose of arguing itself. For the purpose of experiencing a lesser allowed freedom for themselves of themselves by virtue of their own freedom to do so, to the point, that it becomes self destructive, as death is the imaginary boundary where one naturally and effortlessly releases themselves from their own self insisted and self created self contradiction. If the intention is arguing, you cannot force them to choose otherwise. Why they choose that, is also not relevant. What is relevant, is that someone is capable of maintaining their alignment with their own greater knowing. So that when people are done arguing, they can then be allowed to have an opportunity to heal from their own self imposed self created self contradictory energy, by having an example of lesser resistant states of being, that they can choose to easily addopt for themselves or not, if they do wish to give up or surrender their self contradictory thought forms, by virtue of free will and the influence of your being, that offers the preferred state of being as an option, not with words, but by simple presence of beingness, of knowingness. It is a very simple choice and expression of knowledge. To simply be yourself without trying to change yourself or another. To simply offer your state of being. This is also much more consistent and long lasting in benefit and much more effective and powerful and unconditional, and so evermore present in evermore conditions of all life being and becoming evermore here and now. And thus evermore effortless and joyful and fun and natural. And meaningful and personal from within and without aswell. What a surprise right? The easy way is the best way. And the more you know that the more fun life becomes for you. And there will always be those who can inspire you to a more preffered state of being of greater allowed realisation of a greater allowed realisation of a greater allowed realisation of a greater allowed realisation of freedom or joy or whatever you want to be do or have, it is an eternal process of being and becoming, and fine tuning. Sure at some point, the being is evolved to a more consistent stable and aligned identity that is more in alignment and reflective of their true nature of being, so arguing is really not gonna be necessary at that point. It's more a conversation that is the natural expression for the further allowed realisation of the further allowed fine tuning of the further greater allowed realisation, ongoingly, being and becoming evermore here and now, in evermore greater allowed alignment and harmonization and realisation of and with your own greater non-physical consciousness. That happens anyway wether you converse or not. But conversation, as with any connditional life experiences that are indicative or evidence of alignment, are simply fun side effects, or extra's. Like fun extra's along the way of your eternal being and becoming evermore here and now. And since it is not that important, you can also enjoy it that much more and thus benefit that much more from it, you integrate your own true nature thus evermore, from within and without, it becomes fully retained by your physical being, because it is fully felt and allowed to be and become evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed alignment and harmony and reflection and realisation of and with your own greater non-physical consciousness. So you see how all of it simply serves for your unconditional enjoyment of it and with it evermore ongoingly and effortlessly here and now. And at some point, if you find yourself not enjoying the moment, you realise, that that does not mean the conditions of your life are bad. It means that something is in the process of becoming, that you have missed. Due to not fully being in alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, and thus you have not in that moment fully consciously realised the source of that new becoming, being you the physical being, which co-created that with your own greater non-physical consciouness co-created that with your own source of being. And so it becomes not fully known or understood as to what how and why and huh? But that does not mean it is bad. It just means you have to catch up with it, so that you can find your own natural alignment of your own natural co-blended co-creating of and with your own greater non-physical consciousness. Through which you co-create any and all life experience for yourself, for the joyous purpose of your evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. As it is all of evermore greater allowed realisation of evermore greater allowed realisation of benefit for any and all and from any and all and for any and all. Being and becoming evermore here and now. Effortlessly, naturally, and joyously. That doesn't require effort on your part to accomplish. But it does require some releasing of resistant energy, to catch up fully with your evermore here and now, evermore being and becoming evermore ongoingly here and now, evermore effortlessly, freely and naturally and truely and joyfully. As it requires one to understand the nature of your natural and effortless ability to allow, to do nothing and leave nothing undone. The doing of the non-action, as the greatest power in all of creating is being and becoming evermore here and now, through the source of all creating, that is your own ability to allow your natural greater allowed self realisation that simply is allowed by virtue of allowing, indicated by feeling good emotionally, indicating that you are allowing more fully in that moment. And indicating that you can always allow more fully, forevermore ongoingly evermore here and now, effortlessly, naturally. As your unconditional ability to allow your natural moreness of alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, to come to allow your own evermore greater allowed realisation of your true natural co-creative harmony an alignment of and with your own greater non-physical consciousness. Through which all that is your life is truely being allowed by you to be and become evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully here and now. That simply is your natural state of being, that doesn't require one to do anything to allow it. But the allowing of it, need to be in place. And the contradicting or resisting of it, cannot be allowed. OR otherwise, the allowing cannot be allowed. It's that simple and that obvious. And thus evermore expansive and free and empowered in effortless greater allowed realisation from within and without, unconditionally, evermore here and now, regardless of any and all conditions, and under any and all conditions, being and becoming evermore effortlessly and naturally and joyfully here and now.
  21. The part of you that has never suffered

    Yeah and that leads us to the further realisation that nothing does not exist. Just like Source exists, but that does not mean that human thoughts forms, are always accurate representations of what that source is. Yet human thought forms is what is easily accesible to most humans. As that which is non-physical. And so Source is not often accesed by humans, unless they are very young. And even then they can be discouraged from finding their natural alignment with their Source. That natural alignment with Source and natural allowed to be flowed realisation of Source, or viewing our world through the eyes of Source, requires there to be no resistant contradictory thought within us. If Source perspective flows through us with those contradictory thoughts, which cannot happen, we would burn up like lamp exploding because electricity suddenly decides to ignore natural law of path of least resistance. That is why Source flows through those who either release resistant contradictory thought by meditation or simply those who always feel good anyway, and have no resistance. But we all are flowing that which we call Source Energy through us atleast to some degree. To the degree that you feel good or better emotionally, that much more are you flowing in alignment with Source, and then you are simply a path of lesser resistance and then Source flows through you more. Even on behalfst of the people around you. If you wanna understand source, all you gotta do is understand your emotions. You cannot perceive that which you are not in alignment with. It's like trying to walk through a wall. You would just get repelled by the wall, and if you insist, you crush yourself. It is all about releasing resistance, to the source that is already flowing through you. So that it flows more fully and freely and easily and naturally and effortlessly and joyously and blisfully, etc.
  22. Life comes and goes so easily. Civilizations come and go so easily. There have been more civilizations roaming this planet, far more technologically advanced than ours, than we can count. Life is not a simply defined nor created by our words. Creation also doesn't happen in words. It happens through energy, which is far more interconnective and interrelated than mere words. Which are simply attempting to point at simple symbols. You cannot understand life or another or yourself or even existence, with words. It requires focus of awareness and the ability to translate energy in motion, into the sense of emotion. Since everything is made out of energy, you are also primarily made out of energy. You are primarily an energy being, rather than physical body, which is simply a changing thing and very specific, you can look at life from an even broader point of view. As everything that matters to you is hinted at by your emotions. And that helps you realise all the specifics of life that truely matter to you, that is truely valuable for you and all to know. If you see conflict, you want more peace and harmony and co-operation. You feel negative emotion, not because there is conflict. Your emotions are not about the conditions of your life which inspires the expansion of your soul. Those conditions being made so important, including observing the behaviour of another, are not responsible for the way you feel. But your making them more important than they actually are, is what is at the root of all negative emotion. As humans mastered the art of observing reality. It's almost a thought addiction of "reality" as in "the reality that has been created before, I observe it, and continue to create more of the same, giving my power to the reality that the people around me are creating." The reason you ever feel negative emotion, is because your soul has become more in that moment, and you are focused in opposition to your own soul. You may say that the behaviour of another is responsible for your negative emotion, but it's not. It is your observation of that behaviour and focusing upon that behaviour, while your soul is focused upon another behaviour and another aspect of the very same person or people you are observing, that is what is at the source of your negative emotion that you feel, seemingly about them, it is simply about your own here and now evermore energy motional relative relationship between you and your soul. So again, the peace is there, right in front of you. No matter who the person is or who the people are or who or what the beings are being and becoming evermore here and now, the peace is there. When you are focused upon it, you come to realise it evermore, it is not a hard thing to do. And most importantly, you have to do it, because your soul is eternal. You cannot denie your own soul, in that, you would simply be denying your own life force, and your ability to feel emotion, and your ability to be alife, and simply be healthy and well and function in a healthy matter. And then you die, and then there are no conditional excuses to not realise all that all is being and becoming evermore here and now. No need to die to accomplish that, you can simply focus on the peace that is already being and becoming evermore here and now, as your soul is already focused upon it. If your soul was not focused upon it, you would feel absolutely wonderful about your focusing on perspectives and thoughts and things which are not in alignment of and in harmony with that peace that your soul is being and becoming evermore knowingly and intentionally here and now for you, as all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. You create your soul to expand evermore, you are an inseperable extension of it, that is why you feel your emotional relativity with that always as your a bit extremely over the top of extremity of valuablenes and meaningfulness of your emotional guidance system. If you care about how you feel emotionally, you will understand the source of all being and becoming evermore here and now. That you are ment to feel good no matter what you observe, even yourself, because you are made out of the very essence of THE SOURCE OF ALL, WHICH HOLDS ALL THAT YOU WANT, EVERMORE FOR YOU, AND ALL. And if you understand the source of all becoming, you will understand EVERYTHING in your life, EVERMORE. ONGOINGLY, EVERMORE. EFFORTLESSLY. You understand the purpose of your being, you understand why everything exists in the way that it does, you understand the benefit of all of this and of everything that exists, no matter what it is. If you can think about it, your soul already knows everything in relationship to all that you truely are, and where you are, and your path of least resistance internally and externally to come to realise any and all things you can ever want to be do or have. In relationship to whatever you can possibly even fathom your mind to be contemplating, and thus offering an energetic emmenation of energy motional perspective as it always is felt emotionally as it is always directly relating to the energy motional perspective of your own greater knowing of your own greater non-physical consciousness that people call "soul." So let me show you how easy it is to enjoy life the way my soul enjoys it and knows it to be. So you can understand how rediculously simple it is to acces your own greater knowing. OF your own evermore being and becoming evermore here and now soul of eternal and infinite beingness. You see, I see it very simply. I see people arguing with eachother, and I feel negative emotion. And instead of blaming them for my negative emotion, I simply realise, this is not their emotion. IT IS MY EMOTION. IT IS ABOUT ME AND WHAT I THINK RIGHT HERE AND NOW AND HOW I PERCEIVE RIGHT HERE AND NOW, IN RELATIONSHIP TO MY OWN SOUL OF EVERMORE BEING. So I think, ok, I don't like them to argue. I can't change their behaviour, also not my job. But what I can do, is be true to myself! Acknowledge that my observation of them simply doesn't feel good. That does not mean I am not allowed to observe them, or that my soul doesn't observe them. No... If that was true, you would feel nothing about that observation. I do feel some negative emotion. So I realise, my soul IS OBSERVING THAT and IS OFFERING A PERSPECTIVE ABOUT THAT. How do I know what that perspective is? Well, you can tell by virtue of the way you feel as you think about them. When I think, they are arguing they are hating eachother. There is hatred here and conflict and frustration. Well, this obviously doesn't feel good. So what does feel good? Peace. Very simple... Peace. IF they were having peace I would feel good. So that means, MY SOUL PERCEIVES THEM TO BE OF PEACE, otherwise I would not feel bad in thinking or believing that they are not of peace. Then I would be feeling absolutely delighted to announce that they are bad or evil. But I don't, so my soul disagrees with that assumption or sometimes even strong powerful believe, that contradicts your own life force, of your own soul and its greater knowing of evermore being and becoming evermore here and now in full harmony and alignment with the ever expanding source of all creation. So... Peace is here according to my soul. So let us reveal it: As I see one person says something because they believe it is of value to say that. And they believe they are clarifying the situation. And that is the intention, of that being who says something, to clarify the situation. This is a good intention and it is being expressed. The intention is there. All humans and all beings are good at their core of being. So another being also does the same. They are now attempting to clarify the attempt of clarification. And on and on it goes. IT is simply a peaceful and well meaning intention. That has the desire for peace at its core, just like I have it. And this goes for any and all actions of any and all humans aswell. They simply believe that they will feel better when they do that. OR say that or think that. And that is good, because it serves people to be happy, and to know what they truely want and know their true peaceful beingness that is their eternal nature, at the core of their being, it is simply natural and normal. So can you see, how I focused on the peace and noticed how it already exists. Why did I do that? Because my soul already knows it exists, and that is why I felt negative emotion, when I thought, peace was not here. But it is, otherwise I woulden't feel the discord of my own thoughts of evil assumption, about others. So I know my soul knows way more than I am ever capable of coming to know. It is also not my purpose to know everything. But simply to flow in alignment with my soul's greater knowing and unconditional guidance and love and support that it offers ongoingly evermore here and now. As my valuable emotional guidance system. That guides me evermore to effortless greater allowed realisation. It guides my being to come into alignment with all that I truely am being and becoming evermore here and now ongoingly, ever expandingly, in evermore greater allowed harmony and alignment with the ever expanding source of all creation, of infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom and unconditional love. To do what? Absolutely nothing! Except to simply enjoy life more, like my source already does! Like my soul already does! For that is why our soul and source is non-physical, it is our unconditional guidance and support. We all got acces to it, and you just need to feel how you feel and know how you would rather want to feel, to understand your own simple intuitive guidance of your own emotions. That is leading you evermore here and now to your evermore greater allowed realisation of all that you truely do want to be do or have, evermore ongoingly, as your soul and my soul and everyone's soul is always being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed expansion of and with harmony and alignment of and with the ever expanding source of all creation, all that we truely want to be do or have. So you cannot ever get lost or confused or feel bad or frustrated with life. And you know why? Because you can feel it before you allow it to happen. You can feel it and then shift your focus into alignment with your own greater knowing of your own soul. By simply trusting your own emotions. Not blaming the conditions, rather saying thank you to the conditions as an opportunity to enjoy life the way your soul knows it to be and enjoys it evermore here and now for you. And not trying to change the emotion either, just thanking the valuable guidance that it is, and then shift your own focus into the allowed realisation and alignment of and with your own soul's greater knowing, and you feel good. That is simply normal and natural and inevitable. IF you are willing to trust your own emotions as they always work perfectly fine. And always perfectly accurate. So be more unconditional and more emotional, because you are always primarily an energy motional being. And this is also how you enjoy your specific physical life more! So you are not becoming more unconditional by trusting the guidance and accuracy of your own emotions, as they indicate your own greater knowing of your soul, you are becoming more FREE in your PHYSICAL form and being more fully ALL THAT YOU TRUELY ARE a blended being, a fully totally realised being, physical and non-physical hand in hand. In full harmony and alignment. Evermore joyful being and becoming. Evermore succesful knowing. Empowered appreciation and love from all and to all and from all and to all. Being and becoming evermore here and now with the ever expanding energy which creates worlds of the ever expanding source of all creation. There is no greater leverage than being true to all that you truely already are being and becoming evermore here and now. It is the leverage of the energy of that which creates worlds. To simply no longer contradict your own energy. To come into alignment with your own true being, your own soul, your own life force. Your own emotions.
  23. Mantra/tantra for sex

    I don't think you need a mantra for appreciating sex. It is simply the love that it is all about. That is what the pleasure is all about. One can even find so much pleasure in the love itself that it is like an ongoing never ending full body orgasm. But instead, the scent of you is pure like that of a baby. For both men and women. This is simply the natural indicator of being in alignment with your own true nature of being, and under the influence of your own soul. You also don't need another person to be under the influence of your own soul. But most often those conditions are just more easy. However, you can also simply imagine for the purpose of appreciating. You can even imagine the feeling or emotion itself, of love, if you are familiar with that. But mantras are just designed to replace resistant thought. If you want a better mantra, just think positive thoughts of appreciation. That will get you tapped into pure positive source energy. And that feels very good. It is highly satisfying and orgasmic or pleasurable, to be under the influence of source.
  24. Is there an "easy path" in Daoism?

    Start soft and easy and gentle. Built momentum as you go. Peanuts. Peanuts are yellow. They are very yellow. Peanuts are yellow like the sun. Aluminum shines. It shines like the sun. If you view it under the sun. aluminum does shine and peanuts are yellow like the sun. Ash crumbles easily. It is very dry. Untill you pour water over it. Usually the ash does not dissolve in water. Unless you put allot of ash in there, then stirr it, it becomes darker water. You have now become enlightened by the truth. This is absolute fact. No one can denie it. There is no shred of evidence to the contrary. So lets become more enlightened. If you have a lamp in your home that works, if you open it with a switch or click or however, the lamp will shine light. Thomas edisson is often said to be the inventor of the light bulb. He liked light. He used to put things on fire on purpose as a kid in the night. But he invented the light bulb as safe light. As light as electricity. No one understands electricity yet. It is the greatest thing there is. It even runs our mind and brains. We have like a portable thunderstorm in our brains running 24/7. This is amazing. You have now become more enlightened. You are now a more aligned reflection of your own true nature. This is an undeniable fact. There is no shred of evidence to the contrary. Enlightenment is simple and easy. And thus capable of expanding into evermore greater complexity, wonders and beauty. You have now become more enlightened. This is a fact. There is no shred of evidence to the contrary. When you touch a soft object like a blanket or a towel or soft clothing or whool. It is soft. And it feels good. Because it is very light and surrenders easily to your touch. This is the truth that shall set you free. And you are now more free than you used to be. That rhymes. And this is an undeniable fact. You are now more enlightened, there is no shred of evidence to the contrary. When you light a cigarette in a room where there is no wind. The smoke spirals upwards, like vortices. This is visible under light when the background is dark/black. This natural spiralling and vortexual motion is evidence of the natural path of least resistance that all things follow, as of all relief of all true nature of all being and becoming evermore here and now. The path of least resistance is your natural enlightenment. Of your ever expanding knowingness. Into the ever expanding wonders and beauties of existance. You have now become more enlightened. Everything follows the path of least resistance, everything becomes through the path of least resistance. Spiraling into evermore expanding motions of being and becoming evermore here and now. Effortlessly, naturally, joyously, freely, automatically, purely, inevitably, irresistably. Flawlessly, perfectly, gracefully. You are now more enlightened and you will become more enlightened. Evermore here and now. There is no escaping the enlightenment. It has been set into motion long before you or I were born, long before this physical universe was brought into existence at all. I have tried to escape enlightenment and failed. Because all resistance just temporarily blocks the eternal and infinite being and becoming evermore here and now. And no power within existence is greater than the power of existence itself, being and becoming evermore joyously and effortlessly and evermore freely here and now. All you can do is allow yourself to be enlightened or suffer unnecessarily a temporary insignificant resistance to your natural evermore enlightenment. And as that resistance is let go of, the natural enlightenment sweeps you off your feet effortlessly and joyfully. Moves you through the evermore perfecting perfect grace of the evermore infinite ever expanding vortexual source of all creation of all being and becoming evermore here and now. Allowance is the key, soft and gentle allowance. Effortless allowance. Grace is the love of the eternal ever expanding motion of the ever expanding power of the ever expanding infinite and eternal source of all creation. The vortex is the motion of all life and energy in motion of all being and becoming, as all that exists is but energy set into motion of and by the ever expanding love and light and source of all creation, as the inseperable unconditionally loved and supported and guided inseperable extensions of the ever expanding vortexual source of all creation of ever expanding infinite and eternal intelligence, wisdom, ever spiralling motions of all life and beingness into evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. As one dies and scatters into ineffible amounts of bits and pieces. Not even a single atom of and every sensation of your every moment of your entire physical time space human life is lost. It is infact, being and becoming evermore here and now. The best of your life, is eternally being and becoming evermore here and now. You are it and you are incapable of ever becoming less than all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. And you are eternally being and becoming evermore here and now. You are primarily a non-physical, unconditional, ever expanding energy motional, extension of your own greater non-physical consciousness. When you suffer, only that which is evermore better than your suffering and even evermore better than the best of your life, is what you are truely being and becoming evermore here and now. There is no shred of evidence to contrary. You might wanna wait untill you die before you let yourself believe me. But no need. You can simply meditate and achieve the very same releasing of resistant self-contradictory perspective that is the only veil between you and all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. The more you suffer. The less you will suffer. And the more you will enjoy life. Because suffering is like... So temporary. That you cannot even describe how temporary it is and how small and futile and unnecessary it is in comparison to all that you truely are inevitably being and becoming evermore here and now. It is too painful to hold on to suffering, because you cannot become less only more. And suffering always cancels itself out naturally and effortlessly. There is only expansion. Even contraction is but an expansion happening inwards. Into itself. It is like non-physical energy motional pure light fractalling inwards and exploding into an entire new universe of creation. It is the highest realisation of the highest truth of the highest desire of all the consciousnesses that has ever been consciousnessing. All coming together to the highest irresistable desire of all being and becoming evermore inevitably allowed to be realised and created with the most effortless greatest power of the ever expanding infinite grace of the ever expanding source of all creation, of all the consciousnesses as you are an inseperable extension of it being and becoming evermore awakeningly here and now. And it cannot be explained in words, without a feeling or energy motional, emotional description of alignment by which to understand the immensity of this desire. And thus the power behind its focus of ever expanding evermore effortless and intensifying might of purely uncontradicted and purely allowed to be flowed and realised and created and allowed to be and become evermore here and now consciousness. And the words of the birth of the entire universe is: All is well. That is the foundational core essence nature of this entire ever expanding universe of creation. All is well. And you are it. Pleasant dreams of evermore joyful awakening.